Rice plant (ine, sanae )
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Plant
Rice is the most important food item in Japan. In olden times, it was eaten three times a day.
Rice grains are called "kome, mai 米".
On the table and cooked, it is called "Gohan" ご飯 or "meshi" 飯 めし.
The Emperor, embodying the god of the ripened rice plant, plants the first rice of the spring and harvests rice from the plants of the autumn. In one of the most solemn Shinto ceremonies of the year the Emperor, acting as the country's chief Shinto priest, ritually sows rice in the royal rice paddy on the grounds of the Imperial Palace.
. shinden 神田 saiden 斎田 - paddies for rituals .
. Farmers work in Summer
MORE about planting the fields and paddies
humanity kigo for mid-summer
naetori 苗取 (なえとり) getting seedlings
..... sanae tori 早苗取(さなえとり)getting rice seedlings
. planting rice in the paddies, taue 田植
. rice-planting woman, saotome 早乙女 さおとめ
. geta sandals for rice planting, tageta 田下駄 たげた
............... kigo for late summer

young rice seedlings, sanae 早苗 さなえ
rice seedling, tamanae 玉苗(たまなえ)
carrying the seedlings, na hakobi 苗運び(なえはこび)
distributing seedlings for planting, nae kubari 苗配り(なえくばり)、nae mawashi 苗まわし(なえまわし), oonae uchi 大苗打ち(おおなえうち)、nae uchi 苗打ち(なえうち)、konae uchi 小苗打ち(こなえうち)、konae kubari 小苗配り(こなえくばり)
children holding seedlings, naemochi kodomo 苗持子供(なえもちこども)
boat holding seedlings, sanaebune 早苗舟(さなえぶね)
bundle of seedlings, sanae taba 早苗束(さなえたば)
too many seedlings (for one planting row) amari sanae 余り苗(あまりなえ)
sute nae 捨苗(すてなえ)
basket for carrying seedlings, sanae kago 早苗籠(さなえかご)、naekago 苗籠(なえかご)

苗かご sanae kago
observance kigo for mid-summer
aogitoo 青祈祷 (あおぎとう) purification of green rice fields
on the day of the ox on the sixth lunar month
Amulets from the local shrine are brought to the fields with the wish for a good harvest.
. aota, aoda 青田 green (rice) fields .
aotamono 青田面(あおたのも)
wind on the green fields, aotakaze 青田風(あおたかぜ)
green fields like waves, aota nami 青田波(あおたなみ)
path between the green fields, aotamizhi青田道(あおたみち)
time of the green fields, aotadoki 青田時(あおたどき)
............... kigo for early autumn
flowers of the rice plant, ine no hana 稲の花(いねのはな)
..... ine no hanadoki 稲の花どき time of the rice flowers
..... tomigusa no hana 富草の花(とみくさのはな)
............... kigo for mid-autumn
wase 早稲 (わせ) early rice
early-ripening variety of rice
wase no ka 早稲の香(わせのか)fragrance of Wase
wase no ho 早稲の穂(わせのほ)ears of Wase
wase karu 早稲刈る(わせかる)harvesting Wase
waseda 早稲田(わせだ)field with Wase
..... wasada 、わさ田(わさだ)
............... kigo for all autumn

rice plants, ine 稲
rice plants in autumn, ine no aki 稲の秋
ears of a rice plant, inaho 稲穂 (いなほ)
..... ine no ho 稲の秀(いねのほ)
..... yatsugaho 八束穂(やつかほ)
paddy with grown rice plants, inada 稲田
fragrance of the rice plants, ine no ka 稲の香、いねのか
leaves of rice, inaba 稲葉(いなば)
ine no nami 稲の波(いねのなみ)waves of rice
when the green rice is moved by the wind
okabo 陸稲 (おかぼ) dry-land rice
..... rikutoo 陸稲(りくとう)

jakoomai 麝香米(じゃこうまい)Jako variation of rice
kaboshiko かばしこ Kaboshiko variation of rice
mochi ine 糯稲(もちいね)Mochi variation of rice
..... mochigome もちごめ
..... mochi もち
special glutinous rice to make mochi rice cakes.
okabo 陸穂(おかぼ)Okabo variation of rice
urushine 粳稲(うるしね)Urushi variation of rice
..... uruchi, urushi うるち、うるし
other local names for rice plants and variations
harumono はるもの
nogome のごめ
kobito ine こびといね
shine しね
ina いな
ta no mi 田の実(たのみ)"fruit of the fields"
mizukage gusa 水影草(みずかげぐさ)"plant in the shadow of water"
tomikusa 富草(とみくさ)"plant to make us rich"
sumeramigusa すめらみぐさ
taminohagusa たみのはぐさ
............... kigo for late autumn

nakate 中稲 (なかて) mid-early ripening rice
There are three varieties, wase, nakate and okute 早稲・中稲・晩稲.
okute 晩稲, oku おく、oshine おしね、muro no oshine 室のおしね(むろのおしね)
fallen rice ears, ochibo 落穂
collecting, gathering fallen rice plants, ochibo hiroi 落穂拾い
harvesting, cutting rice plants, inekari 稲刈
kari ine 刈稲(かりいね)
man cutting rice, akishi 秋師(あきし)、woman cutting rice, aki onna 秋女(あきおんな)、
harvesting a field, ta kari 田刈(たかり)、harvesting a small field, oda karu 小田刈る(おだかる)
harvesting an autumn field, akita karu 秋田刈る(あきたかる)
harvesting at night, yoruta kari 夜田刈(よるたかり)
harvest, tori ire 収穫(とりいれ)
car for collecting the harvested rice, ine guruma 稲車(いねぐるま)
picking rice plants, ine tsumu 稲積む(いねつむ)
boat for collecting the plants, inabune 稲舟(いなぶね)
rice growing green stumps again after cutting, hitsuji 穭 (ひつじ)
hitsujiho 羊穂(ひつじほ)、hitsuji ine 穭稲(ひつじいね)
field with green rice stumps , hitsuji ta, hitsujita 穭田(ひつじた)
(field after the harvest)
(also spelled hitsujida) 穭田(ひつじだ)
harvest is finished, kari age 刈上(かりあげ)
offering at the end of the harvest, kari age no sekku
..... 刈上の節供(かりあげのせっく)
rice cakes for the offering, kari age mochi 刈上餅(かりあげもち)
. sickle for cutting rice plants by hand
inekarigama, inekari gama 稲刈鎌(いねかりがま)
offering for the sickle, kama iwai 鎌祝(かまいわい)
thanksgiving for the sickle, after having used it to cut the rice plants by hand.

drying the rice plants, ine hosu 稲干す
kariboshi 刈干(かりぼし)
hanging the plants for drying, inekake 稲掛(いねかけ), hoshi ine 干稲(ほしいね)、kake ine 掛稲(かけいね)
mound of rice plants, inazuka 稲塚(いなづか)、pile of rice plants, ina nio 稲堆(いなにお), inamura 稲叢(いなむら
inagaki 稲垣(いながき)fence to protect the rice plants
shelf for drying rice plants, haza, 稲架 はざ
They vary from region to region within Japan.

hasa, はさ、hate, はで、hatsuki はつき、hasaki はさ木(はさき)、inagi 稲木(いなぎ)、inagi
稲城(いなぎ)、tamogi 田茂木(たもぎ)、nio 積(にお)、botsuchi 稲棒(ぼつち)
threshing rice, ine koki 稲扱き いねこき
ine uchi 稲打(いねうち)
maschine for threshing, dakkoku ki 脱穀機(だっこくき)、ine kokiki 稲扱機(いねこきき)
dust from threshing, inahokori 稲埃(いなほこり)
chaff; rice husks, momi 籾 もみ
The chaffs are dried and used for many purposes in the farmer's life. They are even packed into sleeping cushions.
drying the chaffs, momi hosu 籾干す(もみほす)、
mat for drying chaffs, momi mushiro 籾筵(もみむしろ)
burning chaffs, momigara yaku 籾殻焼く(もみがらやく)
polishing husks, momisuri 籾摺 もみすり , momisuri 籾磨(もみすり)
momi hiki 籾引(もみひき) hulling rice
maschine for polishing husks, momisuri ki 籾摺機(もみすりき)
mortar for polishing the husks, momisuri usu 籾摺臼(もみすりうす)、momi usu 籾臼(もみうす)
dust from polishing, momi bokori 籾埃(もみぼこり)
song whilst polishing the husks, momisuri uta 籾摺唄(もみすりうた)
yoniwa 夜庭 (よにわ) "garden at night"
asaniwa 朝庭(あさにわ)"garden in the morning"
ooniwa 大庭(おおにわ)"big garden" (when husking 3 koku of rice)
koniwa 小庭(こにわ)"small garden" (when husking 1 koku of rice)
niwa age 庭揚げ(にわあげ)
These are obsolete kigo which refer to the custom of husking the grains by hand, where the whole family was busy in the farm garden. Now we have maschines for this job.
. . . . . STRAW
shinwara 新藁 (しんわら) new straw
kotoshi wara 今年藁(ことしわら) straw of this year

warazuka 藁塚 わらづか mound of straw
. . . nio 晩秋 にお、wara nio 藁にお(わらにお)、waraguru 藁ぐろ(わらぐろ)、waragozumi 藁こづみ(わらこづみ)
tawara ami 俵網 (たわらあみ) making straw bags
. . . Good harvest, bad harvest
new rice, shinmai 新米 (しんまい)
first rice crop of the year
In many rural areas it is the custom to throw a handful of grains over the statues in the local shrine or temple to thank the deities for their support. This is one reason why many old wooden Buddha statues are quite "nibbled" at, since in winter the mice come to pick up the grains from all the folds of the robes.
The first rice cooked from the first grains is also offered at the family Buddhist altar for the ancestors.
rice grains from this year, kotoshi mai 今年米(ことしまい)
..... wase no meshi 早稲の飯(わせのめし)
old rice from last year, komai 古米(こまい)
rice from two years ago, kokomai 古古米(ここまい)
new rice cakes, shin mochi 新糯(しんもち)
new rice bran, shin nuka 新糠(しんぬか)
A newcomer or beginner of something is also called "Shinmai", Mr. New Rice.
Worldwide use
The rice harvesting area in India is the world's largest.
Rice, Basmati Rice
Rice in the Philippines
Among the cereals, rice and wheat share equal importance as leading food sources for humankind. Rice is a staple food for nearly one-half of the world's population.
Food of the World, RICE : by Te-Tzu Chang
Things found on the way
. Inari 稲荷 Fox Deity, Rice Deity .
. Toyouke no Ookami 豊受大神
The Great Deity that gives Bountiful .
Deity of Rice and Food
Japanese LINK
Photos, Haiku and more about Rice
issei ni soyogu hatake no inaho kana
all at once
the field is rustling...
heads of rice
Issa (Tr. David Lanoue)
新米の 坂田は早し もがみ河
shinmai no Sakata wa hayashi Mogamigawa
new rice
in Sakata town, so fast
the Mogami river

source : npowaro/raku-58
hitsujida ni momiji chirikakaru yuuhi kana
on the green stumps in the rice fields
red maple leaves are scattering
in the evening sunshine . . .
This poem has the cut marker KANA at the end of line 3
and the segments 5 8 5.

source : www.katazome.com
yamaoroshi sanae o nadete yuku e kana
wind down from the mountain
caresses the rice seedlings
and passes on . . .
The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.
. WKD : Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .
grains of new rice
each one blessed with
a greenish tint
shinmai no tsubutsubu aomi watari keri
by Koji
mura agete nome ya uta e no kama iwai
the whole village
let us drink, let us sing
thanksgiving for the sickles
© か / Poesy Site
planting rice
the earth as brown
as my hands
- Shared by Ella Wagemakers -
Joys of Japan, 2012

Harvesting rice
Utagawa Kuniyoshi 歌川国芳
『百人一首之内 天智天皇』
Related words
Rice Reis, meshi, gohan, dishes with cooked rice
. Types of Japanese rice / Reissorten
. Makomo 菰 wild rice in all seasons .
***** Rice fields, rice paddies (ta)
***** Pounding Rice (mochi tsuki)
***** Inari, the Fox God to protect the rice
***** Farmers work in Autumn
even poorly planted
rice plants
slowly, slowly...green!
heta ue no ine mo soro-soro aomi keri
by Issa
Some rice plants might have been placed crookedly in the flooded field, but even they turn green in time.
Tr. David Lanoue
ao ine ya nagitaosarete hana no saku
green rice field--
razed to the gown
still blooming
Kobayashi Issa
The blossoming rice laden with heads of grain has been "mowed down" (nagitaosarete)--a military expression.
In this case, as Shinji Ogawa notes, the conquering enemy has been the wind.
Tr. David Lanoue
Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD
more haiku about kome and meshi
Kobayashi Issa
tabibito ya no ni sashite yuku nagare-nae
one by one a traveler
replants floating stalks
in the rice field
This hokku is from the 5th month (June) in 1822, when Issa was in his hometown. In the 5th month the newly planted rice seedlings are still rather short. Some of the stalks have come loose from the mud into which they were inserted and floated away on the water in the paddy. A kind traveler sees the loose seedlings and replants them, sticking them back into the mud. Issa's hometown was a stop on a main route leading from the Pacific, eastern side of central Honshu to the NW side of Honshu, on the Japan Sea (or East Sea, as it's called in Korea). Many travelers went through the village every day, and one of them has stopped and is spontaneously helping out for a while with the rice planting. The traveler takes great care, walking along (sashite yuku) the edge of the paddy and replanting the loose seedlings in a line, each at the proper distance from the other seedlings.
Tr. and Comment
Chris Drake
Matsuo Basho
fuyu shiranu yado ya momi suru oto arare
no winter is known
in this home - hulling rice with the sound
of hail
aota 青田 green fields
haiku by
Matsuo Basho
hitsujita ni ooyashiro no suzume kite asobu
to the field with rice stumps
from the Great Shrine sparrows
are coming to play
Murayama Kokyoo 村山古郷 Murayama Kokyo (1909 - 1986)
Tr. Gabi Greve
more about big shrines -
Matsuo Basho - sanae
sanae ni mo waga iro kuroki hikazu kana
Matsuo Basho
haru tatsu ya shinnen furuki kome goshoo
five shoo of rice
spring begins
Matsuo Basho
haru tatsu ya shinnen furuki kome goshoo
five shoo of rice
spring begins
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