
Song (uta)


Song, singing (uta)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Non-seasonal Topic
***** Category: Humanity


We all sing when we feel fine or sad or any other occasion during the whole year.

But there are some special songs in Japan that are used as kigo.
Let us look at some.

song, uta 歌 , 唄

The word UTA 歌  is also used for poetry readings.



song for planting rice paddies, taue uta
song of the rice planting girls, saotome uta 早乙女唄(さおとめうた)
These are sacred songs that can not be sung at any other time of the year.
Rice Planting and its KIGO

song whilst spinning silk threads, itohiki uta
Silk (kinu), silkworm (kaiko)



song for chaffing rice, momisuri uta, momizuri uta

song for pounding bitter persimmons, kakitsuki uta



Kagura Dance Song, kagura uta 神楽歌(かぐらうた)
Kagura Dance (Japan)


New Year

First poetry meeting, utakai hajime
歌会始 (うたかいはじめ)

..... utakai gokai hajime 歌御会始(うたごかいはじめ)

first waka poetry meeting
..... waka gokai hajime 和歌御会始(わかごかいはじめ)
..... gokai hajime 御会始(ごかいはじめ)


A New Year Poetry Reading is a gathering of people who get together to read a collection of poems on a common theme to a wider audience. This practice was already in usage during the Nara Period, and became known through the famous volume of Japanese poetry, the Manyoshu.

An Imperial Poetry Reading is the same as the above-mentioned description, the only difference being that the poetry reading is convened by His Majesty the Emperor. As part of the annual events at the Imperial Palace, every month a Poetry Reading came to be held. Of these monthly Poetry Readings, the Imperial Poetry Reading was held as the first such party of the New Year, and was given the name Uta Gokai Hajime.

The origins of the Ceremony of the Utakai Hajime are unclear. During the mid-Kamakura period, on 15 January 1267, Emperor Kameyama convened a Poetry Reading at the Imperial Palace, which is recorded in the Gaiki Nikki as an internal ceremony. Since that time, records of the New Year's Poetry Reading can be found down through the ages. From such evidence, it can be surmised that the origins of the Ceremony of the Utakai Hajime are traceable to the mid-Kamakura period.

The Ceremony of the Utakai Hajime came to be held almost every year through the Edo period, and after the Meiji Restoration, the first Ceremony of the Utakai Hajime during the reign of Emperor Meiji was held in January 1869. Since then, among various reforms in ceremonies, the Utakai Hajime has continued to be held.

The Ceremony of the Utakai Hajime at the Imperial Palace boasts a long history and represents a ceremonial culture that has become more sophisticated with the reforms of the Meiji and post-war eras, to become a cultural event with national participation in a way that is unique in the world. Tanka poetry is said to be at the heart of all traditional culture in Japan. These tanka poems are heard and read not only in Japan, but also throughout the world, and the ceremony demonstrates their power to bind the people together with the Imperial Family through this annual ceremony at the Imperial Palace, which is something to be truly praised and lauded.

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The Ceremony of the Utakai Hajime is attended by Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress, and poems recited include those chosen from submissions by the general public, poems of the selectors themselves, and poems by professional poets. Finally, the poems of the Imperial Family, Her Majesty the Empress and His Majesty the Emperor are recited. Members of the Imperial Family, including His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince are present at the Ceremony of the Utakai Hajime, and other audience members include the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, members of the Japan Academy of Art and the members of the public whose poems have been chosen.

The ceremony is performed through several participants, each with special titles: the dokuji (master of ceremonies), koji (reader of all poems), hassei (singer of poems from the first poem), and kosho (accompanying singer to the hassei for poems from the second poem).
© www.kunaicho.go.jp


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First New Year Dance and Singers,
"Music of the New Year Pines"
matsu bayashi 松囃子 (まつばやし)

..... matsubayashi 松拍子(まつばやし)
o utaizome 御謡初(おうたいぞめ)

"taking off the overcoat", su ou nugi

Performed in Kyoto since olden times. Later the Shogun allowed some specially elected townspeople to enter the Edo castle and perform their New Year Song and Dance for the samurai.
Sometimes the onlookers got carried away by the merrimaking, took off their overcoat and gave it to one of the performers.

Matsubayashi singers are now also used during other ceremonies. The one in Hakata is most famous.


Song to chase away the birds, tori oi uta

A ceremony held on the "Small New Year", now January 14 or 15.

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torioi (bird chasing), a ceremony to pray for a rich harvest, which takes place on January 14. In the ceremony, children eat rice cakes in special torioi huts made of snow and then parade through the city beating wooden clappers while singing traditional songs in order to chase away birds that might damage crops.
City of Tokamachi, Niigata Prefecture
© web-japan.org/

..... tori oi (tori-oi) 鳥追 "Chasing away the birds".
..... hut, tori-oi goya 鳥追小屋(とりおいごや)
..... tower, tori-oi yagura 鳥追櫓(とりおいやぐら)
..... song, tori-oi uta 鳥追唄(とりおいうた)
enjoying, tori-oi asobi 鳥追遊び(とりおいあそび)

. torioi, tori-oi, tori oi 鳥追 "chasing away the birds" ritual   
- Introduction -


Balls, decorative hand balls (temari) 手まり
Japan. And the famous poet Ryokan 良寛.
Ball catching song, ball bouncing song,
temari uta 手毬歌, 手毬唄、(てまりうた)

Around 600 during the Asuka period, the kemari (蹴鞠) game was introduced from China to the court of Japan.It was a kind of kick ball for the aristocracy. From this, temari evolved.

First Kick-Ball Game (mari hajime)
kigo for the New Year

The temari thread balls are closely related to the famous priest Ryokan and his simple life. He was even called "Temari-Shoonin" 手まり上人(saint who plays with a temari ball), since he often played with these balls with the local children of his village.
WKD : Ryokan Memorial Day (Ryokan-ki) January 6.

English Temari Reference :
... www.japanesetemari.com


Temari uta is a song that Japanese children sing to count while bouncing or catching a small ball ten times, each time saying the name of a deity or famous temple or shrine.
After counting to ten, the next verse goes a bit like this:

I believe very much in all these Buddhas and Gods,
and yet, my dear child is very ill and wont heal, my husband has to go to war and might not come back ! I cry and cough blood ... hototogisu!

Here is the Japanese version of this song:

一番初めは一の宮  ..... ichiban hajime wa Ichi no Miya
十で東京泉岳寺 ..... too de Tookyoo Sengakuji

これほど信(神)願 かけたのに
うちふりながらも ねえあなた
泣いて血を吐く ほととぎす hototogisu

Regional Versions of this Song


source : blog.tsurumi-u.ac.jp/murasaki

harusame ni nuretsutsu yane no temari kana

As the spring rains fall,
soaking in them, on the roof,
is a child's rag ball.

Tr. Keene

The children had been playing outside, but with the rain, they went home. One of the balls got caught on the roof and is now exposed to the rain.
The combination of a temari ball and the roof is unique for Buson.

- quote
Spring showers/in/get wet while/roof/'s/silk cloth ball/(exclamation)

(Quotes are from the 俳句大歳時記 (Haiku Dai Saijiki published by Kadokawa Shoten 1973))

The season word (kigo) is "spring showers" (harusame). It is the rain that falls for two months, now considered to be from late February through March. It is a calm quiet steady rain that traditionally in literature has a warm tenderness that is indicative of late spring. This shouldn't be confused with another seasonal word of "spring rain" (haru no ame), which is a nondescript image which can be any kind of rain that falls in spring and which doesn't have any kind of emotional significance attached to it.

The 黒冊子 (Kurosoji (くろぞうし)) is quoted as giving a calendar time frame for each, with "spring showers" (haru same) as falling in the third month while "spring rain" (haru no ame) falls from the New Year to the early part of the second month.

"Temari" (hand ball) is a traditional child's toy for girls that was homemade but by the Edo Period they were being sold in a stores. The core was either cotton, dried potato stems, a ball of harden devil tongue jelly (konyaku) or wood shavings with either clams shells or sand etc... put in. String was then wrapt around the core and finally silk threads of five colors were also wound around to produce a beautiful ball. Since the Meiji era the core has been made from imported rubber.

These hand balls were given as New Years presents to girls, who played games with them while chanting songs ("temari uta") that were specifically made for it. Girls counted the number of times they could bounce the ball, or passed it between themselves, while they sang lively and funny songs that varied from region to region. From the Edo period until the early Meiji period "temari" were usually bounced but throwing them around became the norm too after. (Now, they are just used as decorative items that are hung instead of handled or played with.)

Everyone is, I'm sure, familiar with Masaoka Shiki's "shasei" (sketches from life) theories about haiku and what a major impact that has had on Japanese haiku in the 20th century, but it also needs to be noted that this has also had a big impact on how haiku poets prior to Shiki are now read by people these days. Especially for Buson, who Shiki used as an historical example as of how sketching could be done in haiku.

When it comes to writing about this haiku, most Japanese commentators will immediately try to explain it as Buson writing about something that he has just seen or experienced. That the girls who were singing and playing with a handball had to suddenly stop because of the rain and now the ball is on the roof getting wet, or that Buson is surprised to find that the ball that has been missing is on the roof getting wet in the rain.

Since we know that "spring showers" (haru same) is in the late second and third months and that "temari" (hand ball) is something from the New Year holiday, it is impossible to think of two in the terms as presented in the reading about the rain chasing the girls from playing. And since the second reading above is telling us that Buson is out in the rain looking for something that isn't that important, then we have to consider how plausible it is to believe this haiku as being something that is unfolding in front of Buson's eyes.

The question to ask is why is the ball in the roof? The season book (saijiki) I quoted above gives us as answer, it notes that there is a senryu from Edo in the An'ei calender period (November 1972 to March 1781):

mari mo tsuki akireru to yane e nagete miru

When I get bored of bouncing the ball, I will try to throw it on the roof

which gives a pretty clear explanation on how the "temari" Buson is writing about got up there. Buson died in 1783, so it is to hard argue that he wasn't alive when this senryu got into print.

The "cutting word" in this haiku is "kana" and it cuts the haiku at the end of "nuretsutsu" because it makes a phrase out of what follows it. It provides an exclamation of admiration of wonder that has been sparked in the speaker by what they are experiencing. But, if the object that is has peaked their interest is not in front of them, which is to say it is something that they are not directly experiencing, then it means that the speaker is wonder about or wondering if something is happening.

In the case of this haiku, it pretty obvious to believe that Buson is not on the roof looking at the ball, and while it maybe possible that he is looking up at it, the verb in the haiku implicitly states that the rain is falling, which makes it a bit harder to imagine that he his out in the rain doing this.

The verb is conjugated by "tsutsu" which translates as "while ...ing", but it also can be used to state that something is in the process of coming into a different state.

It must be getting wet in the spring showers......the colorful temari on the roof!

The New Years holiday is family time in Japan. Families gather together and spend time with each other. Spending time laughing and enjoying things with your loved ones is a special memory for everyone, especially if it involves children having a happy joyous time. The falling spring showers in the third month have made Buson remember the temari ball that got thrown on the roof, and all the laughs that happened while doing it, during the not so long ago New Years holidays. By considering what the season words add to in the haiku, we can start sketch what sentiments Buson was feeling when he wrote it.

It must be soaked
through by the warm
silent spring showers...
the colorful temari they
playfully tossed
to the roof!

The quietness of the showers reflects over the break againsy the noisy boisterous way the girls sang and played with the "temari" and makes the memory ring deeper.

I am tempted to go with "she" instead of "they" because it would bring out the tenderness more by implying that Buson was writing about his daughter. But for now, let's leave it at that.

some tamari balls:
how to make them:
temari song:
playing temari:

- source : James Karkoski - facebook group

. WKD : Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 .
Tr. Chris Drake

ima no yo ya mie hambun no taue-uta

these days
singers are performers --
rice-planting songs

wakai-shu wa mie hambun ya taue-gasa

young people
care how they look --
rice-planting hats

kasa toreba bouzu narikeri taue-uta

hat off
he's a monk --
rice-planting songs

outa ko mo hyoushi o naku ya taue-uta

on mother's back
baby cries to the beat --
rice-planting songs

oohiki mo nosa-nosa detari taue-zake

a big toad joins --
rice-planting sake

These are some of the hokku Issa wrote at rice-planting time in the 5th month (June) of 1823 and 1825. Rice-planting was an important event and was both hard work and a major village festival. The work/festival went quickly at each paddy because the work was communal. The whole village or one part of the village would gather at one paddy at a time and do the planting together, and all the paddies would be planted within a few days. The actual planting was done by women of all ages, who were called sa-otome or "rice maidens" in this role, because traditionally they were believed to have more shamanic power than men, though men sometimes helped out if need be. According to many scholars, in the ancient period village women actually went into seclusion and did austerities, sang sacred songs, and focused their spiritual power for several days before planting rice, and the planting songs sung at Shinto shrines even today retain a strong shamanic element, with the mountain god coming down and becoming the field god through the welcoming power of the women planters and their songs.

The songs and other rice-planting rituals in villages in Issa's time probably retained some of this welcoming-ceremony character, although many types of planting songs were sung. The festival began with songs sung while bringing young rice shoots to the fields early in the morning and continued with other morning songs as the women began to plant the shoots in the flooded paddy. Many of the songs were humorous and even amorous, perhaps reflecting the ancient pattern in which the woman shaman and male god were lovers. In any case, love songs were believed to bring fertility to the paddy.

As for the songs, morning planting songs were often about a woman saying goodbye to her visiting lover in the morning, while other songs praised the god of the field. Noon songs praised the people who brought food presented to the god -- and to those working in and near the paddy. Afternoon songs were usually long, with a lot of repetition, and could be prayer-like, about how well the rice will soon be growing, or even love songs. Late in the afternoon the women would sing farewell songs that were also farewells to the god of the field for the day. Meanwhile men also did a lot of support work, and male musicians played one or more drums, sometimes together with flutes, gongs, and other instruments.

Meter was often irregular, although in some areas of Japan stanzas had a fixed meter, such as the popular 7-7-7-5 syllable stanza, and improvisation was generally permitted. The songs were performed according to a call and response structure, with the drummer calling out a stanza the planters singing a response or reply, often humorous. This dialogical structure, which can be found even in the earliest mythic texts, is believed to have been an important element in the evolution of linked song into linked verse -- renga and then haikai. And in addition to influencing poetry, the ceremonies, dances, and skits at shrine rice-planting festivals also constituted one of the main traditions out of which No and other forms of Japanese drama and dancing emerged.

Basho noticed the relationship with haikai when he made his trip to the north and saw musicians and women planters engaging in song dialogs in the rice fields in the rural Oku area of Honshu, where he wrote:

fuuryuu no hajime ya oku no taue-uta

poetry's source --
rice-planting songs
in far fields

Basho seems to mean that dialogical rice-planting songs are not only the most basic origin of renga and renku but also a continuing, timeless source of haikai that he will draw on as he travels through the north country. .

In Issa's first hokku he remarks, apparently humorously, that the women in bright colors singing in the paddies (and no doubt the men musicians and helpers) have become more interested in the performance itself than they used to be. Issa, now sixty, is presumably comparing the singers with those he remembers from his childhood. Apparently people now wear more stylish robes and sing with more consciousness of technique and personal style than they did several decades before. It's possible this change is at least partly due to the large numbers of poor farmers from the area who, like Issa, went to Edo and later returned with new ideas and styles. It's also possible Issa doesn't realize that the women in colorful robes who sing their songs so dramatically are thereby trying to please and attract the mountain god and invite him down to their field. In any case, the hokku seems to be an observation rather than a criticism.

The second hokku seems to be about both young men and women, who are more conscious of fashion and personal attractiveness than they used to be. People at a rice planting festival wore several types of wide rush or straw hats, often decorated, and both men and women now use even their hats to express themselves, perhaps since their faces under the large hats are hard to see. In the third hokku, one man who has been helping out takes off his wide hat and turns out to be a Buddhist monk. He seems to enjoy taking part in the festival, singing about ribald situations and Shinto gods, even though he isn't a Shinto priest.

This could be satire, but I take Issa to be impressed by the monk's ordinary humanity and his willingness to help out. In the fourth hokku, a woman plants with her young child strapped or wrapped against her back, the most common way of carrying young children in Issa's time. The child is crying, but its cries follow the beat of the drum and the rhythm of the songs its mother is singing. In the fifth hokku, a large toad shows up at the festival, and it seems to like the sake which is being served after the planting has finished. Its cautious movements are slow and unobtrusive, and by the time people notice, it's right below the flowing sake.

All five of these hokku (and several others written at the same time) have identical or similar last lines. At first glance this seems monotonous, but Issa may be trying to reproduce a certain aspect of rice-planting songs for the reader by doing this. Although a drummer and the planters would exchange hundreds of stanzas during the day, many songs had recurring refrains. One common pattern, suggesting a connection with early renga and renku, was to repeat the last line of the call stanza as the first line of the reply stanza. By repeating the same third line, Issa's hokku give readers a physical sense of planting-song refrains.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Chris Drake

Rice Planting and its KIGO


temari uta kanashiki koto o utsukushiku

ball bouncing song -
such a sad thing
said so beautifully

Takahama Kyoshi
Tr. Gabi Greve


naku neko ni akambe o shite temari kana

making a face
at the whining cat...
bouncing her ball

suzushisa yo temari hodo naru kumo no mine

summer cool--
the puffy clouds
like handballs

ne-korobu ya temari hodo demo haru no yama

lying down
they look like handballs...
spring mountains

Kobayashi Issa
Tr. David Lanoue


momo no saku tera no keidai temari uta

in a temple garden
with peach blossoms -
ball bouncing son

© author anonymous / www.gendaihaiku.gr.jp

Related words

***** Saijiki of Buddhist, Shinto and other Ceremonies
and Events of Japan and related kigo













Fulling block (kinuta)



Fulling block (kinuta)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Autumn
***** Category: Humanity



Fulling blocks are wooden mallets used to beat the washing to get it dry and soft during the Edo period. They also gave a special shine to the beaten cloth. They were hit on a wooden block or on stone, sometimes near the river where the washing was one. "Pounding cloth" is another translation of this activity.
This is one of the evening jobs of a farming family, called "night work" yonabe, see below.

The name KINUTA seems to have derived from kinu ita 衣板, a board for beating silk.

This kind of mallet is also used for other material to make it soft for processing into goods, as in the kigo for straw, paper and arrow root. This kind of work was often done in the dark evenings by the farmers wifes, since they had so many other jobs to do during daytime light.
Gabi Greve

kinuta . . .
chirps of the crickets
between beats

- Shared by Elaine Andre -


fulling block, washing mallet, kinuta 砧 (きぬた)
hitting with the mallet, kinuta utsu 衣打つ(ころもうつ)
hitting cloth with a mallet, toui 擣衣(とうい)

using the washing mallet in the evening, yuu kinuta 夕砧(ゆうきぬた)
..... yoi kinuta 宵砧(よいきぬた)
..... sayo kinuta 小夜砧(さよきぬた)

hearing the beating sound of a washing mallet from afar
too kinuta 遠砧(とおきぬた)
fulling block mallet, kinuta no tsuchi 砧の槌(きぬたのつち)

block for the mallet, kinuta ban 砧盤(きぬたばん)

mallet for beating straw, wara kinuta 藁砧(わらきぬた)
To make the straw softer for processing into goods like straw sandals or straw raincoats in the Edo period.

Other uses for hitting material to make it softer and workable:

mallet for hitting paper, kami kinuta 紙砧(かみきぬた)
mallet for hitting arrow root, kuzu kinuta 葛砧(くずきぬた)


Traditional "ironing" in Korea and Japan

In Korea the drumming of traditional ironing sticks was traditionally called a joyful sound. Even though it didn't please all ears, it was a symbol of a secure home life. In Japan the beating of a single mallet pounding fabric smooth was associated with melancholy - in poetry at least. In Korea two women knelt on the floor, facing each other across a smoothing stone or tatumi-tol, a pangmangi club in each hand, beating out a rhythm on the cloth. This kind of "ironing" looks more solitary in Japanese art, where a woman kneels alone before a fulling block or kinuta and hammers with a single mallet. ...

The Japanese fulling-block and Korean smoothing-stone, like so many other tools used in pressing cloth, had their uses in manufacturing new cloth as well as in maintaining laundered fabric. (Fulling involves beating the fibres to make the cloth thicker and/or softer.)

Read the full article with photos HERE
 © www.oldandinteresting.com


CLICK for original LINK © www.internationalfolkart.org

The woman pounding cloth on a fulling block is the heroine of a Noh play.
The wife strikes the block throughout the night hoping that the sound will reach him in the distance and hasten his return.
The idea is based on a Tang dynasty Chinese poem in which the sound of cloth being beaten by his wife reaches the ears of a man far from home.
 © www.internationalfolkart.org


kinuta odori 砧踊り fulling-block dance

明日は殿御(とのご)の砧打ち 明日は殿御の砧打ち

砧踊りは面白や 砧踊りを一踊り

Tomorrow is fulling-block time for the Lord!
Tomorrow is fulling-block time for the Lord!
The Lady will also come out to sing.

The fulling-block dance is so funny!
Come on,let us dance the fulling-block dance!

source : 青柳

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

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Noh Drama "The Fulling Block" Kinuta
能 砧

A woman whose husband has spent three years in the capital hears that he will return at the end of the year, but is later informed that he is unable to return, leading to her insanity from disappointment, loneliness, and hatred and eventually to her death.
The husband, upon learning of this, returns and ritually summons her ghost, which appears in an embittered mood and expresses resentment for having suffered in Hell; through the power of the Lotus Sutra, however, she eventually attains peace.

More information


kinuta uchite ware ni kikase yo ya boo ga tsuma

pounding cloth
for me to hear ...
the wife of the priest

Tr. Gabi Greve

Matsuo Basho 芭蕉
Basho spent the night in a temple lodging.
From: Bleached Bones in a Field
. Matsuo Basho in Yoshino .

beat the fullilng block,
make me hear it -
temple wife

Tr. Barnhill

Strike the fulling block
let me hear it!
temple mistress

Tr. Shirane

Женщина из храма,
бей по валочной доске -
ну же, посильней!

МАЦУО БАСЁ (1644-1694) / Tr. D. Smirnov

Basho was in Yoshino, rich in poetic and religious traditions. Clothes were pounded on a fulling block to clean and soften them, and in the poetic tradition the sound was associated with loneliness. The fulling block was not commonly used in Basho ’s time, but he wishes to hear its sound in order to feel deeply what was considered the essential nature of Yoshino in autumn.
There is an allusion to a waka by Fujiwara Masatsune (1170–1221):

At Yoshino
the mountain wind
deepens into the night,
and in the old village
a fulling block is struck

(miyoshino no / yama no akikaze / sayo fukete
furusato samuku / koromo utsunari).

Tr. and Comment by Barnhill
source : www.haikupedia.ru


koe sumite hokuto ni hibiku kinuta kana

its sound clear,
echoing to the Northern Stars:
a fulling block

Tr. Barnhill

This hokku has the cut marker KANA at the end of line 3.


saru hiki wa saru no kosode o kinuta kana

a monkey showman
with a little monkey jacket
on a fulling block

Tr. Barnhill

Written in 貞亨元年, Basho age 41 or later

a monkey trainer
pounds (cloth) for a little monkey coat
on the fulling block . . .

Tr. Gabi Greve

. WKD : saruhiki 猿曳 、猿引 monkey trainer.

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


The Cloth-fulling Jewel River 壔衣の玉川
鈴木春信 Suzuki Harunobu (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)


- - - - - Kobayashi Issa - - - - -

eta mura mo yo wa utsukushiki kinuta kana

in the outcasts' village too
a lovely night...
pounding cloth

Sakuo Nakamura writes, "In my native town there is an eta village; mothers tell their children not to enter there. Issa has a very peaceful mind. He know well the sadness of living. When he saw the Eta village in the night, not only darkness covered, but racial discrimination as well. And he heard the sound of the kinuta as if it came from Buddha."

In Japan and Korea, fulling-blocks were used to pound fabric and bedding. The fabric was laid over a flat stone, covered with paper, and pounded with sticks, making a distinctive sound. This haiku refers to the outcasts (eta). In Issa's time, they performed "unclean" jobs such as disposing of dead animals, working with leather, and executing criminals. In my earlier translation, I use the phrase, "fulling-block," an arcane term that means nothing to most English readers. "Pounding cloth" is a translation solution provided by Makoto Ueda, whose example I gratefully follow; Matsuo Bashô (Tokyo: Kodansha, 1982) 53.

kinuta utsu yo yori ame furu enoki kana

pounding cloth
in the night...
rain on the nettle tree

furusato ya tera no kinuta mo yoru no ame

home village--
pounding cloth at the temple
and evening rain

morokoshi no yoshino mo kaku ya sayo-ginuta

like in Old China
Yoshino, too, clonks...

In Japan and Korea (and--we see in this haiku--Old China), fulling-blocks were used to pound fabric and bedding. The fabric was laid over a flat stone, covered with paper, and pounded, making a distinctive sound. For Issa, the sound evokes a nostalgic feeling. Yoshino is a famous place (in Japan) for viewing the cherry blossoms.

Tr. David Lanoue / Read MORE !

More of Issa's haiku about pounding cloth, using
Onomatopoetic Words !

is even the Yoshino
in China like this?
fulling cloth at night

Issa alludes to a number of classical poems in order to praise other mountains and thus strengthen his case that tonight the mountains around him are surely even more moving. There is of course no Mt. Yoshino in China. It is hyperbole for the most remote place in the world, a phrase made famous by waka no. 1049 by Fujiwara Tokihira in the courtly Kokinshuu anthology:

morokoshi no yoshino no yama ni komoru to mo
okuremu to omou ware naranaku ni

even if you
seclude yourself in
Mt. Yoshino in China
I will follow after
the whole way

Later the image was often interpreted to mean "the Chinese equivalent of Mt. Yoshino," and in Travel Record of a Weather-Bleached Skeleton (Nozarashi kikou) Basho writes that the holy men who secluded themselves on Mt. Yoshino and wrote poems there felt that the Chinese equivalent of Mt. Yoshino was Mt. Lu, where many monks and poets retired.

. Chris Drake - the full comment .

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .


- - - - - Yosa Buson - - - - -

kono futahi kinuta kikoenu tonari kana

the last two days
no sound of beating cloth
from the neighbours . . .

Tr. Gabi Greve

ochikochi ochikochi to utsu kinuta kana

near and far
here and there the beating sound
of fulling blocks . . .

Tr. Gabi Greve

Buson uses the Chinese characters and hiragana type of spelling words in a masterly way. This is one of the language forms of haiku that just can not be captured in a translation.
The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.

Far and near, near and far,
they clop and clop......
wooden cloth fulling blocks!!

This haiku is near to impossible to translate because Buson has captured the onomatopoeia of the blocks being hit with the twice repeated sound of 'ochikochi', thus also presenting an image within the sound of the blocks hitting the cloth.
The book 'Buson and Chinese Poetry' makes the argument that he is alluding to another poem by Li Bai. I could only find the first two lines of this poem translated on the internet:
'The whole Chang'an is covered by bright moonlight
From tens of thousands of houses comes the sound of clothes beating.'
To paraphrase the rest of the poem from the book, the autumn wind never stops, all the women in the area think of their husbands far off at war and wonder when they will return home. It is hard to ignore the at war part of the original poem if you choose to read the allusion into it. The book does take to task commentators who have argued that it was the sound from one place or the sound of a mother and daughter who fulling clothes together by saying that Li Bai did write '10000 doors'. And, he did write the kanji that means 'far and near' when if he didn't want to include it all he had to do was write it in hiragana.
The haiku is only 16 morae.
- Tr. and comment :James Karkoski - facebook -

- Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村  (1716-1783)

- - - more kinuta hokku by Buson

貴人(あてびと)の岡に立ち聞く砧かな - atebito no

小路行けば近く聞ゆる砧かな - kooji ikeba

霧深き広野に千々の砧かな - kiri fukaki

砧聞きに月の吉野に入る身かな - kinuta kiku

比叡にかよふ麓の家の砧かな - Hiei ni kayou

旅人に我家知らるる砧かな - tabibito ni

憂き我に砧うて今は又止みね - uki-ware ni

Related words

***** nightwork, evening at home, yonabe
夜業 (夜なべ)
..... yagyoo 夜業
..... yoshigoto 夜仕事

... tawara ami 俵網 (たわらあみ) making straw bags
komedawara amu 米俵編む(こめだわらあむ)making straw bags for rice
sumidawara amu 炭俵編む(すみだわらあむ) making straw bags for charcoal

Yonabe night work and the pounding of cloth reminds the Japanese of the hometown, home village ...

ふるさと 故郷、古里 故里 郷土 郷里

***** Mallet for good luck, (fuku-tsuchi 福槌)
kigo for the New Year

You hammer your straw, make straw sandals out of it, sell them and voila, you are a rich man.




End of the Year activities


End of the Year Activities

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Mid-Winter
***** Category: Humanity


There are many activities in Japan before the year can be ended safely.
More activities are related to ceremonies, they are listed in the saijiki LINK given below.
Here let us look at some of these kigo from the category HUMANITY.

preparations for the New Year, toshi yooi
年用意 (としようい)

..... toshi mooke 年設(としもうけ), toshi no mooke 年の設(としのもうけ)
toshi torimono 年取物(としとりもの)
spring preparations, haru jitaku 春支度(はるじたく)
Spring was identical to the New Year according to the Lunar Calendar.


CLICK for original LINK
Year End Cleaning in Edo

cleaning at the end of the year
kure no sooji, kure no oo sooji くれのそおじ
Spring cleaning in other parts of the world.
This is taken most seriously, the dirt of this year has to go within this year!

cleaning off soot, susu harai susuharai 煤払 (すすはらい)
..... susu haki 煤掃(すすはき), susu oroshi 煤おろし(すすおろし)
day for cleaning, susu no hi 煤の日(すすのひ)
This was done not only at home but in temples and shrines too. With long bamboo poles and sakaki sacred branches the bad influences of the passing year, the vicious demons hiding somewhere in the corners and the roof beams, were cleared away, together with the real soot.

bamboo for cleaning, susu dake 煤竹(すすだけ)
seller for cleaning bamboo, susudake uri 煤竹売(すすだけうり)
susu gomori 煤籠(すすごもり)
hiding from cleaning activities, susu nige
bath after cleaning, susu yu 煤湯(すすゆ)
bright dayt for cleaning, susu biyori 煤日和(すすびより)

. take uri 竹売り cleaning babmoo vendors in Edo .

"soot of this year", toshi no susu 年の煤(としのすす)
visit during cleaning season, susu mimai 煤見舞(すすみまい)
eating mochi during cleaning season, susu no mochi

The female Deity of the New Year likes her new place to be clean and tidy.
. "Deity of the Year" toshitokujin 歳德神 .

tabine shite mishi ya ukiyo no susu harai

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 cleaning soot collection .


changing the tatami mats (for clean ones)
tatami gae 畳替 たたみがえ kaedatami 替畳(かえだたみ)

"forget the old year", toshi wasure 年忘 (としわすれ)
party to forget the old year, boonenkai 忘年会(ぼうねんかい)

preparing New Year food, setchi ryoo mono
節料物 (せちりょうもの)
sechiryoo 節料(せちりょう)、setsu ryoo せつりょう
toshitori mono年取物(としとりもの)、
rice as food for the New Year, sechiryoo mai 節料米(せちりょうまい)
toshitori mai 年取米(としとりまい), 
toshi no kome 年の米(としのこめ)

collecting money for the poor, shakai nabe 社会鍋 (しゃかいなべ)
... jizen nabe 慈善鍋(じぜんなべ)

last payment of the year, kakegoi 掛乞 かけごい
kaketori 掛取(かけとり)
kakidashi書出し(かきだし), tsuke付け(つけ)

. kayoi choo通ひ帳 credit account book .
in the Edo period

giving new robes to the servants, kinu kubari 衣配 (きぬくばり)

giving Year End money or presents,
seibo iwai 歳暮祝 (せいぼいわい)

..... seibo 歳暮(せいぼ)、oseibo お歳暮(おせいぼ)
seibo no rei 歳暮の礼(せいぼのれい),
seibo gaeshi歳暮返し(せいぼがえし)
seibo uridashi 歳暮売出(せいぼうりだし)

writing greeting cards, gajoo kaku 賀状書く (がじょうかく)

buying a new diary, nikki kau 日記買う( にっきかう)
old diary, furu nikki 古日記 (ふるにっき)
nikki hatsu 日記果つ(にっきはつ)


CLICK for more photos
seller of new calendars, koyomi uri 暦売 (こよみうり)
koyomi kubari 暦配り(こよみくばり)
old calendar, furu goyomi 古暦 (ふるごよみ)
koyomi hatsu 暦果つ(こよみはつ), koyomi no hate 暦の果(こよみのはて)
koyomi no owari 暦の終(こよみのおわり) end of the calendar
... koyomi no sue 暦の末(こよみのすえ)
- CALENDAR - - -kigo for the New Year

source and more dolls : page.freett.com/honeythehaniwa

The vendor usually wore a hand towel (tenugui) around the head and had a furoshiki cotton wrapper with their merchandise on the back. Most of them were old men. Since the season was very short, it would not feed the man during the whole year.

They started walking around in Edo since the 11th lunar month and sold small long calendars to hang on the wall or a home pillar (hashiragoyomi 柱暦). They showed the whole year on one page and could be stuck to a pillar of the home for easy viewing.

. Doing Business in Edo .

Many calendar vendors lived in
. Tōriabura-chō 通油町 Toriaburacho District .

koyomi uru monzenmachi no furu honya

the used bookstore
of the temple town
sells calendars

Tsuchiya Kyooko 土屋孝子 Tsuchiya Kyoko


last market dealings, shimai sooba 終相場 (しまいそうば)
last business, goyoo osame, goyoo osame 御用納 ごようおさめ
..... goyoo jimai 御用終(ごようじまい)
last work, shigoto osame 仕事納(しごとおさめ)


packing away the axes, ono jimai 斧仕舞 (おのじまい )
forest care was in important part, and during the new year holidays there was a rest period.
Forest workers make offerings of food and Sake to the Deity of the Mountain (Yama no Kami 山の神) and thank them for a year without accidents.

. Ta no Kami, Yama no Kami .


CLICI for more Kadomatsu decorations
putting up decorations at the entrance, kadomatsu tatsu
門松立つ (かどまつたつ)
matsu kazaru 松飾る(まつかざる),
kadomatsu no itonami 門松の営(かどまつのいとなみ)
kadomatsu as New Year kigo

Straw Shimekazari
putting up sacred straw decorations,
shime kazaru 注連飾る (しめかざる)
"one night decorations" ichiya kazari 一夜飾り(いちやかざり)
(shimenawa 注連縄)

cutting fern (for New Year decorations)
shida gari 歯朶刈 しだかり

fencing off the graves, haka kakou 墓囲う (はかかこう)
to protect them from the fierce northern winds.

December Singers, Twelfth Month Singers (sekizoro)
Year End Singers . sekizoro 節季候
..... sekkizoro せっきぞろ
..... female singers, old ladies, ubara 姥等 うばら
..... hitting the breasts, mune tataki 胸敲 むねたたき


paying the last taxes, nengu osame
年貢納 (ねんぐおさめ)
tax payment, nengu 年貢(ねんぐ)
rice as tax payment, nengu mai 年貢米(ねんぐまい)
horses as tax payment, nengu uma 年貢馬(ねんぐうま)
Nengumai Rice Barrels
Rice barrels as tax payment
This was especially important in the Edo period.
Taxes (nengu) and their KIGO

Year End Sales, nenmatsu toosoo 年末闘争 (ねんまつとうそう)

Year End Bonus, nenmatsu shooyo 年末賞与 (ねんまつしょうよ)
..... boonasu ボーナス、nenmatsu teate 年末手当(ねんまつてあて)
etsunen shikin 越年資金(えつねんしきん)
etsutoo shikin 越冬資金(えっとうしきん)

winter holidays 冬休 (ふゆやすみ) fuyu yasumi
"holidays for the Year End", nenmatsu kyuuka


observance kigo for mid-winter

. roojitsu 臘日 (ろうじつ) last day of the year   
Activities done on the last day of the year.

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

My SEIBOO Year End present 2008

A whole salmon from Hokkaido

02 seibo present

03 the fish END

a first taste
of things to come ...
salmon steak

Gabi Greve, December 2008


. hanjitsu wa kami o tomo ni ya toshi wasure .
half a day with the deities

Matsuo Basho and the Shinto Deities

- - - - -

uo tori no kokoro wa shirazu toshi wasure

how fish and birds
feel at heart, I do not know -
the year-end party

Tr. Ueda

Written in December of 1691 元禄4年師走
Basho stayed for a haikai meeting at the home of
Yamaguchi Sodoo 山口素堂 Yamaguchi Sodo.

This hokku refers to a poem of the Hoojooki 方丈記 Hojoki from the Kamakura period
by Kamo no Chōmei 鴨長明 Kamo no Chomei, My Account of My Hut:


If you are doubtful about what I am saying,
look at the situation of the fish and the birds.
Fish are always in the water, yet they don't become bored with the water. If you are not a fish you probably can't understand that feeling.
Birds hope to live in the forest. If you are not a bird, you probably can't understand that motive.
My feeling about my tranquil residence is of the same kind.
Who can understand this if they haven't tried it?

. Kamo no Choomei 鴨長明 Kamo no Chomei .
( 1153 or 1155–1216) Kamo no Chōmei

- - - - -

hito ni ie o kawasete ware wa toshi wasure

I make him buy a house
for me - now I can
forget the old year

Tr. Gabi Greve

Written in 1690 元禄3年師走
For his disciple in Otsu,
. Kawai Otokuni 川井乙州 .

MORE - hokku about himself by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 .

o-nakama ni neko mo zadoru ya toshi-wasure

the cat sits down
as one of us --
year-end party

Tr. Chris Drake

This hokku is from the 12th month (January) in 1820, at the end of the year chronicled in Year of My Life (Oraga haru). Year-end parties held by families, friends, and colleagues were called "year-forgetting" parties, because they were unrestrained and people could have a good time singing, dancing, and drinking until they could get over the negative memories of things that had happened during the year and relive the good memories before going on to the next year.
Issa's beloved young daughter had died in the 6th month, so he had a lot to feel sad about, but he preserved her memory in Year of My Life. In the same way, the party in this hokku is probably less about simple forgetting than about dealing with and confessing one's feelings about negative things that happened and getting a bit of closure. The cat obviously considers itself one of the group, and the feeling seems to be mutual. What psychic wounds from the year does it still carry?
What unspeakable things did it witness?

Chris Drake


yamoudo wa kusuri to iu ya furu-goyomi

mountain man says
it's for wrapping medicine --
this year's old calendar

Tr. Chris Drake

This hokku is from 1824, the same year as Issa's divorce and his hokku about the chrysanthemums in the canola field. It's probably from the end of the 12th month, because "old calendar" is a season word usually referring to a calendar that's almost up. After a person bought a calendar for the new year, usually in the form of a long, folding scroll-like paper between two covers that resembled a small accordion, the current calendar for the rest of the year was regarded as "old" even before New Year's. People were very busy and focused on preparing for New Year's, so they often preferred to skip the yin-yang predictions and other information included on the calendar for each day at the very end of the year -- unless it was an especially lucky day. And the current calendar was of course also a reminder of time past and of the hard work and other hardships many people experienced in the current year, so most people preferred to think about the future and about the good times they'd have at New Year's.

On 12/4 Issa, able to speak once more, returned to his empty home in his hometown after recovering from the shock of being divorced, and apparently he's met a mountain man there who has come down to the valley from his house on a mountain slope nearby to buy provisions and probably to sell something he catches or makes. "Mountain person" (yamoudo) usually refers to someone like a hunter, forester, mountain farmer, or even a potter or blacksmith -- to anyone of either/any gender who lives and works in the mountains, even on a small mountain in the foothills just outside of town.

Mountain people often brought pelts, meat, agricultural produce, crockery, firewood, wood products, and other goods down to market in the valley, and perhaps this mountain man (or woman) is using the money he gets to buy, among other things, a new calendar for the coming new year. He tells Issa he's done with his "old" calendar already and isn't at all interested in reading it for the last few days of the year. Paper was valuable, and he plans to use the folded paper "faces" of the calendar for "medicine" (kusuri). One meaning of kusuri was and still is folded paper used to wrap doses of chopped or ground up herbs to be boiled in a pot and drunk as medicine. That seems to be the meaning of "medicine" here.

The man seems to be either a woodsman who finds, cuts, wraps, and sells mountain herbs to herbal doctors and dealers in town, or he has some kind of ailment and wants to take portions of different herbs back with him to his cabin, where he will boil and drink an herbal broth each day for several days. East Asian herbal medicine was highly developed in Issa's time, and literally hundreds of different herbs could be bought in folded-paper packets and mixed in many different combinations.

Issa seems amused at and respectful of the unashamed way the mountain man puts aside the old year and wholeheartedly embraces the coming year, hoping to be in good health by the time the new year arrives. Over the last four months Issa himself has been drinking a lot of herbal medicine, so he no doubt sympathizes with the mountain man and understands his desire to think about the future and not linger on the hardships of the presently disappearing year.

There is a small possibility that "medicine" refers to gunpowder, another meaning of kusuri. Many mountain men were hunters, so it's conceivable that the man uses a rifle and needs packets for his gunpowder. However, paper for making packets of herbal medicine seems much more likely. The link below shows the most popular way -- even today -- to fold a paper packet for powdered Western-style medicine. Folded paper packets are also still used by herbal doctors.

Chris Drake

LINK - ja.wikipedia.org

山人 - senjin, yamabito, yamoudo


sennen no susu mo harawazu hotoketachi

nobody wipes it off
the soot of a thousand years -
these Buddha stautes

. Masaoka Shiki (正岡子規) .


karendaa gokuchuu ni hari toshi yoo-i

I hang the calendar
in my prison cell -
New Year preparations

We can feel how the prioner wants to escape these white walls and be free again .

Kadokawa Haruki 角川春樹
Tr. Gabi Greve


ring out the old
raised glasses
of warm milk

Bill Kenney, NY 2007

Related words

*****Fern (shida) Japan for the New Year

***** Saijiki of Japanese Ceremonies and Festivals - - WINTER





Ship, boat (fune)


Ships, boats (fune)

***** Location: Japan, worldwide
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Humanity


The word SHIP just like that (fune 船)is not a kigo in Japan.
But since there are many fishing activities along the coast of Japan, there are some kigo connected with it.
Rowboats and yachts are enjoyed in summer.

For more details about each kigo, check the Alphabetical Index of the . World Kigo Database .

. Fishing in all seasons  


. . . . . SPRING

ship for catching sawara, sawarabune 鰆船(さわらぶね)
spanish mackerel fishing boat

. asaribune 浅蜊舟(あさりぶね)boat to catch littlenec clams
shijimibune 蜆舟(しじみぶね)for corbicula clams

. sayoribune 鱵舟(さよりぶね)boat for catching snipe  

kigo for late spring

booto reesu ボートレース (ぼーとれーす ) boat race
..... kyoosoo 競漕(きょうそう)
kyoosookai 競漕会(きょうそうかい)boat race meeting
regatta レガッタ Regatta
ohanami reesu お花見レース(おはなみれーす)
race during the cherry blossom viewing season

. boat for catching spanish mackerel
sawarabune 鰆船(さわらぶね)


. . . . . SUMMER

CLICK for more excursion boats
cruising boat, enjoying boat life, funa asobi
船遊 (ふなあそび)
excursion boat, yuusen 遊船(ゆうせん)
..... asobi bune 遊び船(あそびぶね)
..... yuusan bune 遊山船(ゆさんぶね)
This refers mostly to the wooden boats of the Edo period.

booto ボート boat, rowboat
kashibooto 貸ボート(かしぼーと) boat for rent (rowboat)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

skaaru スカール scull Scullboat
..... skaru スカル


yotto ヨット sailboat, dinghy, yacht
kaisootei 快走艇(かいそうてい)yacht
yotto reesu ヨットレース yacht race
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

minato dete yotto samishiku narini yuku

out from the harbor
a yacht departs
to become lonely

Tr. Fay Aoyagi

Gotoo Hinao 後藤比奈夫 Goto Hinao


CLICK for more photos !
fish preserve in a ship, funa ikesu

..... ikesu bune 生簀船(いけすぶね) , 船の生け簀
meals on a ship, funaryoori 船料理 (ふなりょうり)

Food served on board (funaryoori)

. suzumibune 納涼舟(すずみぶね)
boat to enjoy a cool evening breeze

. ikanagobune いかなご舟(いかなごぶね)boat for fishing sand lace  

. sababune 鯖舟(さばぶね)boat for fishing mackerels  


. makomo - wild rice .

CLICK for more of these boats
floater to harvest wild KOMO rice, komo kari bune
boat for harvesting wild rice, makomo bune 真菰舟(まこもぶね)
Zizania latifolia, Z. cauducifolia.
vegetable wild rice, fewflower wildrice
water rice, water oats : Zizania aquatica in North America
The plant grows in water and has thick stems. It has been eaten in China and then came to Japan.
KOMO 薦 means a straw mat and seat cushions, woven from this plant.

and more
humanity kigo for late summer

makomo karu 真菰刈る (まこもかる)harvesting makomo rice
makomo kari 真菰刈(まこもかり)makomo rice harvest

mizu fukaku toki kama narasu makomo kari

deep in the water
the sound of sickles cutting
water rice / water oats

Yosa Buson 蕪村 (1716-1783)

. . . . .

plant kigo for late spring

wakakomo 若菰 (わかこも) young komo
kojun 菰筍(こじゅん)
komozuno 菰角(こもづの)- 莢白(こもづの)
kosai 菰菜(こさい)

makomo no me 真菰の芽 (まこものめ) buds of makomo
makomo ou 真菰生う(まこもおう)
katsumi no me かつみの芽(かつみのめ)
mebaru katsumi 芽張るかつみ(めばるかつみ)

. . . . .

observance kigo for early autumn

. makomo uri 真菰売(まこもうり)vendor of makomo .
(straw to make horse decorations for O-Bon)

observance kigo for mid-autumn

. makomo no uma 真菰の馬 (まこものうま) horse from Makomo .
Tanabata uma 七夕馬 horse for Tanabata

. . . . .

plant kigo for mid-autumn

makomo no hana 真菰の花 (まこものはな) flower of wild rice
..... komo no hana 菰の花(こものはな)
..... hana makomo 花真菰(はなまこも)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

plant kigo for all winter

kare makomo 枯真菰 (かれまこも) withered wild rice
..... makomo karu 真菰枯る(まこもかる)wild rice withered


. makomo uma まこも馬 wild rice straw horse .
folk toy from Ibaraki


boat for harvesting MO water weeds, mo kari bune
. 藻刈り船

and more
humanity kigo for late summer

mokari, mo kari 藻刈 (もかり) harvesting waterweeds
mo karu 藻刈る(もかる)waterweeds harvest 刈藻(かりも)
mokarizao 藻刈棹(もかりざお)pole for harvesting waterweeds
mokarigama 藻刈鎌(もかりがま)sickle for harvesting waterweeds
karimo kuzu 刈藻屑(かりもくず)

. WKD : Seaweed (kaisoo 海草)  


CLICK for more katsuo ships
ship for fishing katsuo bonito,
katsuo bune 鰹船(かつおぶね)

CLICK for more kakoibune photos
fencing ships, kakoi bune 囲い船 (かこいぶね)
..... fune kakou 船囲う(ふねかこう)
..... fune kakoi 船囲い(ふねかこい)
Some ships fence of a peace of sea for fishing

ship for evacuating cholera patients in the Edo period
korera sen コレラ船(これらせん)

Funamushi 船虫 (ふなむし, 舟虫) sea slater


obeservance kigo for mid-summer

. Dragon Boat Race (Peron) ペーロン  
keito 競渡 (けいと) peron boat race
..... keito sen 競渡船(けいとせん)Dragon Boat


obeservance kigo for late summer

. funamatsuri 船祭(ふなまつり)boat festival .
kawatogyo 川渡御(かわとぎょ)"crossing the river"
dondokobune どんどこ舟(どんどこぶね)Dondoko boat
kenchabune 献茶舟(けんちゃぶね) boat for ritual tea ceremony

at shrine Tenmangu in Osaka 大阪 天満宮


. . . . . AUTUMN

iwashibune 鰯船(いわしぶね)boat for fishing sardines

. hazebune 鯊舟(はぜぶね)boat for fishing goby  

observance kigo for early autumn

. segakibune 施餓鬼舟(せがきぶね)Segaki boat .
for the Segaki ceremony
Offering food and drink to the hungry ghosts, Segaki 施餓鬼

. shooryoobune (shoryobune) 精霊船
ships for the blessed souls of the O-Bon festival.

observance kigo for mid-autumn

for the Tanabata star festival

. tsuma mukaebune 妻迎舟 "boat to welcome the wife" .
..... tsumakoshibune 妻越し舟(つまこしぶね)
tsuma okuribune 妻送り舟(つまおくりぶね)
tsuma yobufune 妻呼ぶ舟(つまよぶふね)
shichiju no fune 七種の舟(しちしゅのふね)
..... nanakusa no fune ななくさ の 舟
boat with seven pieces of luggage


. . . . . WINTER

kani koosen 蟹工船 ship for processing King Crab

magurobune 鮪船(まぐろぶね) boat for fishing for tuna

. namakobune 海鼠舟(なまこぶね)boat for catching sea cucumber  

tarabune, ship to fish for tara 鱈船(たらぶね)


observance kigo for mid-winter

. morotabune no shinji 諸手船神事 (もろたぶねのしんじ)
Morotabune Boat Race Ceremony
..... morotabune 諸手船(もろたぶね)

iyaho no matsuri 八百穂祭(いやほのまつり)
Ritual of 800 rice ears

mikuji ubai 御籤奪(みくじうばい)
fighting for fortune telling slips


. . . . . NEW YEAR

CLICK for more colorful good luck ships

. Ship of Good Luck, "treasure ship"
takarabune 宝船 (たからぶね) .

treasure boat
takarabune shiku 宝船敷く(たからぶねしく)
seller of treasure ships, takarabune uri 宝船売(たからぶねうり)
sleeping beside the treasure ship, takarabune shiku ne
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

First Boad Festivals
first use of the boat, funa okoshi 船起 (ふなおこし)
..... 、kishuu 起舟(きしゅう)、kishuu iwai 起舟祝(きしゅういわい)
festival of the ship owners, funakata matsuri 船方祭(ふなかたまつり)
Boats are decorated with beautiful flags for the first outing.

CLICK for more photos
Festival of the Ship's God, funadama sekku
first using of the boat, funanori zome 船乗初(ふなのりぞめ)
..... funa hajime 船初(ふなはじめ)
first leaving of the port, funade hajime 船出始(ふなではじめ)
first rowing, kogi zome漕初(こぎぞめ)

first loading of the ship 初荷船(はつにぶね)


TOPICS for haiku

Atakemaru 安宅丸 Cruize Ship of the Shogun

- quote -
In the Edo period, many feudal lords in the Kyushu region are said to have sailed the Seto Inland Sea with 30 to 40 ships to and from the area around the current Yodo River in Osaka for Sankin Kotai (alternate attendance). Ships used by these lords on these occasions are called "Gozabune." These Gozabune ships with dynamic and gorgeous interior and exterior decorations were used as a private luxury liner by feudal lords.

One of our ships was renamed "Atakemaru" as a replication of a Gozabune boat in the Heisei era to offer luxurious cruising with a traditional feel to customers mainly from Tokyo (Kanto region) in the Tokyo Port.
- source : gozabune.jp -

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! .


CLICK for more photos

ebune 家船 ship used as a home
They were popular in the Inland Sea, fishing for swordfish tachiuo and others.
There is a small facility, about 3 tatami wide, where the couple can sleep. Kitchen is provided on board too. Bath is used in a harbour town.
They can save fuel when staying near a good fishing ground for some days. The children have to stay with grandma on land.

. taraibune たらい舟 "tub boat" barrel boat .

. utasebune 打瀬船 fishing for shrimp  

. watashibune わたし舟 / 渡し舟 / 渉舟 ferry boat .

Worldwide use


first cruise ship
put boat in water after winter storage

last cruise ship


North America

Skipjacks are the official Maryland State Boat.

oysters in my bed
boats above me
watch out, the dredge!

Amora Johnson, US
WKD : skipjack -- Chesapeake Bay Saijiki : Winter


"Parade of Lights"
kigo for winter

Each Christmas there is a "Parade of Lights" in our town. I think it is commons around the US, where boats are decorated in lights for the holidays and they have a parade on the water.

parade of lights
I avoid the traffic
again this year

Laura Becker Sherman

The San Diego Bay Parade of Lights
is a time-honored Christmas holiday tradition brought to San Diego by the boating community.
source : www.sdparadeoflights.org

Things found on the way

Haiku about the Sea


kakibune ni mochikomu wakarebanashi kana

talk of separation -
brought all the way to the
oyster ship

(Tr. Gabi Greve)

WKD: 久保田万太郎 Kubota Mantaroo


CLICK for more Old Sailing Ships from Holland

帆の多きオランダ船や 雲の峰
ho no ooki orandasen ya kumo no mine

A Dutch ship
With many sails:
The billowing clouds.

WKD : Shiki, trans. Blyth


shiroki kyosen kitareri haru mo tookarazu

A great white ship
Is entering the harbour;
Spring cannot be far off.

大野林火 Rinka, trans. Blyth

Blyth notes that "harbour" is not in the haiku, but since Rinka lived in Yokohama, Blyth concludes this is about the harbour there. Kyosen 巨船.

ooki fune ide yuki shinkiroo to naru

Great ocean liner
setting out on a voyage
becomes a mirage.

山口誓子(やまぐちせいし) Seishi,
trans. Takashi Kodaira and Alfred H. Marks

Note: "Season Word: 'shinkiroo', 'mirage'. Spring, celestial phenomena."

Compiled by Larry Bole, Kigo Hotline


Queen Elizabeth 2
CLICK for more QE2 ships

the QE2
humming so steadily --
chilly day in port

Isabelle Prondzynski / Kigo Hotline
Read more about it !

Related words

***** . Fishing in all seasons  

Japanese ships and boats named MARU 丸

The Legend of the Deity
. Azumi no Isora Maru 阿曇磯良丸 Isoramaru .


