Lawn (shiba)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Plant . Humanity
Lawn, grass, turf ... many ways to translate
. . . . . SPRING
early spring
burning the turf, burning the grass, shiba yaku 芝焼く
shiba yaki 芝焼
"grass fire", shiba hi, 芝火

The old grass on lawns, dikes and mountain fields is burned down and used as fertilizer. It is a kind of festival in many public parks.
see also
burning the withered fields, noyaku 野焼く(のやく)
late spring
"young lawn", wakashiba 若芝 (わかしば)
lawn in spring, haru no shiba 春の芝(はるのしば)
sprouting lawn, shiba moyuru 芝萌ゆる(しばもゆる)
lawn buds, shiba no me 芝の芽(しばのめ)
lawn getting green, shiba aomu 芝青む(しばあおむ)
. . . . . SUMMER
cutting the lawn, shibakari 芝刈 (しばかり)
lawn mower, shibakariki 芝刈機(しばかりき)
aoshiba 青芝 (あおしば) green lawn
natsu shiba, natsushiba 夏芝(なつしば) lawn in summer
Watering the lawn or garden
kigo in Canada
early summer
"Lawn Cutting Ceremony", shibakiri shinji
also called
Kamo Mikage Matsuri 賀茂御蔭祭 (かもみかげまつり)
"honorable shadow festival" mikage matsuri
mi-aregi 御生木(みあれぎ)

Miare shinji, Mikage matsuri
A divine manifestation rite and Mi-kage Festival. A festival of both Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine (Kamowakeikazuchi jinja) (Upper Kamo) and Kamomioya Shrine (Kamomioya jinja) (Lower Kamo) in Kita Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture.
On May 15 there is a procession. It is called the Hollyhock Festival (Aoi matsuri葵祭り) because the worshippers decorate everything from the oxen and horses to their flower caps with hollyhocks and katsura.
Before the festival there is a "Miare Rite" at Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine. At the manifestation place, trees for the divine possession are raised within a himorogi and enclosed with a hedge of fresh brushwood. In front of the stand is white sand is piled up into two cone-shaped heaps. The Rite is conducted by five shrine officials (shinshoku) in front of the himorogi on the night of the twelfth. The lights are extinguished and offerings are made. After this, the miare (temporary manifestation of the deity) begins.
The shrine officials chew the "Honorable Aides for Grasping (tsukami no goryō)." The deities mentioned in the secret songs that are silently intoned possess the five sakaki trees and are carried to the Inner Hall (honden) where they are installed. Also on this day at Kamomioya Shrine in Lower Kamo, the kami are greeted by a procession of sacred horses (shinme) that have gone as far as Mt. Mikage at the base of Mt. Hiei, in a ceremony called the Mikage Matsuri. The deities in their temporary manifestation are placed on the backs of the horses and brought to the main shrine.
The Hollyhock Festival is divided into three parts: the imperial palace rites, the street rites (the procession), and the shrine rites. The famous grand procession leaves the Kyoto Imperial Palace in the morning at goes to Kamomioya Shrine. After the shrine rites, it arrives at Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine. It returns to the palace in the evening.
There is an annual festival called the Hollyhock Festival on April 24 at Kono Shrine in Miyazu City, Kyoto Prefecture. Called a sword-waving rite, swords three shaku long (about three feet) are hidden inside poles four shaku long. Tassels of paper are attached to both ends and the performers wave these about their back and hips. A hayashi song called sasa-bayashi is included. The livestock market during the Hollyhock Festival is called the Hollyhock cow market.
© Mogi Sakae - Kokugakuin University.

Participants wear traditional attire decorated with Aoi-Katsura (葵桂, bouquet of Aoi leaves and Katsura tree branches)
Mikage Matsuri - Kirishiba Shinji Ritual (御蔭祭切芝神事)
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Joys of Japan, 2012
. WKD : The White Horse of Shimogamo Shrine .
. WKD : Aoi matsuri 葵祭 Aoi festival
. . . . . WINTER
withered lawn, kareshiba, kare shiba 枯芝 (かれしば)
shiba karu 芝枯る(しばかる)

Worldwide use
Things found on the way
умолкла косилка --
в тёплом воздухе
сладкий запах травы
a mower stopped --
sweet scent of the grass
in the warm air
Larisa Zvyagina, Germany
trampled grass
somewhere hidden
a bird's nest
Ella Wagemakers
Kigo Hotline
Related words
***** CANADA Saijiki
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