Fragrant plum blossoms (ume ga ka)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Early Spring
***** Category: Plant
Please read the main entry on the plum blossoms here:
Plum Blossoms (ume)
The fragrance of plum blossoms, scent, smell .... if you ever walked in a plum grove in early spring you will know the feeling !
I wrote this haiku in 2006

taking a nose walk
in the plum park -
Kume no Sato
Click HERE to see the full splendor !
Fragrant plum blossoms, ume ga ka, ume-ga-ka 梅が香
plum blossom scent, plum blossom perfume
ume ga ka is a poetic version of saying: ume no hana no kaori
"smell of a plum" would rather indicate the smell of one plum fruit.
Check out more LINKS here !
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
Plum blossoms
are an outer proof of life's inner beauty in this spring poem by
Ki no Tomonori (Kokinshu, 1:38)
I am at a loss
To say to whom if not to you
I might show plum blossoms;
For such beauty and such fragrance
Only the best judge is a judge at all.
[The Princeton Companion, p. 28.]
(Copyright © 1990 Theosophical University Press)
ume ga ka ni notto hi no deru yamaji kana

in the fragrance of plum blossoms
the sun comes out -
this mountain path . . .
Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉
MORE translations and discussion
. WKD : Izumo Kaido Doi Town 出雲街道 美作市土居宿 .
written at Ochiai on the
. Nakasendoo 中山道 The Nakasendo Road .
MORE plum fragrance hokku by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Some haiku by Kobayashi Issa
ume ga ka ni itachi mo naite toori keri
plum blossom scent--
even the weasel passes
with a song
ume ga ka ni shôji hirakeba tsuki yo kana
plum blossom scent--
when I open my paper screen
a bright moon
ume ga ka ni ukare ide keri bushô neko
plum blossom scent
sends him off carousing...
lazy cat
Read all of his 20 haiku here, translated by David Lanoue
One more by Issa, tr. David Lanoue
ume ga ka ya donata ga kite mo kake chawan
plum blossom scent--
for whoever shows up
a cracked teacup
.. .. .. .. .. and another by Kikaku, which has the same flavor
ume ga ka ya kojiki no ie mo nozokaruru
Kikaku 其角
fragrant plum blossoms -
even in the beggar's home
they are peeking in
(Tentavive English version by Gabi Greve)
More about Translating this Haiku
plum-blossom scent:
even a beggar's shack
is worth a look
Tr. Larry Bole
ume-ga-ka mo kasumo to narinu kuni-zakai
at the border
even the plum perfume
turns freckles
Niji Fuyuno (Tr. Susumu Takiguchi)
Related words
***** Plum Blossoms (ume)
***** Smell and Fragrance in Haiku
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