Beach (biichi), Shore (nagisa)
***** Location: Worldwide
***** Season: All Summer and see below
***** Category: Earth and see below
To enjoy a summer holiday on the beach ... most of us have this experience.
There is another word, ISO 磯, to indicate a rocky sea shore, see below.
There is another word, HAMA 浜磯, to indicate a sandy beach, see below.
The word BEACH, just like that, is a topic for haiku.
But we have "spring beach", summer beach", "autumn beach" and "winter beach", see below.

De dune en dune
le vent colporte
les soupirs des amants.
From dune to dune
the wind peddles
the sighs of lovers.
- Shared by Patrick Fetu -
Joys of Japan, 2012
Let us look at the kigo about beach, shore, sea and waves.
kigo for all summer
beach house, umi no ie 海の家
..... biichi hausu ビーチハウス
..... summer house, samaa hausu サマーハウス
beach for swimming, kaisui yokujoo 海水浴場
..... enjoying the tide, shio asobi 潮浴び(しおあび)
beach parasol, suna higasa 砂日傘
..... biichi parasoru ビーチパラソル, hama higasa 浜日傘(はまひがさ)
playing in water, mizu asobi 水遊び
..... fighting games in the water, mizu ikusa 水戦(みずいくさ)、mizu gassen 水合戦(みずがっせん)、mizu jiai 水試合(みずじあい)
Sometimes done on the beach, sometimes in a small pool in the garden or a park.
mizudeppoo 水鉄砲 (みずでっぽう) water pistol
. ukiningyoo, uki-ningyoo 浮人形 (うきにんぎょう)
floating dolls
surfing, saafin サーフィン
..... nami nori 波乗(なみのり)
surfboard, saafuboodo サーフボード
..... naminori ita 波乗板(なみのりいた)
surfer, saafuraidaa サーフライダー
suijoo suki 水上スキー (すいじょうすきー) waterski
nude beach, beach for naked bathing
summer beach, natsu no hama 夏の浜
summer sea, natsu no umi 夏の海, natsu umi 夏海
summer waves, natsu no nami 夏の波
..... natsu nami 夏濤(なつなみ), natsu dotoo 夏怒濤(なつどとう)
summer tide, natsu no shio 夏の湖
Each month the tide changes with the changing climate.
aobajio 青葉潮 (あおばじお) tide and green leaves
especially on the shores from Kagoshima via Izu toward Hokkaido, along the Pacific ocean
aoyamajio 青山潮(あおやまじお)tide and green mountains
katsuojio 鰹潮(かつおじお) tide which brings the katsuo bonito fish
kigo for early summer
akashio, aka-shio 赤潮 (あかしお) "red tide"
kusarejio くされ潮(くされじお)"rotten tide"
Too much plankton colors the tide and is dangerous for the fish population.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
nigajio 苦潮 (にがしお) "bitter tide"
Almost the same as the red tide, but occuring along the estuaries of rivers, then the dirty river water forms a layer above the sea water and the fish and shells die from lack of oxygen.
observance kigo for late summer
umibiraki, umi-biraki 海開き (うみびらき)
"opening the sea"
suieijoo kaishi 水泳場開始(すいえいじょうかいし)
opening of an ocean beach to swimmers, usually with a special Shinto purification ceremony to pray for the safety during the season.
Many beaches begin the official beach season with beach houses and life guards etc. from this day on, so it is awaited by many.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Umibiraki - English Reference
earth kigo for late summer
hot sand, nessa 熱砂 (ねっさ)
burning sand, yakesuna 灼け砂(やけすな)
sand is burning, suna yakuru 砂灼くる(すなやくる)
hiyake hama 日焼浜(ひやけはま)burning hot beach
kaisuiyoku 海水浴 swimming on the beach
shioabi, shio-abi 潮浴び(しおあび)playing in the tide water
takiabi, taki abi 滝浴び (たきあび) swimming in (the pool at the bottom of a) waterfall
suikyuu 水球 (すいきゅう) water ball
..... uotabooro ウォーターポロ
..... uotabooru ウォーターボール

puuru プール pool, swimming pool
outside and in the open air.
They are most crowded during the summer holidays in Japan.
Most schools in Japan, even in rural regions and remote islands, have their own outside pool where kids can come during the summer holidays to enjoy the cool water.
An indoors swimming pool could be considered a topic for haiku.
Private indoor our outdoor pools are not so common in Japan.
humanity kigo for all summer
swimming, oyogi 泳ぎ (およぎ)
practise swimming, suiren 水練(すいれん)
enjoy swimming yuu ei 遊泳(ゆうえい)
Japanese way of swimming, nukite 抜手(ぬきて)
..... kata nukite 片抜手(かたぬきて)
swim with upright body, ritsu ei 立泳(りつえい)
swimming in front of an important person (competition)
..... gozen ei 御前泳(ごぜんえい)
reeling, hauling 手繰(たぐり)
floating on the water, ukimi 浮身(うきみ)
paddling like a dog, inukaki 犬掻き(いぬかき)
swimming on the back, hai ei 背泳(はいえい)
breast strokes, hira ei 平泳(へいえい)
butterfly style, batafurai バタフライ
crawling, kurooru クロール
floating support (ring or blownup vest or toy)
..... ukibukuro 浮袋(うきぶくろ)、
swimming in the river, kawa asobi 川浴(かわあび)
enjoying the water, mizu asobi 水浴(みずあび)
swimming long distance, en ei 遠泳(えんえい)
swimming competition, kyoo ei 競泳(きょうえい)
diving, mizu kuguri 水潜り(みずくぐり)
..... moguri 潜り(もぐり)
Refers to diving as a hobby.
kigo for late summer
daibingu ダイビング diving (in a swimming pool)
daibaa ダイバー、diver
tobikomidai 飛び込み台(とびこみだい)diving board, Sprungbrett
..... chooyakudai 跳躍台(ちょうやくだい)
..... tobikomi 飛び込み(とびこみ)jumping (into a pool)
takatobikomi 高飛び込み(たかとびこみ)high dive
tobi-ita tobikomi 飛板飛び込み(とびいたとびこみ)
EARTH kigo for all winter
fuyu no umi 冬の海 (ふゆのうみ) sea in winter
..... fuyu-umi 冬海(ふゆうみ)winter sea
fuyu no nami 冬の波 (ふゆのなみ ) waves winter
..... fuyunami 冬浪(ふゆなみ) /冬濤(ふゆなみ)
kantoo 寒濤(かんとう)waves in the cold
..... kannami 寒波(かんなみ)
. kanchoo 寒潮 かんちょう "tide in the cold"
fuyu no shio 冬の潮(ふゆのしお)tide in winter
fuyujio 冬潮(ふゆじお)winter tide
.... fuyujio冬汐(ふゆじお)
fuyu no hama 冬の浜 (ふゆのはま) beach in winter
..... fuyuhama 冬浜(ふゆはま)
..... fuyunagisa, fuyu nagisa 冬渚(ふゆなぎさ)
kigo for late winter

hyookai 氷海 (ひょうかい) frozen sea, frozen ocean
umi kooru 海凍る(うみこおる)sea is frozen
..... tookai 凍海(とうかい)
hyoogen 氷原(ひょうげん)"plain of ice"
..... kaihyoo 海氷(かいひょう)
The sea around Hokkaido freezes in winter.
nami no hana 波の花 (なみのはな) "flowers of the waves"
..... nami no hana 波の華(なみのはな)
Along the Sea of Japan, the winter waves carry a kind of froth that looks almost like blossoms.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
observance kigo for the New Year
hama ogami 浜拝 はまおがみ
Offering prayers at the beach
..... First Tide, wakashio 若潮 わかしお
..... wakashio mukae 若潮迎え(わかしおむかえ)
hatsu hama 初浜(はつはま)"first beach"
Selling new salt, waka shio uri 若塩売(わかしおうり)
..... waka shio iwai 若塩祝い(わかしおいわい)celebration of the first salt
January first
Men of the year (toshi otoko 年男) offer fresh salt water to the deities.
Especially famous in the fishing villages of Kyushu.
ISO 磯 is a word used for a rocky beach or shore.
People enjoy coming to this place to look for small fish and seafood in the shallow ponds when the tide is low. Digging for shells is a joy for families with small children.
felsige Küste; Meeresküste; Meeresufer
haru no iso 春の磯(はるのいそ) shore in spring
. Spring at the beach (haru no umi)
category earth kigo
kigo for early spring
iso kamado 磯竃 (いそかまど) stove on the beach
for the fishermen and women to keep warm.
iso takibi 磯焚火(いそたきび)bonfire on the shore
kigo for mid-spring

kanchoo 観潮 (かんちょう)
viewing the whirling current
kanchoosen 観潮船(かんちょうせん)boat for viewing the currents
uzushio 渦潮(うずしお)whirling, eddying current
The whirling currents along the Inland Sea are especially famous.
Naruto 鳴門 can now be crossed by a bridge with phantastic views of the currents.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Meeresstrudel, wirbelnde Flut
kigo for late spring
isobiraki 磯開 (いそびらき)
opening the season on a rocky shore
From that day on, fishing from the shore or picking seaweed from the rocks was allowed.
iso no kuchi ake 磯の口開(いそのくちあけ)
..... iso no kuchi ake 磯の口明(いそのくちあけ)、浜の口開(はまのくちあけ)、
hama no kuchi ake 浜の口明(はまのくちあけ)
umiori, umi-ori 海下(うみおり) going down to the shore
hatsuiso, hatsu iso 初磯(はついそ) "first shore"
kuchiake matsuri 口明祭(くちあけまつり)
festival when opening the shore season
isoasobi, iso asobi 磯遊び (いそあそび)
playing on the shore
iso matsuri 磯祭(いそまつり)shore festival
hana chirashi 花散らし(はなちらし)"scattering blossoms"
Shore festivals in Western Japan, while the cherry blossoms are out and can be enjoyed while drinking on the shore. Often on the third day of the third month of the lunar calendar.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Haiku about hana chirashi
isona tsumi 磯菜摘 (いそなつみ )
picking vegetables on the shore

shiohigari 汐干狩 (しおひがり)
hunting (for clams and seafood) on the shore
shiohi 汐干(しおひ)tideland, tidal flat, ebb tideland
shiohigata 汐干潟(しおひがた)tideland
shiohibune 汐干船(しおひぶね)boat for the tideland
shiohigai 汐干貝(しおひがい)clams in the tideland
shiohi iwa 汐干岩(しおひいわ)rock in the tideland
shiohi kago 汐干籠(しおひかご)basket (for the catch from) the tideland
Tide (shio, ushio, choo)
category earth kigo
Woman divers (ama 海女 (あま))
professional divers
ensoku 遠足 (えんそく) excursion
(usually to the beach or shore)
Family or schoolchildren come to enjoy the sea.
aki no ensoku 秋の遠足(あきのえんそく) excursion in autumn
kigo for autumn
. ensoku 遠足 excursion, day trip in Edo .
kigo for late summer
iso suzumi 磯涼み(いそすずみ)coolness on the shore
kigo for all autumn
aki no umi 秋の海 (あきのうみ) autumn sea
aki no nami 秋の波(あきのなみ)waves in autumn
..... shuutoo 秋濤(しゅうとう)
aki no shio 秋の潮 (あきのしお) tide in autumn
..... akishio 秋 秋潮(あきしお)
aki no hama 秋の浜 (あきのはま) autumn beach
..... akinagisa 秋渚(あきなぎさ)
..... shuutei 秋汀(しゅうてい)
hama no aki 浜の秋(はまのあき)autumn at the beach
kigo for early autumn
bonnami, bon nami 盆波 (ぼんなみ) waves at O-Bon
bonare, bon are 盆荒(ぼんあれ)stormy weather at O-Bon
Bon Festival, O-Bon お盆, Obon
The ancestors festival, now in mid-august.
kigo for mid-autumn
hatsushio, hatsu shio 初潮 (はつしお) first (autumn) tide
hazukijio 葉月潮(はづきじお)tide of the eighth lunar month
..... mochi no shio 望の潮(もちのしお)
The tide at the full moon of autumn.
kigo for late autumn
takashio 高潮 (たかしお) high tide
flood tide, storm surge
kazetsunami, kaze tsunami 風津波(かぜつなみ) "tsunami made by the wind"

Moonlit Sea
Shoda Koho (1871-1946)
Worldwide use
night swimmers
kigo for summer
night swimmers
an old woman offers
to hold my shoes
- Shared by Paul Conneally - WKD on facebook -
Things found on the way
Nude beach -
trying hard to speak
to their faces.
Zhanna P. Rader
On the beach I sit
eyes cast over sand and surf
watching Sol's descent
Larry D. Shepherd
mijikayo ya ashiato asaki Yuigahama
short night -
shallow footprints
at Yuigahama
Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村
. 由比ガ浜 Yuigahama Beach at Kamakura
footprints on the beach -
so many haiku
already written
. . . check them out HERE . . .
nude beach
only one crab
without a shell
Jacek Margolak (Poland)
source : Asahi Haikuist, August 2012
Related words
***** . Waves in summer (natsu no nami)
more KIGO
***** Sand (suna) a topic for haiku
***** Surfing in Hawaii
***** Marine Day, Ocean Day, Sea Day (umi no hi) Japan
***** Beach Pea (hama-endoo, Japan)
. . . . SUMMER - the complete SAIJIKI
. . . . SAIJIKI ... category EARTH
Every summer, the Germans invade The Netherlands -- the beaches, that is. They bring large buckets and spades and dig holes and deep pits everywhere. This sometimes leads to unfortunate accidents, and even an occasional death when, for example, the tide comes in early and covers a pit while a child is still playing in it. This is happily more the exception than the rule. Really, what they see in our sand I'll never know ...
beach sand
a bucket and spade disppear
into a pit
for footprints
and drawings of hearts
beach sand
beach sand
quiet as I sit on the dunes
... squawking gull!
Wishing a little that these had come to me when it was given as a topic on the Shiki list.
:>) Ella
Kobayashi Issa - shiohigari and more of the fun in Fukagawa
Fukagawa ya momo no naka yori shiohigari
Fukagawa !
through the peach blossoms
people are gathering shells
- shiohigari -
hirou mono mina ugoku nari shio higata
everything I pick up
is alive --
ebb tide
trans. Patricia Donegan & Yoshie Ishibashi
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