Snail (katatsumuri)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Summer
***** Category: Animal
After a good rain, we can see even more of them !
rainy season -
snails double
with each raindrop
the empty shell
of a tiny snail ...
pulling out weeds
Gabi Greve, Japan

all my friends, Daruma san, the Basho frog, a snail . . .
snail, land snail 蝸牛 (かたつむり)
..... katatsuburi かたつぶり、dedemushi ででむし、dendenmushi でんでん虫(でんでんむし)
maimai まいまい
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is a common name which is applied to most of the members of the molluscan class Gastropoda that have coiled shells in the adult stage. When the word is used in its most general sense, it includes sea snails, land snails and freshwater snails.
The word snail without any qualifier is however more often applied to land snails than to those from the sea or freshwater. Snail-like animals that naturally lack a shell, or have only an internal shell, are often called slugs, and land species that have only a very small shell (that they cannot retract into) are called semislugs.
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Worldwide use
"love season for snails"
kigo for the wet season
With respect to the "love season for cats" ...
kigo for spring
In Spring they come out to procreate and eat all the fresh shoots! They seal themselves off from the heat in Summer, and they are not noticed much in Winter.
Lorin Ford, 2009
the earth moves. . .
snails in love
© Lorin Ford, 2009
Modern Haiku,40.3, Autumn 2009
Things found on the way

Puppies and snail
Kamisaka Sekka 神坂雪佳 (1866-1942)
. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .
Tr. David Lanoue
katatsuburi ki ga muita yara gorori neru
the snail does just
as he pleases...
curled to sleep
tomokaku mo anata makase ka katatsuburi
come what may
won't you trust in the Buddha
a snail
dallies under a leaf --
empty mailbox
Laryalee Fraser, tinywords 2005
picking snails
from the shiitake -
dinner is waiting
Spend the whole afternoon picking minismall white snails from the logs with the shiitake mushrooms behind the house. Mushrooms growing and the snails seem to smell it from afar, coming in long lines, almost like the ants...
Gabi Greve, 2004
tiny white snails
invading the porch -
long autumn rain
winzige weisse Schnecken
eine Invasion auf der Terrasse
langer Herbstregen
aki no naga-ame, long autumn rain, is also a kigo. When it happens, many days of rain follow and the snails, just less than one centimeter maybe but bright shining white houses, come out all of a sudden, munching the last of vegetables overnight and causing my cats to tiptoe even more carefully!
Gabi Greve
wanderlust ...
a small snail
on the fresh green moss
© Gabi Greve, June 2008
the empty shell
at the slime-trail's end --
a statue of Buddha
"chibi" (pen-name for Dennis M. Holmes)
Kigo Hotline, June 2008
a tiny snail looks
at the world down
from the bindweed
© Photo and Haiku
Tomislav Maretić, June 2008

and you, snail...
sculpturing leaves
with now
- Shared by Louis Osofsky -
Joys of Japan, 2012
photo : CJ Samson
Related words
***** Mud snails, paddy snails (tanishi)
***** Earthworms's song (mimizu naku)
***** Spiders ... (kumo)
A snail is lifted up
Stuck on a bamboo-shoot!
In respect of:
(and probably most other areas)
"love season for snails"'
This one of mine:
the earth moves. . .
snails in love
Lorin Ford
Modern Haiku 40.3 , 2009
But I intended Spring, when I've seen snails coupling. Mid-Spring is also when one notices the tiny, baby snails *in Victoria*; the eggs are not far under the garden soil and need Spring warmth the hatch, I think. Spring is also when one notices snails and the damage they do to the tender new leaves and stalks in the vegetable patch.
One can only speak of a *wet season* for the (far north) tropical areas of Australia, not *all* Australia and not most of Australia.
Thanks a lot, Lorin!
Every bit of new information helps!
Kobayashi Issa
ashi moto e itsu kitarishi yo katatsuburi
The fifth. The medicine seemed to be the right one for Father's illness and was having an effect. I wanted him to drink more of it, so I kept fanning the charcoal burner and boiled lots of herbal broth. I watched him constantly as he slept, apparently very comfortably, and I thought I could already see some improvement in his complexion. When I took his pulse, it seemed completely back to normal, so I felt elated and guessed he had a ninety percent chance of recovery. When I look back on how I felt on that day, I can see I was blinded by my own strong desire for Father to get well.
hey snail
at Father's feet,
when did you come?
Read the comment by Chris Drake:
Kobayashi Issa
sasa no ha ya naru ya kotsubu no katatsumuri
little snail
becoming a leaf
of bamboo grass
This early summer hokku is from the 4th month (May) of 1823. The small snail must have been resting peacefully on a big leaf of bamboo grass for some time, and this is how Issa interprets its quiet yet expansive presence.
I follow the reading of the hokku in Issa's Collected Works 1.387. However, the year should be 1823: see 4.430.
Chris Drake
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