
Seasons Beginning


Seasons beginning

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Season


Each change of a season brings a mixed bag of feelings, some people are happy it is over, some would like it to last a bit longer ... all can be expressed in kigo.

Here let us look at some kigo related to the BEGINNING of each season. Each belongs to the "early" part of the season words.

If you can think of different and better ways to translate these words, please let me know.

Gabi Greve

A friend once remarked:
beginning of spring, i'm not sure if this sounds good in a haiku, it seems just a statement rather than an image.

I hope the kigo collection below helps you choose the right kigo for your haiku.


. . . . . SPRING

Spring, according to the Asian Lunar Calendar, was identical with the New Year.

spring begins, shoshun 初春 しょしゅん
..... haru hajime 初春 春初(はるはじめ, mooshun 孟春(もうしゅん)
jooshun 上春(じょうしゅん)

"spring stands up", spring begins, risshun
立春 (りっしゅん)

... haru tatsu 春立つ(はるたつ)
spring comes, haru kuru 春来る(はるくる, haru saru 春さる(はるさる)

it becomes spring, haru ni naru 春になる(はるになる)

"Good Luck for Spring beginning" risshun daikichi

early spring, sooshun 早春 (そうしゅん)
spring is early, haru hayashi 春早し(はるはやし)
spring is light, haru awashi 春淡し(はるあわし)

spring is "thin", haru asashi 春浅し (はるあさし)
.....asaki haru 浅き春(あさきはる), senshun浅春(せんしゅん)


. . . . . SUMMER

summer begins, shoka 初夏 (しょか)
natsu no hajime 夏の始(なつのはじめ)
hatsu natsu 初夏(はつなつ), natsu hajime 夏始(なつはじめ)
mooka 孟夏(もうか)
"head of summer", shuka 首夏(しゅか)

"summer stands up", summer begins, rikka 立夏 (りっか)
natsu tatsu 夏立つ(なつたつ)
"entering spring" , natsu ni iru 初夏 夏に入る(なつにいる)
summer of this morning, kesa no natsu
summer comes, natsu kuru 夏来る(なつくる)

summer is "thin", natsu asashi 夏浅し (なつあさし)
asaki natsu 浅き夏(あさきなつ)

summer shows, natsu meku 夏めく (なつめく)
..... natsu kizasu 夏きざす(なつきざす)


. . . . . AUTUMN

autumn begins, hatsu aki 初秋 (はつあき)
..... aki hajime 秋初め(あきはじめ)
..... shoshuu 初秋(しょしゅう)
"new autumn", shinshuu 新秋(しんしゅう)
"head of autumn", shushuu 首秋(しゅしゅう)

beginning of autumn, jooshuu 上秋(じょうしゅう)
mooshuu 孟秋(もうしゅう)
chooshuu 肇秋(ちょうしゅう), ranshuu 蘭秋(らんしゅう)

early autumn, sooshuu 早秋(そうしゅう)
dooshuu 桐秋(とうしゅう)
bonshuu 盆秋(ぼんしゅう)

autumn is "thin", aki asashi 秋浅し(あきあさし)
early into autumn, akiguchi 秋口(あきぐち)

"autumn stands up", risshuu 立秋 (りっしゅう)
aki tatsu 秋立つ(あきたつ)

autumn of this morning, kesa no aki 今朝の朝(けさのあさ)
autumn of today, kyoo no aki 今日の秋(きょうのあき)

autumn is coming, aki kuru 秋来る(あきくる)
aki saru 秋さる(あきさる)

entering autumn, aki ni iru 秋に入る(あきにいる)


. . . . . WINTER

beginning of winter, hatsu fuyu 初冬 (はつふゆ)
..... jootoo 上冬(じょうとう), mootoo孟冬(もうとう)
winter is beginning, fuyu no hajime 冬の始(ふゆのはじめ)
..... shotoo 初冬(しょとう)

"winter stands up", rittoo 立冬 (りっとう)
..... fuyu tatsu 冬立つ(ふゆたつ)
entering winter, fuyu ni iru 冬に入る(ふゆにいる) the winter season begins
winter comes, fuyu kitaru 冬来る(ふゆきたる)
winter of this morning, kesa no fuyu 今朝の冬(けさのふゆ)

winter is "thin", fuyu asashi 冬浅し (ふゆあさし)
..... asaki fuyu 浅き冬(あさきふゆ)

fuyu meku 冬めく (ふゆめく) winter is getting "like winter"
just a bit colder than the "thin" winter days.

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


ayatori no efferutoo mo fuyu ni iru

the Eiffel tower
(which looks like) an ayatori pattern
also begins the winter season

Akito Arima

ayatori, cat's cradle game of children

. WKD : Buildings and Haiku   

Related words

***** Seasons ending


spring begins, February 4, risshun 立春
summer begins, May 6, rikka 立夏
autumn begins, August 8, risshuu 立秋
winter begins, November 7, rittoo 立冬

The Asian Lunar Calendar. Reference


. . . . SPRING
the complete SAIJIKI

. . . . SUMMER
the complete SAIJIKI

. . . . AUTUMN
the complete SAIJIKI

. . . . WINTER
the complete SAIJIKI


1 comment:

Gabi Greve said...

kamo o yobi Denen Choofu fuyu mekeru

ducks are coming back
to Denenchofu -
beginning of winter

Tr. Gabi Greve

渋沢秀雄 Shibusawa Hideo, his haiku name was Shibutei 渋亭.
(1892 - 1984)
渋沢渋亭 Shibusawa Shibutei