Cool, cold, chilly
***** Location: Worldwide
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Heavens / Season
How we react to temperature is a personal feeling, also a seasonal feeling.
We can feel "nice and cool" in summer, or rather "pretty cool" on an autumn evening.
In the Japanese saijiki, we have many different words that clearly identify the season for a cold morning etc., but much is lost in the translation into another language, unless we add
"cold .. spring/summer/autumn/winter .. morning".
The English cold/chill/chilly are also often used like that and thus difficult to allocate with a proper season. So it seems better to add .. spring/summer/autumn/winter ...
We also have the English use of cold outside the weather and temperature, like
a cold smile, a cold person, a cold look ...
where the COLD is not a season word, but just a topic for haiku.
"COOL" used in connection with other nouns like this is also not a kigo but a topic for haiku.
He is a cool person.
I will try and list the relevant kigo during the seasons here.
Please let me know any more confusing words and possible translations of these kigo.
Gabi Greve
My Garden in autumn
early spring
cold in spring, haru samu 春寒 はるさむ and related kigo
..... haru samushi 春寒し(はるさむし) spring is cold
..... samuki haru 寒き春(さむきはる) cold spring
still feeling cold (in spring), remaining cold (in spring),
yokan 余寒 (よかん)
lingering cold (in spring), nokoru samusa 残る寒さ(のこるさむさ)
..... kan modori 寒もどり(かんもどり)
cold (winter) season coming back, winter cold coming back
the cold returns
. Cold coming back - March 2005 .
Coolness in summer(suzushi) and related kigo
I feel cool (in summer). This is a pleasant feeling, especially in the evening after a hot day.
coolness in the (summer) morning, (summer) morning cool,
asasuzu 朝涼
cool (summer) evening, yoisuzushi 宵すずし
cool at day's end (in summer), banryoo, banryō 晩涼
evening cool (in summer), yuusuzu, yūsuzu 夕涼
night cool (in summer), cool of the (summer) night,
..... yaryoo 夜涼, ryooya 涼夜
Some food that is enjoyed cold in summer
Hiyashi uri 冷し瓜 (ひやしうり) cooled gourd
cooled watermelon, hiyashi suika 冷し西瓜(ひやしすいか)
Hiyajiru 冷汁 (ひやじる) cold soup
cooled soup, nizamashi 煮冷し(にざまし)
Hiyamugi 冷麦 (ひやむぎ) Wheat noodles chilled
Hiya soomen 冷索麺 (ひやそうめん)
cold thin somen noodles
Hiya Yakko, hiyayakko 冷奴 (ひややっこ) cold tofu
hiyashijiruko 冷し汁粉(ひやししるこ)cold beans in sweet sauce
The details about food are here
cold (autumn) morning
samuki asa 寒き朝, asazamu 朝寒
cold (autumn) evening寒き夜
..... samuki yoru, 夜寒yosamu
These are expressions used for this feeling in autumn, when we feel the change of the seasons coming.
Cold in autumn, aki samu 秋寒 (あきさむ) and related kigo
..... aki samushi 秋寒し(あきさむし) cold in autumn
"the skin feels cold (in autumn)", hada samu 肌寒 (はださむ)
cold (autumn) morning, asa samum asasamu 朝寒 (あささむ)
asa samushi 朝寒し(あささむし), asa samumi 朝寒み(あささむみ)
cold (autumn) night, yo samu 夜寒 (よさむ )
..... yo samusa 夜寒さ(よさむさ), yo o samumi 夜を寒み(よをさむみ)
autumn chill, shuurei 秋冷)しゅうれい) and related CHILL kigo during all seasons
evening chill (in autumn), cold in the evening (in autumn),
yoi samu 宵寒 (よいさむ)
night chill (in autumn), cold at night (in autumn),
..... yosamu 夜寒 (よさむ)
sooryoo 爽涼 fresh and cool in autumn
(autumn) cool . (hiyayaka, hiyu, yubie)
kigo for early autumn/ category SEASON
ryoogetsu 涼月(りょうげつ)cool month
shuuryoo 秋涼(しゅうりょう)coolness in autumn
shinryoo 新涼 (しんりょう) first coolness (in autumn)
aki suzushi 秋涼し(あきすずし)cool autumn
hajimete suzushi 初めて涼し(はじめてすずし)
..... shoryoo 初涼(しょりょう) first coolness (in autumn)
..... ryoo arata 涼新た(りょうあらた)
..... arata ni suzushi 新たに涼し(あらたにすずし)
hayaku mo suzushi 早くも涼し(はやくもすずし)
sooryoo 早涼(そうりょう)
kan ... cold in winter and related kigo
..... cold (in winter), kan 寒(かん), kanchuu 寒中(かんちゅう)
feeling cold (in winter), samushi 寒し (さむし) I feel cold 'in winter).
..... samusa, 寒さ coldness (in winter)
cold winter evening, kanbo 寒暮(かんぼ)
cold winter night, kanya 寒夜(かんや)
cold winter morning, kangyoo 寒暁(かんぎょう)
Cold Moon (kan no tsuki) 寒の月. . . The MOON and its kigo
Winter drizzle (shigure) 時雨 rain mixed with snow, cold rain, snowy drizzle, sleet
rain in the cold , kan no ame 寒の雨 (かんのあめ)
. . . RAIN and its kigo
"cold clouds", kanun, kan-un 寒雲(かんうん)
"freezing clouds", itegumo 凍雲(いてぐも)
. . . CLOUDS and their kigo
butterfly in the cold, freezing butterfly (itechoo) 凍蝶
. . . Winter butterfly, freezing butterfly (fuyu no choo)
Camellia in the cold (kantsubaki) 寒椿
. . . CAMELLIA and its kigo
There are many more Japanese kigo compounds with
KAN 寒 ... in the cold
GokuRakuAn in Winter
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
cold feeling (toward people, things etc.)
tsumetashi 冷し (つめたし)
food gets cold, hiyu 冷ゆ (ひゆ)
And a bonus for you to cool down!
Ice cream ... kigo for all summer
Click on the photo for more.
. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .
asa-samu no uchi ni mairu ya zenkouji
making a pilgrimage
in early morning cold --
Zenkoji Temple
Tr. Chris Drake
This autumn hokku was written early in the 8th month (September) in 1822, when Issa was living in his hometown.
"Morning cold" refers to the first real sign of autumn cold after the lingering heat and humidity of early lunar autumn. In the middle of September in Shinano the dawns and early mornings already feel slightly cold, though they still feel only cool in Edo and other lowland areas, where "morning cold" is used a little later in autumn. The slight yet clearly perceptible cold in this hokku is usually felt when people wake up in the morning. It is not frigid but rather delicate -- just enough coldness to give people a fresh, bracing feeling of aliveness and a sense that autumn is truly here.
Basically this temporary coldness is caused by contrast: it's the comparatively large drop in temperature during the night that gives people the feeling of being cold the next morning rather than any actual very low temperatures. A couple of hours after dawn this feeling of being cold will be gone, and by noon the day will be warm or perhaps even hot.
Chris Drake
. WKD : Temple Zenko-Ji 善光寺 .
samukeredo sake mo ari onsen mo aru tokoro
It is cold, but
we have sake
and the hot spring
Masaoka Shiki - winter haiku

the famous hot spring Dogoo Onsen in Matsuyama 道後温泉
it is cold
but here is a place with sake
a place with a hot spring
Tr. Gabi Greve
Cool can be nonseasonal term too, like here:
first night
after the divorce...
cool moon
Vasile Moldovan
May 26, 2009
Related words
***** WKD ... ABC Reference
Cool can be nonseasonal term too, like here:
First night
after the divorce...
cool moon
Vasile Moldovan
I've always found your site so helpful. Kigo are difficult in that some of them remain constant around the world, yet here in South Florida, the typical seasonal kigos don't relate, so things get more complex.
with the spring
dance of summer murmur of autumn
the snow has broken the night
black widow
black gemin her ring
tiding is the black sea
Tatjana Debeljacki
first Autumn chill -
the silverware sparkles
on the cupboard
栗原節子 Kurihara Setsuko
- Tr. Gabi Greve
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