Fishing in Winter
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Winter
***** Category: Humanity
Some fish are best caught in winter, preparations for spring are also made.
Kigo for early winter
Kigo for mid-winter

erisu amu えり簀編む (えりすあむ)
weaving a special bamboo mat
(for fishing). The mat is placed between poles in a river or lake in summer, so this work had to be done in winter. There were even some specialists for this work.
Kigo for late winter
. kangoi tsuri 寒鯉釣(かんごいつり)
fishing for carp in the cold
kanbuna tsuri 寒鮒釣(かんぶなつり)fishing for cold crucian carp
kannori 寒乗 (かんのり) working on a fishing boat in the cold season
to bring fresh fish to the cities, fishermen had to work in the Setonaikai and bring the fish to Osaka. Sinse it was often a stormy sea, the work was quite dangerous.
kanzuri 寒釣 (かんづり) fishing in the cold
yatsume unagi toru 八目鰻取る (やつめうなぎとる)
catching lamprey eel
Lampetra japonica
Yatsume unagi 八目鰻 (やつめうなぎ, 八つ目鰻) lamprey (eel)
Kigo for all winter
ajiro 網代 (あじろ) wickerwork fishtraps
ajirogi 網代木(あじろぎ)poles for the wickerwork fishtraps
ajiromori 網代守(あじろもり) person looking after the traps, fishtrap watcher
geflochtenes Fischwehr
ajiro uchi 網代打 (あじろうち) preparing wickerwork fishtraps
kigo for late autumn
famous ajirogi from Uji 宇治の網代木

source : www.wao.or.jp
朝ぼらけ 宇治の川霧 たえだえに
あらはれわたる 瀬々の網代木
asaborake Uji no kawagiri taedae ni
araware wataru seze no ajirogi
when the day breaks,
mist hanging over the Uji River
sowly clears off
one by one they appear
first close ones, then the ones in the distance -
the stakes to support the fishtraps
Gon Chuunagon Sadayori 権中納言定頼
From 百人一首 Hyakunin Isshu poetry collection
arare seba ajiro no hio o nite dasan
. Matsuo Basho and Food .
. ajiro uchi 網代打 (あじろうち) preparing wickerwork fishtraps .
in late autumn
. torimochi ajiro 鳥持網代 ( とりもちあじろ / 鳥持ち網代)
hunting fish in traps with the help of water fowl .
in spring
. araami, ara-ami あら網(あらあみ)net for Ara fishing
buriami, buri-ami 鰤網 (ぶりあみ) net for yellowtail
buribune 鰤船(ぶりぶね)boat for fishing yellowtail
buri tsuru 鰤釣る(ぶりつる)fishing for yellowtail
buriba 鰤場(ぶりば)place for fishing
WKD : yellowtail, the fish and food
Gelbschwanz fischen
dojoo horu 泥鰌掘る (どじょうほる) digging for loach
Misgurnus anguillicaudatus
Water is let out of paddies and the ground, where the fish have dug deep to get over winter, is dug up to get the fish.
Loach dishes as food kigo
nach Schmerlen graben
. fugu tsuri 河豚釣(ふぐつり)fishing for blowfish
fugu ami 河豚網(ふぐあみ) net for fishing pufferfish
fushizuke 紫漬 (ふしづけ) old fishing method
Branches of pine and other needle trees are hung into the river like a forest, small lure is put in there and fish, which come here to hide from the cold and feed, are then caught. The fish are then caught in nets. Used in former times around Lake Biwa.
not to mix with
shibazuke しばづけ【柴漬(け)】 vegetables pickles with red shiso perilla leaves
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. isazaryoo 魦漁(いさざりょう)fishing for isaza
Lake Biwa goby
isazabune 魦舟(いさざぶね)boat for fishing isaza
isaza ami 魦網(いさざあみ)net for isaza
kajikitsuri, kajiki tsuri かじき釣り(かじきつり)
fishing for kajiki maguro tuna 旗魚
kaki muku 牡蠣剥く (かきむく) opening oysters (peeling)
..... kaki waru 牡蠣割る(かきわる)
kakiwarime 牡蠣割女(かきわりめ)woman who opens oysters
kakibune 牡蠣船 (かきぶね) boat for oyster fishing
kaki ryoori 牡蠣料理(かきりょうり)oyster dishes
... kaki meshi 牡蠣飯(かきめし)rice with oysters
... kakinabe 牡蠣鍋(かきなべ)hodgepodge with oysters
Oyster (kaki 牡蠣)
komaitsuri, komai tsuri 氷下魚釣り(こまいつり)
fishing for saffron cod
Eleginus gracilis
This is quite popular in Hokkaido. Komai is Ainu lanugage and means "a fish that makes a small sound". a small fish of about 30 cm.

hokei 捕鯨 (ほげい) whaling, whale hunting
kujira tsuki 鯨突(くじらつき)spearing a whale
isana tori 勇魚取(いさなとり)
kujirabune 鯨舟(くじらぶね)whaler, boat for whaling
..... hokeisen 捕鯨船(ほげいせん)
kujirami 鯨見(くじらみ)outlook for whales
..... kujiraban 鯨番(くじらばん)
ichiban mori 一番銛(いちばんもり)first harpoon
niban mori 二番銛(にばんもり)second harpoon
Whales, kujira (Japan)
. fishing for tuna, maguro tsuri 鮪釣(まぐろつり)
boat for fishing for tuna, magurobune 鮪船(まぐろぶね)
net for tuna, maguro ami 鮪網(まぐろあみ)
. . . . .
tappe 竹瓮 (たっぺ )
ancient tool for fishing in rivers and lakes
Thin stripes of bamboo are woven into a trap, which is filled with bait. After one night in the water, the fish is taken out next morning and the trap filled again.
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
fushizuke ya kowan bukuri bukuri kana
Kobayashi Issa 一茶
fushizuke ya oneone harete yama tooshi
Murakami Kijoo 村上鬼城
Related words
***** Winter (fuyu, Japan) the season
***** Check the WKD LIST of
. HUMANITY and All Winter Kigo
1 comment:
kago 籠 / 篭 / かご basket, baskets of all kinds
zaru ざる / 笊 bamboo baskets
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