Pond, small lake (ike)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Earth and see below
The word POND / LAKE (ike 池) just like that are not kigo, not even the "old pond".
mizuumi, mizu-umi 湖 (みずうみ) lake
there are some compound kigo about the irrigation ponds and rivulets important for farming in olden times.
All Winter

ikebushin, ike-bushin 池普請 (いけぶしん) cleaning the pond
kawabushin, kawa-bushin 川普請(かわぶしん)cleaning the river
In winter, when the water level was low, the bottom of watering ponds and rivers was cleaned from mud and other things than had gathered during the year. The shallower river beds were made deeper in this way for transporting goods and the mud was used as fertilizer for the nearby fields.
Dams and dikes along rivers were also repaired at this time of year.
ike karu 池涸る(いけかる)pond drying up
... kareike, kare-ike 涸池(かれいけ)
not enough water in the pond/lake
saihyoochi 採氷池(さいひょうち)pond for cutting ice
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Ice was cut from clear ponds, stored in huts in the valleyes and later transported to the feudal lords in summer to cool them down.
. Ice cutting (koori kiru)
and related kigo
kigo for late winter
hyooko 氷湖 (ひょうこ) frozen lake
..... tooketsuko 凍結湖(とうけつこ)
..... tooko 凍湖(とうこ)
..... keppyooko 結氷湖(けっぴょうこ)
..... hyooban 氷盤(ひょうばん)
mizuumi kooru 湖凍る(みずうみこおる)lake is frozen

omiwatari 御神渡 (おみわたり) gods crossing the frozen lake
miwatari, mi-watari 御渡(みわたり)
At Lake Suwako 諏訪湖 in winter, when it is frozen and has special patterns like a path on the ice.
The 7 wonders of
Lower Shrine of Great Shrines of Suwa
. Lake Suwako, O-Miwatari
kigo for all autumm
aki no ike 秋の池(あきのいけ)pond in autumn
aki no mizuumi 秋の湖 (あきのみずうみ) lake in autumn
early autumn
nanako no ike 七箇の池 ななこのいけ "seven ponds"
one ceremony during the Tanabata star festival. Seven bowls for washing your hands (tarai) were interpreted as ponds and a mirror put in each. The stars would then reflect in these seven mirrors.
nanashu no otamuke 七種の御手向(しちしゅのおたむけ)
tanabata no o-asobi 七夕の御遊(たなばたのおあそび) "Tanabata enjoyment"
nana asobi 七遊(ななあそび)"seven enjoyments"
momoko no ike 百子の池(ももこのいけ)
Star Festival (Tanabata, Japan) Milky Way (ama no gawa)
ikegaebon, ikekae bon 池替え盆(いけかえぼん)cleaning the pond "for O-Bon"
Often done in a temple by all paritioners.
part of the preparations on
nanukabon 七日盆(なぬかぼん)
O-Bon ceremonies on the 7th of August
This is a custom of the Kansai region, and not seen in Kanto.
bon hajime 盆始め(ぼんはじめ) beginning of O-Bon
migaki bon 磨き盆(みがきぼん)polishing for O-Bon
haka nagi 墓薙ぎ(はかなぎ) cleaning the graves
Bon Festival (o-bon, obon)
kigo for all summer
natsu no ike 夏の池(なつのいけ)pond/lake in summer
natsu no mizuumi 夏の湖 (なつのみずうみ) lake in summer
..... natsu no umi 夏の湖(なつのうみ)
natsu no numa 夏の沼(なつのぬま)swamp in summer
late summer

hasu ike 蓮池(はすいけ) lotus pond
. SAIJIKI ... category EARTH
Kigo for Summer
kigo for late spring
tanaike, tana-ike 種池(たないけ)pond to immerse the rice seeds (momidane 籾種)
before they are sown into the seed beds.
tana-i 種井 たない , tana-ido 種井戸(たないど)well to immerse the seeds
tana-oke 種桶(たねおけ)bucket to immerse the seeds
tana-ike sarai 種池浚い (たないけさらい) cleaning the pond (before immersing the rice seeds)
... tane-ike barai 種池ばらい(たないけばらい)
... tane-i barai 種井ばらい(たないばらい)
... tane-i-gae 種井替(たないがえ)
Worldwide use
India, Punjab
. Sarovar - Sacred Pool .
Things found on the way
well, ido 井戸
topic for haiku
. Sound of Water (mizu no oto 水の音)
The Old Pond Haiku by Matsuo Basho
Daruma Ike だるま池 ponds named Daruma pond

There are quite a few in Japan, click on the image to see more.
clear autumn day
by the little lake -
Namu Amida Butsu !
Gabi Greve, Autumn 2005
nakazora e koi nage-aguru ikebushin
high into midair
the carp are thrown -
cleaning the pond
Ameyama Minoru 飴山實 (1926 - 2000)
Tr. Gabi Greve
a hot pond -
and then he jumps in,
the naked human
. Look at the photo ! Gabi
. . . . .
furu ike ya kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto
. Basho and the Sound of Water .
Related words
***** . Well, cleaning the well (ido zarai)
kigo for early summer
Brunnen reinigen
***** Check the WKD LIST of
. HUMANITY and All Winter Kigo
. WATER (mizu) in all seasons
. SAIJIKI ... category EARTH
1 comment:
I'm appreciate your writing skill.
Please keep on working hard.^^
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