Some newcomers and expansions of files
Blanket (moofu) Japan. Quilt and other warm things.
Uejima Onitsura (1660-1738) Ueshima Onitsura
Hermit, Mountain hermits, sennin 仙人
History of Japanese Saijiki
Rice , Basmati Rice, INDIA
Rice Plants, Ine Japan
Rape blossoms (na no hana)
Kikaku, the poet
Poor Monk (dooshinboo) 道心坊. ドウシンボウ
Dawn moon (ariakezuki)
Kiken Castle (kikenjoo)
Bedtime quilt (yogi)
Hosomi Ayako
Tea Ceremony: Charcoal setting (sumi temae) Japan
Heat shimmers (kageroo) Japan
Mother in Law Day. Mother-in-LawWorldwide
Hawk (taka) Japan. with more related kigo
Shadow (kage) Worldwide
Eros DayWorldwide
Zen and Haiku Worldwide
Haiku Riddles The real, the irreal, the surrea, phantasy, methapysics ... you name it
also Ego and Haiku
Yabu no uchi tea ceremony Japan , yabunouchi 薮ノ内燕庵と古田織部, 藪内流. Mongaku (1139-1203 文覚 )
God of One Word (Hitokotonushi) Japan, Mt. Katsuragi (Kazuragi)
Takagi Noo 薪能 Noo-Performance at night Noh Performance, Yugen (yuugen 幽玄) Japan
Geta, wooden Japanses sandals Japan
Wisteria (fuji) Japan. wisteria trellis, fujidana and more kigo
Willow robes (yanagi goromo, aoyagi) Japan. and more related spring cloths kigo (haru goromo)
Willow tree (yanagi)Japan. Many kigo throughout the seasons
Hassaku Harvest Festival, Hassaku sai, Hassaku no Iwai Japan
with many related kigo
Hassaku orange (hassaku kan) Japan
Moxabustion on the second day (futsuka no kyuu)Japan. February and August.
Jeepney Philippines
Maple Syrup North America
Sugar Moon / Sap Moon Full Worm - March Moon. Maple Moon.
North America and Canada. Making Maple Syrup.
Hosomi Ayako 細見綾子(1907~1997)
Today (kyoo), tomorrow (asu)Japan. This morning (kesa)
Ati-Atihan Festival Philippines
Spring at the beach (haru no umi) Japan. Related kigo:cherryblossom shrimp, sakura ebi.crabs of spring, shiomaneki. firefly squid, hotaru ika. gathering shellfish at low tide, shiohigari. poles for growing seaweed, norisoda.
Dog (inu)Japan. Various related kigo
Ego and Haiku Riddles and Haiku
The Gods of Japan and Haiku (kami to hotoke)
Octopus (tako) Japan. Also squid (ika)
Origami, folding paper Japan, worldwide
Beans and Peas (mame) Soybeans, Adzuki beans, broad beans (daizu, azuki, edamame, soramame)
Yin and Yang, Duality, Judgement a worldwide haiku topic
Genji Monogatari, The Tale of Genji 源氏物語 Japan
Form One entrants and monolisationKenya
Torch Fire Festival (Otomatsuri) Japan
... ...
.. Official Latest Additions ..
Backup A to J
Backup January 2007 only
.. .. .. .. Alphabetical Index - World Kigo Database
.................................................... AAA
Advent Christian Communities
.. .. .. .. African Haiku
AIDS, World AIDS Day Kenya, worldwide
.. .. .. .. Alaska Kiyose
Alberta Family Day, Canada
All Saints’ Day
All Souls' Day
Ambedkar Jayanti, Memorial Day India
Amida Prayer (Namu Amida Butsu) Japan. Amitabha
Angelus Prayer (Catholic Communities)
Anklets (payal) India, Bracelets, Bangles
Ant, ants (ari)Japan, worldwide. Termites, fire ants
Apple (ringo) Japan. Including candy apple, apple pie and many more
April (shigatsu)
..... April Fool (shigatsu baka) Japan. Worldwide
Armistice Day Europe (Poppy Day, Rememberance Day, Veterans Day)
..... Aroma, Smell, Fragrance in various kigo
Ash Wednesday
Aum (阿吽) A-Un, Om. India
..... Australian Seasons, Australian Saijiki
Autumn (aki, Japan)
. Autum Cherry Shikizakura (Japan)
. Autumn Equinox (aki higan) Japan
. Autumn Festival (aki matsuri) Japan
. Autumn Leaves (momiji, Japan) yellow leaves, colored leaves
. Autumn Melancholy Europe
Avocado pear (Kikuyu : Mûkorobîa) Kenya
Azalea (Japan) Tsutsuji, Satsuki, Oomurasaki
........................................................... BBB
..... Bahati Haiku Poetry Club, Kenya
BAMBOO .. An Asian Plant
Bhagavad Gita (India)
Banyan Tree (India)
Bargain SalesWorldwide
Baseball Playoff USA (05)
..... Baseball Winter Meetings, USA
Basho Memorial Day (Basho-Ki) Japan
Battledore (hagoita) Japan
Beach Pea (hama-endoo, Japan)
Bee (mitsubachi)
Begonia (shuukaidoo, shukaido) Japan
Bell, Temple Bell (kane, tsurigane, waniguchi, dootaku) Japan
..... Bell, Temple Bell in India
Bellows Festival (fuigo matsuri) Japan
Berlin Wall (Berliner Mauer) Cold War (Kalter Krieg), Iron Curtain (eiserner Vorhang). Germany
Between the Years (zwischen den Jahren, Germany)
Bhagavad Gita (India)
........ Haiku in Bhutan
Binzuru, Ceremony for the Arhat Binzuru (Binzuru mawashi) Japan
Birds of Winter Japan
Bird Haze in Spring (torigumori), "birds and wind", torikaze Japan.
..... Including "tori ni kumo" birds and clouds. flower haze, hanagumori. herring clouds, nishingumori.
Bird droppings Worldkide
Blackthorn (Europa)
Blinds, summer curtains (sudare)Japan. Inclucing bamboo blinds, seating mats (goza), rattan chairs (too isu) and a few more summer items for the home.
Blowfish (fugu, Japan) .. Puffer, Globefish, Swellfish
Bodhidarma, Daruma san in Japan
Bombax (Chorisia Tree) Kenya
Bon Festival (o-bon) (05) Japan.
..... Awaodori Dance (05) Japan, Bon-Odori, Bon-Dance
..... Bon Boats for Souls (shooryoobune) (05) Japan
..... Bon Flowers (bonbana) (05) Japan
..... Jizobon, Jizoo Bon 地蔵盆
..... Bon Stove (bongama) (05) Japan
..... Bon of Wind (kaze no bon) (05) Japan
Bonifacio Day Philippines
Bowing, bow (o-jigi, ojigi) Japanese greeting etiquette
Bread (pan) Worldwide
Briar Berry Briar Berries
Bridge (hashi) Japan Worldwide
Brigid's Day (Ireland) St. Brigid
Buckwheat (soba), Buckwheat flowers Japan
Buddha, Shakyamuni, Shaka India, Japan
Buddhabird (buppoosoo) (05) Dollarbird and Eurasian Scops-Owl; Japan
Buddha's Birthday, Flower Festival, Flower Hall (kanbutsu-e, shuuni-e, hahamatsuri, hana midoo Japan
Buddha's Seat (hotoke no za)(Japan)
.. .. .. .. Buddhist Ceremonies and Events, a topical Saijiki Festivals of Japan
Bukusu Culture, Babukusu People Kenya
..... Bulgaria Collection of the Europa Saijiki
Butterbur sprouts (fuki no too) and butterbur (fuki) Japan
Butterfly (choo)Japan. Worldwide
..... Butterfly in Winter(fuyu no choo) Japan including frozen/freezing butterfly (itechoo)
"Buy Nothing Day" Worldwide
........................................................... CCC
Caladium (Elephant Ears) Tropics
..... Calendar Systems, Asian Lunar Calendar, 12 Zodiac Animals, 24 Seasons
Helpful reference to understand Japanese Haiku Seasons.
Camellia (tsubaki) Sasanka, Sazanka, yabutsubaki, ochitsubaki
..... ..... Canada Saijiki
Candle Night (Japan)
Card Games (karuta) Japan
Carnation, Nelke Japan. Wild Carnation (nadeshiko)
Carneval (Carnival) see also Shrovetide
Carp Streamers (koinobori, Japan)
Cassia Blossom (Kenya)
Cat (neko, Japan)
Caterpillars worldwide
..... Including : hairy caterpillar, woolybear, kemushi
..... looper, inchworm, shakutori
..... ..... Caterpillar, Hairy Caterpillar of Kenya
Cemetery Sunday Ireland (Roman Catholic parishes)
Cherry Blossoms (sakura, Japan) ... and many related kigo
..... ..... Chesapeake Bay Saijiki (USA)
Chestnut, sweet chestnut (kuri) Japan
Chidambaram Dance Festival India, Tamil Nadu
Child, Children (kodomo) of all kinds
Chimney Sweeping, chimney sweep, Schornsteinfeger England, Germany
Chittorgarh Fort (Rajasthan) India
... Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesii) Weihnachtskaktus
...Christmas Moon
...Christmas Tree
Chrysanthemum kiku, chiyomigusa (Japan)
..... Wild Chrysantheumu (nogiku) Japan
Chrysanthemum Festival kiku matsuri (Japan)
Cicada (semi) Japan, other areas
Clear Autumn Sky (ten takashi, Japan) ... high autumn sky, spacious sky
Cloud, clouds(kumo) Japan, worldwide. Various Kigo.
Coins, Money (zeni) Japan Worldwide
Cold (samusa, samui), cold wave, cold spell (kanpa, kanpa) Japan, worldwide
..... Cold Dew (kanro) Japan
..... Colors in Haiku Traditional Japanese Colors
Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara), Europa Butterbur Dandelion, fuki tanpopo (Japan)
Coolness (suzushi) Japan. Cool breeze (ryoofuu) and many more.
..... including: Coolness in Autumn (aki suzushi)
Cool dry season Kenya
Cormorant fishing (ukai) Japan
Corpus Christi Procession Trinidad & Tobago, Germany (Fronleichnam)
Cosmos Flowers (Japan)
Cotton ly (watamushi) Japan. Snow fly (yukimushi), snow firefly (yuki hotaru, yukibotaru)
Cottonwood Populus deltoides (Midwestern US)
Cotton rose, Rose-Mallow (fuyoo, fuyo, fuyoh) Hibiscus mutabilis. Japan
Couple’s Day (fuufu no hi, Japan) February 2
Cow, Oxen (ushi) Japan
..... Cow (Pashu, Gai) The Holy Cow of India
..... Cowbells (Kuhglocken, Germany)
Crab (kani) Japan. Chesapeake Bay, USA King Crab (tarabagani), Queen Crab (zuwaigani), swamp crab (zawagani)
Crane, Grus japonensis (tsuru) Japan
Crape myrtle (sarusuberi) Japan, North America
Crappie (Pomoxis), North America
Cricket (koorogi)Japan and other autumn insects
Crisp, cool autumn weather .. sawayaka, Japan
Crocus (Europe, worldwide)
Crow, Raven karasu (Japan)
Cuckoo (kankodori), little cuckoo (hototogisu) Japan
........................................................... DDD
Daffodil, Narcissus and Jonquils Europa
Daigo Cherry Tree Daigo-zakura, Western Japan
Dance (odori, buyoo, mai) a haiku topic
..... Dance in India
Dandelion (tanpopo) Japan
Daphne (Jinchooge, Japan) Trident Daphne (Mitsumata) Plant
Daruma Flower (Darumasoo, Zazensoo, Japan
Daruma Memorial Day .. Daruma-ki, Japan
Day of Desolation .. Yom haShoah (Israel)
Day of the African Child Kenya, Africa, worldwide
Daylight Savings Time (DST) worldwide
Dead body, deceased person, corpse (hotoke) Japan Death Poems, Death Haiku
..... December Singers, Twelfth Month Singers (sekizoro) Japan
Deer (shika) Japan, other areas
Desires, Worldly desires, illusions, delusions (bonno) Japan
Devil's Claw (Southern USA) Teufelskralle
Dew, dewdrops (tsuyu) Japan heavy with dew, tsuyukeshi, tsuyukesa.beads of dew, tsuyu no tama.white dew, shiratsuyu, hakuro .. and many more
Divali (Diwali, India)
Dog Days (doyoo, Japan) Hundstage
Dog Winterberry (inu umemodoki)Japan. Ilex serrata.
Dogwood (Cornus family) .. (USA) yamabooshi (yamaboshi) Japan
Dollarbird (buppoosoo) Dollarbird and Eurasian Scops-Owl
Doll Festival (hina matsuri) Japan Peach Festival, Girl's Festival
Donkey (roba). Mule Japan, other regions
Dragon, a non-seasonal topic of Eastern Art
Dragonfly (tombo, tonbo) Japan
Drought (hideri, Japan)
Dussera, Dasara, Dussehra: Day Of Victory India
..... Navarati : Nine Nights Of Festivities
........................................................... EEE
Eagle(washi) Japan ..... including other birds of winter, fuyu no tori
Earth Day Worldwide
Earthworms's song (mimizu naku) Japan
Easter .. Easter Bunny, Easter Eggs, Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Basket, Easter Day and more
Edo, the flourishing town of Edo (hana no O-Edo)Japan. "Blossom Capital" flourishing town (hana no miyako)
Egg Nog
Egret (shirasagi) Japan
Elephant (zoo) (India, Africa)
Embankment, dike, levee (dote, teiboo) Japan Worldwide
Emperor’s Birthday, Japan (tennoo tanjoobi, tenno tanjobi)
Epiphany, Three Kings DayEurope, Christian communities
........ ......................................... Erika Schwalm, - In Memoriam
..... EUROPA Saijiki
Evening at home, nightwork (yonabe) Japan, worldwide
Evening Shower (yuudachi) Japan
........................................................... FFF
Fallen leaves (ochiba) Japan
Fan (oogi, uchiwa, Japan)
Fart, farting (he) Furz Japan, worldwide
..... fart-bug, stinkbug (he-kiri mushi)
Father's Day
Fern (shida) Japan Farnkraut
Festival (matsuri) Japan.Introduction
..... Festivals and Ceremonies of Japan Topical Saijiki
..... Festivals of India They are all kigo.
Fields, rice paddies (ta, hatake) Japan
Fig, Figs, Ficus carica Turkey
Fireflies (hotaru) (Japan)
Firework Display (hanabi, Japan)
..... First Ceremonies of the New Year (Japan)
... More Details about First Ceremonies in Japan
First Dream (hatsu yume, Japan)
... First Haiku 2007
First Kick-Ball Game (kemari hajime) Japan
First Water, "young water" (wakamizu) Japan. Including more kigo of this ceremony.
First Sun, First Sunrise (hatsuhi, hatsuhi no de) Japan
First Things (hatsumono) in Japan
First rainfall, imminent rain Kenya, tropical areas
First Snow (hatsuyuki) Japan
.. .. .. .. .. ..... FISH as a kigo
... ... ... ... Fish from Russia
Flamboyant Tree (Delonix regia) Kenya
Fleas (nomi) Japan. Including lice (shirami)
.. .. .. .. .. Flower, Cherry Blossom and Hana 花の話.
Flower Trump (hanafuda) Japan
Flute (fue, yokobue) Japan
Fly, Flies (hae) Japan, worldwide
Fly-swatter (haetataki) Japan ... fly catcher, haetori-ki.fly-catching paper, haetorigami.
.. .. .. .. .. Fog, Mist, Haze and more
Food from India
Food from Japan (washoku) Sweets from Japan (wagashi)
Forsythia (Forsythia suspensa)rengyoo Also : wax forsythia
Fortune cookies; "Haikookies", O-Mikuji worldwide
Fox (kitsune) Japan
... including Fox God Shrine Festival (Inari Matsuri)
Frangipani, PlumeriaKenya, Australia, India
Freezing, frozen (itsuru, kooru) Japan. Iced, under ice and more
Fringed orchid, "Egret plant, Heron plant" (sagisoo) Japan
Frog (kawazu, kaeru) (Japan) toad, green frog, tree frog, kajika and more
Frost (shimo, Japan) , Late Frost
..... Frost in India, a season of its own
Fruit Cricket. Prayer Gong Cricket (kanetataki) Japan
Fruit Harvest (Romania)
........................................................... GGG
Gadfly .(abu, Japan)
Ganesh The Elephant-headed God, (India)
..... Ganesh Chaturthi Festival India
Ganges, the Holy River Ganga (India)
Geminid Meteor Shower
Gentle breeze, soft breeze (Linde Lüfte) Germany
.. .. .. .. .. German Saijiki and Kiyose
Ginger (shooga) Hawaii, India, Japan. Hajikami pickles.
Gingko biloba tree Japan (gingko nut, ginnan)
Girl Scout Cookies USA
Goa Carnival India
Goats and Goat Meat Kenya
God of the Rice Paddies (ta no kami) Japan
Gods are absent (kami no rusu)Japan. Old lunar 10. month (now November)
Goldenrod (seitaka awadachisoo) Japan
Gorse, Ginster enishida (Japan)
Grackle Bird (Quiscalus mexicanus) Oklahoma, USA Great-tailed grackle, boat-tail grackle
Graduation (sotsugyoo, Japan) Abitur, Schulabschluss
..... Graduation Ceremony, Kenya
Grapefruit League , Cactus League, USA
Grapes and Grape Harvest, Vendanges budoo (Japan)
Grape Festival (Winzerfest, Wine Festival) (Europe)
Grape Hyacinth, Europa muscari, Lampenputzer
Grave (haka) Japan, worldwide
Grave marker (sotoba) Japan
Great Cold (daikan, Japan)
Grebe Bird (Alaska) kaitsuburi, nio (Japan)
Green in Haiku Traditional Japanese Colors: midori, aoi
Green Caterpillar "green insect" (aomushi, namushi) Japan Kenya
Grey (gray) in Haiku Traditional Japanese Colors: nezumi iro, hai iro
Groundhog Day North America, Europe
Guru (teacher) Sensei (Japan)
Gutsy Radish (dokonjoo daikon) Japan
........................................................... HHH
Hail (hyoo) Japan , also arare, snow pellets . worldwide
Hakama, the formal trouser-skirtJapan
..... Wearing the hakama for the first time, hakamagi
..... Noh-Performance in Hakama, hakama noo
Halloween, Hallowe’en North America
Hammock (worldwide)
..... Harvest and its various kigo
Harvest Festival (niiname no matsuri) Japan
Harvest Thanksgiving (Christian communities) Harvest Festival, Erntedankfest
Harvest Moon, North America
Hat, Straw hat, hood (kasa, zukin, booshi) Japan Worldwide
..... Hawaii Saijiki
Hawaiian Spirit
Hazel, hazelnut (hashibami) Japan
Henna (mehandi) India. mehendi, (mehndi) Heena
Heron (aosagi) Japan
Himalaya Mountains, India
Hiroshima Day also: Nagasaki Day, Japan
Hickory Nuts (Carya Fruits) North America
Holly Tree
Holocaust Day .. .. Auschwitz Day, Dachau Day
Holy Innocents Celebration Christian Catholic Communities
Homeland, Hometown (furusato) Japan Heimat, Fatherland, Motherland
Honey (hachimitsu) worldwide. Honey wine, mead
Honey Spas Russia. Also Apple Spas, Linen Spas. Honey Saviour.
Hoopoe, Upupa epops, Wiedehopf India
Horse (uma) Japan
..... Including various kigo such as plough horse, foal,cooling horses, fatten a horse, horse market, autumn colt, autumn pony, horses standing in the cold.
Horse chestnut (tochi) Japan ..... Horse Chestnut (Part 2)
.. .. .. Hot Drinks, a List
Hot Whiskey (Toddy, Irish Coffee)
Hula Dance and the Goddess Laka Hawaii
Humidity, steaming hot, sultry (shikke, mushiatsushi) Japan
Humid Southern wind (shippuu) Japan
..... Hungary Collection of the Europa Saijiki
Hunger Moon (North America)
Hungry Demons, Hungry Ghosts (gaki) Japan
Hunter's Moon England
Hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis) Europe, Japan, other areas
........................................................... III 200509
Ibis (Hadada) Kenya .. (Toki, Japan)
Ice, Icicle (koori, tsurara) (Japan)
Iced Coffee, aisu-koohii (Japan) Hot Coffee
Idd ul Fitr (Ramadan ends) Kenya. Eid Al-Fitr, Eid ul-Fitr
Ikebana Flower Arrangement (Japan)
Independence Day worldwide
..... Independence Day (India)
..... ..... ..... INDIA SAIJIKI
.. .. Indian Food (India)
Indian Summer koharubi Japan
Insects (mushi) Autumn insects, aki no mushi, Japan. Including grashoppers, locusts, crickets, praying mantiss and many more.
Incense (India) senkoo (Japan)
..... ..... ..... IRELAND, IRISH SAIJIKI
Iris (ayame, Japan) shoobu, hanashoobu, airisu, Kakitsubata
.. .. .. ISSA and his Season Words
........................................................... JJJ
Jacaranda (tropical tree) Kenya
Jamhuri Day Kenya
January Worldwide ... January in Japan (ichigatsu)
January Sale Ireland
.. .. .. .. .. JAPANESE Saijiki, Univ. of Virginia. Most extensive !
.. .. .. .. .. Japanese 500 Season Words
Jelly Bean Cake (mizu yookan) Japan, red bean cake (mizuyokan)
Jizobon, Jizoo Bon 地蔵盆
Juggernaut Festival (India)
June (rokugatsu)
.. .. .. .. Alphabetical Index - World Kigo Database
.................................................... AAA
Advent Christian Communities
.. .. .. .. African Haiku
AIDS, World AIDS Day Kenya, worldwide
.. .. .. .. Alaska Kiyose
Alberta Family Day, Canada
All Saints’ Day
All Souls' Day
Ambedkar Jayanti, Memorial Day India
Amida Prayer (Namu Amida Butsu) Japan. Amitabha
Angelus Prayer (Catholic Communities)
Anklets (payal) India, Bracelets, Bangles
Ant, ants (ari)Japan, worldwide. Termites, fire ants
Apple (ringo) Japan. Including candy apple, apple pie and many more
April (shigatsu)
..... April Fool (shigatsu baka) Japan. Worldwide
Armistice Day Europe (Poppy Day, Rememberance Day, Veterans Day)
..... Aroma, Smell, Fragrance in various kigo
Ash Wednesday
Aum (阿吽) A-Un, Om. India
..... Australian Seasons, Australian Saijiki
Autumn (aki, Japan)
. Autum Cherry Shikizakura (Japan)
. Autumn Equinox (aki higan) Japan
. Autumn Festival (aki matsuri) Japan
. Autumn Leaves (momiji, Japan) yellow leaves, colored leaves
. Autumn Melancholy Europe
Avocado pear (Kikuyu : Mûkorobîa) Kenya
Azalea (Japan) Tsutsuji, Satsuki, Oomurasaki
........................................................... BBB
..... Bahati Haiku Poetry Club, Kenya
BAMBOO .. An Asian Plant
Bhagavad Gita (India)
Banyan Tree (India)
Bargain SalesWorldwide
Baseball Playoff USA (05)
..... Baseball Winter Meetings, USA
Basho Memorial Day (Basho-Ki) Japan
Battledore (hagoita) Japan
Beach Pea (hama-endoo, Japan)
Bee (mitsubachi)
Begonia (shuukaidoo, shukaido) Japan
Bell, Temple Bell (kane, tsurigane, waniguchi, dootaku) Japan
..... Bell, Temple Bell in India
Bellows Festival (fuigo matsuri) Japan
Berlin Wall (Berliner Mauer) Cold War (Kalter Krieg), Iron Curtain (eiserner Vorhang). Germany
Between the Years (zwischen den Jahren, Germany)
Bhagavad Gita (India)
........ Haiku in Bhutan
Binzuru, Ceremony for the Arhat Binzuru (Binzuru mawashi) Japan
Birds of Winter Japan
Bird Haze in Spring (torigumori), "birds and wind", torikaze Japan.
..... Including "tori ni kumo" birds and clouds. flower haze, hanagumori. herring clouds, nishingumori.
Bird droppings Worldkide
Blackthorn (Europa)
Blinds, summer curtains (sudare)Japan. Inclucing bamboo blinds, seating mats (goza), rattan chairs (too isu) and a few more summer items for the home.
Blowfish (fugu, Japan) .. Puffer, Globefish, Swellfish
Bodhidarma, Daruma san in Japan
Bombax (Chorisia Tree) Kenya
Bon Festival (o-bon) (05) Japan.
..... Awaodori Dance (05) Japan, Bon-Odori, Bon-Dance
..... Bon Boats for Souls (shooryoobune) (05) Japan
..... Bon Flowers (bonbana) (05) Japan
..... Jizobon, Jizoo Bon 地蔵盆
..... Bon Stove (bongama) (05) Japan
..... Bon of Wind (kaze no bon) (05) Japan
Bonifacio Day Philippines
Bowing, bow (o-jigi, ojigi) Japanese greeting etiquette
Bread (pan) Worldwide
Briar Berry Briar Berries
Bridge (hashi) Japan Worldwide
Brigid's Day (Ireland) St. Brigid
Buckwheat (soba), Buckwheat flowers Japan
Buddha, Shakyamuni, Shaka India, Japan
Buddhabird (buppoosoo) (05) Dollarbird and Eurasian Scops-Owl; Japan
Buddha's Birthday, Flower Festival, Flower Hall (kanbutsu-e, shuuni-e, hahamatsuri, hana midoo Japan
Buddha's Seat (hotoke no za)(Japan)
.. .. .. .. Buddhist Ceremonies and Events, a topical Saijiki Festivals of Japan
Bukusu Culture, Babukusu People Kenya
..... Bulgaria Collection of the Europa Saijiki
Butterbur sprouts (fuki no too) and butterbur (fuki) Japan
Butterfly (choo)Japan. Worldwide
..... Butterfly in Winter(fuyu no choo) Japan including frozen/freezing butterfly (itechoo)
"Buy Nothing Day" Worldwide
........................................................... CCC
Caladium (Elephant Ears) Tropics
..... Calendar Systems, Asian Lunar Calendar, 12 Zodiac Animals, 24 Seasons
Helpful reference to understand Japanese Haiku Seasons.
Camellia (tsubaki) Sasanka, Sazanka, yabutsubaki, ochitsubaki
..... ..... Canada Saijiki
Candle Night (Japan)
Card Games (karuta) Japan
Carnation, Nelke Japan. Wild Carnation (nadeshiko)
Carneval (Carnival) see also Shrovetide
Carp Streamers (koinobori, Japan)
Cassia Blossom (Kenya)
Cat (neko, Japan)
Caterpillars worldwide
..... Including : hairy caterpillar, woolybear, kemushi
..... looper, inchworm, shakutori
..... ..... Caterpillar, Hairy Caterpillar of Kenya
Cemetery Sunday Ireland (Roman Catholic parishes)
Cherry Blossoms (sakura, Japan) ... and many related kigo
..... ..... Chesapeake Bay Saijiki (USA)
Chestnut, sweet chestnut (kuri) Japan
Chidambaram Dance Festival India, Tamil Nadu
Child, Children (kodomo) of all kinds
Chimney Sweeping, chimney sweep, Schornsteinfeger England, Germany
Chittorgarh Fort (Rajasthan) India
... Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesii) Weihnachtskaktus
...Christmas Moon
...Christmas Tree
Chrysanthemum kiku, chiyomigusa (Japan)
..... Wild Chrysantheumu (nogiku) Japan
Chrysanthemum Festival kiku matsuri (Japan)
Cicada (semi) Japan, other areas
Clear Autumn Sky (ten takashi, Japan) ... high autumn sky, spacious sky
Cloud, clouds(kumo) Japan, worldwide. Various Kigo.
Coins, Money (zeni) Japan Worldwide
Cold (samusa, samui), cold wave, cold spell (kanpa, kanpa) Japan, worldwide
..... Cold Dew (kanro) Japan
..... Colors in Haiku Traditional Japanese Colors
Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara), Europa Butterbur Dandelion, fuki tanpopo (Japan)
Coolness (suzushi) Japan. Cool breeze (ryoofuu) and many more.
..... including: Coolness in Autumn (aki suzushi)
Cool dry season Kenya
Cormorant fishing (ukai) Japan
Corpus Christi Procession Trinidad & Tobago, Germany (Fronleichnam)
Cosmos Flowers (Japan)
Cotton ly (watamushi) Japan. Snow fly (yukimushi), snow firefly (yuki hotaru, yukibotaru)
Cottonwood Populus deltoides (Midwestern US)
Cotton rose, Rose-Mallow (fuyoo, fuyo, fuyoh) Hibiscus mutabilis. Japan
Couple’s Day (fuufu no hi, Japan) February 2
Cow, Oxen (ushi) Japan
..... Cow (Pashu, Gai) The Holy Cow of India
..... Cowbells (Kuhglocken, Germany)
Crab (kani) Japan. Chesapeake Bay, USA King Crab (tarabagani), Queen Crab (zuwaigani), swamp crab (zawagani)
Crane, Grus japonensis (tsuru) Japan
Crape myrtle (sarusuberi) Japan, North America
Crappie (Pomoxis), North America
Cricket (koorogi)Japan and other autumn insects
Crisp, cool autumn weather .. sawayaka, Japan
Crocus (Europe, worldwide)
Crow, Raven karasu (Japan)
Cuckoo (kankodori), little cuckoo (hototogisu) Japan
........................................................... DDD
Daffodil, Narcissus and Jonquils Europa
Daigo Cherry Tree Daigo-zakura, Western Japan
Dance (odori, buyoo, mai) a haiku topic
..... Dance in India
Dandelion (tanpopo) Japan
Daphne (Jinchooge, Japan) Trident Daphne (Mitsumata) Plant
Daruma Flower (Darumasoo, Zazensoo, Japan
Daruma Memorial Day .. Daruma-ki, Japan
Day of Desolation .. Yom haShoah (Israel)
Day of the African Child Kenya, Africa, worldwide
Daylight Savings Time (DST) worldwide
Dead body, deceased person, corpse (hotoke) Japan Death Poems, Death Haiku
..... December Singers, Twelfth Month Singers (sekizoro) Japan
Deer (shika) Japan, other areas
Desires, Worldly desires, illusions, delusions (bonno) Japan
Devil's Claw (Southern USA) Teufelskralle
Dew, dewdrops (tsuyu) Japan heavy with dew, tsuyukeshi, tsuyukesa.beads of dew, tsuyu no tama.white dew, shiratsuyu, hakuro .. and many more
Divali (Diwali, India)
Dog Days (doyoo, Japan) Hundstage
Dog Winterberry (inu umemodoki)Japan. Ilex serrata.
Dogwood (Cornus family) .. (USA) yamabooshi (yamaboshi) Japan
Dollarbird (buppoosoo) Dollarbird and Eurasian Scops-Owl
Doll Festival (hina matsuri) Japan Peach Festival, Girl's Festival
Donkey (roba). Mule Japan, other regions
Dragon, a non-seasonal topic of Eastern Art
Dragonfly (tombo, tonbo) Japan
Drought (hideri, Japan)
Dussera, Dasara, Dussehra: Day Of Victory India
..... Navarati : Nine Nights Of Festivities
........................................................... EEE
Eagle(washi) Japan ..... including other birds of winter, fuyu no tori
Earth Day Worldwide
Earthworms's song (mimizu naku) Japan
Easter .. Easter Bunny, Easter Eggs, Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Basket, Easter Day and more
Edo, the flourishing town of Edo (hana no O-Edo)Japan. "Blossom Capital" flourishing town (hana no miyako)
Egg Nog
Egret (shirasagi) Japan
Elephant (zoo) (India, Africa)
Embankment, dike, levee (dote, teiboo) Japan Worldwide
Emperor’s Birthday, Japan (tennoo tanjoobi, tenno tanjobi)
Epiphany, Three Kings DayEurope, Christian communities
........ ......................................... Erika Schwalm, - In Memoriam
..... EUROPA Saijiki
Evening at home, nightwork (yonabe) Japan, worldwide
Evening Shower (yuudachi) Japan
........................................................... FFF
Fallen leaves (ochiba) Japan
Fan (oogi, uchiwa, Japan)
Fart, farting (he) Furz Japan, worldwide
..... fart-bug, stinkbug (he-kiri mushi)
Father's Day
Fern (shida) Japan Farnkraut
Festival (matsuri) Japan.Introduction
..... Festivals and Ceremonies of Japan Topical Saijiki
..... Festivals of India They are all kigo.
Fields, rice paddies (ta, hatake) Japan
Fig, Figs, Ficus carica Turkey
Fireflies (hotaru) (Japan)
Firework Display (hanabi, Japan)
..... First Ceremonies of the New Year (Japan)
... More Details about First Ceremonies in Japan
First Dream (hatsu yume, Japan)
... First Haiku 2007
First Kick-Ball Game (kemari hajime) Japan
First Water, "young water" (wakamizu) Japan. Including more kigo of this ceremony.
First Sun, First Sunrise (hatsuhi, hatsuhi no de) Japan
First Things (hatsumono) in Japan
First rainfall, imminent rain Kenya, tropical areas
First Snow (hatsuyuki) Japan
.. .. .. .. .. ..... FISH as a kigo
... ... ... ... Fish from Russia
Flamboyant Tree (Delonix regia) Kenya
Fleas (nomi) Japan. Including lice (shirami)
.. .. .. .. .. Flower, Cherry Blossom and Hana 花の話.
Flower Trump (hanafuda) Japan
Flute (fue, yokobue) Japan
Fly, Flies (hae) Japan, worldwide
Fly-swatter (haetataki) Japan ... fly catcher, haetori-ki.fly-catching paper, haetorigami.
.. .. .. .. .. Fog, Mist, Haze and more
Food from India
Food from Japan (washoku) Sweets from Japan (wagashi)
Forsythia (Forsythia suspensa)rengyoo Also : wax forsythia
Fortune cookies; "Haikookies", O-Mikuji worldwide
Fox (kitsune) Japan
... including Fox God Shrine Festival (Inari Matsuri)
Frangipani, PlumeriaKenya, Australia, India
Freezing, frozen (itsuru, kooru) Japan. Iced, under ice and more
Fringed orchid, "Egret plant, Heron plant" (sagisoo) Japan
Frog (kawazu, kaeru) (Japan) toad, green frog, tree frog, kajika and more
Frost (shimo, Japan) , Late Frost
..... Frost in India, a season of its own
Fruit Cricket. Prayer Gong Cricket (kanetataki) Japan
Fruit Harvest (Romania)
........................................................... GGG
Gadfly .(abu, Japan)
Ganesh The Elephant-headed God, (India)
..... Ganesh Chaturthi Festival India
Ganges, the Holy River Ganga (India)
Geminid Meteor Shower
Gentle breeze, soft breeze (Linde Lüfte) Germany
.. .. .. .. .. German Saijiki and Kiyose
Ginger (shooga) Hawaii, India, Japan. Hajikami pickles.
Gingko biloba tree Japan (gingko nut, ginnan)
Girl Scout Cookies USA
Goa Carnival India
Goats and Goat Meat Kenya
God of the Rice Paddies (ta no kami) Japan
Gods are absent (kami no rusu)Japan. Old lunar 10. month (now November)
Goldenrod (seitaka awadachisoo) Japan
Gorse, Ginster enishida (Japan)
Grackle Bird (Quiscalus mexicanus) Oklahoma, USA Great-tailed grackle, boat-tail grackle
Graduation (sotsugyoo, Japan) Abitur, Schulabschluss
..... Graduation Ceremony, Kenya
Grapefruit League , Cactus League, USA
Grapes and Grape Harvest, Vendanges budoo (Japan)
Grape Festival (Winzerfest, Wine Festival) (Europe)
Grape Hyacinth, Europa muscari, Lampenputzer
Grave (haka) Japan, worldwide
Grave marker (sotoba) Japan
Great Cold (daikan, Japan)
Grebe Bird (Alaska) kaitsuburi, nio (Japan)
Green in Haiku Traditional Japanese Colors: midori, aoi
Green Caterpillar "green insect" (aomushi, namushi) Japan Kenya
Grey (gray) in Haiku Traditional Japanese Colors: nezumi iro, hai iro
Groundhog Day North America, Europe
Guru (teacher) Sensei (Japan)
Gutsy Radish (dokonjoo daikon) Japan
........................................................... HHH
Hail (hyoo) Japan , also arare, snow pellets . worldwide
Hakama, the formal trouser-skirtJapan
..... Wearing the hakama for the first time, hakamagi
..... Noh-Performance in Hakama, hakama noo
Halloween, Hallowe’en North America
Hammock (worldwide)
..... Harvest and its various kigo
Harvest Festival (niiname no matsuri) Japan
Harvest Thanksgiving (Christian communities) Harvest Festival, Erntedankfest
Harvest Moon, North America
Hat, Straw hat, hood (kasa, zukin, booshi) Japan Worldwide
..... Hawaii Saijiki
Hawaiian Spirit
Hazel, hazelnut (hashibami) Japan
Henna (mehandi) India. mehendi, (mehndi) Heena
Heron (aosagi) Japan
Himalaya Mountains, India
Hiroshima Day also: Nagasaki Day, Japan
Hickory Nuts (Carya Fruits) North America
Holly Tree
Holocaust Day .. .. Auschwitz Day, Dachau Day
Holy Innocents Celebration Christian Catholic Communities
Homeland, Hometown (furusato) Japan Heimat, Fatherland, Motherland
Honey (hachimitsu) worldwide. Honey wine, mead
Honey Spas Russia. Also Apple Spas, Linen Spas. Honey Saviour.
Hoopoe, Upupa epops, Wiedehopf India
Horse (uma) Japan
..... Including various kigo such as plough horse, foal,cooling horses, fatten a horse, horse market, autumn colt, autumn pony, horses standing in the cold.
Horse chestnut (tochi) Japan ..... Horse Chestnut (Part 2)
.. .. .. Hot Drinks, a List
Hot Whiskey (Toddy, Irish Coffee)
Hula Dance and the Goddess Laka Hawaii
Humidity, steaming hot, sultry (shikke, mushiatsushi) Japan
Humid Southern wind (shippuu) Japan
..... Hungary Collection of the Europa Saijiki
Hunger Moon (North America)
Hungry Demons, Hungry Ghosts (gaki) Japan
Hunter's Moon England
Hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis) Europe, Japan, other areas
........................................................... III 200509
Ibis (Hadada) Kenya .. (Toki, Japan)
Ice, Icicle (koori, tsurara) (Japan)
Iced Coffee, aisu-koohii (Japan) Hot Coffee
Idd ul Fitr (Ramadan ends) Kenya. Eid Al-Fitr, Eid ul-Fitr
Ikebana Flower Arrangement (Japan)
Independence Day worldwide
..... Independence Day (India)
..... ..... ..... INDIA SAIJIKI
.. .. Indian Food (India)
Indian Summer koharubi Japan
Insects (mushi) Autumn insects, aki no mushi, Japan. Including grashoppers, locusts, crickets, praying mantiss and many more.
Incense (India) senkoo (Japan)
..... ..... ..... IRELAND, IRISH SAIJIKI
Iris (ayame, Japan) shoobu, hanashoobu, airisu, Kakitsubata
.. .. .. ISSA and his Season Words
........................................................... JJJ
Jacaranda (tropical tree) Kenya
Jamhuri Day Kenya
January Worldwide ... January in Japan (ichigatsu)
January Sale Ireland
.. .. .. .. .. JAPANESE Saijiki, Univ. of Virginia. Most extensive !
.. .. .. .. .. Japanese 500 Season Words
Jelly Bean Cake (mizu yookan) Japan, red bean cake (mizuyokan)
Jizobon, Jizoo Bon 地蔵盆
Juggernaut Festival (India)
June (rokugatsu)
Backup Index from K to M
........................................................... KK KK
Kagura Dance (Japan)
Kale, cabbage (sukumawiki) Kenya
Kamehameha Day Hawaii
.. .. .. .. .. Kenya Saijiki
..... ..... Keywords, non-seasonal topics / LIST
Khadi handspun cotton (India)
"Kigo" and "haiku" as Haiku Topics
Kite flying, India and Pakistan
Koel, Koil, Kuil, a Bird (Eudynamys scolopacea) India. oni kakkoo (Japan).
Kokuseki-Ji Naked Festival Japan
Komodo Dragon Indonesia
... ... ... Korean Haiku Sijo
Kotatsu, heated Table (Japan)
Kumbh Mela, Kumbmela, Kumbha Mela FestivalIndia
........................................................... LLL
Labour Day, USA
Labour Thanksgiving Day (kinroo kansha no hi) Japan
Labyrinth, Maze
Ladakh : Haiku and Kigo India
Ladybird (tentoomushi) Ladybug, Glückskäfer
Lampionflower (hoozuki, Japan)
Last Ceremonies of the year (Japan)
Last Day of the Year (oomisoka, Japan)
..... Last Fudo Ceremony of a year(osame-Fudo) (Japan)
..... Last Daishi Ceremony of a year (osame no Daishi) (Japan)
Laughter, laughing, first laughter (hatsu warai) Japan. Ebisu.
Leaf Watching momijigari Japan
.......... Part 1: Leaf watching, leaf peeping (momijigari )
Leaves on the hair, leafy hair (ko no ha gami, ko-no-ha-gami) Japan
Lent (Europe)
Leonid Meteor Shower .. .. Geminid Meteor Shower
Light offerings afloat (tooroo nagashi) (05) mukaebi, okuribi (Japan)
Lightning (inazuma) Japan
Lingering Heat (zanshoo) Japan
Loincloth (fundoshi) Japan
Long days (hinaga), long nights (nagaki yo)
Long Rains, a season (Kenya)
Lotus(hasu, renge) Japan
..... Lotus (padma) India
Love and Kigo
Love-Bug (Southern US)
........................................................... MMM
Maasai Cattle (Masai Cattle) Kenya, Nairobi
Mackerel Clouds (iwashigumo) Japan
Magnolia (mokuren, kobushi, hoo no hana, Japan)
Maize (toomorokoshi, tookibi), Corn (koon), Millet (kibi) Japan Kenya
Manatee North America
Mandala Worldwide
Mandarin Ducks (oshidori) Japan. Duck (kamo)
Mango (Kenya)
..... Mango Blossoms, India
Marathon Kenya, worldwide. Marathon Runner. Paralympics, special olympics.
Martisor (Amulet) (Romania)
May (gogatsu)
Medical Kigo, seasonal affections and disorders SAD, the FLU ...
Meditation (dhyana) (India)
Melon (uri) Japan. Watermelon (suika). Snake gourd (karasu uri).
Mermaid Parade, N.Y., USA
Migrating Birds (wataridori) (Japan)
Missing Children's Day International
Mistletoe (yadogiri) Japan
Monkey, Hanuman, Langur (India) saru (Japan)
.. .. .. .. MOON and its LINKS..
..... Moon, waxing (moondraam pirai) India
Monsoon ..(India, South Asia)
Morning-Glory (asagao) Japan
..... Bindweed (hirugao). Evening Face (yorugao)
Mortality, dying, death (shi ni yuku) Japan Worldwide
Mosquitoes (ka, Japan)
..... Mosquitoes in Kenya
Moss (koke) Japan
Moss pink (shibazakura) Japan
Mother (o-fukuro) Japan
... ... Mother's Day
... ... Mothering Sunday, Laetare (Europe)
... ... Mother Goddess in all cultures
Moths, Tiger Moth, various typesJapan. "Summer insects" natsu no mushi
Mountain, peak, hill (yama, gake, oka) Japan Worldwide.
Mountains sleep yama nemuru, mountains smile (yama warau ) Japan
Mourning Kenya, worldwide
Mu, Shunyata : void, nothingness Japan, India, worldwide
Mud (Swahili : matope) Kenya
..... including: Brickmaking, Dry mud, Bukusu Initiation (Circumcision) in Kenya
..... Spring Mud, haru no doro, shundei in Japan
Mud snails, paddy snails (tanishi) Japan
Mugwort, Artemisia princeps (yomogi) Japan
Mulled wine (gloegg, Gluehwein)
Mushrooms (kinoko, Japan ki no ko, take
Music of India
..... Music: Raagam
..... Music: Shruthi
........................................................... NNN
Nairobi Bomb Day (Kenya)
Nairobi Int. Trade Fair (Kenya)
Naked Festivals (hadaka matsuri) Japan
Nandina (Nanten, Japan)
Needle, Sewing needle memorial service (hari kuyoo) Japan
Nehru, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s Memorial Day, Children's Day India
..... Nepal, Haiku Information INDIA SAIJIKI
New Year (shinnen, shin nen) Worldwide
..... New Year Ceremonies of Japan A topical Saijiki
..... New Year's Day (ganjitsu) Japan
..... New Year's Tea, Good Luck Tea, lucky tea (fukucha) Japan
..... New Zealand and Tasmania Haiku "Kiwi Haiku"
Nightingale, bush warbler (uguisu) Japan
Nine Eleven 2001, USA 9/11. September Eleven
Nirvana Ceremony Nehan-E, Jooraku-E (Japan)
Nobel Prize Europe, worldwide
Noodle Soup (kama-age udon) Japan
..... North America Saijiki Introduction
Nozaki Pilgrimage, Japan
........................................................... OOO
Oktoberfest (Germany)
Olympics, Olympic Games Worldwide. Special Olympics, Paralympics.
O-Mizutori, Omizutori Ceremony) Shuni-E Ceremony Nara, Japan
Oranges, Mandarin Oranges, Tangerines Kenya. Mikan (Japan)
Owl (fukuroo) mimizuku. Snowy Owl (Japan) Eule, Uhu
Oysters (kaki) Japan Including Pearls (shinju) and mother-of-pearl
........................................................... PPP
Paddy, Fields, rice paddies (ta, hatake) Japan
Panchatantra, a Fable India
Pansy, Pansies Europe, sanshoku sumire (Japan)
Papad Bread (papadam, poppadom, papadum, and appalam) India
Papaya fruit. Carica papaya India
Parade of the bands (Trinidad and Tobago)
Parang .. Serenaders (Trinidad and Tobago)
Parrots Southern California
Patrick's Day (Ireland) St. Patrick's Day
Peace (Swahili : Amani) Kenya
Peacock, Kujaku and Haiku Japan, peacock butterfly (kujakuchoo)
Pelican Australia, Kenya
Pemmican (Romania)
Peony (botan, Japan Winter Peony (kan botan)
..... Periods of Japanese History Reference Material
..... Periods and eras of Japanese History (nengoo, Nengô) Reference Material
Persimmon (Japan) (kaki, hoshigaki)
Pheasant (kiji) Japan, worldwide
Pheasant's Eye (fukujusoo) (Japan)
..... Philippines Saijiki
..... Philosophical Haiku India
Pigeon, pidgeon, dove (hato) Japan dove whistling (hatobue)
Pilgrimage (henro) Part 1 (Japan) .. Pilgrimage Part 2
Pine (matsu, Japan)
Pipal tree (Ficus religiosa) Peepul or Bo tree. Fig Tree, figs (ichijiku) Japan.
Plover (chidori) Japan
Plum blossom (ume) Japan
Plumbago <> KIGO
Poacher's Moon
Polar Night Polar Circle
Pottery, Pots and Plates (yakimono) Japan
Poui Tree (Tropics)
Pounding Rice (mochi tsuki) Japan, Philippines
..... New Year's Rice Dumplings (toshi no mochi, kagamimochi, zoonimochi) and a few more
..... The Hare/Rabbit in the Moon
Power Stone, Strenght Stone (chikara ishi, Japan) weight lifting competition
Prayer FlagsWorldwide
Praying Mantis, Mantid (Japan) kamakiri,tooroo
.. .. .. Prairie : North American Prairie Saijiki
Prickly Pear (North America, Opuntia Family)
..... Provinces of Old and Prefectures of Modern Japan Reference Material
........................................................... QQQ
Quince Blossom (boke no hana, Japan)
........................................................... RRR
Radish (daikon) Japan. Pickled radish, takuan.
.. .. .. .. Rain in various KIGO (Japan)
... Rain on Cherry Blossoms (hana no ame) Japan
... Rainbow (niji) Japan
... Rain Gutters Cleaning North America
... Rain Rituals (amagoi) Japan. Rain Dance, Rain Prayer, Regenzauber
... Rainy Season (tsuyu) Japan
Rakugo, comic storytelling performances Japan
..... Ramazan, Berat Kandil Turkey Leylatul Berat, Laylatul Barat
..... -- Ramadhan in Kenya
..... Ramadan ends (Idd ul Fitr) Kenya
Reformation Day (Reformationsfest, Germany)
Republic Day January 26 (India)
Rice wine (ricewine) sake, Japan Reiswein
River(kawa) Japan, worldwide
Rollerskates (India, worldwide) Rollerblades
.. .. .. .. .. Romanian Saijiki
Rumpot (Rumtopf) Germany
Running of the Bulls (El Encierro) SPAIN
Ryokan Day .. Ryokan-ki, Ryokan Memorial Day (Japan)
Kagura Dance (Japan)
Kale, cabbage (sukumawiki) Kenya
Kamehameha Day Hawaii
.. .. .. .. .. Kenya Saijiki
..... ..... Keywords, non-seasonal topics / LIST
Khadi handspun cotton (India)
"Kigo" and "haiku" as Haiku Topics
Kite flying, India and Pakistan
Koel, Koil, Kuil, a Bird (Eudynamys scolopacea) India. oni kakkoo (Japan).
Kokuseki-Ji Naked Festival Japan
Komodo Dragon Indonesia
... ... ... Korean Haiku Sijo
Kotatsu, heated Table (Japan)
Kumbh Mela, Kumbmela, Kumbha Mela FestivalIndia
........................................................... LLL
Labour Day, USA
Labour Thanksgiving Day (kinroo kansha no hi) Japan
Labyrinth, Maze
Ladakh : Haiku and Kigo India
Ladybird (tentoomushi) Ladybug, Glückskäfer
Lampionflower (hoozuki, Japan)
Last Ceremonies of the year (Japan)
Last Day of the Year (oomisoka, Japan)
..... Last Fudo Ceremony of a year(osame-Fudo) (Japan)
..... Last Daishi Ceremony of a year (osame no Daishi) (Japan)
Laughter, laughing, first laughter (hatsu warai) Japan. Ebisu.
Leaf Watching momijigari Japan
.......... Part 1: Leaf watching, leaf peeping (momijigari )
Leaves on the hair, leafy hair (ko no ha gami, ko-no-ha-gami) Japan
Lent (Europe)
Leonid Meteor Shower .. .. Geminid Meteor Shower
Light offerings afloat (tooroo nagashi) (05) mukaebi, okuribi (Japan)
Lightning (inazuma) Japan
Lingering Heat (zanshoo) Japan
Loincloth (fundoshi) Japan
Long days (hinaga), long nights (nagaki yo)
Long Rains, a season (Kenya)
Lotus(hasu, renge) Japan
..... Lotus (padma) India
Love and Kigo
Love-Bug (Southern US)
........................................................... MMM
Maasai Cattle (Masai Cattle) Kenya, Nairobi
Mackerel Clouds (iwashigumo) Japan
Magnolia (mokuren, kobushi, hoo no hana, Japan)
Maize (toomorokoshi, tookibi), Corn (koon), Millet (kibi) Japan Kenya
Manatee North America
Mandala Worldwide
Mandarin Ducks (oshidori) Japan. Duck (kamo)
Mango (Kenya)
..... Mango Blossoms, India
Marathon Kenya, worldwide. Marathon Runner. Paralympics, special olympics.
Martisor (Amulet) (Romania)
May (gogatsu)
Medical Kigo, seasonal affections and disorders SAD, the FLU ...
Meditation (dhyana) (India)
Melon (uri) Japan. Watermelon (suika). Snake gourd (karasu uri).
Mermaid Parade, N.Y., USA
Migrating Birds (wataridori) (Japan)
Missing Children's Day International
Mistletoe (yadogiri) Japan
Monkey, Hanuman, Langur (India) saru (Japan)
.. .. .. .. MOON and its LINKS..
..... Moon, waxing (moondraam pirai) India
Monsoon ..(India, South Asia)
Morning-Glory (asagao) Japan
..... Bindweed (hirugao). Evening Face (yorugao)
Mortality, dying, death (shi ni yuku) Japan Worldwide
Mosquitoes (ka, Japan)
..... Mosquitoes in Kenya
Moss (koke) Japan
Moss pink (shibazakura) Japan
Mother (o-fukuro) Japan
... ... Mother's Day
... ... Mothering Sunday, Laetare (Europe)
... ... Mother Goddess in all cultures
Moths, Tiger Moth, various typesJapan. "Summer insects" natsu no mushi
Mountain, peak, hill (yama, gake, oka) Japan Worldwide.
Mountains sleep yama nemuru, mountains smile (yama warau ) Japan
Mourning Kenya, worldwide
Mu, Shunyata : void, nothingness Japan, India, worldwide
Mud (Swahili : matope) Kenya
..... including: Brickmaking, Dry mud, Bukusu Initiation (Circumcision) in Kenya
..... Spring Mud, haru no doro, shundei in Japan
Mud snails, paddy snails (tanishi) Japan
Mugwort, Artemisia princeps (yomogi) Japan
Mulled wine (gloegg, Gluehwein)
Mushrooms (kinoko, Japan ki no ko, take
Music of India
..... Music: Raagam
..... Music: Shruthi
........................................................... NNN
Nairobi Bomb Day (Kenya)
Nairobi Int. Trade Fair (Kenya)
Naked Festivals (hadaka matsuri) Japan
Nandina (Nanten, Japan)
Needle, Sewing needle memorial service (hari kuyoo) Japan
Nehru, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s Memorial Day, Children's Day India
..... Nepal, Haiku Information INDIA SAIJIKI
New Year (shinnen, shin nen) Worldwide
..... New Year Ceremonies of Japan A topical Saijiki
..... New Year's Day (ganjitsu) Japan
..... New Year's Tea, Good Luck Tea, lucky tea (fukucha) Japan
..... New Zealand and Tasmania Haiku "Kiwi Haiku"
Nightingale, bush warbler (uguisu) Japan
Nine Eleven 2001, USA 9/11. September Eleven
Nirvana Ceremony Nehan-E, Jooraku-E (Japan)
Nobel Prize Europe, worldwide
Noodle Soup (kama-age udon) Japan
..... North America Saijiki Introduction
Nozaki Pilgrimage, Japan
........................................................... OOO
Oktoberfest (Germany)
Olympics, Olympic Games Worldwide. Special Olympics, Paralympics.
O-Mizutori, Omizutori Ceremony) Shuni-E Ceremony Nara, Japan
Oranges, Mandarin Oranges, Tangerines Kenya. Mikan (Japan)
Owl (fukuroo) mimizuku. Snowy Owl (Japan) Eule, Uhu
Oysters (kaki) Japan Including Pearls (shinju) and mother-of-pearl
........................................................... PPP
Paddy, Fields, rice paddies (ta, hatake) Japan
Panchatantra, a Fable India
Pansy, Pansies Europe, sanshoku sumire (Japan)
Papad Bread (papadam, poppadom, papadum, and appalam) India
Papaya fruit. Carica papaya India
Parade of the bands (Trinidad and Tobago)
Parang .. Serenaders (Trinidad and Tobago)
Parrots Southern California
Patrick's Day (Ireland) St. Patrick's Day
Peace (Swahili : Amani) Kenya
Peacock, Kujaku and Haiku Japan, peacock butterfly (kujakuchoo)
Pelican Australia, Kenya
Pemmican (Romania)
Peony (botan, Japan Winter Peony (kan botan)
..... Periods of Japanese History Reference Material
..... Periods and eras of Japanese History (nengoo, Nengô) Reference Material
Persimmon (Japan) (kaki, hoshigaki)
Pheasant (kiji) Japan, worldwide
Pheasant's Eye (fukujusoo) (Japan)
..... Philippines Saijiki
..... Philosophical Haiku India
Pigeon, pidgeon, dove (hato) Japan dove whistling (hatobue)
Pilgrimage (henro) Part 1 (Japan) .. Pilgrimage Part 2
Pine (matsu, Japan)
Pipal tree (Ficus religiosa) Peepul or Bo tree. Fig Tree, figs (ichijiku) Japan.
Plover (chidori) Japan
Plum blossom (ume) Japan
Plumbago <> KIGO
Poacher's Moon
Polar Night Polar Circle
Pottery, Pots and Plates (yakimono) Japan
Poui Tree (Tropics)
Pounding Rice (mochi tsuki) Japan, Philippines
..... New Year's Rice Dumplings (toshi no mochi, kagamimochi, zoonimochi) and a few more
..... The Hare/Rabbit in the Moon
Power Stone, Strenght Stone (chikara ishi, Japan) weight lifting competition
Prayer FlagsWorldwide
Praying Mantis, Mantid (Japan) kamakiri,tooroo
.. .. .. Prairie : North American Prairie Saijiki
Prickly Pear (North America, Opuntia Family)
..... Provinces of Old and Prefectures of Modern Japan Reference Material
........................................................... QQQ
Quince Blossom (boke no hana, Japan)
........................................................... RRR
Radish (daikon) Japan. Pickled radish, takuan.
.. .. .. .. Rain in various KIGO (Japan)
... Rain on Cherry Blossoms (hana no ame) Japan
... Rainbow (niji) Japan
... Rain Gutters Cleaning North America
... Rain Rituals (amagoi) Japan. Rain Dance, Rain Prayer, Regenzauber
... Rainy Season (tsuyu) Japan
Rakugo, comic storytelling performances Japan
..... Ramazan, Berat Kandil Turkey Leylatul Berat, Laylatul Barat
..... -- Ramadhan in Kenya
..... Ramadan ends (Idd ul Fitr) Kenya
Reformation Day (Reformationsfest, Germany)
Republic Day January 26 (India)
Rice wine (ricewine) sake, Japan Reiswein
River(kawa) Japan, worldwide
Rollerskates (India, worldwide) Rollerblades
.. .. .. .. .. Romanian Saijiki
Rumpot (Rumtopf) Germany
Running of the Bulls (El Encierro) SPAIN
Ryokan Day .. Ryokan-ki, Ryokan Memorial Day (Japan)
Backup Index from S
........................................................... SSS
Safflower, saffron flower (benibana, beni no hana) Japan. Carthamus tinctorius
Saffron Crocus (Crocus sativus) safuron, safuran, Safran
Sage, Salbei, Salvia splendens et al. (sarubeea, seeji) Japan
Samurai, bushi, buke, tsuwamono, Daimyoo Japan
.. .. Saints: Their Memorial Days Links to the Saints
Salmon (sake) Japan
Salmonberry (North America, Southeast Alaska)
Sand (suna) Japan, worldwide
Sandalwood (chandan) India
Sanja Festival at Asakusa Kannon (Japan)
Santa Claus St. Nikolaus, Santa san . Worldwide
Santoka Memorial Day (Santooka ki) Japan
Sari Dress for Ladies, India
Saury Fish (sanma, Japan) Pacific Saury
Scarecrow (kakashi) Vogelscheuche Japan, worldwide. Bird rattles, bird scarers and more
Schoolyear begins Worldwide
.. .. .. Seasons and Categories General Points
Seaweed (kaisoo) Japan Including laver (nori), kelp (wakame), duckweed (mo) and agar agar (tengusa)
Secret Buddha Statues (hibutsu) Japan
Senior Citizen's Day. Respect for the Aged Day (keiroo no hi) Japan Including: Old people, elders, elderly and so on as haiku topics
Serpent Festival (Nag Panchami) India (Snake Festival)
Sesame (til, tila, gingili) India goma, goma no hana (Japan)
Setsubun (Japan) .. Bean Throwing Festival, February 3
Seven Herbs of Spring (haru no nanakusa) (Japan)
Seven Five Seven (shichigosan) Japan. Celebrating seven, five and three year old children
Shamisen (a musical instrument) Japan. sheperd's purse (shamisengusa)
Sheperds Winter (Romania)
Sheep (hitsuji) Kenya
Shiitake Mushrooms Japan
Short day (tanjitsu), short night (mijika yo) Japan
.. .. .. .. Shinto Ceremonies in Japan A topical Saijiki.
Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja, miya, guu) Japan see also : TEMPLE
Shrine day (shanichi) Japan. For the God of the Earth (tsuchi no kami)
Shiva Ratri Night, Festival India, Nepal, Hindu Communities
..... Short Rains, a Haiku Season in Kenya
Shrovetide Maslenitsa (Russia)
Sierra Nevada, High Sierra North America
Silence (maun) (India) . Shizukesa, Japan. Quietude, Stillness
...... Silence by Narayanan
..... Silence and Stones
..... Continue to ... Silence and Haiga
Sleet, rain mixed with snow, cold rain, wy drizzle (shigure) Japan, other areas
..... including
"village shower", passing winter shower, mura shigure. scattered winter showers, kata shigure. nightly sleet shower, sayo shigure. drizzling, sleet is falling, shigururu. / ice-rain (hi-same), rain in the cold (kan no ame)and many many more
Sliding paper doors (fusuma) Japan
Sliding doors (shooji) Japan. Also folding screens (byoobu, byobu)
Slippers, Toilet Slippers (surippaa, Hausschuhe) Japan and worldwide
Skunk Cabbage (Alaska) (Mizu-Bashoo, Japanese Skunk Cabbage)
..... Smell, Aroma, Fragrance in various kigo (koo, ka, nioi, kusai) smelling, sweetfish, fragrance of rice, mildew, perfume and more
Smelt, Osmerus mordax Fish in America, Cucumber Fish, kyuuri uo (Japan)
Snake, serpent, viper, cobra (hebi, mamushi, habu) Japan
Snake Gourd (karasu-uri, Japan) see also: sponge gourd (hechima)
Snapper in Australia
Snow (yuki) Japan . Many kigo related to snow.
Snowdrops Schneeglocken
Snow Geese (hakugan, kari, wataridori) Japan. Migratory birds.
Snowman (yuki Daruma) Japan (yuki-botoke)
Snow melting (yukidoke, Japan) thawing, thaw, defrost. Schneeschmelze
Soap bubbles (shabondama) Japan. Seifenblasen
Soccer, Football, Fussball. Europe Including other Winter Sport Kigo, such as Rugby, American Football, Bob Sley, Skiing, Skating, Ice Hockey
..... ..... ..... Sonoran Saijiki, USA
Sorrel, Hibiscus (Tropics)
Sound of Water (mizu no oto) Japan Translation Problems
..... Southern Cross Haiku Information about the Southern Hemisphere
Sparrow (suzume, Japan)
.. ... SPICES from India
Spiders ... (kumo, Japan) Spider web, Cob web. Spinne
Spider Lilies, cluster amaryllis (higanbana, manjushage, Japan)
Sponge gourd (hechima) Japan, also Masaoka Shiki Memorial Day, Hechima-ki
Spring (haru, Japan)
... Spring equinox, vernal equinox Japan
... Spring at the Zoo , also Bird's Nest
... Spring Peace Mild spring weather (nodoka, Japan)
... Spring light, spring shining (shunkoo) Japan
..... wind shining (kaze hikaru) Japan
Sprinkling Water (uchimizu, Japan)
Star Festival (Tanabata, Japan)
Start of School Year, School Year starts(Kenya)
Stephen’s Day Europe, christian communities
Stepping on a Christian image (fumi-e, ebumi) Japan
Stone Lantern (ishidooroo) Japan
Storm, Gales Europa
Strawberries Cranberries
Straw hat, hat, cap, hood (kasa, booshi, zukin (Japan)
Summer (natsu, Japan)
..... Summer in India Kigo Collection
..... Summer sash (natsu obi, natsuobi) Japan
..... Summer Solstice (geshi) Worldwide
Sunset (yuuhi) Japan Worldwide
Surfer, Surfing, Surf Hawaii, worldwide
Swallow (tsubame, Japan)
Sweets from Japan (wagashi)
Swift, Mauerseegler Germany
Swing (buranko) Japan
Safflower, saffron flower (benibana, beni no hana) Japan. Carthamus tinctorius
Saffron Crocus (Crocus sativus) safuron, safuran, Safran
Sage, Salbei, Salvia splendens et al. (sarubeea, seeji) Japan
Samurai, bushi, buke, tsuwamono, Daimyoo Japan
.. .. Saints: Their Memorial Days Links to the Saints
Salmon (sake) Japan
Salmonberry (North America, Southeast Alaska)
Sand (suna) Japan, worldwide
Sandalwood (chandan) India
Sanja Festival at Asakusa Kannon (Japan)
Santa Claus St. Nikolaus, Santa san . Worldwide
Santoka Memorial Day (Santooka ki) Japan
Sari Dress for Ladies, India
Saury Fish (sanma, Japan) Pacific Saury
Scarecrow (kakashi) Vogelscheuche Japan, worldwide. Bird rattles, bird scarers and more
Schoolyear begins Worldwide
.. .. .. Seasons and Categories General Points
Seaweed (kaisoo) Japan Including laver (nori), kelp (wakame), duckweed (mo) and agar agar (tengusa)
Secret Buddha Statues (hibutsu) Japan
Senior Citizen's Day. Respect for the Aged Day (keiroo no hi) Japan Including: Old people, elders, elderly and so on as haiku topics
Serpent Festival (Nag Panchami) India (Snake Festival)
Sesame (til, tila, gingili) India goma, goma no hana (Japan)
Setsubun (Japan) .. Bean Throwing Festival, February 3
Seven Herbs of Spring (haru no nanakusa) (Japan)
Seven Five Seven (shichigosan) Japan. Celebrating seven, five and three year old children
Shamisen (a musical instrument) Japan. sheperd's purse (shamisengusa)
Sheperds Winter (Romania)
Sheep (hitsuji) Kenya
Shiitake Mushrooms Japan
Short day (tanjitsu), short night (mijika yo) Japan
.. .. .. .. Shinto Ceremonies in Japan A topical Saijiki.
Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja, miya, guu) Japan see also : TEMPLE
Shrine day (shanichi) Japan. For the God of the Earth (tsuchi no kami)
Shiva Ratri Night, Festival India, Nepal, Hindu Communities
..... Short Rains, a Haiku Season in Kenya
Shrovetide Maslenitsa (Russia)
Sierra Nevada, High Sierra North America
Silence (maun) (India) . Shizukesa, Japan. Quietude, Stillness
...... Silence by Narayanan
..... Silence and Stones
..... Continue to ... Silence and Haiga
Sleet, rain mixed with snow, cold rain, wy drizzle (shigure) Japan, other areas
..... including
"village shower", passing winter shower, mura shigure. scattered winter showers, kata shigure. nightly sleet shower, sayo shigure. drizzling, sleet is falling, shigururu. / ice-rain (hi-same), rain in the cold (kan no ame)and many many more
Sliding paper doors (fusuma) Japan
Sliding doors (shooji) Japan. Also folding screens (byoobu, byobu)
Slippers, Toilet Slippers (surippaa, Hausschuhe) Japan and worldwide
Skunk Cabbage (Alaska) (Mizu-Bashoo, Japanese Skunk Cabbage)
..... Smell, Aroma, Fragrance in various kigo (koo, ka, nioi, kusai) smelling, sweetfish, fragrance of rice, mildew, perfume and more
Smelt, Osmerus mordax Fish in America, Cucumber Fish, kyuuri uo (Japan)
Snake, serpent, viper, cobra (hebi, mamushi, habu) Japan
Snake Gourd (karasu-uri, Japan) see also: sponge gourd (hechima)
Snapper in Australia
Snow (yuki) Japan . Many kigo related to snow.
Snowdrops Schneeglocken
Snow Geese (hakugan, kari, wataridori) Japan. Migratory birds.
Snowman (yuki Daruma) Japan (yuki-botoke)
Snow melting (yukidoke, Japan) thawing, thaw, defrost. Schneeschmelze
Soap bubbles (shabondama) Japan. Seifenblasen
Soccer, Football, Fussball. Europe Including other Winter Sport Kigo, such as Rugby, American Football, Bob Sley, Skiing, Skating, Ice Hockey
..... ..... ..... Sonoran Saijiki, USA
Sorrel, Hibiscus (Tropics)
Sound of Water (mizu no oto) Japan Translation Problems
..... Southern Cross Haiku Information about the Southern Hemisphere
Sparrow (suzume, Japan)
.. ... SPICES from India
Spiders ... (kumo, Japan) Spider web, Cob web. Spinne
Spider Lilies, cluster amaryllis (higanbana, manjushage, Japan)
Sponge gourd (hechima) Japan, also Masaoka Shiki Memorial Day, Hechima-ki
Spring (haru, Japan)
... Spring equinox, vernal equinox Japan
... Spring at the Zoo , also Bird's Nest
... Spring Peace Mild spring weather (nodoka, Japan)
... Spring light, spring shining (shunkoo) Japan
..... wind shining (kaze hikaru) Japan
Sprinkling Water (uchimizu, Japan)
Star Festival (Tanabata, Japan)
Start of School Year, School Year starts(Kenya)
Stephen’s Day Europe, christian communities
Stepping on a Christian image (fumi-e, ebumi) Japan
Stone Lantern (ishidooroo) Japan
Storm, Gales Europa
Strawberries Cranberries
Straw hat, hat, cap, hood (kasa, booshi, zukin (Japan)
Summer (natsu, Japan)
..... Summer in India Kigo Collection
..... Summer sash (natsu obi, natsuobi) Japan
..... Summer Solstice (geshi) Worldwide
Sunset (yuuhi) Japan Worldwide
Surfer, Surfing, Surf Hawaii, worldwide
Swallow (tsubame, Japan)
Sweets from Japan (wagashi)
Swift, Mauerseegler Germany
Swing (buranko) Japan
Backup Index from T to Z
........................................................... TTT
Tagore Memorial Day Rabindranath Tagore, India
Tamarack, Larch (karamatsu)
Tansen The Musician, India
Target (mato) Japan. Bull's Eye. Including Bow, Arrow, Archery.
..... Tea Ceremony Saijiki 茶道の歳時記 Japan
Tea, Black Tea from Kenya India
New Year's Tea, Good Luck Tea (fukucha) Japan
Teacher's Day, Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Memorial Day India
Teeth strengthening (hagatame) Japan
..... rice cakes for strengthening the teeth, hagatame no mochi
Temple, Buddhist Temple (tera, -ji) Japan
..... TempleIndia
Three Kings Day, Epiphany
Thunder (kaminari) (05) also Lightning (inazuma) Japan
Tiger Dance (Huli Vesha, Puli Vesha) India,
..... ..... including Tiger as animal
Tipu tree (Tipuana tipu) Kenya
Tiruppavai of Andal Tamizhnadu, Tamil Nadu, India
Toadlily, Tricyrtis hirta (hototogisu) Japan
Tofu, toofu (hot, yudoofu) Japan
Toilet, outhouse (benjo, toire) Japan, worldwide
Travel, Traveler's Sky (tabi, tabi no sora) Japan, worldwide
Trekking (Trecking) Trek (India, worldwide). Backpacking
Trumpet Creeper (noozenkazura) (05) Japan, Campsis grandiflora
Trumpet Flower (datura) Korean Morning Glory, Mandala Flower (mandarage). Angel's Trumpet Flower. Japan, North America.
Tukaram Celebrations India
Tumeric (ukon) (India) Kurkuma, Curcuma, Gelbwurz
... ... ... ... Kiyose for Turkey
Typhoon (Japan) Hurricane Typhoon, Hurricane Part II
........................................................... UUU
Umbrella (Kenya)
Umewaka Memorial Day and Temple Mokubo-Ji (Umewaka Ki) Japan
..... Great Amida Prayer Ceremony (Mokuboji dainenbutsu )
........................................................... VVV
Vailankanni (Velankanni), Festival in Chennai, India
Valentine’s Day Japan, worldwide
Veronica, field speedwell, Europa inufuguri (Japan)
Vog (Volcanic Smog) (Hawaii, Big Island)
..... Voices of an Animal (xx no koe) Japan. Many examples and translation possibilities.
........................................................... WWW
Wading Pool, Spray Park Canada
Walnut (kurumi) Japan
Walpurgis Night (walpurgisnight) Walpurgisnacht (Germany)
War and Peace (sensoo to heiwa)
..... Warm Things to keep you warm in Winter in Japan A KIGO list.
..... ..... Including furniture, clothing and food.
Wasabi, Japanese horseradish Japan
..... Water in various kigo
including: water birds, water lily, water melon and many more
Water clears, clear water (mizu sumu) Japan. Water in Autumn (aki no mizu)
Water Shortage (Tropics)
Water Strider, water boatman, water spider, water horse (amenbo 水馬) Japan
..... also whirligig beetles, mizusumashi 水澄
Wattle in Bloom
Weasel (itachi) Japan
Weeds (zassoo) worldwide
Welch Onion Head (negi boozu) (Japan) Leek, Green Onion, Spring Onion
Whales, kujira (Japan)
..... WHITE in Haiku (shiroi, haku) Japan
... White Day Japan
... White Night Polar Circle
Wild Boar (inoshishi) Japan
Wildflowers (kusa no hana), wild flowers in the fields (hana no) Japan
Wild Roses (ibara, nobara) Japan
Wimbledon Tennis Tournament ... collecting
.. .. .. .. .. WIND in various kigo (05)
Wind Chimes (fuurin)Japan
Window (mado) Japan
Winter (fuyu, Japan)
..... Winter Cherry Blossoms (fuyuzakura)(Japan)
..... Winter drizzle, sleet (shigure) Japan. Many more related kigo.
..... Winter in India
..... . Winter Seclusion fuyugomori Japan
..... . Winter Solstice (tooji, Japan)
Wintersweet (roobai) Japan
Wisteria Cutting Ceremony (Fuji Kiri Eshiki)Japan Wisteria (fuji)
Withered fields, rice paddies (kareno, karita) Japan
Withered plants, withered weeds (karekusa, kusagare) Withering plants. Japan
Withering Wind, Cold Gale (kogarashi) Japan
Wolf (ookami) Japan
Women's Day International Women's Day, Mimosa Day (Russia)
Woodpecker (kistutsuki, kera, kitataki ) Japan
..... World Days ..... a growing list
World AIDS Day Kenya, worldwide
World Music Day India, worldwide
World Peace Day International Day of Peace. Ahimsa: India, worldwide. Weltfriedenstag
World Youth Day (Weltjugendtag). Italy, Germany, worldwide
........................................................... XXX
........................................................... YYY
Yellow Mountain Rose (yamabuki, Japan)
Yellow Sand (koosa, kosa)(Japan, China)
Yew Tree (ichi i, ichii, ichi-i)Japan. Taxus cuspida
Yoga India
Yom haShoah (Day of Desolation) (Israel)
Young leaves (wakaba, Japan)
Yuzu (Japan) a ctiron fruit
Zinnia, hyakunichisoo (one hundred days flower) Zinnia elegans Japan

... ... ... ... The World Kigo Database Back to the TOP
Tagore Memorial Day Rabindranath Tagore, India
Tamarack, Larch (karamatsu)
Tansen The Musician, India
Target (mato) Japan. Bull's Eye. Including Bow, Arrow, Archery.
..... Tea Ceremony Saijiki 茶道の歳時記 Japan
Tea, Black Tea from Kenya India
New Year's Tea, Good Luck Tea (fukucha) Japan
Teacher's Day, Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Memorial Day India
Teeth strengthening (hagatame) Japan
..... rice cakes for strengthening the teeth, hagatame no mochi
Temple, Buddhist Temple (tera, -ji) Japan
..... TempleIndia
Three Kings Day, Epiphany
Thunder (kaminari) (05) also Lightning (inazuma) Japan
Tiger Dance (Huli Vesha, Puli Vesha) India,
..... ..... including Tiger as animal
Tipu tree (Tipuana tipu) Kenya
Tiruppavai of Andal Tamizhnadu, Tamil Nadu, India
Toadlily, Tricyrtis hirta (hototogisu) Japan
Tofu, toofu (hot, yudoofu) Japan
Toilet, outhouse (benjo, toire) Japan, worldwide
Travel, Traveler's Sky (tabi, tabi no sora) Japan, worldwide
Trekking (Trecking) Trek (India, worldwide). Backpacking
Trumpet Creeper (noozenkazura) (05) Japan, Campsis grandiflora
Trumpet Flower (datura) Korean Morning Glory, Mandala Flower (mandarage). Angel's Trumpet Flower. Japan, North America.
Tukaram Celebrations India
Tumeric (ukon) (India) Kurkuma, Curcuma, Gelbwurz
... ... ... ... Kiyose for Turkey
Typhoon (Japan) Hurricane Typhoon, Hurricane Part II
........................................................... UUU
Umbrella (Kenya)
Umewaka Memorial Day and Temple Mokubo-Ji (Umewaka Ki) Japan
..... Great Amida Prayer Ceremony (Mokuboji dainenbutsu )
........................................................... VVV
Vailankanni (Velankanni), Festival in Chennai, India
Valentine’s Day Japan, worldwide
Veronica, field speedwell, Europa inufuguri (Japan)
Vog (Volcanic Smog) (Hawaii, Big Island)
..... Voices of an Animal (xx no koe) Japan. Many examples and translation possibilities.
........................................................... WWW
Wading Pool, Spray Park Canada
Walnut (kurumi) Japan
Walpurgis Night (walpurgisnight) Walpurgisnacht (Germany)
War and Peace (sensoo to heiwa)
..... Warm Things to keep you warm in Winter in Japan A KIGO list.
..... ..... Including furniture, clothing and food.
Wasabi, Japanese horseradish Japan
..... Water in various kigo
including: water birds, water lily, water melon and many more
Water clears, clear water (mizu sumu) Japan. Water in Autumn (aki no mizu)
Water Shortage (Tropics)
Water Strider, water boatman, water spider, water horse (amenbo 水馬) Japan
..... also whirligig beetles, mizusumashi 水澄
Wattle in Bloom
Weasel (itachi) Japan
Weeds (zassoo) worldwide
Welch Onion Head (negi boozu) (Japan) Leek, Green Onion, Spring Onion
Whales, kujira (Japan)
..... WHITE in Haiku (shiroi, haku) Japan
... White Day Japan
... White Night Polar Circle
Wild Boar (inoshishi) Japan
Wildflowers (kusa no hana), wild flowers in the fields (hana no) Japan
Wild Roses (ibara, nobara) Japan
Wimbledon Tennis Tournament ... collecting
.. .. .. .. .. WIND in various kigo (05)
Wind Chimes (fuurin)Japan
Window (mado) Japan
Winter (fuyu, Japan)
..... Winter Cherry Blossoms (fuyuzakura)(Japan)
..... Winter drizzle, sleet (shigure) Japan. Many more related kigo.
..... Winter in India
..... . Winter Seclusion fuyugomori Japan
..... . Winter Solstice (tooji, Japan)
Wintersweet (roobai) Japan
Wisteria Cutting Ceremony (Fuji Kiri Eshiki)Japan Wisteria (fuji)
Withered fields, rice paddies (kareno, karita) Japan
Withered plants, withered weeds (karekusa, kusagare) Withering plants. Japan
Withering Wind, Cold Gale (kogarashi) Japan
Wolf (ookami) Japan
Women's Day International Women's Day, Mimosa Day (Russia)
Woodpecker (kistutsuki, kera, kitataki ) Japan
..... World Days ..... a growing list
World AIDS Day Kenya, worldwide
World Music Day India, worldwide
World Peace Day International Day of Peace. Ahimsa: India, worldwide. Weltfriedenstag
World Youth Day (Weltjugendtag). Italy, Germany, worldwide
........................................................... XXX
........................................................... YYY
Yellow Mountain Rose (yamabuki, Japan)
Yellow Sand (koosa, kosa)(Japan, China)
Yew Tree (ichi i, ichii, ichi-i)Japan. Taxus cuspida
Yoga India
Yom haShoah (Day of Desolation) (Israel)
Young leaves (wakaba, Japan)
Yuzu (Japan) a ctiron fruit
Zinnia, hyakunichisoo (one hundred days flower) Zinnia elegans Japan

... ... ... ... The World Kigo Database Back to the TOP
Jacaranda by Shanna

Visitors drink from the sacred water of
Kiyomizudera, said to bring health and good
©Photo by Christopher Buchanan
from Isabelle

from Patrick Sensei

Jacaranda by Shanna

Visitors drink from the sacred water of
Kiyomizudera, said to bring health and good
©Photo by Christopher Buchanan
from Isabelle

from Patrick Sensei

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