Bedtime quilt (yogi)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Winter
***** Category: Humanity
In olden times, poor people uses a quilted kimono for the night. It could be used as a blanket and slipped in when there was need to go to the outhouse.
The quilting was made from cotton or other material for poor people.
This is not a pyjama in our Western image.

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bedtime quilt, night quilt, padded kimono, yogi
夜着 よぎ
..... kaimaki, 掻巻(かいまき)
short-length quilded kimono, koyogi 小夜着(こよぎ)
quilt, fusuma 衾

Click on the LINK to see how it is made.
© PHOTO Darumax store
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
The shikibuton in the towns of the Edo period ranged from lavish ones to poor ones, called like a thin rice cracker
senbei futon 煎餅布団 "rice cracker matress" and had only little cotton stuffing.
In Edo, futon usually ment the matress, whereas in Osaka (Kamigata) they began to use kakebuton quilted blanket covers a lot earlier.
There is a famous haiku of a disciple of Basho
Hattori Ransestu 服部嵐雪, who as a man from Edo was surprised to find the people in Kyoto using a blanket.
futon kite netaru sugata ya Higashiyama
wearing a futon
while he sleeps ...
. Higashiyama, District in Kyoto
. Keeping warm in Winter ... futons and more
yogi o kite aruite mitari doyoo-boshi
Summer airing:
Trying on a quilt,
And walking about in it.
Kikaku 基角
(Tr. Blyth)
Read a discussion about this translation.
Matsuo Basho Haiku Stone Memorial
At the temple Horaiji in Mikawa 三河の国蓬莱寺

© PHOTO 牛久市森田武さん撮影
yogi hitotsu inori-idashite tabine kana
on Mt. Horai
Due to the blasts of the north wind, it was a cold day. Basho was troubled by his usual illness, stomach ache, and was not able to climb all the way to the top. He may already have turned back after composing his haiku at the Niomon Gate. On top of that, it happened to be the day of the temple’s festival and Basho found that all inns at the foot of the mountain were occupied.
With difficulty, he managed to secure a small room in a dingy place. There was no proper bedding, and Basho felt cold and miserable. Hakusetsu ran up the mountain again to one of the subtemples to borrow a padded kimono for the haiku master to keep warm during the night. This inspired Basho to the second haiku of that day:
a padded kimono
received by prayer
sleeping on my journey
source : Ad Blankestijn - Japan Navigator
Written in 1691, 元禄4年10月末
MORE about
. - Basho visiting Hoorai san 蓬莱山 Mount Horai-San - .
Hooraiji 鳳来寺 Horai-Ji
MORE about tabine, sleeping on the road
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
yogi wa omoshi goten ni yuki o miru aran
the quilts are heavy -
snow falling in Goten
is clearly visible
Tr. Gabi Greve
The bedclothes are so heavy;
The snow of the sky of the Kingdom of Wu
Will soon be seen.
Tr. Blyth
. Goten 呉天 "The Sky of Wu" in China .
and Basho's personal style
hatsu aki ya tataminagara no kaya no yogi
first sign of autumn -
the folded mosquito net
as my blanket
Written in 1691 元禄4年秋
As the nights are getting cool, Basho uses his folded mosquito net to keep warm for this night.
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
kanetsuki ni yogi o hanaruru samusa kana
the ringing of the bell
drives me out of my bed quilting
and into the cold . . .
The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.
. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .
nezumi-ra yo shooben muyoo furu fusuma
hey mice
no pissing on my old
winter quilt!
Tr. David Lanoue
. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 Issa in Edo .
Related words
***** Warm Things to keep you warm in Winter in Japan A KIGO list.
***** Dog Days (doyoo, Japan) Hundstage
a face pokes out
the winter quilt...
"Hey, vegetable man!"
fusuma kara kao dashite yobu na uri kana
by Issa, 1813
The vegetable vendor (na uri) is making his rounds. Someone, swaddled in quilts, shouts out, presumably to get the vendor's attention.
Tr. David Lanoue
bedtime quilt ...
a worn childhood tale
about two teddy bears
worn-out quilt
my big toe still fits
in the hole
:>) Ella Wagemakers
Utsu no yama onna ni yogi o karite neru
Mount Utsu -
from a woman I borrow
a nightgown and sleep
Matsuo Basho, Saga Diary, April 25
Tr. Gabi Greve
hatsu aki ya / tatami nagara no / kaya no yogi
Matsuo Basho
yogi wa omoshi goten ni yuki o miru aran
The bedclothes are so heavy;
The snow of the sky of the Kingdom of Wu
Will soon be seen.
Matsuo Basho
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