Scissortail flycatcher
***** Location: North America
***** Season: Summer
***** Category: Animal
Tyrannus forficatus

State bird of Oklahoma.
A long-tailed insect-eating bird closely related to the kingbirds.
Adult birds have grey upper parts and light underparts with pinkish flanks. They have dark wings and an extremely long black tail. Immature birds are duller in colour and have a shorter tail.
Their breeding habitat is open shrubby country with scattered trees in the south central United States and northeastern Mexico. They build a cup nest in a tree or shrub on a branch, sometimes using artificial sites such as telephone poles. The male performs a spectacular aerial display during courtship with his long tail streaming out behind him. Both parents feed the young. Like other kingbirds, they are very aggressive in defending their nest.
They migrate to southern Mexico and Central America. They regularly stray to the ocean coasts of the US and are occasional visitors to southern Canada.
These birds feed mainly on insects which they catch by waiting on a perch and then flying out to catch them in flight. They also eat some berries.

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Scissor-tailed flycatcher
Worldwide use

fantail flycatcher
Fantails are small insectivorous birds of the Australasia, Southeast Asia and Indian Subcontinent belonging to the genus Rhipidura in the family Rhipiduridae. Most of the species are about 15 to 18 cm long, specialist aerial feeders, and named as "fantails", but the Australian Willie Wagtail, is a little larger, and though still an expert hunter of insects on the wing, concentrates equally on terrestrial prey.
The true wagtails are part of the genus Motacilla in the family Motacillidae and are not close relatives of the fantails.
Fantails are an Australasian family that has spread from as far as Samoa to northern India.
There are numerous species in Indonesia, the Philippines and in South East Asia, and the family ranges into southern China, India and the Himalayas.
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morning drizzle –
the arc of white spots
on the flycatcher’s fan tail
- Shared by Johannes Manjrekar -
Joys of Japan, July 2012
kigo for early summer
flycatcher, blue-and-white flycatcher, ooruri おおるり
ruri 瑠璃(るり), rurichoo 瑠璃鳥(るりちょう)
small flycatcher, koriri 小瑠璃 (こるり)
RURI means lapis lazuli
Formosan Whistling-Thrush
Field flycatcher, nobitaki 野鶲 (のびたき)
Japanese Paradise Flycatcher, sankoochoo 三光鳥 (さんこうちょう)
lit. three times sparkling bird
Terpsiphone atrocaudata

"Lapislazuli flycatcher", ruri bitaki 瑠璃鶲 (るりびたき)
"shark flycatcher", same bitaki 鮫鶲 (さめびたき)
kosame bitaki 小鮫鶲(こさめびたき)

Narcissus flycatcher, kibitaki 黄鶲 (きびたき)
Ficedula narcissina
. shitataki tarojo シタタキ タロジョ .
kibitaki toy from Kagoshima Shrine
. WKD : Birds of Summer .
Things found on the way
scissortail flycatcher --
the yield sign reflects
morning sun
"chibi" (pen-name for Dennis M. Holmes)
Dawn has come again
The Flycatcher flew today
Bye beautiful birds
Robert L. Huntsman
source : 2005 - allpoetry.com/poem
- Reference - Flycatcher Haiku -
Related words
***** Oklahoma Saijiki
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