The New Year in Haiku lasts from January 1 to 15.
Shoogatsu used to co-incide with the first month of spring in the old lunar calendar, from the new moon to the full moon on the 15.
Therefore it was also the first month of spring in the old system.
Many kigo of this "early spring / new year / January as late winter" time bracket need to be checked carefully.
When the new saijiki were compiled according to the solar calendar, a fifth season, the NEW YEAR was introduced to avoid these complications. Many of the preparations for the New Year, done in December, are also problematic with respect to the season.
. Names of Months and the Haiku Seasons

First Spring (hatsu haru)
hatsuharu, and more kigo of the New Year season
"long spring" 春永 (はるなが) haru naga
eiyoo 永陽(えいよう), eijitsu永日(えいじつ)
New Year 新年 (しんねん) shinnen
toshi hajime 年の始(としのはじめ), aratama no toshi あらたまの年(とし)
atarashiki toshi 新しき年(あたらしきとし)、あらたしき年(とし)
aratamaru toshi 改まる年(あらたまるとし)
mukaeru toshi 迎うる年(むかうるとし)
wakaki toshi 若き年(わかきとし) "young year"
toshi aku 年明く(としあく)、 toshi tatsu 年立つ(としたつ)
toshi tachikaeru 年立ちかえる(としたちかえる)
toshi kawaru 年変る(としかわる) "the year changes"
toshi no ha 年の端(としのは)
toshi no hana 年の花(としのはな)
nentoo 年頭(ねんとう)、 hatsutoshi 初年(はつとし)
shinsai 新歳(しんさい)、kainen 改年(かいねん)
honen 甫年(ほねん)、nenshi 年始(ねんし)、nensho 年初(ねんしょ)
shoogatsu 正月 (しょうがつ) , oshoogatsu お正月(おしょうがつ)
kotoshi 今年 (ことし), honnen 今年(こんねん)toonen 当年(とうねん)
New Year's Day (ganjitsu) 元日
New Year's Morning 元朝 (がんちょう) ganchoo
gantan 元旦(がんたん)、oo-ashita 大旦(おおあした)、
keitan 鶏旦(けいたん)、saitan 歳旦(さいたん)、
kaitan 改旦(かいたん)、sakutan 朔旦(さくたん)、
hatsu ashita 初旦(はつあした)、gansan 元三(がんさん)、
sanchoo 三朝(さんちょう)、sangen 三元(さんげん)、sanshi 三始(さんし)
mitsu no ashita 三の晨(みつのあした)、mitsu no hajime 三の始(みつのはじめ)
Second Day of the Year 二日 (ふつか) futsuka
kujitsu 狗日(くじつ)、futsuka no sake 二日の酒(ふつかのさけ)
futsuka no fuji 二日の富士(ふつかのふじ) Mt. Fuji on the second day
futsuka no umi 二日の海(ふつかのうみ)the sea on the second day
futsuka no machi 二日の町(ふつかのまち) the village on the second day
Third Day of the Year 三日 (みっか) mikka
chojitsu 猪日(ちょじつ)
first three days 三ガ日 (さんがにち) sanganichi
Fourth Day 四日 (よっか) yokka
yoojitsu 羊日(ようじつ)
Fifth Day 五日 (いつか) itsuka
gyujitsu 牛日(ぎゅうじつ)
Sixth Day 六日 ( むいか) muika
bajitsu 馬日(ばじつ) "day of the horse"
muikadoshi 六日年(むいかどし)
Seventh Day 七日 (なぬか) nanuka
nanoka 七日(なのか)、jinjitsu 人日(じんじつ)、hito no hi 人の日(ひとのひ)
ganshichi 元七(がんしち)
reishin 霊辰(れいしん)、jinshoosetsu 人勝節(じんしょうせつ)
Day seven of the New Year
七日正月 (なぬか しょうがつ ) nanuka shoogatsu
七日の節句(なのかのせっく) nanoka no sekku
Day 20 of the New Year
二十日正月 (はつかしょうがつ ) hatsuka shoogatsu
hone shoogatsu 骨正月(ほねしょうがつ)、
kashira shoogatsu 頭正月(かしらしょうがつ)、eating fish with a head
dango shoogatsu 団子正月(だんごしょうがつ)、eating dumplings
mugi shoogatsu 麦正月(むぎしょうがつ)、mugimeshi shoogatsu 麦飯正月 (eating barley)
kojiki shougatsu 乞食正月(こじきしょうがつ)
tororo shoogatsu とろろ正月(とろろしょうがつ)
hattai shoogatsu はったい正月(はったいしょうがつ)
. yakko shoogatsu 奴正月(やっこしょうがつ)
New Year holiday for the yakko servants
. yaito shoogatsu 灸正月(やいとしょうがつ) moxibustion on the New Year day
first day 30 of the New Year
初三十日 (はつみそか) hatsu misoka
hatsu misoka 初晦日(はつみそか)
misoka yoi 晦日宵(みそかよい)
misoka dango 晦日団子(みそかだんご)dumplings for the 30st day
misoka shoogatsu 晦日正月(みそかしょうがつ)、
tsuta no shoogatsu 蔦の正月(つたのしょうがつ)
Ancestors New Year (Hotoke Shoogatsu)
Little New Year .. ko shoogatsu (January 15)

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mugi shogatsu in Hyogo - legend
三次市 Miyoshi // 庄原市 Shobara
On the 20th day of the New Year (mugimeshi shoogatsu 麦飯正月 eating barley) Yamanokami goes to the forest to cound the trees.
If a person goes to the forest on this day, he will be counted as a tree and later experience disasters.
So this is a holiday for the forest workers.
hayari shoogatsu はやり正月 (取越正月 torikoshi shogatsu)
This is a New Year ritual in a different season (if misfortune had been hard and the villagers want to change the fate.)
The young folks hang a Shimenawa sacred rope over the road to the village and the elders now take a rest from the usual farm work.
This custom is also called 盆正月 bon shogatsu.
It was often held on the first day of the second or sixth lunar month. It was popular in the Edo period as a means to get one holiday.
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