Enjoying snow (yukimi)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Late Winter
***** Category: Humanity
Enjoying snow is one way to cope with it.
There are quite a few related kigo on the enjoyment, in times with no central heating ... !
yukimi in Edo 江戸の雪見


墨田堤や 各所の高台
source : tukitodora.exblog.jp
yukimi 雪見 (ゆきみ) snow viewing
to enjyoy the beautiful snowy scenery
yukimi no en 雪見の宴(ゆきみのえん)snow-viewing party
yukimibune 雪見船(ゆきみぶね)boat for snow-viewing
yukimikoo 雪見行(ゆきみこう)to go and enjyoy the beautiful snowy scenery
yukimizake 雪見酒(ゆきみざけ)ricewine while enjoying snow
yukimigasa 雪見笠(ゆきみがさ)straw hat for enjoying snow viewing
yuki no tomo 雪の友(ゆきのとも)a friend to enjoy the snow with
... yuki no hito 雪の人(ゆきのひと)
kan mimai 寒見舞 (かんみまい) visiting a friend in the cold season
... kanchuu mimai 寒中見舞(かんちゅうみまい)
yuki mimai 雪見舞 (ゆきみまい) visiting a friend during the snow season
This is done in person or by sending a letter or postcard.
yukikeshi 雪消し(ゆきけし)"make the snow forget" by bringing sweets or fruit to a friend in January
yukikeshi in late spring
hikan 避寒 (ひかん) wintering
pass the winter (the extreme cold) in a warmer region
hikanchi 避寒地 winter resort
hikan yado 避寒宿(ひかんやど)place to spend the cold, wintering hotel
Worldwide use
Things found on the way

Snowman (yuki Daruma) Japan (yuki-botoke)
hikusugiru hikan no yado no tsukue kana
it is too low -
the table in this
winter hotel
Furuya Nobuko 吉屋信子 (1896 - 1973)
keshigomu no kasu mina nagaki hikan kana
the crumbs of the eraser
are all so long -
wintering at home
Yotsuya Ryuu 四ツ谷 龍
Related words
***** Winter (fuyu, Japan) the season
***** Snow (yuki) Japan . Many kigo related to snow.
***** Check the WKD LIST of
. HUMANITY and All Winter Kigo
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昔は 寒かったな~
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