Animals in Summer
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Summer
***** Category: Animal
Many animals have their main entry in a different season and when mentioned in summer, this has to be added explicitly.
animal in summer
Please check the entries carefully!
In summer, we have a lot of MUSHI 虫, all kinds of insects, bugs, worms, beetles ...
LIST of the Animals in our WKD database
ANIMALS - in all SUMMER kigo
. SEARCH animals names
from A to J
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from K to Z
. BIRDS of SUMMER - Saijiki
. FISH and SEAFOOD - Saijiki
Kigo for early summer
Kigo for mid-summer
Kigo for late summer
hanukedori 羽抜鳥 (はぬけどり) molting bird
hanukedori 羽脱鶏 / 羽抜鶏 (はぬけどり) molting chicken
hanukegamo 羽抜鴨(はぬけがも)molting duck (kamo)
hanuke kiji 羽抜雉子(はぬけきじ)molting pheasant
tori no kaeha 鳥の換羽(とりのかえば) birds changing feathers
nukeha 抜羽 (ぬけは) molted feather
Kigo for all summer
hamaki mushi 葉捲虫 (はまきむし)
"insect that rolls up leaves"
..... cha no ha maki 茶の葉捲虫(ちゃのはまき) ..of tea leaves
There are variuos kinds.

hasamimushi, hasami mushi 挾虫 (はさみむし)
"pincer bug", earwig
shirihasami しりはさみ / 尻挟虫 insect that "attacks on both sides"
("attacks with its backside"), Ohrwurm
Forficula auricularia
magotaroo mushi 孫太郎虫 (まごたろうむし)
Protohermes grandis
another kind of earwig
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Ohrenkriecher, Ohrwurm
hiru 蛭 (ひる) leech, Blutegel
chisui hiru 血吸蛭(ちすいびる)blood sucking leech
yamabiru 山蛭(やまびる)mountain leech
umabiru 馬蛭(うまびる)horse leech
hirabiru 扁蛭(ひらびる)
Leeches are annelids comprising the subclass Hirudinea.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. 蛭児大神 Ebisu Deity
蛭児神社 Ebisu Shrine in Kagoshima

kabutomushi 兜虫 / 甲虫 (かぶとむし) "helmet insect"
rhinoceros beetle, カブトムシ, Kabutomushi beetle
family Coleoptera
kabutomushi 甲虫 "armored insect"
saikachimushi さいかち虫(皀莢虫)"grain-husk insect"
saikachi no hana 皀莢の花(さいかちのはな) honey-locust blossom
saikachi さいかち) Saikachi beetle
This is a favorite toy for children in Japan, and sold expensively at animal stores. Many mountain regions specialize on breeding these animals and have regular contests of strenght.
another name is
Genjimushi, Genji mushi 源氏虫(げんじむし) "Genji beetle"
. The Tale of Genji
. more . BEETLES of SUMMER
kusagi no mushi 常山虫 (くさぎのむし) "stinking bug"
..... kusagimushi くさぎ虫(くさぎむし)
kusagi kamemushi, クサギカメムシ Halyomorpha halys
namekuji 蛞蝓 (なめくじ) slug, Nacktschnecke
namekujiri なめくじり
namekujira なめくじら
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
nekirimushi, nekiri mushi 根切虫 (ねきりむし)
"root-cutting insect"
Larvae of various insects to this.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
shoomei, shoomeimushi 焦螟 (しょうめい) / 焦螟虫
stem borers
meichuu めいちゅう; メイチュウ (螟虫)
larvae of some moths.
teppoomushi, teppoo mushi 鉄砲虫 (てっぽうむし)
"cannon insect"
..... yanagi mushi 柳虫(やなぎむし)"willow insect"
kikui mushi 木食虫(きくいむし)"tree-eating insect"
larvae of the kamakiri mushi, mantis and others.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
Related words
SUMMER . . . . . ANIMALS -
. . . . SUMMER - the complete SAIJIKI
BACKUP of the Yahoo List
000 . . . . . ANIMALS in SUMMER
Introduction to this saijiki
001 . . . . . Birds of summer
002 . . . . . Fish and seafood
ant (ari), aphid (arimaki)
a KIGO list
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2005/01/ant-ari-05.html worldkigo
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ant lion, antlion doodlebug (ari jigoku, arijigoku)
"hell for the ants"
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2005/01/ant-ari-05.html worldkigo
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bat (koomori)
Chiroptera family
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2008/01/bat-koomori.html worldkigo
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beetles of summer
a . long . KIGO list
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2010/11/beetles.html worldkigo
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butterfly in summer (natsu no choo)
more BUTTERFLY kigo
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2005/02/butterfly-choochoo.html worldkigo
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caterpillar (kemushi) woolybear, looper, inchworm, shakutori
a KIGO list
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2005/03/caterpillars.html worldkigo
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centipede, millipede (mukade)
"one hundred legs".
http://haikuandhappiness.blogspot.com/2007/06/mukade.html worldkigo
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cidada, locust (semi)
more CICADA kigo. higurashi
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2005/03/cicada-semi-05.html worldkigo
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cockroach (gokiburi)
more BEETLES of summer
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2008/05/cockroach-gokiburi.html worldkigo
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damselfly (itotonbo, ito tonbo)
more DRAGONFLY kigo
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2005/04/dragonfly-tonbo-05.html worldkigo
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deer baby, fawn, Bambi (shika no ko)
more DEER kigo. young deer horns
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2005/04/deer-shika.html worldkigo
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dragonfly larvae (yago, tongo no ko)
more DRAGONFLY kigo. other dragonflies of summer
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2005/04/dragonfly-tonbo-05.html worldkigo
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drosophila fly (shoojoobae)
more about Shojo, the tipster sprite
http://wkdhaikutopics.blogspot.com/2007/03/yugen-yuugen.html worldkigo
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earthworm (mimizu)
mole cricket (kera)
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2010/10/earthworm-mimizu-and-mole-cricket.html worldkigo
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firefly, fireflies (hotaru)
more FIREFLY kigo
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2005/06/fireflies-hotaru-05.html worldkigo
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flea, fleas (nomi)
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2007/07/fleas-and-lice.html worldkigo
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fly, flies (hae)
more FLY kigo
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2005/06/fly-flies-hae.html worldkigo
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frog in summer (natsugaeru, natsu gaeru)
a FROG list. toad (hikigaeru)
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2005/06/frog-kawazu-kaeru.html worldkigo
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galley worm, house centipede (gejigeji)
http://wkdhaikutopics.blogspot.com/2007/12/onomatopoetic-words.html worldkigo
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ladybird, ladybug (tentoomushi)
Glueckskaefer, Marienkaefer
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2005/12/ladybird-tentoomushi-05.html worldkigo
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lizard, salamander, gecko and others
tokage, yamori, imori, sanshoo uo,
http://haikuandhappiness.blogspot.com/2007/06/lizard.html worldkigo
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louse, lice (shirami)
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2007/07/fleas-and-lice.html worldkigo
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maggot, maggots (uji, ujimushi)
and some hell paintings
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2009/11/maggot-ujimushi.html worldkigo
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mosquito, mosquitoes (ka). gnat (buyo), midge (mematoi)
more MOSQUITO kigo. daddy longlegs (gaganbo)
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2006/01/mosquitoes-ka.html worldkigo
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moth (ga) , clothes moth, bookworm (shimi)
hitori mushi 火取虫 fire catching insect/ a KIGO list
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2006/01/moth-ga.html worldkigo
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praying mantiss babies (ko kamakiri)
more MANTIS kigo
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2006/04/praying-mantis.html worldkigo
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salamander (sanshoouo), gecko (yamori, iimori)
a KIGO list about lizzards
http://haikuandhappiness.blogspot.com/2007/06/lizard.html worldkigo
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scorpion (sasori)
order Scorpionida. Skorpion
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2009/03/scorpion-sasori.html worldkigo
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sea turtle (umigame)
turtle babies (kame no ko) / more TURTLE kigo
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2008/05/turtle-kame.html worldkigo
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silkworm in summer (natsugo)
more SILKWORM kigo
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2007/08/silk-kinu.html worldkigo
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snail (katatsumuri, dedemushi)
Fam. Gastporopoa
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2007/03/snail-katatsumuri.html worldkigo
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snake, serpent (hebi), viper (habu)
a KIGO list
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2006/07/snake-hebi.html worldkigo
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sparrow egg (suzume no tamago)
more SPARROW kigo
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2006/07/sparrow-suzume.html worldkigo
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spider (kumo)
Spinne. a KIGO list
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2006/07/spider-kumo.html worldkigo
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tick (dani)
Fam. Acari. Zecke
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2007/07/fleas-and-lice.html worldkigo
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water beetles (mizumushi, gengoro, tagame ...)
a KIGO list
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2010/11/beetles.html worldkigo
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worms of all kinds
a KIGO list
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2010/10/earthworm-mimizu-and-mole-cricket.html worldkigo
zzz ..... Animals in Summer - SAIJIKI
Introduction to this saijiki
ANIMALS - - - the Complete SAIJIKI
Kobayashi Issa and leeches . . .
knowing it's full
of leeches, they enter
the deep paddy mud
someone staying
in this grass hut?
a leech drops on me
it seems
to dislike the hut --
the firefly leaves
to my son Sentaro:
first summer robes --
grow quickly, love mischief
be a total nuisance
the human world --
mountains are mountains
leeches fall on you
These five hokku, which may be meant by Issa to form a small hokku
series, are found next to each other in Issa's diary for the 6th month
(July) in 1816, the month after Issa's infant first child, a boy named
Sentaro, died on 5/11. In these five hokku Issa seems to move from the
bitter present back to the time when his son was born on 4/14, as if
he wished he could relive that time again, finally accepting the
present again. Issa was on the road a lot during this month, so these
hoku were probably written on a trip to a village near his hometown.
MORE of the comments by Chris Drake
- yamabiru -
yamabiru no ochite Hamana no chokuganji
mountain leeches
are falling down at Hamana
imperial temple
Hamada Kozue 浜田小枝
Ookaji 応賀寺(おうがじ)Oka-Ji - 鏡光山応賀寺
静岡県湖西市新居町中之郷68-1 / 68-1 Araichō Nakanogō, Kosai-shi, Shizuoka
Founded in 724 by 聖武天皇 Shomu Tenno
kaisan is . Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668-749) - Gyōki .
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