Planting and sowing in Summer
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Summer
***** Category: Humanity
. Planting . . . KIGO in all seasons

Since there are many weeds, vegetables are often planted in holes of black plastic sheets to keep the weeds off.
kigo for early summer
awa maki 粟蒔 (あわまき) sowing of foxtail millet
..... awa maku 粟蒔く(あわまく)sowing foxtail millet
. Foxtail millet (awa) and barn millet (hie)
mame uu 豆植う (まめうう) planting beans
..... mame maku 豆蒔く(まめまく)
planting soy beans, daizu maku 大豆蒔く(だいずまく)
planting adzuki, azuki maku 小豆蒔く(あずきまく)
. Beans (mame)
nasu uu 茄子植う (なすうう) planting eggplants
..... nasu nae ue 茄子苗植う(なすなえうう)planting eggplant seedlings
nasunae 茄子苗(なすなえ) eggplant seedlings
. Eggplant, aubergine (nasu)
satsumaimo uu, satsuma imo uu 甘藷植う (さつまいもうう)
planting sweet potatoes
..... imo sasu 藷挿す(いもさす)
sticking sweet potato seedlings in the earth
. Sweet potatoe (satsuma imo)
kigo for mid-summer
goma maki 胡麻蒔 (ごままき) sowing of sesame
..... goma maku 胡麻蒔く(ごままく) sowing sesame
. sesame, goma ゴマ、ごま、胡麻
hie maki 稗蒔 (ひえまき) sowing of barn millet
..... hie maku 稗蒔く(ひえまく)sowing barn millet
hiemaki uri 稗蒔売 (ひえまきうり) vendor of barn millet bonsai fields
all summer, they would walk around and sell little field imitations to make you feel cool inside, especially in expensive restaurants.
. Foxtail millet (awa) and barn millet (hie)
hiemaki ya tsukaretaru me ni midori nari
millet plants -
pleasant greenery for
my tired eyes
Tomiyasu Fusei (Tomiyasu Fuusei )
kibi maki 黍蒔 (きびまき) sowing of egg millet
..... kibi maku 黍蒔く(きびまく) sowing egg millet
Panicum miliaceum
. Egg millet (kibi)
Momotaro and the Millet Dumplings (kibidango)
wata maki 棉蒔 (わたまき) sowing of cotton
..... wata maku 棉蒔く(わたまく)sowing cotton
. Cotton (wata)
kigo for mid-summer

kiku sasu 菊挿す (きくさす)
to graft chrysanthemums
..... sashigiku 挿菊(さしぎく)
kiku sashime 菊挿芽(きくさしめ) bud for grafting a chrysanthemum
To multiply chrysanthemums, you can plant a seedling (kabuwake) in spring
or graft a bud during the rainy season.
. Chrysanthemum (kiku)

tsubaki sasu 椿挿す (つばきさす) to graft camellias
..... sashitsubaki 挿椿(さしつばき) grafted camellia
Planting camellias from a cut branch is best done during the rainy season.
Reference : camellia grafting
. Camellia (tsubaki)
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
Related words
***** . Planting KIGO in all seasons
Kigo for Summer
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こちらも毎日 庭使仕事で忙しくて 膝がいたい。。。
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