EARTH in Autumn
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Autumn
***** Category: Earth
Many phenomenon have their main entry in a different season and when mentioned in autumn, this has to be added explicitly
xxx in autumn
Please check the entries carefully!
Most of the heaven phenomenon have their own entry.
The LINKS to further kigo are given here.

Autumn is the time of harvest and of the splendid red autumn leaves. The autumn colors are often compared to brocade (nishiki 錦).
under construction
Kigo for early autumn
. bonnami, bon nami 盆波 (ぼんなみ) waves at O-Bon
bonare, bon are 盆荒(ぼんあれ)stormy weather at O-Bon
Kigo for mid-autumn
. otoshi mizu 落し水 (おとしみず) draining the paddies
mizu otosu (みずおとす)
tamizu otosu 田水落す(たみずおとす)、
seki hazusu 堰外す(せきはずす) opening the dams (between the paddies)
during the "dog days" (doyoo)
. aki demizu 秋出水 (あきでみず) autumn floods
flood, koozui 洪水(こうずい)
mizu mimai 水見舞(みずみまい)"inquiry after the water situation"
. hatsushio, hatsu shio 初潮 (はつしお) first (autumn) tide
hazukijio 葉月潮(はづきじお)tide of the eighth lunar month
..... mochi no shio 望の潮(もちのしお)
The tide at the full moon of autumn.

shiranui, shiranu-i 不知火 (しらぬい) "unknown light"
ryuutoo 龍燈(りゅうとう)"dragon lanterns"
A phenomenon at the Ariakekai sea in Kagoshima, Kyushu, in the evening hours.
. Ryuto haiku by Matsuo Basho .
with an illustration of the phenomenon
- quote -
... not very famous across Japan, but it is famous locally in Hiroshima, particularly on the island of Itsukushima (also known as Miyajima). Arguably the most famous landmark in Hiroshima (after the atomic bomb dome and peace park), nearly everyone has seen the iconic image of the big torii gate reflected in the shallow waters of the bay.
Ryūtō appears once per year, on New Years day. I painted this image two years ago while viisiting Hiroshima over winter break. I was off by just one day; I happened to be there on New Years Eve, so I just missed the lights by 24 hours. However, even without them the bay is absolutely gorgeous at sunset and at night. I painted the dragon lights out of my own imagination, but the sheer beauty of the scene even with phantom fire was more powerful than any painting can capture.

The lights are supposedly visible from the tiny town in the mountains around the island, and the townspeople gather around to view them. They are a sign that the holy dragon god is happy and healthy and still favors the bay around the island. If you’ve ever seen the amazing beauty of Itsukushima, with its tidal pools and shrine built on top of the water, it is hard to imagine how the dragon god could not be happy.
- source : Matthew Meyer -
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Ryūtō are kaika which appear just above the surface of the water on calm, peaceful nights. They create no heat, nor do they burn anything. They are only found in bodies of water which are home to dragons.
Ryūtō start out as single orbs of flame which hover a few meters above the surface of the water. They soon begin to multiply, until there are countless orbs. These fireballs float about aimlessly along the water, stretching and shrinking and morphing their shapes. Some of them sink back into the water. Others float up into the sky or nestle into the treetops. At dawn, they merge back together into one orb before vanishing back into the sea.
Ryūtō are considered by the Japanese to be a manifestation of light caused by the dragons which inhabit bodies of water. Areas where ryūtō routinely appear often have shrines near them, and the lights themselves are considered sacred. On nights that ryūtō appear, people gather along the shore to watch these dancing and changing holy flames.
The Itsukushima Shrine in Hiroshima Prefecture (old Bingo and Aki Provinces) is not only one of the most famous shrines in Japan, but also a popular sightseeing location for watching ryūtō. The lights appear on the tranquil surface of Hiroshima Bay for about a week starting on New Year’s Day. They are believed to appear because the Itsukushima Shrine is dedicated to the gods of the sea and thus is connected with Ryūjin.
- source : yokai.com -
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
- Introduction -
Kigo for late autumn
no, nohara 野原 refers not the the planted fields, but to wild fields and plains, sometimes also translated as moors.
kareno no iro 枯野の色 (かれののいろ)
color of withered fields / plains
..... uragareno 晩秋 末枯野(うらがれの)
uragare no hara 末枯の原(うらがれのはら)
uragare no noyama 末枯の野山(うらがれののやま)
uragare no nobe 末枯の野辺(うらがれののべ)
no no uragare 野の末枯(ののうらがれ)
uragare means withering, verwelken, from the tip of the leaves toward the branches
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
noyama no iro 野山の色 (のやまのいろ)
color of the plains/wild fields and mountains
no no iro 野の色(ののいろ)color of the plains
yama no iro 山の色(やまのいろ)color of the mountains
noyama irozuku 野山色づく(のやまいろづく) plains and mountains turning colorful

noyama no nishiki 野山の錦 (のやまのにしき)
brocade of the plains/wild fields and mountains
no no nishiki 野の錦(ののにしき)brocade of the plains
yama no nishiki 山の錦(やまのにしき)brocade of the mountains
aki no nishiki 秋の錦(あきのにしき)brocade of autumn
kusaki no nishiki 草木の錦(くさきのにしき) brocade of the plants and trees
. karita 刈田 (かりた) stubble-paddy, harvested paddy
kari oda 刈小田(かりおだ)small harvested paddy
karita michi 刈田道(かりたみち)path between harvested paddies
karitazura 刈田面(かりたづら)"face of the harvested fields"
karitahara 、苅田原(かりたはら) plain with harvested fields
hitsujida 穭田 (ひつじだ) field with wild grain growing
. takashio 高潮 (たかしお) high tide
flood tide, storm surge
kazetsunami, kaze tsunami 風津波(かぜつなみ) "tsunami made by the wind"
Kigo for all autumn
. aki no yama 秋の山 (あきのやま) autumn mountain
..... shuuzan 秋山(しゅうざん)
aki no mine 秋の嶺(あきのみね)peaks in autumn
..... shuurai 秋嶺(しゅうれい)
yama sumu 山澄む(やますむ)"clear mountains"
yama no aki 山の秋(やまのあき) autumn in the mountains
. yama yosou 山粧う (やまよそう)
..... yama yoso-ou 山粧う(やまよそおう)
..... yama irodoru 山彩る(やまいろどる
..... yoso-ou yama 粧う山(よそおうやま)
no, nohara 野原 refers not the the planted fields, but to wild fields and plains, sometimes also translated as moors.
aki no no 秋の野 (あきのの)
plains / wild fields in autumn
..... akino 秋野(あきの)
..... no no aki 野の秋(ののあき)autumn in the plains
noji no aki 野路の秋(のじのあき)autumn in the paths along the pains and fields
..... shuukoo 秋郊(しゅうこう)
hanano 花野 (はなの) flowers in field
. aki no niwa 秋の庭(あきのにわ)garden in autumn
niwa no aki 庭の秋(にわのあき) autumn in the garden
shuuen, shuu-en 秋園 / 秋苑 (しゅうえん)
aki no sono 秋の園(あきのその)park in autumn
hanazono 花園 park with flowers
..... kadan 花壇(かだん)Blumenbeet
..... kaho 花圃(かほ)
hanabatake 花畑(はなばたけ)field with flowers
. aki no kariba 秋の狩場 (あきのかりば)
hunting ground in autumn
. aki no ta 秋の田 autumn rice paddies
..... akita 秋田(あきた)paddies in autumn
ta no iro 田の色(たのいろ)"colors of the fields"
irozukuta, irozuku ta 色づく田(いろづくた) fields getting colorful
paddy with rice plants (before harvesting) inada 稲田 いなだ
. aki no mizu 秋の水 (あきのみず) water in autumn
..... shuusui 秋水 (しゅうすい)
..... mizu no aki 水の秋 (みずのあき)
mizu sumu 水澄む (みずすむ )clear autumn water
. aki no kawa 秋の川 (あきのかわ) river in autumn
akigawa 秋川(あきがわ)autumn river
..... shuukoo 秋江(しゅうこう)
..... aki no koo 秋の江(あきのこう)
. aki no ike 秋の池(あきのいけ)pond in autumn
aki no mizuumi 秋の湖 (あきのみずうみ) lake in autumn
. aki no numa 秋の沼(あきのぬま)swamp in autumn
. aki no umi 秋の海 (あきのうみ) autumn sea
aki no nami 秋の波(あきのなみ)waves in autumn
..... shuutoo 秋濤(しゅうとう)
aki no shio 秋の潮 (あきのしお) tide in autumn
..... akishio 秋 秋潮(あきしお)
aki no hama 秋の浜 (あきのはま) autumn beach
..... akinagisa 秋渚(あきなぎさ)
..... shuutei 秋汀(しゅうてい)
hama no aki 浜の秋(はまのあき)autumn at the beach

Worldwide use
Things found on the way
harvest time -
the sound of an apple
joining earth
Gabi Greve, 2004
Related words
. . . . AUTUMN - the complete SAIJIKI
. SAIJIKI ... category EARTH
ryuutoo 龍燈 ryuto -"dragon lantern"
collecting legends with Matsuo Basho
27 legends to explore
nichibun yokai database
Legend from Ishikawa 石川県 穴水町 Anamizu town
. ryuutoo, ryūtō 龍燈 Ryuto, "dragon lantern" .
At 一本木諏訪神社 the Suwa Shrine of Ippongi, there was a strange "dragon light", a ball of fire to be seen at the huge boulder in the sea on the last day of the year. The fire ball would head toward the Suwa Shrine and then back to the sea to Ryuto Misaki 龍燈崎 "Cape Dragon Light".
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