EARTH in Summer
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Summer
***** Category: Earth
Many phenomenon have their main entry in a different season and when mentioned in summer, this has to be added explicitly
xxx in summer
Please check the entries carefully!
Most of the earth phenomenon have their own entry,
the LINKS to further kigo are given here.

Summer is the time of planting the wet rice fields (paddies) and a reliable rainy season, nowadays around June / July, is very important for the farmers.
According to the Asian lunar calendar, SATSUKI was related to the rainy season.
Kigo for early summer
unami 卯波 (うなみ) waves in the fourth lunar month
uzuki nami, uzukinami 卯月波(うづきなみ)
. shirota 代田(しろた)field ready for planting rice
Kigo for mid-summer
. satsuki Fuji 五月富士 (さつきふじ)
Fuji in the fifth lunar month
..... 皐月富士(さつきふじ)
Mount Fuji during the Rainy Season
Fuji no yukige 富士の雪解 (ふじのゆきげ)
snow melting on Mount Fuji
..... yukige Fuji 雪解富士(ゆきげふじ)
fuji yukige 富士雪解(ふじゆきげ)
. sekkei 雪渓 (せっけい) snow-covered valley
..... kurepasu クレパス, kurebasu クレバス crevasse
tsuyuana, tsuyu ana 梅雨穴 (つゆあな)
hole or cave-in because of water from the rainy season
..... tsuiri ana 墜栗花穴(ついりあな) 梅雨入穴
. demizu 出水 (でみず) flooding
natsu demizu 夏出水(なつでみず)flooding in summer
tsuyu demizu 梅雨出水(つゆでみず)flooding in the rainy season
demizugawa 出水川(でみずがわ)flooded river
suigai 水害(すいがい) flood damage
satsukigawa 五月川 (さつきがわ) "river in the fifth lunar month"
(now during the rainy season)
. imizu masu 井水増す (いみずます) well water increases
nigori-i 濁り井(にごりい) muddy well water
satsukinami, satsuki nami 皐月波 (さつきなみ)
waves in the fifth lunar month
..... 五月波(さつきなみ)
During the rainy season.
newly planted rice -
waiting for my turn
to grow
Gabi Greve, June 2010
. ueta 植田 (うえた) planted rice fields
fields with rice seedlings, sanaeda 早苗田(さなえだ)
fields in the fifth lunar month, satsukida 五月田(さつきだ)
Kigo for late summer
. ohanabatake, o-hanabatake お花畠 (おはなばたけ)
fields of wild flowers in high mountains
..... お花ばたけ(おはなばたけ)
doyoonami, doyoo nami 土用波 (どようなみ)
waves during the dog days
. nessa 熱砂 (ねっさ) hot, burning hot sand
burning sand, yakesuna 灼け砂(やけすな)
sand is burning, suna yakuru 砂灼くる(すなやくる)
. aota, aoda 青田green rice fields
aotamono 青田面(あおたのも)
wind on the green fields, aotakaze 青田風(あおたかぜ)
green fields like waves, aota nami 青田波(あおたなみ)
path between the green fields, aotamizhi青田道(あおたみち)
time of the green fields, aotadoki 青田時(あおたどき)
"seller of green fields", aota uri 青田売(あおたうり)
Before the harvest, the worth of a field was estimated and could be sold at that price. If a typhoon happened before the harvest, that was bad luck for the buyer.
. hiyakeda 日焼田 (ひやけだ) paddies in a drought
tamizu waku 田水沸く (たみずわく)
lit. "water in the paddies is boiling"
During the hot days of late summer, under a scorching sun, the water is evaporationg fast. It is the time when farmers have to take care of the weeding.
Kigo for all summer
. natsu no yama 夏の山 mountains in summer
..... natsuama 夏山
..... natsune 夏嶺(なつね)summer peaks
aone 青峯(あおね)"green peaks"
..... aoki mine 青き嶺(あおきみね)
natsuyamaji 夏山路(なつやまじ)path in summer mountains
natsuyamaga 夏山家(なつやまが)house in the the summer mountains
satsukiyama 五月山(さつきやま)"mountain in the fifth lunar month"
. natsu Fuji 夏富士 (なつふじ) Mount Fuji in summer
..... natsu no Fuji 夏の富士(なつのふじ)
aofuji 青富士(あおふじ) "green Mount Fuji"
natsu no mizu 夏の水 (なつのみず) water in summer
Represents all kinds of water, drinking water, water used in the home and also in the fields.
Water was a precious commodity in the old days, depending on rain, springs and wells.
. shimizu 清水 clear water, fresh water
fresh mountain water, yama shimizu 山清水
clear water in the home, ie shimizu 家清水
fresh water in the morning, asa shimizu 朝清水
fresh water in the evening, yuu shimizu 夕清水
stall selling tea made with fresh water
..... shimizu chaya 清水茶屋(しみずぢゃや)
and many more
. izumi 泉 spring, fountain
. natsu no kawa 夏の川 (なつのかわ) river in summer
gatsugawa 夏川(なつがわ)summer river
natsugawara 夏河原(なつがわら) river shore in summer
natsu no ike 夏の池(なつのいけ)pond in summer
natsu no mizuumi 夏の湖 (なつのみずうみ) lake in summer
. natsu no numa 夏の沼(なつのぬま)swamp in summer
. fukei, fuke-i 噴井 (ふけい)
well that does not dry out in summer
. shitatari 滴り
..... finely dripping water, kenteki 涓滴(けんてき)
..... dripping from the mountain, yama shitatari山滴り(やましたたり)
..... dripping from the rocks, iwa shitatari 巌滴り(いわしたたり)
..... dripping from a cliff, gake shitatari 崖滴り(がけしたたり)
..... dripping from the moss, koke shitatari 苔滴り(こけしたたり)
. taki 滝 / baku 瀑 Waterfall / Wasserfall
looking at a waterfall, takimi 滝見(たきみ)
teahouse at a waterfall, takimi chaya 滝見茶屋
bottom basin of a waterfall, takitsubo 滝壺(たきつぼ)
foam from a waterfall, taki shibuki 滝しぶき(たきしぶき)
breeze of a waterfall , takikaze 滝風
sound of the waterfall, taki no oto 滝の音(たきのおと)
path to the waterfall, takimichi 滝道(たきみち)
two falls like a couple, myotodaki 夫婦滝(みょうとだき)
..... male waterfall, odaki 男滝(おだき)、
..... female waterfall medaki 女滝(めだき)
waterfall at night, yodaki 夜滝
coolness at a waterfall, taki suzushi 滝涼し(たきすずし)
bath in a waterfall, taki abi 滝浴び(たきあび)
wild waterfall, bakufu 瀑布(ばくふ)
"flying waterfall", hibaku 飛瀑(ひばく)
manmade waterfall, tsukuridaki 作り滝(つくりだき)
. natsu no umi 夏の海 summer sea
..... natsu umi 夏海
summer tide, natsu no shio 夏の湖
summer waves, natsu no nami 夏の波
..... natsu nami 夏濤(なつなみ) natsu udoo 夏怒濤(なつどとう)
summer beach, natsu no hama 夏の浜
. natsu no niwa 夏の庭 (なつのにわ) garden in summer
natsu no sono 夏の園(なつのその)park in summer
natsuno 夏野 (なつの)
plains in summer, wild fields in summer
aono 青野(あおの) green plains
uzukino 卯月野(うづきの)
satsukino 五月野(さつきの)plains in the fifth lunar month (in the rainy season)
no, nohara 野原 refers not the the planted fields, but to wild fields and plains, sometimes also translated as moors.
Worldwide use
. Himalaya - Summer Snow
India Saijiki
Things found on the way
Related words
. . . . SUMMER
the complete SAIJIKI
. SAIJIKI ... category EARTH
aota 青田 green fields
haiku by
Matsuo Basho
Yosa Buson
chirizuka no dokuro ni akeru aota kana
on the compost heap
with a skull the sun rises
above green fields . . .
Kobayashi Issa
Confucius said,
I dislike foxtails because they can be mistaken for rice plants.
nikumareshi kusa wa ho ni deshi aota kana
green rice field
crowded with heads
of hated weeds
Tr. Chris Drake
about Confucius
roku jizoo aono no hate de kurete iru
six Jizo
at the end of a wild plain
in evening dusk . . .
小宅容義 Oyake Yasuyoshi
more about Roku Jizo
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