Barley, wheat (mugi)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: various, see below
***** Category: Plant
There are various words corresponding to MUGI.
wheat, "small mugi" komugi, 小麦
Triticum aestivum
barley, "large mugi", oomugi, 大麦
Hordeum vulgare
..... "naked mugi", hadaka mugi 裸麦
oats, "crow mugi", karasumugi 烏麦(からすむぎ)
Avena fatua
..... enbaku 燕麦(えんばく)
Job's tears; tear grass , "dove mugi", hatomugi
Coix lacryma-jobi
for more details see below

Let us look at some kigo.
. . . . . SPRING
early spring
treading on barley/wheat fields, mugifumi 麦踏 (むぎふみ)
mugi o fumu 麦を踏む(むぎをふむ)
all spring
green barley/wheat, aomugi 青麦 (あおむぎ)
..... mugi aomu 麦青む(むぎあおむ)
. . . . . SUMMER
The time when barley/wheat is ripe for the harvest is called "autumn", in reference to the time when rice is ripe for harvest.
early summer
mugi 麦 (むぎ) Mugi
homugi 穂麦(ほむぎ)ears of Mugi
..... mugi no ho 麦の穂(むぎのほ)
karasumugi 烏麦(からすむぎ)oats
..... ootomugi オート麦(おーとむぎ)
..... suzume mugi 雀麦(すずめむぎ)"sparrow oats"
chahikigusa 茶挽草(ちゃひきぐさ)
komugi 小麦(こむぎ)wheat
oomugi 大麦(おおむぎ)barley
..... "naked mugi", hadaka mugi 裸麦
..... "skin mugi", kawamugi 皮麦(かわむぎ)
raimugi らいむぎ rye, Gerste
..... kuromugi 黒麦(くろむぎ)"black mugi"
Secale cereale
mugibatake 麦畑(むぎばたけ)mugi field
mugi u 麦生(むぎう)planted mugi
mugi no nami 麦の波(むぎのなみ)waves of mugi
yasemugi 痩麦(やせむぎ)thin, weakly mugi
wasemugi, wase mugi 早麦(わせむぎ) early mugi
mugi no kuroho 麦の黒穂 (むぎのくろほ) black ears of mugi
from illness
..... kuroho 黒穂(くろほ) "black (grain) ears"
"barley autumn", mugi no aki 麦の秋 (むぎのあき)
mugiaki 麦秋(むぎあき) bakushuu 麦秋(ばくしゅう)
"autumn wind on the barley/wheat fields" , mugi no akikaze
..... 麦の秋風 (むぎのあきかぜ)
storm on the barley/wheat, mugi arashi 麦嵐(むぎあらし)
rice with barley/wheat, mugimeshi 麦飯 (むぎめし)
plain barley/wheat cooked , sumugi すむぎ
harvesting barley/wheat 麦刈 ( むぎかり)
migi karu 麦刈る(むぎかる)
car transporting barley/wheat, mugiguruma 麦車(むぎぐるま)
threashing barley/wheat, mugikoki 麦扱 (むぎこき)
threashing maschine, mugikoki ki 麦扱機(むぎこきき)

threashing barley/wheat, mugi uchi 麦打 (むぎうち)
..... mugi tataki 麦叩(むぎたたき), mugi tsuki 麦つき(むぎつき)
..... mugi kachi 麦搗(むぎかち)
pole for threashing, mugi no karasao
dust from threashing, mugi bokori 麦埃(むぎぼこり)
burning barley/wheat, mugiyaki 麦焼き(むぎやき)
barley/wheat straw, mugiwara 麦藁 (むぎわら)
..... mugiwara 麦稈(むぎわら)
new barley/wheat, shinmugi 新麦 (しんむぎ )
barley/wheat of this year, kotoshi mugi 今年麦(ことしむぎ)
all summer

barley/wheat tea, mugiyu 麦湯 (むぎゆ)
mugicha 麦茶(むぎちゃ), mugicha hiayashi 麦茶冷し(むぎちゃひやし)
..... mugiyu hiyashi 麦湯冷し(むぎゆひやし)
"barley drink", beer, mugishu 麦酒(びーる)
. . . . . AUTUMN
early autumn
hatomugi 鳩麦 (はとむぎ) Job's tears; tear grass,
..... hatomugi 川殻(はとむぎ)"dove mugi"
..... senkoku せんこく
juzudama 数珠玉 (じゅずだま) "rosary beads"
..... zuzuko ずずこ、toomugi 唐麦(とうむぎ)"Chinese wheat"
(sometimes placed in late autumn)
. . . . . EARLY WINTER
mugi maki 麦蒔 (むぎまき) sowing wheat
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
distinguishes between these groups of MUGI
- - - yonbaku 四麦(よんばく) your types of mugi
komugi コムギ
oomugi オオムギの3変種 with three sub-groups
kawamugi カワムギ 皮麦、
hadaka mugi ハダカムギ
biiru mugi ビールムギ)
- - - sanbaku 三麦 three types of mugi
komugi コムギ
rokujoo oomugi 六条オオムギ
kawamugi カワムギ
hadakamugi ハダカムギ)
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
The word komugi referes to the older spelling
ko mugi 古麦 "old mugi" or
komugi 粉麦 "mugo flour"
Since the Heian period,
komugi 小麦 was made into flour for noodles and
oomugi 大麦 was used as a grain like rice.
Since the Edo period, the word MUGI is usually used for oomugi 大麦 - barley.
source : www2.odn.ne.jp/shokuzai
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
the bride tosses
wheat grains over her shoulders –
sparrows flutter
Wheat grains or rice considered a symbol of prosperity and fertility.
The ritual of throwing wheat or rice signifies that the bride is paying back whatever parents have given her. In addition, it is as a gesture of wishing prosperity for the family she leaves behind.
This ritual is common among Hindus as well as Sikhs..
- Shared by Sandip Sital Chauhan -
Joys of Japan, September 2012

Why is rice thrown at weddings?
Since early Roman times some grain - usually wheat - has been associated with the wedding ceremony.
source : trivia/explain
hatomugi Daruma tea
and dokudami Daruma tea
どくだみ・はとむぎ ダルマ
Staying at a lodging in Yamanaka, Kaii province
yuku koma no mugi ni nagusamu yadori kana
iku koma no mugi ni nagusamu yadori kana
The horse carrying me
Enjoys eating the ears of
Barley while resting!
Tr. Oseko
This hokku has the cut marker KANA at the end of line 3. Written in 1685.
Kaii was famous for its black horses.
The kigo is "mugi no aki" 麦秋.
my brave horse
solaced with munching barley
from the lodging . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
It is not too cold and not too warm to travel in the fourth lunar month. The horse is happy and Basho is looking forward to meet old friends soon. For now he is content watching his horse munching the barley and resting for the night somewhere "in the mountains" (yamanaka).
Basho is maybe close to Tsurushi town 都留市.
Or he is somewhere close to Lake Yamanaka 山中湖.
When is home in Edo had burned down in 1682, he had taken refuge for a while with a friend in Kaii and written two hokku about the famous horses.
uma hokuhoku ware o e ni miru natsu-no kana
uma bokuboku ware o e ni miru natsu no kana
I find myself in a picture
The cob ambles slowly
Across the summer moor.
Tr. Joan Giroux,
. WKD : Onomatopoetic words .
At Kaii, during
. Nozarashi Kiko 野ざらし紀行 .
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
mugi aki ya hon no aki yori samui ame
autumn of the barley -
the rain is colder than
in real autumn
mugi no ha wa haru no sama nari naku chidori
the leaves of wheat
look just like spring -
plovers singing
Kobayashi Issa
Tr. Gabi Greve
Related words
***** Paddy, Fields, rice paddies (ta, hatake) Japan
***** Buckwheat (soba)
Mugi aki, barley autumn, I like the season very much.
The season remind me many things including lost love that is romantic with bitter taste.
Matsuo Basho
ta ya mugi ya naka ni mo natsu no hototogisu
rice fields and barley -
and among them also
summer's cockoo
Tr. Barnhill
Written in 1689 on the 7th day of the 4th lunar month.
元禄2年4月7日 Oku no Hosomichi
(雪まるげ)at Shirakawa
Matsuo Basho
hito hi hito hi / mugi akaramite / naku hibari
hototogisu / maneku ka mugi no / mura obana
iza tomo ni / ho mugi kurawa n / kusa makura
mikazuki ni / chi wa oboro nari / soba no hana
mugi haete / yoki kakurega ya / Hatake Mura
mugi meshi ni / yatsururu koi ka / neko no tsuma
mugi no ho o / chikara ni tsukamu / wakare kana
yuku koma no / mugi ni nagusamu / yadori kana shigure
mugimeshi ni yatsururu koi ka neko no tsuma
from wheat gruel
and from love it looses weight ?
the cat in love
Matsuo Basho
Tr. Gabi Greve
Discussion and cat hokku:
Yosa Buson
tsujido oni shiseru hito ari mugi no aki
At a wayside shrine
A dead man lies--
Barley harvest time
Tr. Nelson/Saito
at the roadside shrine
there have been people dying ...
autumn of the barley
Tr. ?
about Buson visiting shrines
Murakami Kijoo 村上鬼城 Murakami Kijo
麦飯に 何も申さじ 夏の月
mugimeshi ni nani mo moosaji natsu no tsuki
rice mixed with barley
and I can not even complain -
moon in summer
about Kijo
Matsuo Basho
hito hi hito hi mugi akaramite naku hibari
day by day
the barley reddens toward ripeness:
singing skylark
Tr. Barnhill
mugi no ho ya namida ni somete naku hibari
ears of barley —
tinted in the tears
of crying skylarks
Tr. Barnhill
Both written on the 23rd day of fourth lunar month (now May 20)
Written in 元禄4年 Basho age 48.
voice of animals
Yosa Buson
usuzuku ya homugi ga naka no mizuguruma
pounding grains -
in the middle of the barley ears
a waterwheel
about water wheels
Kobayashi Issa
hito tsukami mugi wo makitari doo no sumi
sowing a fistful
of wheat...
temple nook
(Tr. David Lanoue)
Yamanashi 山梨県 山梨県河内地方 Kawachi district
Food called "oni no ha"
On the last day of the year people prepare cooked rice with barley, called
oni no ha 鬼の歯 teeth of a demon
mugimeshi 麦飯 cooked rice with barley
5 legends to explore
Legends from Aomori 青森県
- folk belief from Tanabu
komugi 小麦 wheat harvested in the sixth lunar month is made to flour and used for offerings on the 13th day of the 7th month, the old お盆 O-Bon rituals for the ancestors.
The souls come from 田名部(下北郡恐山)Tanabe and when O-Bon is over they go back walking around the fields.
People who have died are dressed in a white robe called iro イロ. A violet shawl is wrapped around the shoulders. That way the souls will not come back.
This is especially important for people who have dies of a bad disease.
komugi 小麦と伝説 Legends about wheat
oomugi 大麦と伝説 Legends about barley
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