Animals in Winter
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Winter
***** Category: Animal
Many animals have their main entry in a different season and when mentioned in winter, this has to be added explicitly
animal in winter
Please check the entries carefully!
Most of the LINKS given below contain longer lists with more kigo.
In winter, we have many animals hibernating, see below.
We also have combined kigo with the name of the animal
kan ... xyz - in the cold
freezing xyz (ite xyz)
And the human activities :
. Hunting in Winter
. Fishing in Winter
. . . . .
. SEARCH animals names
from A to J
. SEARCH animal names
from K to Z
Kigo for early winter
bear entering his den to hibernate
kuma ana ni iru 熊穴に入る / くまあなにいる
kumamatsuki 熊突 (くまつき) hunting for bears

cotton fly, watamushi 綿虫 (わたむし)
yukimushi 雪虫 snow fly
yukibotaru 雪蛍 snow firefly
yuki banba 雪婆(ゆきばんば)
shirokobaba 白粉婆(しろこばば)
oowatamushi 大綿虫(おおわたむし)"big cotton fly"
oowata 大綿(おおわた) "big cotton"
insects in winter, fuyu no mushi 冬の虫 (ふゆのむし)
mushi oyu 虫老ゆ(むしおゆ)insects getting old
mushi karuru 虫嗄るる(むしかるる)
insects singing with a hoarse voice
mushi tayuru 虫絶ゆる(むしたゆる) "voice is soon over"
locust in winter, fuyu no inago 冬の蝗 (ふゆのいなご)
praying mantis withering, tooroo karu
karetooroo 枯蟷螂(かれとうろう)
Kigo for mid-winter
Kigo for late winter
Tago frog, tagogaeru たご蛙 (たごがえる)
A variety of red frogs, about 4 cm long, that live in Honshu and more south. Even in winter it calls for its mate, sounding guuguuguu.
Kigo for all winter

hibernating, toomin 冬眠 (とうみん)
. Hibernating in autumn .
badger, anaguma アナグマ(あなぐま)
Meles meles
mujina 狢(むじな) badger
hakubishin はくびしん【白鼻心】 palm civet
Paguma larvata
bear, kuma 熊 (くま)
black bear, kurokuma 黒熊(くろくま)
Asiatic black bear, "moon bear" tsuki no waguma
.......................... 月輪熊(つきのわぐま)
"dog bear", inuguma 犬熊(いぬぐま)
brown bear, higuma 羆(ひぐま)
red bear, akaguma 赤熊(あかぐま)
white bear, shirokuma 白熊(しろくま)
polar bear, hokkyokuguma 北極熊(ほっきょくぐま)
baby bear, bear cub, kuma no ko 熊の子
bee, bees in winter, fuyu no hachi 冬の蜂 (ふゆのはち)
... fuyubachi 冬蜂(ふゆばち)"winter bee"
itebachi 凍蜂(いてばち)bee in the cold, freezing bee
butterfly in winter, fuyu no choo 冬の蝶 (ふゆのちょう)
..... fuyuchoo 冬蝶
freezing butterfly, frozen butterfly, itechoo 凍蝶
...... choo izuru 蝶凍つる
"butterfly hibernating till next year", otsunen choo, otsunenchoo 越年蝶, オツネンチョウ
cat is all stiff かじけ猫 (かじけねこ) kajike neko
(because of the cold)
haineko, hai neko 灰猫(はいねこ)neko in the ashes
(the hearth was a warm place in an old farmhouse)
kamado neko 竈猫(かまどねこ)neko in the hearth
hekkoi neko へっつい猫(へっついねこ)
kotatsu neko 炬燵猫(こたつねこ)
cat in the kotatsu heated table
deer in winter, fuyu no shika 冬の鹿 (ふゆのしか)
noro 麕 (のろ) Japanese deer
noroshika のろしか , ノロジカ
Capreolus capreolus
dog in the cold, kanken 寒犬
dog in winter, fuyu no inu 冬の犬
dog in snow, yuki no inu 雪の犬
hunting dogs, houds, ryooken 猟犬
fly, flies in winter, fuyu no hae 冬の蠅 (ふゆのはえ)
kanbae 寒蠅(かんばえ)fly in the cold
itebae 凍蠅(いてばえ) freezing fly
Ferret, Mink, フェレット
flea, fleas in winter, fuyu no nomi 冬の蚤 (ふゆののみ)
Flying squirrel むささび musasabi
Riesenflughörnchen: Petaurista leucogenys
... momonga ももんが small flying squirrel
fox, kitsune 狐 (きつね)
Vulpes vulpes. Fuchs
akagitsune 赤狐(あかぎつね)red fox
kurogitsune 黒狐(くろぎつね)black fox
gingitsune 銀狐(ぎんぎつね)silver fox
shirogitsune 白狐(しろぎつね)white fox
juujigitsune, juuji gitsune 十字狐(じゅうじぎつね)
lit. "fox with the number ten", a pattern on its shoulder
kitakitsune 北狐(きたきつね)"northern fox"
Vulpes vulpes schrencki
hokkyoku gitsune 北極狐(ほっきょくぎつね)"polar fox" arctic fox
Alopex lagopus
Chishima gitsune 千島狐(ちしまぎつね)
fox from Chishima islands, Kuriles
kangitsune 寒狐(かんぎつね)fox in the cold
kitsunezuka 狐塚(きつねづか) fox den, Fuchsbau
gadfly in winter, fuyu no abu 冬の虻 (ふゆのあぶ)
iteabu, ite-abu 凍虻(いてあぶ) freezing gadfly
hare, rabbit, usagi 兎 (うさぎ)
yukiusagi, yuki usagi 雪兎 ゆきうさぎ snow hare
nousagi, no usagi 野兎(のうさぎ)hare
Echigo usagi、越後兎(えちごうさぎ) hare from Echigo
Japanese serow, kamoshika 羚羊 (かもしか)
..... kamoshika 氈鹿(かもしか
kamoshishi かもしし
kandachi 寒立(かんだち) "standing in the cold"
Rupicapra rupicapra. Gemse, Gams, Gämse; Berggämse
marten, ten 貂 (てん) Marder, Zobel
monkey in the cold (kanen, kan-en) 寒猿 (かんえん)
saur sakaru 猿さかる(さるさかる) monkey in heat
mosquito in winter, fuyu no ka 冬の蚊 (ふゆのか )
..... fuyuka 冬蚊(ふゆか)
moth in winter, fuyu no ga 冬の蛾 (ふゆのが)
racoon dog, badger, tanuki tanuki 狸 (たぬき)
tanoki たのき
Nyctereutes procyonoides

Five Buddhas and one Tanuki
Gabi Greve, 2005
Weasel, itachi 鼬、イタチ
Ezo itachi 蝦夷鼬(えぞいたち)weasel from Ezo (Hokkaido)
wolf, ookami 狼 (おおかみ)
mountain dog, yama-inu, yamainu 山犬、豺
Wolf of Ezo, Ezo ookami 蝦夷狼
zazamushi ざざ虫 (ざざむし)
larvae of aquatic caddis flies
They are popular in the Shinano mountain region, where they are caught and prepared as winter food, together with larvae of wasps (hachi no ko) and other insects.
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
Many animals hibernate in winter, which means they go into a hole before it gets too cold and
come out again when it gets warmer.
. Hole (ana 穴) and hibernating animals
Related words
. . . . WINTER - the complete SAIJIKI
ANIMALS - - - the Complete SAIJIKI
. Animals in Spring ... SAIJIKI
. Animals in Summer ... SAIJIKI
. Animals in Autumn ... SAIJIKI
. Animals in Winter ... SAIJIKI
. Animals in the New Year ... SAIJIKI
watamushi ya chabudai sutete ikka saru
this cottonfly -
discarding the tatami table
the family leaves
Moria Akitoshi 守屋明俊
more about chabudai
yuki banba sugaru shirasu no takeyarai
cotton flies
cling to the bamboo fence
around the white gavel court . . .
町田しげき Machida Shigeki
more about the bamboo fence
and a district named Yaraicho in Edo / Tokyo.
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