
Trillium (Trilliaceae)



Trillium (kinugasasoo)

***** Location: Japan, North America
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Plant


Trillium is a family of various flowers.

Trillium, kinugasa soo 衣笠草 (きぬがさそう) キヌガサソウ
"flower hat plant", hanagasa soo 花笠草(はながさそう)
kigo for late summer in Japan

CLICK for more Kinugasa photos CLICK for more English information


Trillium grandiflorum
kigo for spring in North America

Trillium is a genus of about 40-50 species of perennial herbaceous flowering plants, native to temperate regions of North America and Asia. They used to be treated in the family Trilliaceae or Trillium family, a part of the Liliales or Lily order. The AGP II treats Trilliaceae as a synonym of the family Melanthiaceae. Common names include trillium, wakerobin, and birthroot. The above ground parts of Trilliums are scapes with three large, leafy bracts with the true leaves reduced to underground papery coverings around the rhizomes.

In the east of North America, the most common is Trillium grandiflorum (Large-flowered Trillium). This plant has a large, often white, three-petaled flower above three broad bracts that look like leaves. The name was given by Linnaeus. Trillium grandiflorum is often the first wildflower noticed by casual walkers; other spring wildflowers are much less apparent.

In western North America, a typical species is Trillium ovatum (Western Trillium) also with white flowers, that slowly turn into a shade of purple in the middle of spring.
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Worldwide use

Things found on the way


dripping pines
trilliums line a
forest path

beaver pond
trilliums glisten
with new rain

© bob
Happy Haiku Forum


trillium -
a spot of white
beside the trail

© bethel
Kigo Hotline Forum

Related words

***** WKD Reference



Pickerel weed and konagi


Pickerel weed, pickerelweed

***** Location: North America
***** Season: Summer
***** Category: Plant


Pontederia cordata
Pontederia is a genus of tristylous aquatic plants, commonly called the pickerel weeds. Pontederia is endemic to the Americas, distributed from Canada to Argentina, where it is found in shallow water or on mud. The genus was named by Linnaeus in honour of the Italian botanist Giulio Pontedera.

Pontederia plants have large waxy leaves, succulent stems and a thick pad of fibrous roots. The roots give rise to rhizomes that allow rapid colonization by vegetative reproduction. Species are perennial, and produce a large spike of flowers in the summer. There is a species of bee (Dufourea novae-angliae) that exclusively visits Pontederia cordata; waterfowl also eat the fruit of the plant.

Pontederia cordata, and another member of the family, Eichhornia crassipes, have become invasive in many tropical and temperate parts of the globe, but are, on the other hand, efficient biological filters of polluted water. in constructed wetlands.
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Worldwide use


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nagaba mizu aoi ながばみずあおい(長葉水葵)
Pontederia cordata


Monochoria vaginalis is a species of flowering plant in the water hyacinth family known by several common names, including
heartleaf false pickerelweed and
oval-leafed pondweed.

It is native to much of Asia and across many of the Pacific Islands, and it is known in other areas as an introduced species and often a noxious weed. An aquatic plant, it is invasive in rice paddies and other water bodies. This is an annual or perennial herb growing in water from a small rhizome. It is quite variable in morphology.
The shiny green leaves are up to about 12 centimeters long and 10 wide and are borne on rigid, hollow petioles. The inflorescence bears 3 to 25 flowers which open underwater and all around the same time. Each has six purple-blue tepals just over a centimeter long. The fruit is a capsule about a centimeter long which contains many tiny winged seeds.
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kigo for mid-spring

konagi 小水葱 (こなぎ)
heartleaf false pickerelweed

..... sasanagi 細水葱(ささなぎ)
Monochoria vaginalis. oval-leafed pondweed

konagi tsumu こなぎ摘む(こなぎつむ)picking konagi


kigo for early autumn

konagi no hana 小水葱の花 (こなぎのはな)
konagi flowers

sasanagi no hana 細水葱の花(ささなぎのはな)
hanakonagi, hana konagi 花こなぎ(はなこなぎ)

Things found on the way


namagusashi konagi ga ue no hae no wata

Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉、(1693)

fish stench:
on top of waterweed
dace entrails

Tr. Barnhill

How fishy they smell!
on a waterweed,
dace entrails.

Tr. Ueda

From the weeds -
the smell of
fish guts

Tr. Addiss

This was written on a very hot day, when Basho met his haikai friends at the residence Tookaboo 別宅桃花坊 Tokabo.
The fish in the pond were trying to avoid the heat by hiding under the green leaves, but finally succumbed to the heat.


ripples split the pickerel weed--
an empty canoe
drifts to shore

--Richard Jordan
source : tinywords.com

Related words




Pinewood Derby



Pinewood Derby

***** Location: North America
***** Season: Spring
***** Category: Humanity


In towns all across America every spring there is the Pinewood Derby. A fine Cub Scout tradition. Other organizations have similar events involving small wooden cars built by the boy with help from his dad (or, all too often, whomever happens to be around).

Bethel Prescott, USA


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The pinewood derby is a racing event for Cub Scouts in the Boy Scouts of America. Cub Scouts, with the help of parents, build their own cars from wood, usually from kits containing a block of pine, plastic wheels and metal axles. With the popularity of the pinewood derby, other organizations have developed similar events and a small industry has developed to provide tracks, timers, scales and other products. The pinewood derby was selected as part of "America's 100 Best" in 2006 as "a celebrated rite of spring" by Reader's Digest.
Similar Cub Scouting events include the raingutter regatta with boats and the space derby using rubber band powered rockets.
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Worldwide use

Things found on the way


by his car
a proud boy stands alone -
Pinewood Derby

Bethel Prescott, USA

Related words

***** WKD Festivals and Events of Japan



Sunflower (himawari)


Sunflower (himawari)

***** Location: Japan, Europa
***** Season: Late Summer
***** Category: Plant


sunflower, himawari 向日葵 (ひまわり)
"sun wheel", higuruma 日車(ひぐるま)
"sun wheel plant", nichirin soo 日輪草(にちりんそう)

Russian sun flower, roshia himawari ロシアひまわり
Indian Mallow, tenjiku aoi 天竺葵(てんじくあおい)
.... hyuuga aoi 日向葵(ひゅうがあおい)

canopy flower, tengai bana 天蓋花(てんがいばな)

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The sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is an annual plant native to the Americas in the family Asteraceae, with a large flowering head (inflorescence). The stem of the flower can grow as high as 3 metres tall, with the flower head reaching up to 30 cm in diameter with the "large" seeds. The term "sunflower" is also used to refer to all plants of the genus Helianthus, many of which are perennial plants.
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Worldwide use

American Sonora

Sonoran Saijiki

Things found on the way

... Canopy (tengai) 天蓋 in a Buddhist Temple


Sunflower - Flower of Flames

Sunflower, the Japanese can also read "Flames are covering everything", which is exactly what happened when Takagaki Mondo's home burned to the ground one chilling night in February.
He kept on working as a potter and one of his works is this object of Bizen earth and color, to be hung at the wall.
Now it is in the GokuRakuAn Gallery.

Takagaki Mondo at GokuRakuAn


Himawari Daruma Doll

© PHOTO : だるまさん色々


drops of rain
and whispers

Rositza Pironska, Bulgaria, May 2008


It's The Garden State.
I'd like to see sunflowers
dotting the Turnpike.

Read more haiku from New York
© The Sunflower Project


sonnenblume blickt
kraftlos zur erde, sehnt sich
nach wärme und licht

© Ute Dewitz


baking clay ...
the himawari doll

Heike Gewi, Yemen, 2008


every day
she waits patiently -
lady in the shadow

Gabi Greve, August 2010
with PHOTO


sunflowers --
black seedheads turned
to the earth

The sunflowers follow the sun faithfully from morning to night while growing, flowering and maturing. But in winter, when the seeds are ripe and the plant dies back, the heavy heads bend and turn towards the soil, where the seeds will spring to new life after the winter.

I hope that mentioning the black seedheads places the haiku in winter...

Isabelle Prondzynski
. Kigo Hotline

Related words

***** Sunflower in Kenya
topic for haiku

cold grey morning -
the sunflower bowing

cold grey sunset -
the sunflower bowing

Partrick Wafula



Turtle (kame)

. kame 亀と伝説 Legends about turtles .
- kenmun - see below

Turtle, turtoise, tortoise (kame)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Animal


A turtle looking in all 8 directions 八方睨みの亀

turtle making a sound, crying, turtle chirps
kame naku 亀鳴く (かめなく)

kigo for all spring

"turtle reciting the sutras"
kame no kankin 亀の看経(かめのかんきん)
Their sounds remind the Japanese of monks reciting the morning sutras.

. shinshi 神使 the divine messenger .
kame 亀 turtle - at Matsunoo Taisha 松尾大社


sea turtle, umigame 海亀 (うみがめ)
kigo for mid-summer
red sea turtle, akaumigame 赤海亀(あかうみがめ)
blue sea turtle, aoumigame 青海亀(あおうみがめ)
..... shoogakuboo 正覚坊(しょうがくぼう)
Fam. Cheloniidae. Meeresschildkröte

CLICK for more TAIMAI photos
hawksbill turtle, taimai 玳瑁(たいまい)
Eretmochelys imbricata. Karettschildkröte

turtle babies, kame no ko 亀の子 (かめのこ)
kigo for mid-summer
pond turtle, zenigame 銭亀(ぜにがめ)
(children of the Ishigame, Japanese pond turtle) Fam. Mauremys.
Sumpfschildkröte; Schildkrötenbaby


hanachigame 放ち亀(はなちがめ) setting a turtle free
kigo for mid-autumn

Part of the Buddhist rituals to gain good points in the next life. Many kinds of small animals are set free, birds to fly or fish and turtles in the water.

. hanashi kame uri 放し亀売り
vendors of turtles to be set free in Edo .


In Chinese culture, especially under the influence of Taoism the turtoise is the symbol of heaven and earth, its shell compared to the vaulted heaven and the underside to the flat disc of the earth. The tortoise was the hero of many ancient legends. It helped the First Chinese Emperor to tame the Yellow River, so Shang-di rewarded the animal with a lifespan of Ten Thousand Years. Thus the turtoise became a symbol for Long Life.

It also stands for immutability and steadfastness. We often see stone grave steles on a stone tortoise or reliquiaries standing on it.
The tortoise is also regarded as an immortal creature. As there are no male tortoise - as the ancient believed - the female had to mate with a snake. Thus the turtoise embracing a snake became the protector symbol of the north, but since the word "tortoise" was taboo in Chinese, it was referred to as the "dark warrior" (genbu 玄武 ) and finally became one of the protector gods of the four areas, Zhenwu in Chinese Taoism.

Read more of my story HERE
Turtle, Crane and Daruma san

© 色いろ遊び


Worldwide use


African Helmeted turtle [Pelomedusa subrufa]
kigo for spring

CLICK for more photos

P.s. subrufa nest once per year. A nest is dug to a depth of approximately 15 cm and the eggs deposited. Eggs are white/grayish and covered with a clear slime. They measure 28-31 mm x 15-18 mm and approximately 4-6 grams. Fertile eggs develop a white spot or area on top and hatching occurs in 65-68 days.
© www.pelomedusa.com

In warm sand
a case for fire ants..
turtle's nest

Heike Gewi, Yemen, May 2008
WKD Yemen Saijiki

Things found on the way

Some Cosmic Fun
A well-known scientist (some say it was Bertrand Russell) once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, orbits around the center of a vast collection of stars called our galaxy. At the end of the lecture, a little old lady at the back of the room got up and said:
"What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat plate supported on the back of a giant tortoise." The scientist gave a superior smile before replying, "What is the tortoise standing on?" "You're very clever, young man, very clever," said the old lady.
"But it's turtles all the way down!"

Russell comments:
If everything must have a cause, then God must have a cause. If there can be anything without a cause, it may just as well be the world as God, so that there cannot be any validity in that argument. It is exactly of the same nature as the Hindu's view, that the world rested upon an elephant and the elephant rested upon a tortoise; and when they said,
"How about the tortoise?"
the Indian said, "Suppose we change the subject."

... the story is patently wise, teaching us that we will never get to the bottom of things.
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見立浦島 Young Woman Riding a Turtle
(Parody of the Story of Urashima Tarô)
Suzuki Harunobu (1725–1770)

. Urashima Taro 浦島太郎 .


African Spurred Tortoise
(Geochelone sulcata)
“crying tortoise”La tortue qui pleure
To protect his eyes against the sand and the dry climate, it produces tears and the eyes are often wet.

reference : “crying tortoise"


. tsurushibina つるし雛 / 吊るし雛 small hanging hina dolls .

With the wish for a long life of 1000 years, like the mythical turtle.


. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 .

hoshi matsu ya kame mo suzushii ushirotsuki

they wait for the stars --
turtle's backside, too
looking cool

Tr. Chris Drake

Issa's diary says this hokku was written on the same day on which Issa went to the monthly haikai meeting led by a leading Edo poet, Suzuki Michihiko (1757-1819), which was held on the 6th of every month. It was a gathering Issa often joined. This particular meeting was on the 6th of the 7th month (July 31, 1805), and Issa wrote the hokku there or soon after. Issa linked verses a few times with Michihiko, but I couldn't find any information about whether renku were written at this meeting in addition to hokku.

The hokku is about the night of 7/7, the Tanabata star festival. Many people are looking up at the sky, waiting for the Milky Way to rise, since according to a legend that goes back to China, the weaving woman star (Vega) and the oxherd star (Altair) love each other madly but are able to meet only one night a year -- on 7/7, and only if there are no clouds in the sky. If the sky is clear, the weaving woman crosses the Milky Way on a bridge formed by magpies and meets her lover. Many decorations are set up, including ikebana and tall cut bamboo trees with poems and decorations hanging from their limbs. In Issa's time most people stayed up late to eat, drink, and watch the stars, and many stayed up the whole night, as they did on the night of the harvest moon.

In Issa's vision a group of people stand watching the sky with their back to him, and their total absorption in the Milky Way makes them -- and Issa watching them -- feel cool, as if they were momentarily fused with the cool sky, even though the night must be quite hot. It's the feeling of coolness that counts, not the objective temperature. The coolness is so strong at that moment that even a turtle, who seems to be looking up at the same part of the night horizon as the humans, looks cool. Turtles don't wear thin robes the way humans do in summer, yet something about the turtle's stance suggests that it, too, influenced by the night sky, feels cool. This synesthetic hokku seems to be about the power of feelings and the sense of sight to overlap with and influence tactile sensations as well as about the relation of humans and other animals to the cosmos. That it is backsides which strike Issa as being so cool suggests that the absence of individual faces may increase the sensation of non-duality with the universe. Often masks in No drama have a similar effect.

Chris Drake

Turtles enjoying Tanabata

. WKD : Star Festival (Tanabata 七夕).


kame naku ya otoko wa mukuchi narubeshi to 

the turtle calls ...
a man should better not
talk too much

Tanaka Hiroaki 田中裕明 (1959 - 2004)



haijin no shikiri no kame o nakase keri

ever so often
haiku poets make
the turtle cry

Yokoi Haruka 横井遥 (born 1959 in Nagasaki)


the turtle is slow;
i capture it with much ease
time to eat it now

a hardshell tortoise.
is there any other kind?
rabbit lost the race

© kpaul.mallasch


spring moonrise
sea turtles hatch and struggle
toward the waves

Jim Grossmann

baby sea turtles
serenaded on the beach...
me and my guitar

Tom Conally

source : Happy Haiku Forum .

Related words

***** World Turtle Day
May 23

***** box turtles mating
kigo for spring

. box turtles (Terrapene) .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .


千葉県 Chiba 銚子市 Choshi

If the fishermen take good care of the sea turtles, they will have a good fishing harvest.

umigame no tatari ウミガメの祟り curse of the Sea Turtle
Toward the end of the Meiji period, around 1912, some workers on a maschine boat on the Tonegawa caught a 海がめ sea turtle and ate it.
That day when they finished work and wanted to go back to the harbour, the sea suddenly turned wild and the boat capsized. Only one of the workers made it back to the shore alive.
Others found him mumbeling "this turtle, this huge sea turtle . . . " and then he breathed his last too.
The fishermen of Choshi say this was the curse of the sea turtle and have great respect for this animal.
. Legends from river Tonegawa 利根川 .

At the shrine 御嶽神社 Mitake Jinja の海亀墓石塔にまつわる伝承。S42年,イワシ漁の最中にウミガメを巻き込んで殺してしまった。その後一ヶ月ほどは漁に出ても網に入ったイワシが皆出て行ってしまうことが続いたが,石塔を建立して供養すると漁ができるようになった。

香川県 Kagawa 三豊郡 Mitoyo district 詫間町 Takumacho


兵庫県 Hyogo, 明石市 Akashi city

. The grain wholesaler named 龜屋 Kameya .

鹿児島県 Kagoshima

kenmun ケンムン hinotoragami ヒノトラガミ
Kenmun is a kind of sea turtle Yokai, friend of Kappa san.

Kenmun live near アコウの木 / ガジュマルの木 the banyan trees . They like Sumo wrestling and often come to lure farmers at the beach, who are making salt.
Kenmun also does Sumo wrestling with Yamanokami.

ケンムン at Isen village 伊仙町(徳之島 Tokunoshima)
The Kenmun is related to legends about Yamanokami.
A man was walking in the evening when suddenly a kind of fireball came rolling down, with stones and all. He fled to his home as fast as he could.
There he hung up some amulets, but the flames kept lurking around his house all night.
Next day he killed a pig and hung the legs up. This helped him not to loose his own light.

. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain .

kenmun ケンムン / けんもん kenmon

If someone is sleeping in 砂糖小屋 the hut of the sugar makers and a Kenmun comes in, it is best to kick him out.
The Kenmun walks around the sugar pot and tries to lick some. If he does, the sugar will not get hard any more.
The Kenmun often sits in a corner so as not to disturb the sugar makers. Eventually the Kenmun will leave. Sometimes he leaves a blue fire fart when he goes.
Once a man was staying in the hut for the sugar makers when a Kenmun came in and asked:
"What are you most afraid of?" The man answered "Oh, I am afraid of money. And you?"
"I am afraid of octopus" said the Kenmun. The next day when the Kenmun came in the worker threw an octopus at him and he fled.
Next morning there was a lot of money at the door . . .
If someone tries to make 黒砂糖 brown sugar and does not succeed, they say it is the mischief of Kenmun.
The Kenmun was later celebrated as a deity at 井之川岳 Mount Inokawadake (645 m) and has never been seen again.
- - - - -
Kagoshima 大島郡 Oshima district 瀬戸内町 Setouchi

kenmun ケンムン and hi no tama 火の玉 fire ball

kenmun from Uken village 大島郡 字検村
Once a woman was about to give birth. Her husband went to ガジュマルの木 a Gajumaru tree where he saw a Kenmun with two children. They let him know that his child would die when it was 19 years old.

kenmun 水蝹 water spirit
Kenmun are hairy water and tree spirits from the Amami islands in southern Japan. ...
- source : yokai.com/kenmun... -


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. kame 亀と伝説 Legends about turtles .

#umigame #turtle #seaturtle #kanmun #kenmun #kenmon #kanmon


Cockroach (gokiburi)



Cockroach (gokiburi)

***** Location: Japan, other regions
***** Season: All Summer
***** Category: Animal


Cockroach, "oily insect", aburamushi 油虫 (あぶらむし)
..... gokiburi ごきぶり, ゴキブリ
..... gokikaburi 御器噛り(ごきかぶり)


Cockroaches (or simply "roaches") are insects of the order Blattaria.
This name derives from the Latin word for "cockroach", blatta.

Among the most well-known species are the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, which is about 30 mm (1 inch) long, the German cockroach, Blattella germanica, about 15 mm (1/2 inch) long, the Asian cockroach, Blattella asahinai, also about 15 mm (1/2 inch) in length, and the Oriental cockroach, Blatta orientalis, about 25 mm (3/4 inch). Tropical cockroaches are often much bigger, and extinct cockroach relatives such as the Carboniferous Archimylacris and the Permian Apthoroblattina were several times as large as these. Cockroaches are generally considered pests; however, only about 30 species (less than 1%) infest urban habitats.
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More GOKIBURI reference


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We had a lot of them in the small housing compound in Kamakura, where neighbours are close and the gokiburi have no problem wandering around. They are cleverly hiding behind refrigerators and under furniture.

Since we moved to an isolated farmhouse in the countryside, we never saw one again. They can not survive in the solitude, it seems.

Gabi Greve, GokuRakuAn, Okayama, 2008

Worldwide use


she screams
at the sight of a cockroach-
in her bathroom

In India, the cockroaches hide during the winter, but they come out during the summer and rains and are quite a common sight in our homes, especially kitchen and bathroom. The lady of the house always dislikes it, and perhaps, also dreads it.

© sunil uniyal
Kigo Hotline

Things found on the way


aisarezu shite aburamushi hikari tatsu

it is not loved -
the cocroach sparkles
and takes off

Hashimoto Takako 橋本多佳子
Tr. Gabi Greve

it is not loved
but the cockroach shines
as it takes off

Tr. Larry Bole
Kigo Hotline


Related words

Summer more KIGO with
Insects and Summer Animals

Ant (Ari)

Ant lion (Arijigoku)

Japanese rhinoceros beetle, Unicorn beetle (Kabutomushi かぶとむし【兜虫/甲虫】) Allomyrina dichotoma

Caterpillar (Kemushi)
Centipede (Mukade)
Cicada (Semi)
Dayfly, Ephemerid (Kusa-kageroo)
Dragonfly (Ito-tonbo,Kawa-tonbo)
Earthworm (Mimizu)
Firefly (Hotaru)
Flat-headed borer (Tamamushi)
Flea (Nomi)
Fly (Hae)
Gnat (Buyo)
Gold beetle, Gold bug (Koganemushi)
Ladybug (Tentoomushi)
Leech (Hiru)
Longicorn (Kamikiri)
Mosquito (Ka)
Mosquito larva (Boofura, Boofuri 孑孑)
Noctiluca (Yakoochu)

. Slug (namekuji ナメクジ ) .

Snail (Katatsumuri)
Spider (Kumo)
Water strider (Amenboo)

some have their own entries HERE
***** WKD - ABC Reference

. Beetles in all seasons .


Deutzia blossoms (u no hana)


Deutzia blossom (u no hana, unohana)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Early Summer
***** Category: Plant


deutzia blossoms, u no hana, unohana 卯の花 (うのはな)
..... utsugi no hana 空木の花(うつぎのはな)
..... hana utsugi 花仰木(はなうつぎ)

hedge of deutzia blossoms, unohana gaki

This kind of hedge is quite popular in Japan.

deutzia from Hakone, Hakone utsugi
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deutzia with yellow blossoms, kibana utsugi
..... ukon uzuki うこんうつぎ

"brocade deutzia", nishiki utsugi
..... biroodo utsugi びろうどうつぎ

deutzia in the valley, tani utsugi 谷うつぎ(たにうつぎ)
deutzia in the underbush, yabu utsugi

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heaven kigo for early summer

uzukigumori 卯月曇 (うづきぐもり)
cloudy on the deutzia blossoms

unohanagumori, u no hana gumori 卯の花曇(うのはなぐもり)

During the time when the deutzia blossoms in Japan, there is often an overcast sky (kumori), not realy rain, but not shine either. The rainy season comes soon.


Deutzia is a genus of about 60 species of shrubs in the family Hydrangeaceae, native to eastern and central Asia (from the Himalaya east to Japan and the Philippines), and Central America and also Europe. By far the highest species diversity is in China, where 50 species occur.

The species are shrubs ranging from 1-4 m in height. Most are deciduous, but a few subtropical species are evergreen. The leaves are opposite, simple, with a serrated margin. The flowers are produced in panicles or corymbs; they are white in most species, sometimes pink or reddish. The fruit is a dry capsule containing numerous small seeds. Identification of the species is very difficult, requiring often microscopic detail of the leaf hairs and seed capsule structure.

Deutzias are commonly grown as ornamental plants for their white flowers.
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month when the deutzia is blooming
u no hana zuki 卯の花月(うのはなづき)

... uzuki 卯月 (うづき)
hana nokorizuki 花残月(はなのこりづき)month when cherry blossoms are still left in the mountains
natsu hazuki 夏初月(なつはづき)first month of summer
uzuki 四月(うづき) "fourth month"

haiku category: season

. . . . SUMMER
the complete SAIJIKI


"deutzia blossoms are rotting "(u no hana kutashi
(kudashi) 卯の花腐し

"tofu-dregs getting rotten"
A kind of rain in the old lunar month of may, when it gets hot and warm and the tofu starts rotting soon. During the old lunar month of april and may, the rain was very long (but not yet the rainy season)

..... unohana kudashi 卯の花腐し(うのはなくだし)
..... 卯の花降し(うのはなくだし)
haiku category: heaven

CLICK for more photos Scrambled tofu dregs are also prepared in a dish of "unohana". It is a common home food, tasting of "mother's cooking".
- widipedia: Okara and Unohana ...

緋鯉真鯉 卯の花腐しうれしくて
higoi magoi unohana kudashi ureshikute

red carps, black carps
and rain on the deutzia blossoms -
I am full of joy  

. Awano Seiho 阿波野青畝

He is enjoying a rainy day at a small pond, with the fish darting and blossoms slowly falling into the pond too.

- - - - -

u no hana ni shokushoo suru na hototogisu

don't get indigestion
from the tofu dregs!

Tr. David Lanoue

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .

. Bean curd (tofu, toofu, Tōfu, dofu) 豆腐 .

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

卯の花月 month when the deutzia is blooming

歌川豊国 Utagawa Toyokuni


u no hana mo haha naki yado zo susamajiki

deutzia blossoms too
at this home without a mother -
how dreadful

Tr. Gabi Greve

Written in the 12th day of the 5th lunar month in 1687貞亨4年5月12日
Basho age 44.
On the 8th day of the 4th lunar month, the mother of his discipke Kikaku had died.

The blossoms of the fence around the house were just showing up for the memorial service.

'On the Thirty-fifth Day Memorial Service' [for Kikaku's mother]
tofu pulp
without a mother in the house
so dreary

Tr. Reichhold

. Kikaku, Enomoto Kikaku 榎本其角 .
(1661-1707) Takarai Kikaku 宝井其角


u no hana no hana no naki sae urare keri

a deutzia shrub
even without blossoms...
for sale

Kobayashi Issa
Tr. David Lanoue

u no hana ya kodomo no tsukuru tsuchi dango

deutzia in bloom
children make

Tr. David Lanoue
Kasamori Fox Shrine and mud-dumplings


卯の花を めがけてきたか 時鳥
unohana o megakete kita ka hototogisu

aiming at
deutzia blossoms
little cuckoo

Masaoka Shiki , Ehime, Matsuyama


the sun remains
in the deutzia flowers--
under cloudy skies

© Chiyo-Jo
Chiyo-Jo Haiku Museum

Related words

***** Mud Dupmpling from the Kasamori Inari fox shrine

***** . uzuki yooka 卯月八日 (うづきようか) eighth day of the uzuki month
tendoobana 天頭花(てんどうばな)"deutzia blossoms"
..... tentobana てんと花(てんとばな / 天道花)
"flowers along the heavenly road"


Unohana Haiku by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .




Beans in autumn



Beans in autumn

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Autumn
***** Category: Plant


There are quite a few beans harvested in autumn. Let us look at the related kigo.

early autumn

new adzuki beans, shin azuki 新小豆 (しんあずき)

black beans, azemame 畦豆 (あぜまめ)
ta no kuromame 田畦豆(たのくろまめ), kuromame くろまめ
"aze" are the small paths between the rice paddies, where the beans are grown.
kuromame do not need much fertile soil and grow along the paddies. When boiled with vinegar for a sushi rice, they color the rice red as with azuki beans.
kuromame sushi 黒豆寿司
Topped with some yellow eggs it makes food for festival days.
. . . CLICK here for Photos ! 

green beans, ingen mame 隠元豆 (いんげんまめ)
ingen 菜豆(いんげん), saya ingen 莢隠元(さやいんげん)
uzura mame 鶉豆(うずらまめ)
toosasage 唐豇(とうささげ)
ingen sasage 隠元豇(いんげんささげ)
"wisteria bean", fujimame 藤豆 (ふじまめ)
..... fujimame 鵲豆(ふじまめ)
..... sengoku mame 千石豆(せんごくまめ)
kakimame 籬豆 (かきまめ)
hasshoo mame 八升豆(はっしょうまめ)
.... enrimame 沿籬豆(えんりまめ)
a kind of cowpea; a black-eyed pea; a southern pea. Most are some kind of green bean of the INGEN Type.
The ingen mame gets its name from the priest Ingen who brought the beans (ingen mame 隠元豆) from China in the 16th century.
Embassies to China 遣唐使 Gabi Greve

a kind of cowpea; a black-eyed pea; a southern pea
sasage 豇豆 ささげ, juuroku sasage 十六豇豆(じゅうろくささげ)
juuhachi sasage 十八豇豆(じゅうはちささげ)
long sasage, naga sasage 長豇豆(ながささげ)

"sword beans" natamame 刀豆 (なたまめ)
natamame 鉈豆(なたまめ), tachihaki たちはき
CLICK for more Natamame
Their beans are sometimes crushed to prepare a tea.



new soy beans, shin daizu 新大豆 しんだいず

"green beans" bundoo 緑豆 ( ぶんどう)
..... bundoo 文豆(ぶんどう), yaenari やえなり
also read "ryokutoo"


peanuts, rakkasei 落花生 (らっかせい)
late autumn
piinatsu ピーナツ
"beans from Nanking", Nankin Mame 南京豆(なんきんまめ)

Worldwide use


topic for all seasons

In the Philippines, peanuts are grown throughout the year, but maybe the crunchiest are eaten in summer.

Pulling up the plant
in the loamy soil
for crunchy peanuts.

- Willie Bongcaron, Manila

Things found on the way


natamame ya kaki mo yukari no murasaki no

Buson 蕪村


koohii pii -
the wonderful world
of Japanese sweets 

. Peanuts Haiku by
Gabi Greve

Related words

***** Beans and human acitvities in Haiku

***** Tofu (toofu), bean curd Japan

***** Setsubun (Japan) ..
Bean Throwing Festival, February 3



Herring (nishin)


Herring (nishin)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Late Spring, others see below
***** Category: Animal


Herring, nishin 鰊 (にしん) , 鯡(にしん)、青魚(にしん)、
黄魚(にしん) ,
"fish that brings spring", 春告魚(にしん)
kado かど、kadoiwashi かどいわし
"Korean sardine", koorai iwashi 高麗鰯(こうらいいわし)

"running herring", hashiri nishin 走り鰊(はしりにしん)

first herring, hatsu nishin 初鰊(はつにしん)
middle herring, chuu nishin 中鰊(ちゅうにしん)
late herring, ato nishin 後鰊(あとにしん)

herring are coming, nishin kuki 鰊群来(にしんくき)

place for herrings, nishinba 鰊場(にしんば)
pot for cooking herring, nishingama 鰊釜(にしんがま)
roasting herring, nishin taku 鰊焚く(にしんたく)


CLICK for more herring photosHerrings are small, oily fish of the genus Clupea found in the shallow, temperate waters of the North Atlantic, the Baltic Sea, the North Pacific, and the Mediterranean. There are 15 species of herring, the most abundant of which is the Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus).[citation needed] Herrings move in vast schools, coming in spring to the shores of Europe and America, where they are caught, salted and smoked in great quantities.
Canned "sardines" (or pilchards) seen in supermarkets may actually be sprats or round herrings.
Pickled herring is found in the cuisine of Hokkaidō in Japan, where families traditionally preserved large quantities for winter.

- - -  More in the WIKIPEDIA !


kigo for all summer

herring in summer 夏鰊 (なつにしん) natsu nishin

Worldwide use


Pickled vinegared herring, Rollmops
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Bückling (smoked herring)
kigo for winter

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Things found on the way


Above the cedars
a Mother eagle hovers
scent of herring

- Angelika Kolompar Renville Bygott


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

............................................. Aomori 青森県
三戸郡 Sannohe district 五戸町

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
A monk had been carrying nisshin 鰊 herring on his back on the way back to his temple.
But he was bewitched by a fox and lost them all.

- - - - -
. kitsune 狐 fox,sake 鮭 salmon
A fox had cheated an old man,
telling him there were many herring in the river.
So the man left his luggage and went into the river to get them.
Meanwhile the fox took his luggage and run away.
. sake 鮭と伝説 legends about the salmon .

............................................. Fukushima 福島県
南会津郡 Minami-Aizu district

. neko 猫 / ねこ と伝説 Legends about cats, Katzen .
The cats belonging to the old woman オキシ O-Kitsu had survived for three generations.
Once a cat was seen leaving the house with a towel covering its head.
O-Kitsu gave it three 鰊 herrings and let it go.

............................................. Hokkaido 北海道

. kujira 鯨 whale - Walfisch .
Since olden times, the kujira 鰊 whale is
a special fish of Hokkaido 蝦夷 Ezo.
When the season comes, fishermen say special prayers and go out to sea.
In the second lunar month, it was not allowed to ring a large temple bell.
The vibrations of such a bell would be heared in the sea and the whales might disappear.
Words like whale, kitsune 狐 fox and awabi 蚫 were not allowed to use,
since these animals were enemies of the whale.

江差 Esashi

. Orii baasan 折居婆さん grandmother Orii .
and the origin of Ubagami Daijinguu 姥神大神宮 Ubagami Daijingu
Shrine ofr the "old woman deity"

函館市 Hakodate City

. Genko 玄狐 / Kurogitsune 黒狐 a black fox .

松前町 Matsumae town

. Matsumae Kaido 松前街道 Matsumae Highway .
and Genko 玄狐 / Kurogitsune 黒狐 a black fox -
A black furred fox that incarnated into the Big Dipper. -
- - - - -
. yamabushi 山伏 mountain priests .
The fishing season for herrings had been very bad,
so the villagers asked a Yamabushi for a purification ritual.

............................................. Niigata 新潟県

南魚沼市 Minami-Uonuma city

. Shanichi Sama, Shajitsu Sama 社日様
Deity of the Shrine Day .

and offerings of Herring soup.

............................................. Shiga 滋賀県
高島市 Takashima city

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
Once a man went up to the mountain to gather chestnuts.
He picked up some chestnuts near the hole of a fox, so the fox bewitched him.
The farmer took some rice cakes and herring to apologize and soon
he got well again.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -

Related words

Sardines (iwashi 鰯 (いわし)) /
urume (潤目)うるめ round herring big-eye sardine



- #nishin #herring #nisshin -


Will-o'-the-wisp (kitsunebi)

. kitsunebi 狐火と伝説 "fox fire" legends .
. onibi 鬼火 "demon fire", "devil's fire" .

Will-o'-the-wisp (kitsunebi)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Winter
***** Category: Earth


"fox fire", kitsunebi 狐火 (きつねび)
"fox lantern", kitsune no choochin
"devil's fire", onibi 鬼火 (おにび)

CLICK for english reference CLICK for more Japanese reference

. janjanbi じゃんじゃん火 / ジャンジャン火 Janjan fire .
- Legends from Nara


”a mysterious light associated with spirits,
found in various folklore tales”

The will-o'-the-wisp, sometimes will-o'-wisp or ignis fatuus (modern Latin, from ignis ("fire") + fatuus ("foolish"), plural ignes fatui) refers to the ghostly lights sometimes seen at night or twilight — often over bogs. It looks like a flickering lamp, and is sometimes said to recede if approached. Much folklore surrounds the legend, but science has offered several potential explanations.

One Asian theologist ponders the relation of will-o'-the-wisp to that of the foxfire produced by kitsune, an interesting way of combining mythology of the West with that of the East.

In addition to Kitsunebi (aka Foxfire) described above, additional similar phenomena are described in Japanese folklore, including Hitodama (literally "Human ball" as in ball of energy), Hi no Tama (Ball of Flame), Aburagae, Koemonbi, Ushionibi, etc. All these phenomena are described as balls of flame or light, at times associated with graveyards, but occurring across Japan as a whole in a wide variety of situations and locations. These phenomena are described in Shigeru Mizuki's 1985 book Graphic World of Japanese Phantoms (妖怪伝 in Japanese)。
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Kitsunebi / more reference

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

. Ooji no kitsunebi 王子の狐火 (おうじのきつねび)
day of the fox deity at Oji Inari Shrine .

kigo for late winter
and more about
Ooji Inari Jinja 王子稲荷神社 Oji Inari Fox Shrine


. Tosa no kechibi 土佐の鬼火
"Demon fire" from Tosa / Kochi .


kitsunebi ya dokuro ni ame no tamaru yo ni

fox fire -
on the night when the skull
gathers rain

Buson 蕪村
Tr. Gabi Greve

ONIBI ... click for more !



kitsunebi ya Rikyu ne no ame ga furu

fox fire -
the rain falls so gray,
Rikyu gray
(Tr. Gabi Greve)

Gendai Haiku Kyokai

Grey, Gray (hai-iro, hyaku nezu) and haiku

Related words

***** Fox (kitsune) Japan...
including Fox God Shrine Festival (Inari Matsuri)


plant kigo for early summer

kitsune no choochin 狐の提燈 "fox lantern plant"
Chinese Fairy Bells
..... hoochakusoo 宝鐸草(ほうちゃくそう)"temple chime plant"
Disporum sessile

hoochaku 宝鐸 temple chime


. kitsunebi 狐火と伝説 "fox fire" legends .

. onibi 鬼火 "demon fire", "devil's fire" .

- #kitsunebi #onibi -