Berry, berries
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Plant
There are many berries available in various seasons.
Some are edible, some are not.
There are also English names of plants and shrubs that include the BERRY part.
The Japanese name can be tricky, mostly MI 実 is used.
xx の実 is also used for fruit, nuts and others.
berii ベリー berry
chiisa na kajitsu 小さな果実 "small fruit"
MI in compound words
液果, 漿果(しょうか)
I will try and list the BERRY KIGO here.
We have to distinguish between the blossoms of these berries and the fruit, which can be in different seasons.
Gabi Greve
under construction
pregnant sea animals are also sometimes called
"in berry"
like fish, shrimp, crabs.
ichigo no hana 苺の花 (いちごのはな) strawberry blossoms
kigo for late spring
..... hana ichigo 花苺(はないちご)
kusaichigo no hana 草苺の花(くさいちごのはな)
nawashiro ichigo no hana 苗代苺の花(なわしろいちごのはな)
hebi-ichigo no hana 蛇苺の花(へびいちごのはな)
blossoms of Indian strawberry
kiichigo no hana, ki-ichigo no hana 木苺の花 (きいちごのはな)
raspberry blossoms, Himbeerblüten
kigo for late spring
momiji ichigo もみじ苺(もみじいちご)
sagari ichigo下り苺(さがりいちご)
awa ichigo 粟苺(あわいちご)
kuko クコ 枸杞 Wolfsberry
Lycium rhombifolium
kigo for mid-spring
kuwa 桑 (くわ)mulberry tree
late spring
kuwa no me 桑の芽(くわのめ)
kuwa no hana 桑の花(くわのはな)
kuwabatake 桑畑(くわばたけ) mulberry field
Kigo related to silk and mulberries
..... koozo no hana 楮の花 (こうぞのはな)
paper mulberry blossoms
..... kazo no hana かぞの花(かぞのはな)
..... kazu nohana かずの花(かずのはな)
..... kozo no ki no hana こぞの木の花(こぞのきのはな)
kami no ki no hana かみの木の花(かみのきのはな)
Broussonetia papyrifera
niwatoko no hana 接骨木の花 (にわとこのはな)
elderberry blossoms
..... tazu no hana たずの花(たずのはな)
..... miyatsukogi みやつこぎ
Sambucus sieboldiana. Holunder
berries, many kinds of wild berries
bayberry 楊桃 (やまもも yamamomo)
yamaume やまうめ、momokawa ももかわ
yoobai 楊梅(ようばい)、jubai 樹梅(じゅばい)
yamamomobune 楊桃船(やまももぶね)
yamamomo, yama momo 山桃(やまもも)"mountain peach"
kigo for mid-summer
Myrica rubra - ヤマモモ
blackberries, blackberry
kigo for early summer
(according to Higginson, Haiku World)
Others list the blackberries as autumn in Europe
Blackberries, blackberry, Brombeeren
summer in Germany
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
They are not native to Japan.
season's change
blackberries will soon
be ready
Robert Hunt
Happy Haiku Forum
with photo
Brambles are thorny plants of the genus Rubus, in the rose family (Rosaceae). Bramble fruit is the fruit of any such plant, including the blackberry and raspberry.
The word comes from Germanic
bram-bezi, whence also German Brombeere and French
framboise. In popular UK usage the term primarily refers to the blackberry bush; in Scotland and the north of England it refers to both the blackberry bush and its fruits.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
brambles in the Japanese dictionary gives two words
ki-ichigo (Rubus), see above and
kuro ichigo, kuroichigo 黒苺 "black strawberries"
Rubus mesogaeus
kuroichigo are not listed in the Japanese saijiki.
They are most probably blackberries.
yuki teikei lists
bramble as a spring kigo.
We must distinguish between the
plant (the bramble) and its
fruit (the blackberry).
I would suggest that the bramble comes earlier in the year (summer, the time when it grows most vigorously), with the blackberry later (autumn, when we go to search for the berries in the forests, and the brambles are less important to us).
Isabelle Prondzynski
Blueberries , blueberry
late summer across the USA.
Gooseberry, gooseberries Europe
suguri no mi すぐりの実 (すぐりのみ)
Huckleberries, Hucklberries
kigo for all summer
Northwestern Parts of North America
They are wild and highly prized both by humans and bears.
Read : Huckleberries
kiichigo, ki-ichigo 木苺 (きいちご)
raspberry, raspberries, Himbeeren
food kigo for early summer
koori ichigo 氷いちご(こおりいちご) strawberries on ice
food kigo for all summer
. kuwa no mi 桑の実 (くわのみ) mulberries
..... kuwa ichigo 桑苺 (くわいちご) mulberry,
" mulberry tree strawberry"
kigo for mid-summer
Oregon Grape
berries in Summer
State flower of Oregon, but bush is seen all along the Northwest Coast California to British Columbia.It is Oregon's State Flower
see : http://www.jacksirulnikoff.com
summer fruit
Redcurrant, rote Johannisbeeren Europe
Rubus spectabilis
North America, Alaska
Salmon Berry
The bloom is one of the first berry blossoms in the spring.
The fruit is enjoyed by the bears and people.
kigo for early summer
silverberry, goumi 茱萸(ぐみ) gumi
nawashiro gumi 苗代茱萸 (なわしろぐみ) gumi seedlings
harugumi 春茱萸(はるぐみ) "spring gumi"
kigo for late summer
natsugumi 夏茱萸 (なつぐみ) "summer gumi
..... tawaragumi 俵茱萸(たわらぐみ)
Elaeagnus pungens
akigumi 秋茱萸 (あきぐみ) goumi in autumn
shimogumi 霜茱萸(しもぐみ)goumi in frost
gumizake 茱萸酒(ぐみざけ)alcoholic drink from goumi
Elaeagnus. Ölweidenbeere
Strawberry, ichigo イチゴ、苺 strawberries Japan, Europa, North America
. konomi, ko no mi 木の実 (このみ)
"fruit from the tree", berry, nut, seed, acorn ...
a KIGO list
donguri 団栗 (どんぐり) acorn (from an oak tree)
blueberry, blueberries
elderberry, elderberries
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
grapes, budoo, budō 葡萄 and many related kigo
wild grapes, mountain grapes, yamabudoo 山葡萄
Grape harvest (Weinlese, Traubenlese, Vendanges)
Wine pressing, Stoarcerea strugurilor (Romania)
Mistletoe berries from the desert
Sonora, North America
mountain ash (nanakamado ななかまど)
..... nanakamado 七竈(ななかまど)、野槐(ななかまど)
nanakamado no mi ななかまどの実(ななかまどのみ)
kigo for late autumn
Sorbus commixta
The fruit are bright red berries.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Rose hip, rosehip, Hagebutte
Tonburi とんぶり "mountain caviar"
Akita, Japan
. wolfberry 枸杞の実 (くこのみ) kuko no mi, kuko shi
aoki no mi 青木の実 (あおきのみ) laurel berries
kigo for all winter
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Cranberry, cranberries
fuyu sango 冬珊瑚 (ふゆさんご ) "winter corals"
tama sango 玉珊瑚(たまさんご)
Solanum pseudo-capsicum
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. . . . .
fuyu ichigo 冬苺 (ふゆいちご) winter strawberries
fuyu no ichigo 冬の苺 (ふゆのいちご)
kan ichigo, kanichigo 寒苺(かんいちご)strawberries in the cold
..... kin ichigo, kinichigo きんいちご
ishigaki ichigo 石垣苺(いしがきいちご)
strawberries grown on stone walls
. . . . .
nanten no mi 南天の実 (なんてんのみ)
berries of the nandina
kigo for all winter
shiro nanten 白南天(しろなんてん)white nandina
mi nanten 実南天(みなんてん)nandina with berries
Nandina Berries: kigo for all winter
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
nezumimochi no mi 女貞の実 (ねずみもちのみ)
berries of the privet
kigo for all winter
Ligustrum japonicum Thunb., Japanese privet
nezumi no fun ねずみのふん
nezumi no komakura ねずみのこまくら
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
ryuu no tama 龍の玉 (りゅうのたま)
"pearl of the dragon"
dragon berry
Japanese snake's beard plant, Ophiopogon japonicus
kigo for all winter
龍の髯の実(りゅうのひげのみ)berries of the dragon beard
蛇の髯の実(じゃのひげのみ) berries of the snake beard
They are shining blue-violet berries .
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
kigo for early winter
briar berry, briar berries
briar berry --
an animal sound comes
from the brambles
2006 知美
"chibi" (pen-name for Dennis M. Holmes)
These berries may be a food source for animals, but, they may be toxic too. They are about the size of a large peppercorn.
Topics (until we find the season)
Nordic cloudberries
Worldwide use
Thanks to Carole Macrury for information about North America.
The berries is in the above list.
. Alma, amalika - Indian gooseberry .
Phyllanthus emblica (syn. Emblica officinalis)
In Kenya, there are hardly any berries at all. Some strawberries, expensive and tasteless, are really produced only for the wealthy foreigners (hence, no kigo). The Kenyan climate is not at all suitable for them. The only berry that grows quite well in Kenya is the
mulberry -- but again, it is not widely grown or available and would not be a kigo, for the time being at least.
Isabelle Prondzynski
coffee beans
coffee berries as long as they are at the branch of shrubs.
kigo for autumn, when the most important harvest takes place
goats like the red berries
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
harvest moon -
red berries
in a goat's gut
Badian berries .. Badian Star Anise
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Juniper berries
kigo for summer
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Western Highlands of Yemen:
The highlands receive variable rainfall caused by the southwestern monsoon, which brings damp oceanic winds. These winds are uplifted by the mountains and trigger thunderstorms, particularly during the summer, with most rain falling in April/May and July/August.
montane juniper woodlands are vital habitat for birds, such as the
Yemen linet (Carduelis yemenensis),
Yemen thrush (Turdus menachensis), Palm Dove (Streptopelia senegalensi) and
Yemen warbler (Parisoma buryi). These species are dependent on juniper berries as a food source and also use the juniper trees for nesting. Nesting and breeding time must be July/August;
so juniper berries a summer kigo and bird food.
the palm dove's
carrying a twig...
light drizzle
calling frequently...
juniper berries
picked by thrushes
Heike Gewi
Things found on the way
Legend from Yamanashi, 北都留郡
Kitatsuru district
hime konjin sama no tatari ヒメコンジン様の祟り the curse of Hime Konjin Sama
In every house there are for Konjin Sama deities to protect the premises.
One of them is the female "Princess Konjin Sama".
If people do not treat her spot nicely, someone will get ill. They must keep the area around the outside toilet clean and not cut branches from the Silverberry (グミの木 gumi, Elaeagnus pungens), otherwise their lower back will start aching the same day due to the influnce of Rokusan.
If someone gets ill in this way, he has to seek help from a person performing rituals for Hime Kojin Sama and Rokusan or learn a special spell to repeat secretly to himself.
. Rokusan 六三 伝説 legends about Rokusan,
Deity of Illness .
black elderberries ...
the stove fitter cuts
chamotte bricks
- Shared by Ramona Linke -
Joys of Japan, September 2012
red berries
to brighten my mind -
winter walk
Gabi Greve, 2007
with photos
wedding anniversary -
does he still love me
like the red winter berries ?
Gabi Greve, December 12, 2006
Related words
. Plants and Berries in Autumn - SAIJIKI LIST