
Christian Celebrations


Christian Celebrations in Japanese Kigo

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below.
***** Category: Observance


Today, about one to two million Japanese are Christians (about 1% of Japan's population). Most of them live in Western Japan where the missionaries' activities were greatest during the 16th century.

A few Christian customs have become quite popular also among the non-Christian population. Such customs are the wearing of white dresses at weddings or the celebration of St.Valentine's Day and, to a certain grade, also Christmas.

In the year 1542, the first Europeans from Portugal landed on Kyushu in Western Japan. The two historically most important things they imported to Japan were gunpowder and Christianity. The Japanese barons on Kyushu welcomed foreign trade especially because of the new weapons, and, therefore, tolerated the Jesuit missionaries. The missionaires were successful in converting quite large numbers of people in Western Japan including members of the ruling class. In 1550, Francis Xavier also undertook a mission to the capital Kyoto.
source : www.japan-guide.com


Persecution under the Shogunate

Under Hideyoshi and then under the succeeding Tokugawa shogunate, Catholic Christianity was repressed and adherents were persecuted. During these times, many Christians were killed in Japan, some by crucifixion; most famously, the twenty-six martyrs of Japan were tortured and crucified on crosses outside Nagasaki to discourage Christianity in 1597. Following a brief respite that occurred as Tokugawa Ieyasu rose to power and pursued trade with the Iberian powers, there were further persecutions and martyrdoms in 1613, 1630, and 1632.

By this point, after the Shimabara Rebellion, the remaining Christians had been forced to publicly renounce their faith. Many continued practicing Christianity in secret, in modern times becoming known as the "hidden Christians" (隠れキリシタン, kakure kirishitan). These secret believers would often conceal Christian iconography within closed shrines, lanterns or inconspicuous parts of buildings.

For example, Himeji Castle has a Christian cross on one of its 17th-century roof tiles, in place of a mon, indicating that one of its occupants was a secret Christian. Drawn from the oral histories of Japanese Catholic communities, Shusaku Endo's acclaimed historical novel "Silence" provides detailed fictionalised accounts of the persecution of Christian communities and the suppression of the Church.
(Endo Shusaku 遠藤周作)
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Pictures of Christian figures used during the Edo period (1600-1868) to identify adherents of Christianity, proscribed in 1613. Suspects were ordered to trample these Christian images underfoot on the assumption that those who refused or hesitated revealed themselves as Christians.
Official use of fumie as an instument of control continued until 1858.

. Stepping on a Christian image
(fumi-e, fumie, ebumi 踏絵 絵踏)

kigo for early spring  

Some Christian celebrations are also KIGO in Japan.
Let us look at them through the seasons.

These celebrations are all bound to a calendar reference defining their season.
Read the general points to consider HERE:
. Calendar references and KIGO



kigo for early spring

nijuuroku seijinsai 二十六聖人祭 (にじゅうろくせいじんさい)
celebration of the 26 saints

..... chimeisai 致命祭(ちめいさい)
On the 5th of February, in 1597, Toyotomi Hideyoshi ordered the execution of 26 christian people in Nagasaki, 3 of them where Japanese Jesuits. Later Pope Pius 9 canonized them in 1861.


. Barentain Dii バレンタインデー Valentine Day  
barentain no hi バレンタインの日 (ばれんたいんのひ)

. shanikusai 謝肉祭 (しゃにくさい) carneval, carnival  
Karneval, Fasching

. hai no suiyoobi 灰の水曜日Ash Wednesday. Aschermittwoch .
and Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras)


kigo for mid-spring

sei Yosefu sai 聖ヨセフ祭 (せいよせふさい) feast of Saint Joseph
..... shugoshasai 守護者祭(しゅごしゃさい)
..... joohaisai 浄配祭(じょうはいさい)
Fest des Heiligen Josef


o-tsugesai 御告祭 おつげさい Annunciation
kami no o-tsuge 神のお告げ(かみのおつげ), gokuchisai 告知祭(こくちさい)、o-tsuge no shukujitsu お告げの祝日(おつげのしゅくじつ), jutai kokuchibi 受胎告知日(じゅたいこくちび)、seitai gokuchibi 聖胎告知日(せいたいこくちび)
Maria Verkündigung

The Angelus Domini is the traditional form used by the faithful to commemorate the holy annunciation of the angel Gabriel to Mary.
. . Angelus prayer


shishunsetsu 四旬節 (しじゅんせつ) lent
..... taisaisetsu 大斎節(たいさいせつ)
rento レント、Lent
shijunsai 四旬祭(しじゅんさい), shijunsai 四旬斎(しじゅんさい)

The season of Lent is a 40-day period of fasting and prayer, which leads up to the great feast of Christ's resurrection, Easter, in the Christian calendar. Lent starts on Ash Wednesday and ends with Easter Eve, the day after Good Friday, when we remember Jesus resting dead in his tomb and prepare ourselves to celebrate his resurrection.
. Lent in Europe  
junan no jujitsu 受難の主日 (じゅなんのしゅじつ)
Palmsunday, Palmsonntag
sei kinyoobi 聖金曜日 せいきんようび Good Friday, Karfreitag
seidoyoobi 聖土曜日 (せいどようび) Holy Saturday, Karsamstag


kigo for late spring

. fukkatsu-sai 復活祭り、iisutaa イースター
Easter / Ostern
iisutaa eggu イースターエッグ Easter egg
pasuka パスカ、pasuha パスハ、paaku パーク Pashka
Russian Easter cheese dessert
shiroki nichiyoobi 白き日曜日 (しろきにちようび)White Sunday



kigo for early summer

seibozuki 聖母月 (せいぼづき) month of the holy mother
..... Maria no tsuki マリアの月(まりあのつき)month of Maria
The month of May.

shootensai 昇天祭 (しょうてんさい) Ascension of Christ
..... shooten no hi 昇天日(しょうてんび)
goshooten 御昇天(ごしょうてん)


kigo for mid-summer

hana no hi 花の日 (はなのひ) "day of flowers"
..... hana no nichiyo 花の日曜(はなのにちよう)sunday of flowers
bara no nichiyo 薔薇の日曜(ばらのにちよう)sunday of roses
Most often the second sunday in July.
Rosensonntag, Freudensonntag, Lätare

The fourth Sunday in Lent is Laetare, also called Refreshment Sunday.
Mothering Sunday, Laetare in Europe


sei Yohanne sai 聖ヨハネ祭 (せいよはねさい)
Feast of Saint John

..... senja sei Yohanne sai 仲夏 洗者聖ヨハネ祭(せんじゃせいよはねさい)
Feast of Saint John the Baptist
..... senja sei Yohanne tanjoobi 洗者聖ヨハネ誕生日(せんじゃせいよはねたんじょうび)
birthdy of Saint John, the Baptist
der Heilige Johannes der Täufer

. Golowan Festival, Cornwall .
Midsummer’s Day is the church feast of St John The Baptist,


sei Petoro . Pauro sai 聖ペトロ・パウロ祭
Feast of Saints Peter and Paul

July 29
Hochfest Peter und Paul


seirei koorin sai 聖霊降臨祭 (せいれいこうりんさい)

pentekosute ペンテコステ
seireisai 聖霊祭(せいれいさい)/降臨祭(こうりんさい)
gojunsetsu 五旬節(ごじゅんせつ)

sanmisai 三位祭 (さんみさい) Trinity Sunday
seisanmisai 聖三位祭(せいさんみさい)
shiseisai 至聖祭(しせいさい)
Celebrated on the next sunday after pentecoste.
Dreifaltigkeitsfest; Trinitatisfest

seitaisai, seitai sai 聖体祭 (せいたいさい)
Corpus Christi Festival

Fronleichnam "Hochfest des Leibes und Blutes Christi"
. Corpus Christi Procession


kigo for late summer

Nippon fukushasai 日本福者祭 (にっぽんふくじゃさい)
canonization day of Japan
July 7. Sometimes also celebrated on September 10.
On this day, the pope Pius 9 canonized about 250 Japanese people.



kigo for early autumn

hishootensai 被昇天祭 (ひしょうてんさい)
Feast of the Assumption

hishooten no shukujitsu 被昇天の祝日(ひしょうてんのしゅくじつ)
seibo hishootensai 聖母被昇天祭(せいぼひしょうてんさい)Assumption of Mary
seibosai 聖母祭(せいぼさい)
August 15. Mariä Himmelfahrt
fukuremanjuu no iwaibi ふくれ饅頭の祝日(ふくれまんじゅうのいわいび)
day for celebrating whith puffed manju ricecakes
. . . CLICK here for Photos of the manju from Nagasaki!

seibo seishinsai 聖母聖心祭 (せいぼせいしんさい)
The Immaculate Heart of Mary

August 22


source : www.pinterest.com
Hand painted Virgin Mary as Daruma Doll

kigo for mid-autumn

seibo seitansai 聖母生誕祭 (せいぼせいたんさい)
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

..... gyooseisai 暁星祭(ぎょうせいさい)
September 8
Naşterea Sf. Fecioare Maria / Nativity of the Virgin Mary;
aka “Sântămăria Mică” / ”Little St. Mary’s”
in Romania

juujikasai, juujika sai 十字架祭 (じゅうじかさい)
Exaltation of the Cross

juujika no shoosan no shukujitsu 十字架の称讃の祝日
Triumph of the Holy Cross.
September 14

. sei Mikaeru sai 聖ミカエル祭 (せいみかえるさい)
Feast of Saint Michael

September 29

tenshisai, tenshi sai 天使祭 (てんしさい)
"festival of angels" . Angel Festival

shugo no tenshi no iwaibi
celebration day for the protector angles
October 2

- Reference -


kigo for late autumn

. rozario no seibo no hi ロザリオの聖母の日(ろざりおのせいぼのひ)
Our Lady of the Rosary

rozario sai, rosariosai ロザリオ祭 (ろざりおさい)"Feast of the Rosary"
October 7

. Banseietsu 万聖節 (ばんせいせつ) All Saints' Day
November 1

. Shareisai 諸霊祭 (しょれいさい) All Souls Day
November 1



kigo for early winter

. kanshasai 感謝祭 (かんしゃさい) Thanksgiving
..... shuukaku kanshasai 収穫感謝祭(しゅうかくかんしゃさい)
harvest thanksgiving
sometimes placed in mid-autumn


Day of Saint Xavier
Sei Sabieru no hi 聖ザビエルの日 (せいざびえるのひ)

December 3
Sei Furanshisuko Sabieru shi sai no iwaibi
Sabieru no iwaibi ザビエルの祝日(ざびえるのいわいび)
Sei Sabieru sai 聖ザビエル祭(せいざびえるさい)
Feast for Saint Xavier

Saint Francis Xavier, born Francisco de Jaso y Azpilicueta (7 April 1506, Javier, Navarre – 3 December 1552, Shangchuan Island, China) was a pioneering Roman Catholic missionary born in the Kingdom of Navarre (Spain) and co-founder of the Society of Jesus.
He was influential in the spreading and upkeep of Catholicism most notably in India, but also ventured into Japan, Borneo, the Moluccas, and other areas which had thus far not been visited by Christian missionaries.
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. WKD : Xavier, Saint Francis Xavier,
sei Sabieru 聖ザビエル
 (1506 - 1552)


. advent, taikoosetsu 待降節 (たいこうせつ)


"Madonna of the Snow"
painted by Sister Teresa, a Carmelite nun of the Holy Trinity convent ~ Chofu-shi, Tokyo.


kigo for mid-winter

seitaisetsu 聖胎節 せいたいせつ
day of the Immaculate Conception (of Virgin Mary)

Feast of the Immaculate Conception
December 8
..... dootei Sei Maria nugenzai no onyadori no iwaibi
mugenzai no Sei Maria no saijitsu
無原罪の聖マリアの祭日 (むげんざいのせいまりあのさいじつ)
Maria no onyadori no hi


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. Christmas
kurisumasu クリスマス Christmas, Weihnachten
December 25, 26
kirisuto kootansai キリスト降誕祭(きりすとこうたんさい)
birth of Christ
..... kootansai 降誕祭(こうたんさい)
..... seitansai 聖誕祭(せいたんさい)"holy birthday"
..... gokootansetsu 御降誕節(ごこうたんせつ)

seiju 聖樹(せいじゅ)"holy tree", Tannenbaum

kurisumasu oo-uridashi
Christmas sale

kurisumasu ibu クリスマスイブ Christmas eve
evening of December 24

seiya 聖夜(せいや)Holy Night
seiyageki 聖夜劇(せいやげき)"Holy Night performance"

kurisumasu kaado クリスマスカード Christmas card
kurisumasu kyaroru クリスマスキャロル Christmas carol

seika 聖菓(せいか)"Holy Cake", Christmas cake

Day of the Holy Family
seikazoku no hi 聖家族の日 (せいかぞくのひ)

seikazoku no jujitsu 聖家族の主日(せいかぞくのしゅじつ)
nazareto no seikazoku no iwaibi
Festival Day of the Holy Family from Nazareth


Day of Saint John
Sei Johanne no hi 聖ヨハネの日 (せいよはねのひ)

..... Sei Johanne no iwaibi
December 27

John the Apostle
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kigo for late winter

. Candlemass. seishokusai 聖燭祭 (せいしょくさい)
..... shu no hooken 主の奉献(しゅのほうけん)
Presentation of Jesus at the Temple
February 2


. Epiphany, koogen no hi
公現の日 こうげんのひ

Three Kings Day, January 6
gokoogen 御公現(ごこうげん)
ju no gokoogen no iwaibi


observance kigo for the New Year

hatsu misa 初弥撒 (はつミサ) first missa, first mass
..... misa hajime 弥撒始(ミサはじめ)
kami no haha seibo maria no iwai 神の母聖マリアの祝日
celebrating Maria, mother of God
Erste Messe



topics for haiku

baiburu バイブル bible, die Bibel
seisho 聖書 the holy scirptures, die Heilige Schrift

baiburu o yomu sabishisa yo hana no ame

this loneliness
when reading the bible -
rain on cherry blossoms

. Sugita Hisajo 杉田久女 (1890 - 1946) .
with more translations of this poem

mune no ue seisho wa omoshi tori kumo ni

on my chest
the bible is heavy . . .
birds into clouds

Nomiyama Asuka 野見山朱鳥

. tori kumo ni iru 鳥雲に入る .
birds disappear in the clouds

kasutera to seisho no atsumi haru fukashi

Castella cake
and the thickness of the bible -
spring deepens

Iwabuchi Kiyoko 岩淵喜代子

Castella found its way to Japan from Nagasaki, just as Christianity.

. kasutera カステラ Kastella, Castella - chiffon cake, sponge cake .


crescent moon --
a pressed rose falls
from the family bible

- Shared by Deborah Barbour Lundy -
Joys of Japan, 2012

August chill
the crisp pages
of an old bible

- Shared by Ella Wagemakers -
Joys of Japan, 2012

church blast --
blood droplets
on the bible 

L Otakwa
Kenya, October 2012


sanbika 賛美歌  bible hymn, hymns - Hymne

sambika ya ashinaga kurage te ni toroke

this hymn -
a jelly fish with long legs
melts in my palm

. Mitsuhashi Takajo 三橋鷹女 .


guregorio seika グレゴリオ聖歌 Gregorian Church Songs
cantus gregorianus, Gregorian chant, Gregorianischer Choral

guregorio seika no saka no hana-ringo

Gregorian hymns
at the slope
with apple blossoms

Ishihara Yatsuka 石原八束


February 7, 2012
shared by Johnny Baranski, Joys of Japan, February 2012

St. Paul Miki,
today is the feast of St. Paul Miki, a Jesuit brother born in Tounucamada, Japan in the 1500s who was martyred for preaching the Gospel with 25 other Catholics; they were crucified on a hill overlooking the city of Nagasaki. They were canonized in 1862, about the same time Christianity returned to Japan. Though a minority religion in Japan the largest concentration of Catholics is in and around Nagasaki. The Catholic Cathedral in that city was the epicenter of the atomic bomb dropped there toward the end of WWII.

Johnny Baranski

described as half bleached white and charcoal black she's called "Atomic Bombed Maria." her remains were found amid the ruins of Urakami Catholic Cathedral in Nagasaki, Japan after the city was flattened by the nuclear weapon dubbed "fat man" on August 9th, 1945; that is, only the statue's head, it being all that was still intact. weep not for her, however, for her hollow wooden visage is no specter of death. instead its muted voice joins those around the world calling for disarmament. believers say whatever is asked for through her shall be granted.

disfigured by the BOMB
the Virgin's likeness too
a Hibakusha*

* The surviving victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are called hibakusha -a Japanese word that literally translates to "explosion-affected people.”

source : www.ahapoetry.com/ahalynx

source : isshin3_ph
被爆マリア聖堂 hibaku Maria


furusato no Maria no namida genbaku ki

in my homeland
the tears of Maria -
Atom Bomb Memorial Day

Yamaguchi Momori 山口桃里
source :twitter junfuugetsu

. Selected by Kaneko Tohta at Asahi Haidan .
金子兜太 選, Heisei 22 (2010)

Worldwide use

26 December -- St Stephen, the earliest martyr of the church.
St Stephen's Day

more about
. The twelve days of Christmas  

. . . . .

For more Christian Celebrations and Festivals (feasts)
please check here

. . . . WKD : ABC-INDEX  

Things found on the way

Gründonnerstag in Deutschland
(auch Hoher, Heiliger oder Weißer Donnerstag bzw. Palmdonnerstag)
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Maundy Thursday in England

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Ideology and Christianity in Japan
By Kiri Paramore
ISBN: 978-0-415-60371-3

Ideology and Christianity in Japan shows the major role played by Christian-related discourse in the formation of early-modern and modern Japanese political ideology.

The book traces a history development of anti-Christian ideas in Japan from the banning of Christianity by the Tokugawa shogunate in the early 1600s, to the use of Christian and anti-Christian ideology in the construction of modern Japanese state institutions at the end of the 1800s. Kiri Paramore recasts the history of Christian-related discourse in Japan in a new paradigm showing its influence on modern thought and politics and demonstrates the direct links between the development of ideology in the modern Japanese state, and the construction of political thought in the early Tokugawa shogunate.

Demonstrating hitherto ignored links in Japanese history between modern and early-modern, and between religious and political elements this book will appeal to students and scholars of Japanese history, religion and politics.
source : www.routledge.com



Nisan was determined by a celestial event. The Nisan moon was the first moon that would become a full moon after the passing of the spring equinox. Nisan thereby marked the first month of the year on the Hebrew calendar for the religious year. The Nisan moon, confirmed by the ripening of the barley harvest determined the month in which Passover would be celebrated.
source : endtimepilgrim.org

Nisan moon
at Gethsemane ~
third sunrise

- Shared by Elaine Andre
Joys of Japan, 2012


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kaiten mokuba wa kootansai no hoshi to naru

this merry-go-round
on Christmas Day
becomes a star

Senda Yoko (Senda Yooko) 仙田洋子 (1962 - )


kugi uteru tenshu (deusu デウス ) no teashi tsuyu no kaho

The Lord's hands and feet,
with the nails hammered through them---
dewdrops on blossoms.

Composed 1927.
On a business trip to Nagasaki, in Kyushu, I visited the Ooura Catholic Church and the image of Jesus on the cross in the flower garden. Nails in his hands and feet. Dewdrops on the flowers in the garden. I thought of the blood flowing on his hands and feet.
. Yamaguchi Seishi 山口誓子 .

Comment by the translators Kodaira and Marks
Nagasaki was one of the principal areas of missionary activity when Christianity was introduced to Japan in the sixteenth century. Ooura Catholic Church was built in 1864 and dedicated to 26 Christians crucified in 1597. Today the church has been designated a national treasure.

長崎 大浦天主堂 Oura Cathedral Nagasaki

More haiku written by Seishi in Nagasaki


source : haiku weekly

Related words

***** . Saints and their Memorial Days  

***** . Shrovetide (Maslenitsa) - Russia .

***** . Noah's ark - Die Arche Noah - ノアの箱舟.

***** . Holy Innocents .
December 28

***** . Karematsu Jinja 枯松神社 and hidden Christians .

***** . Jewish Holidays and Celebrations .

***** . SAIJIKI





Summer entertainment


Summer entertainment and toys

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Summer
***** Category: Humanity


Entertainment in summer, outdoors, mostly done in the cooler evening hours.

For more activities, like summer skiing, swimming

Kigo for Summer


kigo for all summer

mizutama 水玉 ( みずたま) "water balls"
A toy for children.
Glass balls or beads filled with colored water are used for decorations or small hairpins or pins for the robes. They can be round or in the form of gourds.


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shoonoobune 樟脳舟 (しょうのうぶね) "mothball boat"
A toy for children.
A plastic toy boat has a mothball made of camphor tied to its back. As the mothball dissolves in water, the boat is moved along the water surface.
This is enjoyed in night stalls along the road or at home in a small basin.


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suichuuka 水中花 (すいちゅうか)
"flowers under water"

..... shuchuuka 酒中花(しゅちゅうか) "flowers immersed in sake"

Artificial flowers, made from various colorful materials, which unfold when placed in water.
They are used to entertain visitors with a feeling of freshness.
They were quite popular in Edo when enjoying a drink with friends.


. Tatebanko Diorama Toys

. yobanashi 夜話 "night story"  

yomise 夜店 (よみせ) night stalls
..... 夜見世(よみせ)
hoshimise 干見世(ほしみせ)
Stalls with food and simple games along the river banks, temple and shrine access roads, parks and other wide areas.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Verkaufsstand an einer nächtlichen Straße.

hiite kishi yomiseguruma o mada tokazu

pulling along
with his night stall cart,
but not yet unpacked

Takahama Kyoshi


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kingyouri kingyo uri 金魚売 (きんぎょうり)
vendor of goldfish

They carried their fish in buckets on a shoulder pole, walking the streets of Edo in summer, to entertain the children. Later they came on bicycles with a cart.

ippon no michi o mishoo no kingyo uri

a goldfish seller
with a smile
on this straight road

Hirahata Seito (Hirahata Seitoo) 平畑静塔

Goldfish and brocade carps ... KIGO
Goldfishbowl and more


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shinnai nagashi 新内ながし (しんないながし)
Shinnai street singers

..... nagashi ながし
kowairo nagashi 声色ながし(こわいろながし)
fune nagashi 舟ながし(ふねながし)
They were usually two, one singer and one playing the shamisen. They walked along busy roads, giving a performance and earning some money. Sometimes they were called inside to a restaurant to play for the guests.
The songs related to the bunraku plays (shinnaibushi 新内節)


tsukuri-ame, tsukuriame 作り雨 (つくりあめ) man-made rain
tsukuridaki 作り滝(つくりだき)man-made waterfall
Many expensive restaurants would poor water on the roofs and have it drop down to cool the garden, like a sprinkler.


kigo for all mid-summer

. hotaru uri, hotaru-uri 蛍売 (ほたるうり) vendor of fireflies


kigo for late summer

. hanabi 花火 はなび firework display


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suikawari, suika wari 西瓜割り (すいかわり)
splitting a watermelon

smashing a watermelon
This is one of the most popular game with children, on the beach or at a home party. Once the watermelon is split, all get a piece to eat.
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yagai ensoo 野外演奏 (やがいえんそう)
outdoor music performance

yagai eiga 野外映画(やがいえいが)outdoor moovie
..... nooryoo eiga 納涼映画(のうりょうえいが)"movie in the evening cool"
yagai geki 野外劇(やがいげき)outdoor theater performance
yagai baree 野外バレー(やがいばれー)outdoor ballet performance
yagai paatii 野外パーティー(やがいぱーてぃー) outdoor party

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


Related words

***** Autumn and entertainment

***** suika スイカ 西瓜 water melon



Home - house - Haus


Living at home in all seasons

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Humanity


The traditional Japanese farmhouse or city home is built with wood, paper, mud walls and a reed roof. So you feel the seasons very strongly.
There is not so much furniture in the traditional home.

It is built for many generations to live together and also provide a space to entertain visitors.

Here are some season words concerned with the various preparations and items used at home to feel comfortable at any time of the year.

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harudanro 春暖炉 (はるだんろ) heating in spring
..... haru no danro 春の暖炉(はるのだんろ)stove in spring
Heating in winter

harugotatsu 春炬燵 (はるごたつ) kotatsu in spring
..... haru no kotatsu 春の炬燵(はるのこたつ)
..... haru no kotatsu 春の火燵(はるのこたつ)
. KOTATSU in alls seasons

CLICK for more IRORI photos
haru no ro 春の炉 (はるのろ) hearth in spring
..... haruro, haru-ro 春炉(はるろ)
It is still wellcome to provide warmth in the kitchen. Often this is also a kind of irori open hearth where the whole family gathers.

harushooji 春障子 (はるしょうじ) sliding doors in spring
..... haru no shooji 春の障子(はるのしょうじ)
The spring sunshine now feels warm through the thin paper panes of the sliding doors. It feels good to enjoy the evening sunshine of the lengthening days.

haru hibachi 春火鉢 (はるひばち) brazier in spring
haru hioke, haru hi-oke

shuntoo 春燈 (しゅんとう) lamplight in spring
..... haru no hi 春の燈(はるのひ)
..... harutomoshi, haru tomoshi 春燈(はるともし)
haru no shoku 春の燭(はるのしょく)candlestick in spring
The soft light adds to the misty nights of spring.



kitamado hiraku 北窓開く (きたまどひらく) opening the north window
and more WINDOW kigo for all seasons

mebari hagu 目貼剥ぐ (めばりはぐ ) taking off the window seals
They are made of paper and put on at the beginning of winter.


late spring

danro osamu 暖炉納む (だんろおさむ) packing the stove away
..... danro hazusu 晩春 暖炉外す(だんろはずす)
..... stoobu nozoku ストープ除く(すとーぶのぞく)

ro fusagi 炉塞 (ろふさぎ) closing the irori open hearth
ro no nagori 炉の名残(ろのなごり)
..... robuta 炉蓋(ろぶた)cover for the irori
Stove in winter

kotatsu 炬燵塞ぐ (こたつふさぐ) packing the kotatsu away
..... kotatsu no nagori) 炬燵の名残(こたつのなごり)
. KOTATSU in alls seasons

shunkyuu 春窮 famine in spring


Kigo for Spring



Blinds, summer curtains (sudare)
Inclucing bamboo blinds, seating mats (goza), rattan chairs (too isu) and a few more summer items for the home.

hiyoke 日除 (ひよけ) sun shade cover
hiooi, hi ooi 日覆(ひおおい)
similar to a sudare, but made from cotton cloth or other material.


amido 網戸 (あみど ) screen door
amimado 網窓(あみまど)window screen
amishooji 網障子(あみしょうじ) sliding door screen
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
With so many insects around in summer, these screen protectors are absolutely necessray to keep the home aired, but clean. They are a modern version of the mosquito nets used only during the night in the Edo period.


barukonii バルコニー balcony
beranda ベランダ veranda
terasu テラス terrace
rodai 露台 (ろだい) terrace

hanafusa no fukare koroberu rodai kana

a bunch of flowers
blown and tumbling down
on the veranda . . .

Sugita Hisajo 杉田久女 (1890-1946)


. natsu hibachi 夏火鉢(なつひばち) brazier in summer

. natsu noren 夏暖簾 (なつのれん) noren for summer
asa noren 麻暖簾(あさのれん) noren made from hemp cloth

. natsu tomoshi 夏燈 (なつともし) lamplight in summer
..... natsu no hi 夏の燈(なつのひ)
hi suzushi 燈涼し(ひすずし)cool lamp light

natsu yakata 夏館 (なつやかた) home in summer
.... natsu yashiki 夏邸(なつやしき)
natsu no yado 夏の宿(なつのやど) lodging in summer
living at home in summer, many more KIGO

. natsu zashiki 夏座敷 sitting room in summer

MORE summer appliances are to be found here

Kigo for Summer



Autumn in your home ...



fuyuzashiki 冬座敷 (ふゆざしき) Japanese living room in winter

Things to keep the house warm



New Year Decorations

hakizome 掃初 (はきぞめ) first cleaning the home
Cleaning the home, broom and more Japan

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

yarido  遣り戸, 鑓戸, 槍戸
sliding door made of wood, at the outside of a home or estate
nowadays an amado 雨戸 "rain door"
made of wood or now of metal or plastic.

yaridoguchi 遣り戸口 entrance/exit with a yarido
first used in the Heian period
Many merchant houses could close with a large wooden shutter at night and keep a small yarido for business at night.

kamoi 鴨居 a narrow piece of wood that passes over the sliding doors and around an entire Japanese room.

akikaze no yarido no kuchi ya togarigoe

autumn wind
through the opening of the sliding door -
this piercing sound

Tr. Gabi Greve

Written in寛文7年, Basho age 24

This is a pun with the sound YARI, which can also mean a spear 槍, piercing through the door to hit an enemy.

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


. buke yashiki 武家屋敷 Samurai Residence .

genkan 玄関 entrance hall

. hisashi 廂 - 庇 eaves, canopy .
kobisashi 小庇 small caonpy

machiya 町屋 "city house" in Kyoto

. mado 窓 window .

. Mon 門 (kado) gate, entrance .

nooka  農家 farmhouse, Bauernhaus

. Ranma 欄間 transom .

shooka 商家 merchant house

. yajiri 屋尻 back of a farmhouse .

- yane 屋根 roof -

Nihon Minkaen Kawasaki 日本民家園
Minkaen is a splendid Open-Air Folk House Museum in Japan, located in Kawasaki city,adjacent to Metropolitan Tokyo. It is known for the remarkable collection of old Japanese folk houses, such as farms and merchant houses. Many of them are the important cultural properties of Japan. The essence of traditional Japanese architecture, beauty and functionality, are well reflected even in Japanese folk houses.

To conserve these valuable historic buildings from the past, the city of Kawasaki began to re-erect original buildings of Edo period in Minkaen.
source : www.city.kawasaki.jp


. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .

how uneasy and tense you must feel in a house built on rock

yuki chiru ya kinoo wa mienu shakuya-fuda

scattering snowflakes
new sign up today --
house for rent

Tr. Chris Drake

This hokku is from the 9th month (October) of 1813, the year Issa finally returned to live in his hometown. It's in Issa's collected works 3.173. In a posthumous collection published by Issa's students in 1829, the short headnote by Issa translated above is placed before the hokku.

The house must be built on an outcropping of bedrock, and the idea of not living directly on the earth seems strange to Issa. I don't know whether Issa was familiar with Feng shui (Japanese Fuusui) geomancy or not, but he did study the Chinese classics to a certain extent. In any case, he feels the present owner must be leaving because of anxiety and stress caused by his/her inability to live in direct contact with the soil. It is still autumn, but light snow has already begun to come down in Issa's hometown and the area around it in the snow country. Scattered snowflakes fall here and there on the rock beneath the house, and it's unlikely anyone will rent the house in the cold, snowy months ahead. The location of the house and ominous timing of the sign together suggest the house will probably remain empty for quite a while.

In the following month, the 10th month (November), Issa revised the hokku a little (collected works 3.269):

yuki chiru ya kinoo wa mienu akiya-fuda

scattering snowflakes
new sign up today --
empty house

By then it must have been obvious no one was interested in renting it for the winter.

Chris Drake


a blessing for your new house --

toshi tatsu ya ama-ochi no ishi hekomu made 

may many years come --
until the rain-drip stones
are hollowed out

Tr. Chris Drake

This hokku is from the 9th month (October) of 1822, though Issa indicates by putting the character for 'spring' above it in his diary that it is intended to be formally read again at New Year's, three months later. Perhaps the new house is scheduled to be finished by New Year's. For part of the 9th month Issa was visiting students who lived near his hometown, so one of them may be building a new house, as indicated by the headnote.

Traditional Japanese houses and buildings didn't use gutters. Instead, they used rows of cut stone that ran along the ground below the edges of the eaves. Smaller houses tended to use single rows of stone, while temples, mansions, and larger structures often used two rows of cut stone with a zone running between them filled with small stones or large gravel. Rain spilling down from the eaves fell onto these rain-drip stones and was drained off. Without the stones, rain would erode the ground beneath, forming troughs under the eaves. Of course the stones themselves will be very gradually worn down in the middle by dripping raindrops, but they normally last several decades.

Issa's hokku blessing gains power from it obliqueness. A few wealthy farmers used drip-stones beneath their thatched roofs, but the stones were more common below the eaves of town houses with tile roofs, so probably this is a tile-roof house with at least one row of cut stones running around it. Instead of praising the new house's appearance, however, Issa makes an understated prayer that the almost invisible rain-drip stones last many decades. Long-lived wood houses were not common in Japan's wet climate without extensive upkeep, so Issa's prayer is very appropriate.

Eventually the stones will be worn down or hollowed out in the places where the most drops fall, but they are one of the most reliable and durable parts of the house. Though easily overlooked, they are able to suggest the whole house and even the lifespan of the owner, while rain suggests the problems and difficulties the owner will probably face in his life, so the enduring drip-stones will be an important support for him in the future. I imagine the owner of the house -- Issa's student and patron? -- was very glad to get this hokku, whose power stands behind its prayer.

This photo shows the rain-drip stones under the eaves of the Ryoanji Rinzai zen temple in Kyoto. The stones also go around the amazing rock garden directly under the eaves of the small roofs protecting the garden walls. I have to admit that when I went to Ryoanji I was so overwhelmed by the garden I didn't even notice the rain-drip stones. Thank you, Issa, for enlarging my consciousness!

Chris Drake


kako ga sugu kuragari to naru haru shooji

the past
soon becomes darkness -
sliding doors in spring

Kaneko Shin 金子晋 (1932 - )

Related words

***** Homeland, Hometown (furusato) Japan
Heimat, Fatherland, Motherland

for all seasons

***** Thatched Hut(iori) )
an 庵 hermitage, hut, yado 宿 my home
Bashoo an 芭蕉庵 at Fukagawa
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .




Winter feeling cold


Feeling cold in Winter

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Winter
***** Category: Humanity


Winter is a time when we feel cold and like to stay home to keep warm.


Kigo for early winter

konohagami 木の葉髪 (このはがみ) "leafy hair"
ko no ha gami (winter fallen hair)
old name for the tenth lunar month

It shows the time when leaves fall and stick to your hair if you walk outside.


Kigo for mid-winter


Kigo for late winter

fubukidaore 吹雪倒れ (ふぶきだおれ)
perish in a snowstorm

fukidaore 吹雪倒れ(ふきだおれ)

hibi 胼 (ひび) chapped hand, chapped skin
hibi kusuri 胼薬(ひびぐすり)medicine for chapped skin
akagire 皸 (あかぎれ)"red cut" chapped fingers
akagiri あかぎり
akagire kusuri 皸薬(あかぎれぐすり)
medicine for chapped skin and hands
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Especially in olden times, when housewifes had only cold water for the housework, winter was a hard time for the skin of the hands.
Schrunde, rissige Haut

kajikamu 悴む (かじかむ) frozen with cold
kajikeru 悴ける(かじける)
kogoyu こごゆ, be unable to move because of the cold
steif vor Kälte sein

shimoyake 霜焼 (しもやけ) frostbite
shibobare 霜腫(しもばれ)
toosoo 凍瘡(とうそう)
shimoyakegusuri 霜焼薬(しもやけぐすり)medicine for frostbite
..... tooshoo 凍傷 (とうしょう) congelation frostbite

tooshi 凍死 (とうし) freeze to death; die of cold
..... kogoejini 凍え死(こごえじに)
Many old farmhouses are hard to heat and nowadays, homeless come to death on the street during cold nights.

yukime, yuki me 雪眼 (ゆきめ )
"snow eyes", snow blindness

..... setsumoo 雪盲(せつもう)

yuki megane 雪眼鏡 (ゆきめがね) snow glasses

yukiyake 雪焼 (ゆきやけ)
snowbite, frostbite from the cold

having a sunburn by the reflection of sun on snow


Kigo for all winter

futokorode 懐手 (ふところで) hands in the pockets

hinata boko, hinataboko 日向ぼこ (ひなたぼこ)
to take a sunbath in winter, to sit in the winter sunshine

hinata bokko 日向ぼっこ(ひなたぼっこ)
hinata bokori 日向ぼこり(ひなたぼこり)
hinata bokoo 日向ぼこう(ひなたぼこう)
ein Sonnenbad nehmen

iki shiroshi 息白し (いきしろし) breath is white
shiraiki, shira iki 白息(しらいき)white breath

kanei, kan-ei 寒影 (かんえい ) cold shadow
fuyu no kage 冬の影(ふゆのかげ)
samuki kage 寒き影(さむきかげ)

teashi aru, te-ashi aru 手足荒る (てあしある)
rough and dry skin for hands and feet

kao aru 顔荒る(かおある)rough, dry face skin
hada aru 肌荒る(はだある)rough, dry skin
(hada are はだあれ【肌荒れ】 )
fuyuhada 冬肌(ふゆはだ)winter skin
kanare, kan ara 寒荒(かんあれ)rough and dry skin in the cold season
The air is often dry and the heaters keep the home air dry too, so many suffer from extremely dry skin (and a lot of creams are sold to help improve the condition).
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


ko-no-ha gami bungei nagaku azamukinu

. Nakamura Kusatao 中村草田男 (1901-1983) .

More haiku with konohagami

Related words

***** Winter (fuyu, Japan) the season

..... Warm Things to keep you warm in Winter in Japan
A KIGO list......
..... Including stove, furniture, clothing and food.

***** Check the WKD LIST of
. HUMANITY and All Winter Kigo


Winter Games Enjoyment



Games enjoyed in Winter

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Winter
***** Category: Humanity


Children enjoy many games in winter, here are just a few as kigo.

snowball fight (yuki gassen)

stilts .. takeuma, takashi

winter Sports (soccer, ski and more)


Kigo for early winter


Kigo for mid-winter


Kigo for late winter


Kigo for all winter

aojashin 青写真 (あおじゃしん) blueprint
nikkoo shashin 日光写真(にっこうしゃしん) "sunshine photo"
Take a photo with the rays of the sunshine. Children used to make simple photos by exposing the image for a long time.

ayatori 綾取 (あやとり/ 綾取り)
play at cat's cradle

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

nawatobi 縄飛 (なわとび) skipping rope, jumping rope
tsunatobi 綱飛(つなとび)

nawatobi uta 縄飛唄(なわとびうた)
song for the skipping rope

nekki uchi, nekkiuchi 根木打 (ねっきうち) "hitting the root"
koogai uchi 笄打(こうがいうち)
hera uchi 箆打(へらうち)
tsukushi uchi つくし打(つくしうち)
nenboo ねん棒(ねんぼう), nenki 、ねん木(ねんき)
nengara ねんがら
A hard wooden stick of about 30 to 60 cm is used to hammer on the earth, Then the next player comes with his stick and tried to bring it to fall down, while his own stick stands out.
It is still popular in the San-In area of Western Japan.


CLICK for more photos

oshikuramanjuu, oshikura manjuu
押しくら饅頭 (おしくらまんじゅう)
push and shove game

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


hitorizutsu heru yuukan o nekki uchi

one after the other
is leaving in the evening cold -
"hitting the root"

Suga Raba 菅裸馬 (1883 - 1971)

Related words

. Games and Toys for the New Year  

***** Winter (fuyu, Japan) the season

***** Check the WKD LIST of
. HUMANITY and All Winter Kigo


Beetles in all seasons


Beetles in all seasons

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Animal


There are many beetles crawling around in Japan,
many take the word MUSHI 虫 as art of their name.

CLICK to view more beetles in my garden !


kigo for all summer

. amenbo アメンボ、水馬 water strider
Gerridae family
..... mizu sumashi 水馬 (みずすまし)
water spider, mizugumo 水蜘蛛
river spider, kawagumo 川蜘蛛
high legs, ashi taka あしたか
sea water strider, umi amembo 海水馬


gengoroo 源五郎 (げんごろう) Gengoro
Japanese water beetle

gengoroo mushi 源五郎虫(げんごろうむし)
..... gengoroo 龍蝨(げんごろう)
Cybister japonicus
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
japanischer Schwimmkäfer


tagame 田亀 / 水爬虫(たがめ) "field turtle"
Japanese giant water bug / beetle

Lethocerus deyrollei
dongame どんがめ
kappa mushi 河童虫(かっぱむし)"water goblin beetle"
Kooya hijiri 高野聖(こうやひじり)"mendicant priests from Mr. Koya"
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
"Wanderpriester vom Bergkloster Koyasan"

. Kappa, the Water Goblin

. Koya San in Wakayama 高野山
The famous Mountain Monastery

. Gengoroh Tagame .
the name of a manga writer.

. . . . .

more water beetles
Most of them live in the wet rice paddies and are like toys and pets for rural children during the summer season.

fuusenmushi 風船虫 (ふうせんむし) "baloon beetle"
..... mizumushi みずむし , water beetle
fam. Corixinae and Sigara
A beloved "toy" for children. They glow in the evening.

matsumomushi, matsumo mushi 松藻虫 (まつもむし)

lit. "hornwort beetles"
Notonecta triguttata
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


. gokiburi ごきぶり, ゴキブリ cockraoch  
..... aburamushi 油虫 (あぶらむし) "oily beetle"
..... gokikaburi 御器噛り(ごきかぶり)


hanymoo 斑猫 (はんみょう) "Japanese tiger beetle"
..... michi oshie 道おしえ(みちおしえ)
..... michi shirube みちしるべ "showing the way"
A rather colorful beetle.
Cicindela inspeanlare
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


kabutomushi 兜虫 / 甲虫 (かぶとむし) "helmet insect"
rhinoceros beetle, カブトムシ, Kabutomushi beetle
family Coleoptera
kabutomushi 甲虫 "armored insect"
saikachimushi さいかち虫(皀莢虫)"grain-husk insect"
. . . . . but
saikachi no hana 皀莢の花(さいかちのはな) honey-locust blossom
saikachi さいかち) Saikachi beetle

This large beetle is a favorite toy for children in Japan, and sold expensively at animal stores. Many mountain regions specialize on breeding these animals and have regular contests of strenght.

another name is
Genjimushi, Genji mushi 源氏虫(げんじむし) "Genji beetle"
. The Tale of Genji


photo by Gabi Greve

koganemushi 金亀虫 / 黄金虫 / 金亀子(こがねむし)
golden scarab beetle
Scarabaeidae family
mame koganemushi 豆金亀虫 "Japanese beetle"
Popillia japonica
kanbun かなぶん、bunbun ぶんぶん


kokuzoo 穀象 (こくぞう) rice weevil
Sitophilus zeamais
kokuzoomushi 穀象虫(こくぞうむし)
zoobanamushi 象鼻虫(ぞうはなむし)
"beetle with an elephant nose"
kome no mushi 米の虫(こめのむし)"rice beetle"
..... komemushi 米虫(こめむし), yonamushi よなむし
Kornkäfer; Reiskäfer
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


kometsukimushi 米搗虫 (こめつきむし)
click beetle, snapping beetle

lit. "rice pounding beetle"
nukazukimushi 叩頭虫(ぬかずきむし)
fam. Elateridae
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


kuwagatamushi 鍬形虫 (くわがたむし) stag beetle

maimai 鼓虫 (まいまい) whirligig beetle
Gyrinidae family
..... mahimahi (まひまひ)
mizu sumashi 水澄し(みずすまし)
. . . should be written in kanji
oomizusumashi 大鼓虫(おおみずすまし)big whirligig beetle
maimaimushi まいまい虫(まいまいむし)
uzumushi 渦虫(うずむし)"whirl beetle"
kaimochikami かいもちかき

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


otoshibumi 落し文 (おとしぶみ)
larvae of the granary weevil, leaf-cut weevil

"thrown-away letter"
hototogisu no otoshibumi 時鳥の落し文
... of the mountain cockoo
uguisu no otoshibumi 鶯の落し文(うぐいすのおとしぶみ)
They are often seen when these birds start singing.

. Read a sample haiku HERE !


. tentoomushi 天道虫, 瓢虫
Ladybug, Ladybird Beetle
Gourd Beetle, tentoomushi 瓢虫 tentomushi
Glueckskaefer, Marienkaefer


uribae 瓜蠅 (うりばえ) "curcubit beetle"
urihamushi 瓜葉虫(うりはむし)cucurbit leaf beetle
urimushi 瓜虫(うりむし) "melon insect"
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


kigo for late summer

kamikiri 天牛 (かみきり) long-horned beetle
Betula platyphylla var. japonica
Prionus insularis
かみきり、kuwa kamikiri 桑天牛(くわかみきり)
gomadara kamikiri ごまだら天牛(ごまだらかみきり)
shirasuji kamakiri 白条天牛(しらすじかみきり)
torafu kamakiri 虎斑天牛(とらふかみきり)
ruriboshi kamakiri 瑠璃星天牛(るりぼしかみきり)
kamikirmushi 髪切虫(かみきりむし)"hair-cutting beetle"
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Bockkäfer; Schmalbock

. . . . . and
kikusuimushi, kikusui mushi 菊吸虫 (きくすいむし)
"chrysanthemum drinking beetle"
kikusui 菊吸(きくすい)
kikusui kamakiri 菊吸天牛(きくすいかみきり)
Phytoecia rufiventris


CLICK for more photos

tamamushi 玉虫 / 金花虫 (たまむし) jewel beetle
two-striped green buprestid, metallic wood borer
Fam. Julodinae, Polycsetinae
kitchoomushi 吉丁虫(きっちょうむし)
kuro tamamushi 黒玉虫(くろたまむし)black Buprestis
ao tamamushi 青玉虫(あおたまむし)green Eurythyrea
uba tamamushi 姥玉虫(うばたまむし)Chalcophora

Its wings are used to produce colorful laquer items.
The famous Tamamushi Zushi, see below.


. Seeing off the bugs (mushiokuri, mushi okuri 虫送り)  


kigo for all autumn

. fart bug, hekiri mushi 屁ひり虫 , kamemushi  
Stinkbock, farting beetle


kigo for late autumn

chestnut beetle, kurimushi 栗虫 (くりむし)
kuri no mushi 栗の虫(くりのむし)
Curculio sikkimensis
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Worldwide use

Europe - Europa

Rose chafer (Cetonia aurata)

. Namib desert beetle  

Things found on the way

The famous Tamamushi Zushi 玉虫厨子 tabernacle

CLICK for more photos

Das berühmteste Tabernakel in Form einer Miniatur-Tempelhalle in Japan ist wohl der reich geschmückte "Goldkäferschrein" bzw. "Prachtkäferschrein" (tamamushizushi) des Tempels Hooryuji, Nara. Es stammt aus der Asuka-Zeit und ist 2,33 m hoch. Die Seiten waren mit durchbrochenen Metallauflagen mit Einlagen von Flügeln des Prachtkäfers (tamamushi) verziert, daher der Name. Das Dach zeigt die Form eines typischen Sattelwalmdaches (irimoyazukuri shikorobuki).
Gabi Greve, Tabernakel (zushi 厨子)


source : www.nakada-net.jp

tamamshi no hane no midori wa Suiko yori

the green
of the Jewel Beetle's wings
since the time of Suiko . . .

Tr. Gabi Greve

. Yamaguchi Seison 山口青邨 .

- quote
Empress Suiko (推古天皇, Suiko-tennō) (554 – 15 April 628)
the 33rd monarch of Japan。
Suiko's reign spanned the years from 593 until her death in 628.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

with image :
source : kodaitantei


ghost stories -
a silhouette and then
a peeking face

Gabi Greve, summer 2007
Look at more photos on this LINK.


candlenight -
is the beetle looking for
enlightenment ?

Gabi Greve
Haiku and Anthropomorphism


rain spattered Buddha
a jewel beetle scuttles
into a crevice

Laryalee Fraser

Buddhas and Beetles - Photos and Haiku by Gabi


dusty bag --
a weevil penetrates
into a maize seed

Victor Odhiambo
Kenya, January 2011

Related words

Beetles in winter

***** . ANIMALS in all SEASONS



Fishing in all seasons


Fishing and related kigo

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below.
***** Category: Humanity


Along the long coastlines of Japan, fishing was one of the most important activities to keep the hungry mouths fed and make money with a good catch.

The word FISHING just like that is not a kigo.
But we have many kigo related to fishing.

Here I will try and compile some of them.

. . Ships, boats (fune)
kigo for various seasons

and the results of fishing ...

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Umi no Sachi 海の幸 food treasures of the sea



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. EBISU 夷/ 恵比寿 / 恵比須 / えびす / エビス
God of the Fishermen


New Year

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hatsuryoo 初漁 (はつりょう) first fishing
..... ryoo hajime 漁始(りょうはじめ)
hatsu-uo 初魚(はつうお)first fish
hatsu-uo iwai 初漁祝い(はつりょういわい)celebrating the first fish

The fish put up their celebration sails and parade in the harbour, praying for a good fishing season.


Fishing in Spring

ikaryoo いかり漁(いかりょう)fishing for squid

noboriyana, nobori-yana 上り簗 (のぼりやな)
upstream weir
(a kind of fish trap)
haru no yana 春の簗(はるのやな)weirs in spring
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Fischwehr, Fischzaun


torimochi ajiro 鳥持網代 ( とりもちあじろ / 鳥持ち網代)
hunting fish in traps with the help of water fowl
ikariryoo, ikari ryoo いかり漁(いかりょう)

Birds like red-throated loon diver (abi アビ 阿比) and streaked shearwater bird (mizunagido ミズナギド) come to chase below ikanago (イカナゴ, Japanese sand lance Ammodytes personatus) , which in turn are attracting tai sea bream and suzuki sea bass fish. The fishermen use bait to lure the fish (gijibari 擬餌鉤(ぎじばり).
This is a fishing method along the coast of the Setonaikai Inland sea 瀬戸内海沿岸 in spring.


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fish trap in lake Biwa

eri sasu 魞挿す (えりさす) inserting fish traps
they were traditionally made from bamboo. They were used in rivers or in the sea.
Fischreuse aus Bambus


kigo for mid-spring

watari ryofu 渡り漁夫 (わたりぎょふ)
migrating fishermen

.... ryofu tsunoru 漁夫募る(ぎょふつのる)
..... ryofu kuru 漁夫来る(ぎょふくる)
..... yansha kuru ヤンシュ来る(やんしゅくる)

They come from many parts of Japan for the herring season in Hokkaido.


kigo for late spring

ayu kumi 鮎汲 (あゆくみ)
scooping up sweetfish (trout)

..... kumi-ayu 晩春 汲鮎(くみあゆ)
koayu kumi 小鮎汲(こあゆくみ)scooping up small sweetfish
Trout and sweetfish

masutsuri, masu tsuri 鱒釣り(ますつり)
fishing for masu trout

. shiohibune 汐干船(しおひぶね)boat for fishing the tideland
shiohi kago 汐干籠(しおひかご)basket
. . . (for collecting shells) in the tideland

. shiohigari 潮干狩り gathering shellfish at low tide
gathering clams, small crabs and the like for food.

taiami, tai-ami 鯛網 (たいあみ)
nets for fishing sea bream

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
tai katsura-ami 鯛葛網(たいかつらあみ)
gochi ami 吾智網(ごちあみ)
tai jikogi ami 鯛地漕網(たいじこぎあみ)
tai shibori ami 鯛縛網(たいしばりあみ)
Different types of catching sea bream were used in various parts of Japan.
teguri amiryoo 手繰網漁(てぐりあみりょう)

Sea bream (tai)


Fishing in Summer

kigo for all summer

ayuryoo kaikin 鮎漁解禁(あゆりょうかいきん)
lifting the ban on fishing for ayu sweetfish

ayuryoo 鮎漁(あゆりょう)fishing for ayu sweetfish

beratsuri べら釣 (べらつり) fishing for wrasse
fam. Labridae
wrasses rainbowfishes
akabera 赤べら(あかべら)red wrasse
aobera 青べら(あおべら) green wrasse

ikatsuri, ika tsuri 烏賊釣 (いかつり) fishing for squid
ikatsuribi 烏賊釣火(いかつりび)light for fishing squid
ikatsuribune 烏賊釣舟(いかつりぶね) boat for fishing squid

katsuotsuri, katsuo tsuri 鰹釣 かつおつり fishing for bonito
katsuo bune 鰹船(かつおぶね)boat for fishing katsuo bonito

kisutsuri, kisu tsuri 鱚釣 (きすつり) fishing for sand borers
smelt-whiting, Japanese silver whiting
Sillago japonica
..... 鱚子釣(きすつり)
kisubune 鱚舟(きすぶね) boat for fishing for kisu

. ukai 鵜飼 (うかい) cormorant fishing
many related kigo 

unagitsuri, unagi tsuri 鰻釣(うなぎつり)fishing for eels
..... unagi kaki 鰻掻 ( うなぎかき)

yamabetsuri, yamabe tsuri やまべ釣り(やまべつり)
fishing for yamabe fish

Zacco platypus. also called oikawa 追川(おいかわ)

yamametsuri, yamame tsuri 山女釣り(やまめつり)
fishing for yamame, landlocked salmon

Oncorhynchus masou


kawagari 川狩 (かわがり) fishing in the river
lit. "hunting in the river"
many different methods are used along the various rivers of Japan.
seboshi 瀬干し(せぼし)drying out the shallows
..... semawashi 瀬廻し(せまわし)
kawaboshi 川干し(かわぼし)drying out the river
..... kaebori かえぼり
dokunagashi, doku nagashi 毒流し(どくながし) pouring poison
The poison is often prepared from local plants near the river.

tsuribori 釣堀 "fishing moat"
Artificial moat, section of a river or small canal where fish are put in for hobby anglers and children to have fun. Sometimes you can catch some fish here and have it prepared for food nearby.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


hakozuri 箱釣 (はこづり) "fishing in a box"
Special little boxes with small carp and other fish, put up as festival stalls in front of temples and shrines. Children use little slippery ladles to get them out.

hakozuri ya atama no ue no denkitoo

fishing in a box -
above their heads
the electric light

Takahama Kyoshi 高浜虚子


fish traps and weirs

yana 魚簗 (やな) fish trap
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

yanasu 簗簀(やなす)
yana utsu 簗打つ(やなうつ)
yanase 梁瀬(やなせ)

yanaban 簗番(やなばん)weir warden
..... yanamori 簗守(やなもり)

Fischwehr, Fischzaun

. ayuyana 鮎簗 bamboo fish traps for Ayu .
Hita 日田市 Oita, Kyushu

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hakomegane, hako megane 箱眼鏡 (はこめがね) hydroscope
lit. "pair of glasses in a box"
garasubako 硝子箱(ガラスばこ)glass box
nozokimegane 覗眼鏡(のぞきめがね) "glasses for peeping"
Tool to look in a river and spear the fish. In olden times, it was handmade out of wood, now many are of colorful plastic.

suichuu megane 水中眼鏡 (すいちゅうめがね) underwater goggles
..... mizu megane 水眼鏡(みずめがね)"water spectacles"
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


yoburi 夜振 (よぶり) fishing at night swaying torches
with pine or bamboo torches or electrical lights swung along the riverbed
hiburi 火振(ひぶり)
yoburibi 夜振火(よぶりび)
yoburibito 夜振人(よぶりびと)fisherman doing yoburi
kawa tomoshi 川ともし(かわともし) "lightening up the river"
This can only be done at shallow rivers with very clear water, often to catch ayu trout. A team of husband and wife, he is stiring the boat, while she has to wave the heavy torch from one side of the boat to the other, standing in the very front. The sound of the burning pine also helps to frighten the fish and make them swim to the nets, which have been installed before the torches are lighted.

yotaki 夜焚 (よたき) bonfire at night
yotakibune 夜焚舟(よたきぶね) boat with a bonfire or light
To lure the fish at sea, for example octopus.

yozuri 夜釣 (よづり) fishing at night
yozuribito 夜釣人(よづりびと)fisherman at night fishing
yozuribune 夜釣舟(よづりぶね)boat for night fishing
yozuribi 夜釣火(よづりび) light (bonfire) for night fishing

yoamibune 夜網舟(よあみぶね)net boat at night
amibune 網舟 (あみぶね) net boat
for fishing at sea or near a river estuary


kigo for late summer

yuugashi 夕河岸 (ゆうがし) night fish market

The fish caught at daytime near the local seashores was sold in the evening during the Edo period, so it would not get spoiled by the heat.

yuuaji 夕鯵(ゆうあじ)
horse mackerel sold at the night fish market


banya tojiru 番屋閉じる(ばんやとじる) closing the wardens hut
He would watch over ships and boats brought to land during the non-fishing season.

. kakoi bune 囲い船 (かこいぶね) fencing ships  

Especially in Hokkaido when the herring fishing season is over.
The huts for the fishermen (banya) were also closed down and the fishermen returned home.




Worldwide use

Things found on the way

. Ships Flags for a good catch
(tairyoobata 大漁旗)

They were also put on the ships during the New Year celebrations.

Amulets and Talismans for Fishing
. Tairyoo 大漁 large catch, good fishing .

. Sakana  魚 toys and amulets with FISH .


kuni-namari no kakegoe futoshi watari ryofu

they have a strong dialect
when they shout to each other -
migrating fishermen  

Honbo Rikizoo 本保力三


External LINK

Comprehensive Ocean Dictionary
和英西仏語 ・ 海洋総合辞典



Fisherman on the Shore
Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861)

Related words

local fishing methods which are not kigo

for more information about the fish mentioned above


