
Winter fishing


Fishing in Winter

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Winter
***** Category: Humanity


Some fish are best caught in winter, preparations for spring are also made.


Kigo for early winter


Kigo for mid-winter

erisu amu えり簀編む (えりすあむ)
weaving a special bamboo mat
(for fishing). The mat is placed between poles in a river or lake in summer, so this work had to be done in winter. There were even some specialists for this work.


Kigo for late winter

. kangoi tsuri 寒鯉釣(かんごいつり)
fishing for carp in the cold
kanbuna tsuri 寒鮒釣(かんぶなつり)fishing for cold crucian carp

kannori 寒乗 (かんのり) working on a fishing boat in the cold season
to bring fresh fish to the cities, fishermen had to work in the Setonaikai and bring the fish to Osaka. Sinse it was often a stormy sea, the work was quite dangerous.

kanzuri 寒釣 (かんづり) fishing in the cold

yatsume unagi toru 八目鰻取る (やつめうなぎとる)
catching lamprey eel

Lampetra japonica

Yatsume unagi 八目鰻 (やつめうなぎ, 八つ目鰻) lamprey (eel)


Kigo for all winter

ajiro 網代 (あじろ) wickerwork fishtraps
ajirogi 網代木(あじろぎ)poles for the wickerwork fishtraps
ajiromori 網代守(あじろもり) person looking after the traps, fishtrap watcher
geflochtenes Fischwehr

ajiro uchi 網代打 (あじろうち) preparing wickerwork fishtraps
kigo for late autumn

famous ajirogi from Uji 宇治の網代木

source : www.wao.or.jp

朝ぼらけ 宇治の川霧 たえだえに 
あらはれわたる 瀬々の網代木

asaborake Uji no kawagiri taedae ni
araware wataru seze no ajirogi

when the day breaks,
mist hanging over the Uji River
sowly clears off
one by one they appear
first close ones, then the ones in the distance -
the stakes to support the fishtraps

Gon Chuunagon Sadayori 権中納言定頼
From 百人一首 Hyakunin Isshu poetry collection

arare seba ajiro no hio o nite dasan
. Matsuo Basho and Food .

. ajiro uchi 網代打 (あじろうち) preparing wickerwork fishtraps .
in late autumn

. torimochi ajiro 鳥持網代 ( とりもちあじろ / 鳥持ち網代)
hunting fish in traps with the help of water fowl .

in spring


. araami, ara-ami あら網(あらあみ)net for Ara fishing  

buriami, buri-ami 鰤網 (ぶりあみ) net for yellowtail
buribune 鰤船(ぶりぶね)boat for fishing yellowtail
buri tsuru 鰤釣る(ぶりつる)fishing for yellowtail
buriba 鰤場(ぶりば)place for fishing

WKD : yellowtail, the fish and food
Gelbschwanz fischen


dojoo horu 泥鰌掘る (どじょうほる) digging for loach
Misgurnus anguillicaudatus
Water is let out of paddies and the ground, where the fish have dug deep to get over winter, is dug up to get the fish.
Loach dishes as food kigo
nach Schmerlen graben


. fugu tsuri 河豚釣(ふぐつり)fishing for blowfish  
fugu ami 河豚網(ふぐあみ) net for fishing pufferfish

fushizuke 紫漬 (ふしづけ) old fishing method
Branches of pine and other needle trees are hung into the river like a forest, small lure is put in there and fish, which come here to hide from the cold and feed, are then caught. The fish are then caught in nets. Used in former times around Lake Biwa.

not to mix with

shibazuke しばづけ【柴漬(け)】 vegetables pickles with red shiso perilla leaves
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


. isazaryoo 魦漁(いさざりょう)fishing for isaza
Lake Biwa goby 
isazabune 魦舟(いさざぶね)boat for fishing isaza
isaza ami 魦網(いさざあみ)net for isaza

kajikitsuri, kajiki tsuri かじき釣り(かじきつり)
fishing for kajiki maguro tuna 旗魚

kaki muku 牡蠣剥く (かきむく) opening oysters (peeling)
..... kaki waru 牡蠣割る(かきわる)
kakiwarime 牡蠣割女(かきわりめ)woman who opens oysters

kakibune 牡蠣船 (かきぶね) boat for oyster fishing
kaki ryoori 牡蠣料理(かきりょうり)oyster dishes
... kaki meshi 牡蠣飯(かきめし)rice with oysters
... kakinabe 牡蠣鍋(かきなべ)hodgepodge with oysters

Oyster (kaki 牡蠣)

komaitsuri, komai tsuri 氷下魚釣り(こまいつり)
fishing for saffron cod

Eleginus gracilis
This is quite popular in Hokkaido. Komai is Ainu lanugage and means "a fish that makes a small sound". a small fish of about 30 cm.


CLICK for original Link ...

hokei 捕鯨 (ほげい) whaling, whale hunting
kujira tsuki 鯨突(くじらつき)spearing a whale
isana tori 勇魚取(いさなとり)
kujirabune 鯨舟(くじらぶね)whaler, boat for whaling
..... hokeisen 捕鯨船(ほげいせん)
kujirami 鯨見(くじらみ)outlook for whales
..... kujiraban 鯨番(くじらばん)
ichiban mori 一番銛(いちばんもり)first harpoon
niban mori 二番銛(にばんもり)second harpoon

Whales, kujira (Japan)


. fishing for tuna, maguro tsuri 鮪釣(まぐろつり)  
boat for fishing for tuna, magurobune 鮪船(まぐろぶね)
net for tuna, maguro ami 鮪網(まぐろあみ)

. . . . .

tappe 竹瓮 (たっぺ )
ancient tool for fishing in rivers and lakes

Thin stripes of bamboo are woven into a trap, which is filled with bait. After one night in the water, the fish is taken out next morning and the trap filled again.

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


fushizuke ya kowan bukuri bukuri kana

Kobayashi Issa 一茶 

fushizuke ya oneone harete yama tooshi

Murakami Kijoo 村上鬼城 

Related words

***** Winter (fuyu, Japan) the season

***** Check the WKD LIST of
. HUMANITY and All Winter Kigo




Winter vehicles


Vehicles used in Winter

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All winter
***** Category: Humanity


Some vehicles are for use in winter only. Let us look at them.


Kigo for late winter

CLICK for more photos
rasserusha ラッセル車 (らっせるしゃ) snowplow; snowplough
(Russel car)
josetsusha 除雪車(じょせつしゃ), haisetsusha 排雪車(はいせつしゃ)
rootarisha ロータリー車(ろーたりーしゃ)

sunoomobiru スノーモビル snow mobil, snowmobil
..... setsujoosha 雪上車 (せつじょうしゃ)


Kigo for all winter

CLICK for more photos
sori 橇 (そり) sled, sledge
..... sori 雪橇(そり)雪舟(そり)
Schlitten, Toboggan, steel runner, sleigh

. Sesshuu Tooyoo 雪舟等楊 Sesshu Toyo .
famous painter

CLICK for more photos
hakozori 箱橇(はこぞり)sled like a box
often used to transport children.

nizori 荷橇(にぞり)sled for luggge
kyakuzori 客橇(きゃくぞり)sled for visitors
yuubinzori 、郵便橇(ゆうびんぞり)sled for the postman

. sumizori 炭橇(すみぞり)sled transporting charcoal  

tezori 手橇(てぞり)handpulled sled

bazori 馬橇(ばそり)sled pulled by a horse
..... umazori 、うまぞり
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

nozo 犬橇(のそ)sled pulled by dogs
..... inuzori いぬぞり

soriyoi 橇酔(そりよい)feel unwell on a sled

sori no yado 、橇の宿(そりのやど)home/house with a sled

sori no suzu 橇の鈴(そりのすず)bell of a sled

CLICK for more photos
hozori 帆橇(ほぞり)sled with a sail
..... hokakezori 帆かけ橇


sledge kigo for the New Year

. sorinorizome 橇乗初(そりのりぞめ)first sledge ride  

. hatsuni zori 初荷橇(はつにぞり)first sledge with luggage  


sledge kigo for late spring

. sori shimau 橇蔵う (そりしまう) packing away the sledge  
..... sutezori 捨橇(すてぞり)

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


Related words

. Winter clothing, fuyumono 冬物 / fuyugi 冬着 .
Shoes and footwear
Japanese Food to keep you warm

***** Winter (fuyu, Japan) the season

***** Check the WKD LIST of
. HUMANITY and All Winter Kigo



Warm Things (fuyu mono) in the home

. Vehicles used in Winter .

Things to keep us warm (fuyumono)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Winter
***** Category: Humanity


There are many things to keep us warm in winter, most of them are kigo.
Here is a growing list of them.

Please add the kigo of your region !
Click on the hyperlinks for more detailed information in the World Kigo Database.

Gabi Greve

cold winter night -
the welcome warmth of
a small candle

kalte Winternacht -
die willkommene Waerme
einer kleinen Kerze

Gabi Greve, December 2006


fuyuzashiki 冬座敷 (ふゆざしき) Japanese living room in winter

kantoo 寒燈 (かんとう) lamplight in winter
..... fuyu no hi 冬の燈(ふゆのひ)
..... fuyu tomoshi 冬燈(ふゆともし)

tatami gae 畳替 (たたみがえ) changing the tatami mats

blanket, buranketto ブランケット
woolen blanket, moofu 毛布
electric blanket, denki moofu 電気毛布
Daruma on a blanket (moofu)


. Stove ストーブ sutoobu ... and heating
danro, hibachi braziers, handwarmers, firewood and more, KIGO LIST

kanchuu, kan kuriya, kankuriya 寒厨 (かんちゅう)
kitchen in the cold
kigo for late winter


Japanese Interior Items to keep the body warm

winter sitting room, fuyu zashiki 冬座敷
staying at home, fuyugomori  冬篭り, 冬篭

portable folding screens, byoobu 屏風
used to keep the cold wind from reaching the body
more info is here:
Read about Byoobu and Tsuitate

screen in hip size, koshi byoobu 腰屏風
screen near the pillow, makura byoobu 枕屏風
e byoobu, e-byoobu 絵屏風 screen with paintings
kin byoobu 金屏風(きんびょうぶ)golden screen
..... kinbyoo 金屏(きんびょう)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
ginbyoobu 銀屏風(ぎんびょうぶ)silcer screen
..... ginbyoo 銀屏(ぎんびょう)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

byoobu uri 屏風売(びょうぶうり)vendor of screens

tsuitate 衝立(ついたて)free-standing screen, Stellschirm
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Sliding doors between the room and the veranda to outside, shooji 障子
fuyu shooji 冬障子(ふゆしょうじ) sliding doors for winter
light doors, akari shooji 明り障子
stand-alone doors, tsuitate shooji 衝立障子
doors from handmade paper, karakami shooji 唐紙障子
doors in hip size, koshi shooji 腰障子
doors for the cat, nekoma shooji 猫間障子
doors for viewing the snow, yukimi shooji 雪見障子
Azuma shooji あずま障子 sliding doors from Azuma (Kanto)

A wooden frame is covered with white washi paper.

aki no yo ya shôji no ana ga fue wo fuku

autumn evening--
the hole in the paper door
blows flute

Kobayashi Issa
Tr. David Lanoue

. Hoshina Masayuki 保科 正之
compared to a sliding door in winter .


Sliding doors between the rooms, fusuma 襖 ふすま
臥す間, literally, a room to lie down, bedroom.
winter doors, fuyu fusuma 冬襖
white sliding doors, shirobusuma 白襖
fusumagami 襖紙(ふすまがみ)washi Japanese paper for fusuma
karakami 唐紙(からかみ)special paper for sliding doors
ebusuma 絵襖(えぶすま)fusuma with paintings
shirobusuma 白襖(しろぶすま)white sliding door
fusumashooji 襖障子(ふすましょうじ)fusuma sliding doors
karakami shooji 唐紙障子(からかみしょうじ)fusuma with karakami paper
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
furubusuma 古襖(ふるぶすま)odl fusuma
Reference : fusuma sliding doors


warm bedding, futon 布団、蒲団 quilted bedding
kakebuton 掛布団(かけぶとん)futon blanket, coverlet, top quilt
shikibuton 敷蒲団(しきぶとん)futon matress, underquilt
hanebuton 羽蒲団(はねぶとん)futon with down feathers
futon hosu 蒲団干す(ふとんほす)hanging the futon to dry, quilt airing
hoshibuton 干蒲団 (ほしぶとん) matress-drying,, matress airing, quilt-airing

shoulder cover, katabuton 肩蒲団
back cover, senabuton 背蒲団
hip cover, koshibuton 腰蒲団
bed cover with cotton layers, quilt, wataire 綿入

fusuma 衾 (ふすま) a kind of down futon (not to be mixed with the sliding doors) . Daunendecke
... kakebusuma 掛衾(かけぶすま)to cover you
... shikibusuma 敷衾(しきぶすま)to lie on
furubusuma 古衾(ふるぶすま)old futon blanket
kamibusuma 紙衾 (かみぶすま) futon from paper, the inside is padded with cotton. This was used by poor people, using old sliding doors from temples, which were discarded in late autumn.
... Tentokuji 天德寺(てんとくじ)"like in the tempel Tentoku-Ji"

Carpet, carpets, rugs (juutan, dantsuu だんつう【段通/緞通】)
juutan 絨毯 (じゅうたん)
kaapetto カーペット carpet
peechika ペーチカ pechka (Russian, pechika)

 . . . Heating, fusuma, shoji in AUTUMN  


Things to do at home in winter

nochi no koromogae 後の更衣 (のちのころもが)
changing cloths for the winter season

kigo for early winter
Cloths are changed in spring and in early winter to prepare for the hot and cold season. The date for winter was the first of october according to the Asian lunar calendar.

keito amu 毛糸編む (けいとあむ) knitting with wool
keito 毛糸(けいと)wool, yarn
keitodama 毛糸玉(けいとだま)ball of wool

harugi nuu 春着縫う (はるぎぬう) preparing spring clothing
kigo for mid-winter

yugetate 湯気立 (ゆげたて) humidifier
..... kashitsuki かしつき【加湿器】
Sometimes medicinal herbs are put in a large water pot and this is placed on a stove.
Nowadays we also have electircal appliances.

kyuunyuuki 吸入器 (きゅうにゅうき) inhalator

hoshina yu 干菜湯 (ほしなゆ) bath with dried herbs
..... hibayu 干葉湯(ひばゆ)
hoshina buro 干菜風呂(ほしなぶろ)
In former times, the cut-off leaves of daikon radish or turnips were dried and put into the bathwater. It is said to help when the body feels cool (hieshoo) and for old people.


Winter clothing, fuyumono 冬物 ・fuyugi 冬着

sweater, seetaa セーター
cardigan, kaadigan カーヂガン
jumper, janpaa ジャンパー
vest, besuto ベスト
kooto コート coat
... Azuma kooto 東コート(あずまこーと)coat from Edo (Azuma region)
... Naniwa kooto 浪華コート(なにわこーと)coat from Osaka (Naniwa)
overcoat, oobakooto オーバコート, ooba オーバー
..... gaitoo 外套
..... nijuu mawashi 二重回し (にじゅうまわし) . . . CLICK here for Photos !
..... mawashi 回し(まわし)、tonbi とんび、inverness インバネス、manto マント、tsurigane manto 釣鐘マント(つりがねまんと)"overcoat like a hanging temple bell
..... hifu 被布 (ひふ) padded overcoat worn by small children and women . . . CLICK here for Photos !
anorack, anorakku アノラック
jakettsu ジャケツ jacket ジャケット

kegawa 毛皮 (けがわ) fur-lined overcoat
kegawa uri 毛皮売(けがわうり)vendor of fur coats
kegawa ten 毛皮店(けがわてん)shop selling fur coats
..... kegoromo 毛衣 (けごろも) clothing from fur
... kawagoromo 皮衣(かわごろも)clothing from leather
... kawagoromo 裘(かわごろも), kawaginu かわぎぬ
kokyuu 狐裘(こきゅう)coat from fox fur

winter hat, fuyu booshi 冬帽子
fuyuboo 冬帽(ふゆぼう)winter hat
woolen hat, kebooshi 毛帽子
snow hat, yuki booshi 雪帽子

zukin 頭巾 (ずきん) hood
..... maruzukin 丸頭巾(まるずきん)round hood
..... hoorokuzuki 焙烙頭巾(ほうろくずきん)flat round hood
. nagezukin 投頭巾 headgear for winter rituals .
. okoso zukin 御高祖頭巾 hood for winter .

WKD : hooroku 焙烙 earthen pans and how to put them on the head of Jizo
Daikokuzukin, Daikoku zukin 大黒頭巾(だいこくずきん)hood like the god of good luck, Daikoku 大黒天
kakuzukin 角頭巾(かくずきん)square hood
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Okosozukin 御髙祖頭巾(おこそずきん / 御高祖頭巾)hood made from a long shawl, like St. Nichiren used to wear.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

bookan boo 防寒帽 (ぼうかんぼう) hat against the cold
kebooshi 毛帽子(けぼうし)fur hat
yukibooshi 雪帽子(ゆきぼうし)snow hat

minobooshi 蓑帽子(みのぼうし)long straw winter hat

hookaburi 頬被 (ほおかぶり) cover head and cheeks with a towel or shawl
..... hookamuri 頬かむり(ほおかむり)

mimibukuro, mimi fukuro 耳袋 みみぶくろ ear warmer

masuku マスク mask (to protect your nose and mouth)

gloves, mittens, tebukuro 手袋
..... shutoo 手套(しゅとう)mittens
leather gloves, kawa tebukuro 皮手袋

tabi 足袋 (たび) tabi socks
tabi arau 足袋洗う(たびあらう)to wash the tabi socks
tabi hosu 足袋干す(たびほす)to dry the tabi socks

shawl, shooru ショール
muffler, mafuraa マフラー
shoulder shawl, katakake 肩掛
stola, sutooru ストール
erimaki 襟巻 (えりまき) shawl
..... kubimaki 首巻(くびまき)

fuyu shaatsu 冬シャツ (ふゆしゃつ) winter underwear, winter shirt
... keshaatsu 毛シャツ(けしゃつ)woolen winter underwear
... doogi 胴着 (どうぎ) padded, sleeveless undergarment

momohiki 股引 (ももひき) long underpants "riding on your thighs"
..... patchi ぱっち / パッチ
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

more Traditional Japanese Wear

fuyufuku 冬服 (ふゆふく) winter cloths
... fuyu no fuku 冬の服(ふゆのふく)
... fuyugi 冬着 (ふゆぎ)
... fuyugoromo 冬衣(ふゆごろも)
... fuyumono 冬物(ふゆもの)

Bedtime quilt (yogi) 夜着 よぎ
..... kaimaki, 掻巻(かいまき), quilt, fusuma 衾, sleeved futon

square shoulder shawl, kakumaki 角巻
. kakumaki ningyoo 角巻き人形 dolls with a square scarf .

half coat, hanten  はんてん 半纏
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
tanzen たんぜん 丹前 longer coat
... dotera 褞袍 (どてら)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

A special back warmer from Tohoku is like a padded rucksack, without any sleaves.
It is said to keep the housewifes warm while leaving the arms free for the housework.

neko hanten ねこ半纏 backwarmer

fuyubaori, fuyu haori 冬羽織 (ふゆばおり)
haori coat for winter
... awasebaori 袷羽織(あわせばおり)
... wata-irebaori 綿入羽織(わたいればおり)with cotton padding
... chabaori 茶羽織(ちゃばおり)"tea haori coat" for ladies

. kawabaori 皮羽織 leather haori coat .
... kawabaori 革羽織(かわばおり)

yukigappa (yuki kappa) 雪合羽 (ゆきがっぱ) snow jacket
..... yukimino 雪蓑(ゆきみの)snow jacket made from straw
yukibakama (yuki hakama) 雪袴 (ゆきばかま) hakama trousers for snow

atsushi 厚司 (あつし) warm winter garment, made from blankets by the Ainu in Hokkaido
..... atsushi 厚子(あつし)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

vest, chanchanko ちゃんちゃんこ
..... sodenashi 袖無(そでなし)"without sleeves"

Especially used by old people and small children in the Edo period and later. In the Northern parts of Japan, everyone used it. Because it has no sleeves, you can easily do your daily chores with it, outside and inside the usually cold farm houses.

monpe もんぺ cotton trousers . Mompe.
..... moppe もっぺ
Often blue with fine patterns, still used by farm wifes nowadays. In winter they are quilted.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

night coat, yogi 夜着 よぎ
..... kaimaki, 掻巻(かいまき), quilt, fusuma 衾
 ..... short night coat, koyogi 小夜着

Paper clothing, paper robes (kamiko) 紙衣 (かみこ) 紙子(かみこ)

wata 綿 (わた) cotton (garment)
wata-ire 綿入 (わたいれ) (garment with) cotton padding
Cotton-padded garments to keep you warm


Shoes and footwear

yukigutsu (yuki kutsu) 雪沓 (ゆきぐつ)
(traditional) snow shoes

waragutsu 藁沓(わらぐつ)straw shoes for winter
..... fukagutsu 深沓(ふかぐつ)
..... tsumago 爪籠(つまご)

tsunanuki 綱貫 (つなぬき) special snow shoes
made from cow leather, with iron spikes on the bottom.

CLICK for more photos
kanjiki 樏 (かんじき) special bamboo contraptions to walk in the snow (snow-shoes)
wakanjiki 輪樏(わかんじき)round kanjiki
kane kanjiki 金樏(かねかんじき)kanjiki made from metal
ita kanjiki 板樏(いたかんじき)kanjiki with wooden plates
They are used by the bear hunters (matagi) in winter to walk through the forest.

yukigeta 雪下駄 (ゆきげた) snow geta sandals
bookan zoori 防寒草履(ぼうかんぞうり)cold-proof sandals
With a special warm cover for the toes.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

yukifumi 雪踏 (ゆきふみ)"stepping on snow"
special winter sandals
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

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fumidawara 踏俵(ふみだわら)special boots to make a way for walking in snowy counry.
They look like tawara, bundles for rice
kigo for late winter


Japanese Food to keep you warm

The most important is the hodgepodge, nabe 鍋 なべもの that comes in many varieties.
wild boar stew, shishinabe 猪鍋
..... "peony stew" botan nabe 牡丹鍋

mixed stew, yosenabe 寄せ鍋、寄鍋
mixed seafood pot, ishikari nabe 石狩鍋

hot reddish in broth, furofuki 風呂吹き

Hot steamed rice, fukashimeshi 蒸飯

hot soup, shiru, xxx jiru 汁

soup eaten in the dark with candlelight, shared with good friends. Sometimes they had to guess the kind and number of ingredients in the dark.
..... yamijiru 闇汁

roots soup, kaburajiru 蕪汁 かぶらじる
blowfish soup, fugujiru 河豚汁
..... Blowfish, globe fish (fugu)
vegetable and tofu soup, kenchinjiru けんちんじる

tofu in boiling water, yudoofu 湯豆腐
..... yuyakko 湯奴

Oden hodgepodge stew

WINTER FOOD ... ... The WASHOKU Saijiki


Hot Drinks, our main Kigo List

hot rice wine, atsukan 熱燗, kanzake 燗酒
..... Ricewine, rice wine (sake, saké, saki, Japan)

Worldwide use

tropical regions

sweat tops, sweaters
kigo for the wet seasons

. Gloves in Kenya  

Things found on the way

Food of Japan, by Naomichi Ishige


. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .

erimaki no asagi ni nokoru samusa kana

in the light blue of the scarf
winter's cold

This captures the chill of an early spring day through the color of the woman's scarf. It makes one wonder if the color is not indicative of the woman's age, looks, and even character.
Tr. and comment - Makoto Ueda

Erimaki long and wide mufflers were often worn by ill people and the elderly.

nokoru samusa is a kigo for early spring.

. asagi あさぎ - 浅黄 - 浅葱
hues of light yellow, green and blue .

. ajisai ya katabira doki no usu-asagi .


keito ami hajimari tsuma no moda hajimaru

wool knitting starts
the silence of my wife starts

Kato Shuson, 加藤楸邨 Katoo Shuuson


how cool the mug
before the coffee
is poured -

Paul MacNeil
HSA Bernard Lionel Einbond Renku Collection 2005


kegawa kite aenai hazu no hito to au

I wear a fur coat -
I meet a person not ment
to meet

Matsumoto Kyooko 松本恭子 (1958 - )


I am almost glued
to my warm futon ...
icy morning

Gabi Greve, January 15, 2009

Related words

***** Winter (fuyu, Japan) the season

***** Autumn Food ... ... KIGO list

***** Sweets from Japan (wagashi) 和菓子歳時記
The Japanese Sweets Saijiki

***** Washoku, Winter Food from Japan

Check the WKD LIST of
. HUMANITY and All Winter Kigo





Winter preparations outside



Winter preparations outside

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Winter
***** Category: Humanity


A lot of preparations have to be done for winter.
The house has to be made warm and cosy. Protection from snow and cold is very important in Northern Japan, where the snow reaches many meters and has to be dealt with properly.

. Winter
heating, blankets, warm clothing, snow shoes and more


Early Winter

fuyugamae 冬構 (ふゆがまえ)winter preparations

kazeyoke 風除 かざよけ wind guards
kazegaki 風垣(かざがき) wind-protecting hedges
kazegakoi 風囲(かざがこい)
Some houses in Northern Japan have very high hedges (防風垣) on three sides around the house.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

kitamado fusagu 北窓塞ぐ (きたまどふさぐ) closing the north window and more about windows

mebari 目貼 (めばり) sealing the windows
sukimabari 隙間張(すきまばり)sealing the small apertures (where the cold wind might come in)
Japanese wooden houses are full of small slits around the sliding windows and sliding doors. In winter they are all sealed quite carefully with strong paper.

shimoyoke 霜除 (しもよけ) frost protection
shimo ooi 霜覆(しもおおい)shimogakoi霜囲(しもがこい)
Many homes have extra wooden protections against snow and cold. The north walls and windows are sealed tightly.



haka kakou 墓囲う (はかかこう) protecting the graves with an enclosure

yabumaki 藪巻 (やぶまき) putting straw mats around bamboo and underbrush to prevent it from breaking under heavy snow
..... komomaki 菰巻(こもまき)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

yukigakoi 雪囲 (ゆきがこい) snow protection
..... yukiyoke 雪除(ゆきよけ)protective fence against snow
yukigaki 雪垣(ゆきがき)snow-protecting hedge

CLICK for more photos
yukigomo 雪菰(ゆきごも)snow protection for flowers

SNOW-related kigo about human activities in winter

shoveling snow, yukikaki 雪掻 (ゆきかき) and many more


Late Winter

CLICK for more protectiongangi 雁木 (がんぎ ) wooden snow protection roof along the road
gangi ichi 雁木市(がんぎいち)
market selling wood for the gangi
In the parts of Japan with heavy snowfall, the roadsides were protected by long roofs, which were supported by strong wooden pillars to carry the heavy load of snow. They form a place where people can walk safely during winter time.


sugamori すが洩り (すがもり) leeking of melting icewater
... suga more すが漏(すがもれ)
suga is dialect of Northern Japan. Snow and ice around the home begin to melt and leek throught the apertures in the roof or windows or below doors.

kokubunji sugamori ato no doo no kabe

Temple Kokubunji -
the walls of the hall show remains

of leeking meltwater

Himori Mume 日守むめ


All Winter

fuyugomori 冬篭り winter confinement, winter isolation

fuyu yakata 冬館 (ふゆやかた) large home in winter
usually a home in Western style.

CLICK for more photos
Wind-cutting sickle at the temple Horyu-Ji 法隆寺
kazakirigama 風切鎌 (かざきりがま) "wind-cutting sickle"
A sickle is put up on a long pole or on the roof to "cut the strong north wind" and protect the home.

sukimakaze 隙間風(すきまかぜ) wind through the small apertures of a building
..... himamoru kaze ひま洩る風 (ひまもるかぜ)

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


Related words

Check the WKD LIST of
. HUMANITY and Winter Kigo



Autumn school games entertainment


Autumn and entertainment

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Autumn
***** Category: Humanity


Games played in autumn, entertainment in autumn, school in autumn.
Many cultural events also take place in autumn.


Early autumn

kyuuka ake 休暇明 (きゅうかあけ)
end of the (summer) holidays

... kyuuka hatsu 休暇果つ(きゅうかはつ)
kyuuka shimau 休暇了う(きゅうかしまう)
kaki kyuuka hatsu 夏期休暇果つ(かききゅうかはつ) end of the summer break
nigakki 二学期(にがっき)second term in school
shuugakki 秋学期(しゅうがっき)autumn term in school

. School life in all seasons  


Sumo wrestling 相撲 (すもう)



Tsukimi 月見 moon viewing and related kigo


Late autumn

CLICK for more photos
bai mawashi ばい廻し (ばいまわし / 海蠃廻し)
spinning tops with shells
beigoma べい独楽(べいごま)spinning tops
bai-uchi ばい打(ばいうち / 海打ち)、baibaigoma ばいばいごま
tsuyobai 強ばい(つよばい)"strong shell"
kachibai 勝ばい(かちばい)"winning shell"
makebai 負ばい(まけばい) "loosing shell"
BAI are special conch shells that were used as spinning tops in the Edo period. The conches were opened and the inside filled with wax or lead to make them heavy. They were especially used befor the 9th day of the 9th month of the Chrysanthemum festival. This was not only a toy for children, even grownups enjoyed a game. Later the tops were made of metal. The top of an opponent has to be kicked out of the box or round.
Now these tops are also used during the New Year holidays.
A play of words with BAI, to come back to you manifold. 福が倍にくる
バイガイ, ばい貝, 梅貝 small water snails and New Year Food

hookoo ni yuku darekare ya bai mawashi

someone is leaving
to become an apprentice -
spinning tops

Kubota Mantaroo 万太郎

koma 独楽 (こま) spinning top Kreisel
kigo for the New Year


gangasa 雁瘡 (がんがさ) "goose ekzema", ekzema in autumn
gansoo 雁瘡(がんそう), kangasa 雁来瘡(がんがさ)
Difficult to cure, it comes and goes as the geese come and go.

imonikai, imoni kai 芋煮会 いもにかい "boiled satoimo taro potatoes"
... imoni 芋煮(いもに)
Originally from Yamagata, with Yonezawa beef

kiku matsuri Chrysanthemum Festival
kikukaten 菊花展 (きくかてん) chrysanthemum exhibition
... kikuten 菊展(きくてん)
kiku ningyoo 菊人形 (きくにんぎょう) figures made from chrysanthemums
... kiku shi 菊師(きくし)
. . . CLICK here for Chrysanthemum Doll Photos !

momijigari 紅葉狩 もみじがり "hunting for red leaves" leaf watching
... momiji mi 紅葉見(もみじみ, kanpuu 観楓(かんぷう)
momiji fumu 紅葉踏む(もみじふむ)stepping on red leaves
momijizake 紅葉酒(もみじざけ)ricewine while watching red leaves
momijijaya momiji chaya 紅葉茶屋(もみじぢゃや)tea house for watching red leaves
momijibune 紅葉舟(もみじぶね) boat for watching red leaves
momiji taku 紅葉焚く(もみじたく)burning red leaves

momiji no ga 紅葉の賀 (もみじのが) official viewing of the red leaves, court ceremony
... aki no gyoo-u 秋の御遊(あきのぎょゆう)
. . . CLICK here for Ceremony Photos !

takegari 茸狩 たけがり "hunting for mushrooms
... kinokogari 茸狩
picking mushrooms, kinoko tori 茸採り(きのことり)
bag for mushrooms, kinoko kago 茸籠(きのこかご)
mat to spread mushrooms to dry, kinoko mushiro 茸筵(たけむしろ)


observance kigo for late autumn

taiiku no hi 体育の日 (たいいくのひ) physical education day
Health and Sports Day
Second Monday of October
(it used to be the 10th of october)

kokumin taiiku taikai "National Sports Festival"
国民体育大会 (こくみんたいいくたいかい)

.... kokutai 国体(こくたい)
National Sports Tournament
National Athletic Meet
since 1946.


bunka no hi 文化の日 (ぶんかのひ) culture day
Meijisetsu 明治節(めいじせつ)Meiji seasonal festival
bunkasai 文化祭(ぶんかさい)
Third of November, a national holiday
Many communities feature exhibitions and regional culture events.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Lately, November 1 has been promoted to
koten no hi 古典の日 day of classical literature


geijutsusai 芸術祭 (げいじゅつさい) art festival
Most events are featured in October and November, since the year 1946.

Shoosoin bakuryoo 正倉院曝涼 (しょうそういんばくりょう)
..... kaze ire, kazeire 風入れ(かぜいれ)
airing the treasures of the Shosoin treasure house in Nara
Most events center around November 3.
Not only the Shoso-In, but also many other large temples air their treasures, hang up the scrolls and invite visitors to look at them.

The Shōsōin (正倉院)
is the treasure house that belongs to Tōdai-ji, Nara. The building is in the azekura log-cabin style, with a raised floor. It lies to the northwest of the Daibutsuden (which houses the Great Buddha). The Shōsōin houses artifacts connected to Emperor Shōmu (701–756) and Empress Kōmyō (701–760), as well as arts and crafts of the Tempyō period of Japanese history.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Multi-support database SHOMUS for the study of Shoshoin historical documents
- source : wwwap.hi.u-tokyo.ac.jp -
- source : 正倉院文書研究会 -


observance kigo for all autumm

bijutsu tenrankai 美術展覧会 (びじゅつてんらんかい)
art exhibition

nikaten 二科展(にかてん)
for paintings, carvings, design and photos

inten 院展(いんてん)
Japan Fine Arts Institute Exhibition 日本美術院

nitten 日展(にってん)
short for Nihon Bijutsu Tenrankai 日本美術展覧会

bijutsu no aki 美術の秋(びじゅつのあき)
autumn of the fine arts

This is a well-loved expression encompassing all the cultural events in autumn, after the long humid summer is finally over.


All autumn

shuui, shuu-i 秋意 しゅうい feeling of autumn

shuushi 秋思 (しゅうし) autumnal melancholy
shuukai 秋懐(しゅうかい), shuushuu 傷秋(しょうしゅう)
shuuyoo 秋容(しゅうよう)、aki aware 秋あわれ(あきあわれ)
aki sabishi 秋さびし(あきさびし) feeling lonely in autumn
herbstliche Melancholie

sankai ni yuku kumo shiromu shuushi kana

above the isolated mountains
white clouds are moving -
autumn melancholy

Iida Dakotsu 飯田蛇笏

aki no asobi 秋の遊び(あきのあそび)joys of autumn
shuukyoo 秋興 (しゅうきょう) joy of autumn
der Reiz des Herbstes

akigawaki 秋渇き (あきがわき) dryness in autumn
aki kawaki 秋乾き(あきかわき)

autumn information, Japanese


aki no noasobi, no-asobi 秋の野遊び (あきののあそび)
enjoying outdoor life in autumn
aki asobi 秋遊(あきあそび)enjoying autumn outside
aki no yama asobi 秋の山遊(あきのやまあそび)enjoying the mountains in autumn
aki no pikkunikku 秋のピクニック(あきのぴくにっく)picnic in autumn
aki no ensoku 秋の遠足(あきのえんそく) excursion, outing in autumn

mushiuri, mushi-uri 虫売り/ 虫売 / むしうり vendor of insects and more MUSHI kigo
... mushiya 虫屋(むしや)
mushikago 虫籠 (むしかご) box for keeping insects
... mushigo, mushiko むしご、むしこ


CLICK for more photos
undookai 運動会 (うんどうかい) athletic meeting
shuuki undookai 秋季大運動会(しゅうきだいうんどうかい)sports festival in autumn
tai-iku sai 体育祭(たいいくさい) athletic meet
Usually at schools, where parents and relatives come to enjoy one day of events and lunch together.

yagaku 夜学 (やがく) night school, studying at night
and related KIGO

Night work (yonabe)of a farmer Japan

Worldwide use


Autumn Melancholy

Things found on the way



Related words

autumn and humanity

***** Autumn hunting and fishing

***** Autumn festivals and ceremonies

***** Autumn in the home

***** Food and Drinks in Autumn

Autumn and Humanity Kigo

. . . Autumn (aki, 秋 ) A season for haiku !



Autumn farmers work


Autumn and farmers work

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Autumn
***** Category: Humanity


There is a lot to be done in autumn, harvesting and preparing for winter.

Let us look at some kigo and activities of this haiku season.

LINKS are only to my own entries with more details for you.
Many words are also kigo in other seasons, when they blossom etc. Please check the main ABC index of the world kigo for further reference.


Early autumn

daikon maku 大根蒔く (だいこんまく)
sowing radish seeds
Radish and its kigo

hachigatsu daimyoo 八月大名 (はちがつだいみょう) "Lord in August"
In the two months of february and august there was not so much field work to do and people used it for marriage celebrations or other ramily rituals, because they had time to travel and meet. Good food was prepared and they enjoyed the "Life of a Lord".
Especially common in Western Japan.

mame hiku 豆引く picking beans soybeans and many others
drying soy beans, daizu hosu 大豆干す



awa karu 粟刈る (あわかる) harvesting foxtail millet
. . . . . awa hiku 粟引く(あわひく)
awa hosu 粟干す(あわほす)drying millet
awa utsu 粟打つ(あわうつ)threshing millet
awa mushiro 粟筵(あわむしろ) straw mat to dry millet
Millet and millet dishes

botan no newake 牡丹の根分 (ぼたんのねわけ)
dividing the roots of peonies (peony)
. . . . . botan no tsugi ki 牡丹の接木(ぼたんのつぎき)grafting peonies
. . . . . shakuyaku no newake 芍薬の根分 (しゃくやくのねわけ) difiding the roots fo herbaceous peonies

goma karu 胡麻刈る cutting sesame plants and more about sesame
goma hosu 胡麻干す(ごまほす)drying sesame plants
goma tataku 胡麻叩く(ごまたたく)"hitting " threshing seseme plants
shingoma 新胡麻(しんごま)new sesame
kurogoma 黒胡麻(くろごま)black sesame
kingoma 金胡麻(きんごま)golden sesame
gomagara 胡麻殻(ごまがら) husks/hulls of the sesame seed

hoonen 豊年 (ほうねん) bountiful harvest
toyo no aki 豊の秋(とよのあき )bountiful autumn
deki aki 出来秋(できあき)fruits of autumn
豊作(ほうさく)abundant harvest, bumper crop

ito-uri 糸瓜, 蛮瓜,布瓜 sponge gourd and related kigo

kakishibu 柿渋(かきしぶ)"persimmon dye" persimmon tannin
and how to make and use it

karashi tane maku 芥菜蒔く (からしなまく)
sowing poppy seeds
. . . . . keshi maku 罌粟蒔く (けしまく)
keshi no hana poppy flowers 芥子の花(けしのはな) kigo for earlyl summer

kusabana aki maku 草花秋蒔く (くさばなあきまく)
sowing plants and flowers in autumn

kusadomari 草泊 (くさどまり) staying over night for cutting weeds
. . . . . kusayama 草山(くさやま)
In olden times, farmers went up the volcanic slopes to cut the weeds. It took them a few days so they stayed in mountain huts and shelters during this time. It was also a time for their sons and daughters to mingle freely and all looked forward to it.
Nowadays, with tractors, it is a one-day activiy and lost its former charm.

take kiru 竹伐る (たけきる) cutting bamboo
BAMBOO .. An Asian Plant

watatsumi 綿摘(わたつみ)picking cotton
Many COTTON-related kigo.
momen 木綿(もめん)cotton コットン


Late autumn

aki mayu, akimayu 秋繭 (あきまゆ) silkworms in autumn

aki osame 秋納め (あきおさめ) "reaping in autumn",
a celebration after the harvest
. . . aki wasure 秋忘(あきわすれ) "forgetting autumn",
aki age 秋揚げ(あきあげ)"ending the autumn work"
aki burumai秋振舞(あきぶるまい)"celebrating in autumn"
tajimai 田仕舞(たじまい) "end of the field season"

genge maku 紫雲英蒔く (げんげまく) sowing milk vetch (clover)
Astragalus sinicus

goboo hiku 牛蒡引く (ごぼうひく) picking burdock
goboo horu 牛蒡掘る(ごぼうほる) digging for burdock

hagi kiru 萩刈る (はぎかる) cutting bushclover (bush clover)
. . . . . hagikari 萩刈(はぎかり)

hishi toru 菱取る (ひしとる) collecting water chestnuts
Trapa japonica
. . . . . hishitori 菱採り(ひしとり)
. . . . . hishi no mi toru 菱の実取る(ひしのみとる)
hishibune 菱舟(ひしぶね)ship to collect water chestnuts
yudebishi 茹菱(ゆでびし) boiled water chestnuts
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

inekari 稲刈 (いねかり) harvesting rice
one of the most important activities of the rice farmers,
drying the rice plants, ine hosu 稲干す
offering for the rice cutting sickle, kama iwai 鎌祝(かまいわい)
threshing rice, ine koki 稲扱き いねこき

CLICK for more photos
kaya karu 萱刈る (かやかる) cutting miscanthus (reeds)
kaya fuku 萱葺く(かやふく)thatching a roof
kaya no nokiba 萱の軒場(かやののきば)shed to store cut miscanthus
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. . . . . ashi kari 蘆刈 (あしかり) cutting reeds
ashikarime 蘆刈女(あしかりめ)woman cutting reeds
ashikaribune 蘆刈舟(あしかりぶね)boat to cut reeds
. . . ashibune 蘆舟(あしぶね)
ashibi 蘆火 (あしび) burning reed

kurara hiku 苦参引く (くららひく) pulling out kurara (Sophora flavescens)
(a medical plant)
kusa enju horu 草槐掘る(くさえんじゅほる) digging for Sophora flavescens

kusuri horu 薬掘る (くすりほる) "digging for medicine"
kusuri tori 薬採る(くすりとる)collecting medicine
yakusoo horu 薬草掘る(やくそうほる)digging for medicinal plants
akane horu 茜掘る(あかねほる) digging for madder (Rubia cordifolia)

akane 茜草 (あかね) madder, Indian Madder
Rubia cordifolia. common name for girls.
plant kigo for early autumn


kuwa kukuru 桑括る (くわくくる) binding the mulberries
The branches have to be cut down in autumn when the leaves get brownish, because otherwise the branches will spread in all four directions and the stumps are covered with straw and bound for the winter.

kuzu horu 葛掘る (くずほる) digging for arrowroot
. . . . . kuzune horu 葛根掘る(くずねほる)
. . . . . kuzu hiku 葛引く(くずひく)pulling out arrowroot

kyosaku 凶作 (きょうさく) poor harvest, poor crop
. . . fusaku 不作(ふさく)
kanbatsuden 旱魃田(かんばつでん) dry fields

maki tozasu 牧閉す (まきとざす) "closing down the open grazing land"
umasage, uma sage 馬下げ(うまさげ)getting the horses down
makigaeri 牧帰り(まきがえり) coming home from the grazing land
uma sageru 馬下げる (うまさげる) getting the horses down, is sometimes listed as a kigo for early winter.

matsu teire, matsu te-ire 松手入 (まつていれ) cutting the pine trees
In your garden, usually a hedge to ward off strong wind and decorative pines in the temple gardens. Mostly done by professional gardeners. They climb up high into the trees to cut of old or unwanted branches.

natane maku 菜種蒔く (なたねまく) sowing rapeseed
na no hana 菜の花 rape blossoms kigo for spring

senburi hiku 千振引く (せんぶりひく) pulling Japanese green gentian
(Swertia japonica), amedicinal plant
. . . . . senburi toru 千振採る(せんぶりとる)
tooyaku hiku 当薬引く(とうやくひく)pulling Japanese green gentian
senburi hosu 千振干す(せんぶりほす)drying Japanese green gentian

tanetori 種採 (たねとり) taking seeds
Usually from flowers, they are kept in a sachet and are sown again next year.

tokusa karu 木賊刈る (とくさかる) cutting scouring rush
Equisetum hyemale

tsuru taguri 蔓たぐり (つるたぐり) pulling vines
tsuru kiri 蔓切(つるきり)cutting vines
tsuru hiki 蔓引(つるひき) pulling vines
After the harvest of gourds and beans, the leftover vines in the fields are now pulled out.

yonabe 夜業 (夜なべ) night work at home
... tawara ami 俵網 (たわらあみ) making straw bags
komedawara amu 米俵編む(こめだわらあむ)making straw bags for rice
sumidawara amu 炭俵編む(すみだわらあむ) making straw bags for charcoal


All autumn

kakashi 案山子 (かがし) scarecrow
bird scarers, tori odoshi 鳥威し, guardian of the fields 田守 (たもり) tamori and more

kinuta 砧 (きぬた) fulling block, washing mallet,
and related kigo

shishigaki 鹿垣 (ししがき) fence against wild boars and other animals
kabiya 鹿火屋 かひや hut for the fire watch
kabiya mori 鹿火屋守(かひやもり)guardian of the fire watch hut

shinginu 新絹 (しんぎぬ) new silk
silk of this year, kotoshi ginu 今年絹(ことしぎぬ)
new loom, shinhata 新機(しんはた)

shuukoo 秋耕 (しゅうこう )plowing the fields in autumn

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soozu 添水 そうず "animal chaser"
. . . soozu 僧都(そうず)、bottanko ばったんこ、botta ばった、
yamada no suuzu 山田の僧都(やまどのそうず) "animal chaser in the mountains and in the fields"
. . . . . karausu, kara-usu 唐臼(からうす)"mortar"
usagi tsuzumi 兎鼓(うさぎつづみ) "rabbit drum" (an expression used in Kyushu)
A kind of bamboo pole that fills with water and drops down with a sound that scares away the animals.
Shishiodoshi, shishi odoshi 鹿威し the deer scarer


Tobacco plant / Tabakpflanze
Nicotiana tabacum

The tobacco plant was introduced by Portuguese sailors around 1542.

waka tabako 若煙草 (わかたばこ, ワカタバコ) "young tobacco"
shin tabako 新煙草(しんたばこ) new tobacco
kotoshi tabako 今年煙草(ことしたばこ)tobaco from this year
tabako hosu 煙草干す(たばこほす)drying tobacco
kake tabako 懸煙草(かけたばこ)hanging tobacco leaves to dry
nawa tabako 縄煙草(なわたばこ) tobacco bound in a rope
kigo for all autumn

tabako no hana 煙草の花 (たばこのはな) tabacco flower
. . . . . hanatabako 花煙草(はなたばこ)
kigo for early autumn
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

iwa tabako, iwatabako 岩煙草 (いわたばこ) "cliff tobacco"
. . . . . iwana, iwajisha いわな、いわぢしゃ
Conandron ramondioides
kigo for late summer
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


kigo for mid-autumn

omoigusa 思草 (おもいぐさ) "remembering plant"
..... nanbangiseru, nanban kiseru 南蛮煙管(なんばんぎせる)
"pipe of Southern Babarians"
..... kiserugusa, kiseru kusa きせる草(きせるぐさ)
Aeginetia indica

kiseru 煙管 traditional Japanese pipe
tobacco pouch 刻み煙草入れ
rauya, raoya 羅宇屋 repairman of tobacco pipes


yasai no aki tanemaki 野菜の秋蒔き (やさいのあきまき)
sowing seeds of vegetables in autumn
. . . . . akimaki yasai 秋蒔野菜(あきまきやさい)
kabu maku 蕪蒔く(かぶまく)sowing turnips
goboo maku 牛蒡蒔く(ごぼうまく)sowing burdock
soramame uu 蚕豆植う(そらまめうう)planting fava beans

Worldwide use

Things found on the way



Related words

autumn and humanity

***** Autumn hunting and fishing

***** Autumn festivals and ceremonies

***** Autumn in the home

***** Autumn games, entertainment, school

***** Food and Drinks in Autumn

Autumn and Humanity Kigo

. . . Autumn (aki, 秋) A season for haiku !

. Farmers work in all seasons  

. Planting, harvesting and preparing food in SPRING kigo  

***** sumidawara 炭俵 (すみだわら) sack for wrapping charcoal
kigo for all winter




Autumn hunting fishing


Autumn hunting and fishing

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Autumn
***** Category: Humanity


Autumn is a time for hunting and fishing!

Here is a list of the kigo related to these activities.
The name of game and fish are usually also kigo.

fishing at night
Arai Yoshimune (1873-1945)


Early autumn

 aki no ukai 秋の鵜飼 (あきのうかい)
cormorant fishing in autumn

hatobue 鳩笛 cooing like a pigeon

takauchi 鷹打 (たかうち)
catching falcons for taming

takauchidokoro 初秋 鷹打所(たかうちどころ)place for taming falcons
takaami, taka-ami 鷹網(たかあみ)net for catching falcons
machiamigake 待網掛(まちあがけ)putting up a net
aradaka 荒鷹(あらたか) "wild falcon"

kotakagari 小鷹狩 (こたかがり) hunting with small falcons
hatsu takagari 初鷹狩(はつたかがり)first hunt with falcons
. . . hatsu togari 初鳥狩(はつとがり)
hatsutaka 初鷹(はつたか)"first falcon"
hatsu takano 初鷹野(はつたかの)"first falcon in the fields"
kotakano 小鷹野(こたかの)field with small falcons



shikabue 鹿笛 deer flute / deer call
shikagari 鹿狩(しかがり) deer hunt, deer hunting

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Late autumn

ajiro uchi 網代打 (あじろうち) preparing wickerwork fishtraps
ajirogi utsu 網代木打つ(あじろぎうつ)
They are used for winter fishing, see WINTER HUMANITY kigo.

hatsuryoo 初猟 (はつりょう) first hunting
juuroo hajimaru 銃猟はじまる(じゅうりょうはじまる)hunting with guns begins
juuryooki ni hairu 銃猟期に入る(じゅうりょうきのはいる)hunting season begins
ryookaikin 猟開禁(りょうかいきん) end of no-hunting season

iwashi hiku 鰯引く (いわしひく) catching sardines
iwashi ami 鰯網(いわしあみ)net for sardines
koiwashi hiku 小鰯引く(こいわしひく) catching small sardines

kotorigari 小鳥狩 (ことりがり) hunting for small birds
kotori ami 小鳥網(ことりあみ)net for catching small birds
kasumiami, kasumi-ami 霞網(かすみあみ)net for catching birds
toriya 鳥屋(とや)bird hunter
. . . toriyashi 鳥屋師(とやし)
toyaba 鳥屋場(とやば) place for bird hunting

kuzureyana 崩れ簗 (くずれやな) broken weir fish trap
Usually one from last year, that has been left to stand in the river.

nezuri 根釣 (ねづり) fishing on the ground (in the tree roots)
. . . neuozuri 根魚釣(ねうおづり)
neuo 根魚(ねうお)fish hidden in roots
kishizuri 岸釣(きしづり) fishing close to the shore

otori 囮 (おとり) decoy
otori ban 囮番(おとりばん)keeper of the decoys
. . . otori mori 囮守(おとりもり)decoy watchman
otorikago 囮籠(おとりかご) box with a decoy

sakeuchi 鮭打 (さけうち) trap for salmon
sakeami, sake-ami 鮭網(さけあみ)net for catching salmon
sakeyana 鮭簗(さけやな) weir fishtrap for salmon
sakegoya 鮭小屋(さけごや)hut for the salmon fishemen
. . . sake banya 鮭番屋(さけばんや)

. sanma ami 秋刀魚網(さんまあみ)net for fishing saury   

takahago 高擌 (たかはご) contraption to catch birds
. . . takahago 高羽籠(たかはご)
. . . takanawa 、高縄(たかなわ)、takahaga 高はが(たかはが)、zukubiki 木莵引(ずくひき)
a kind of net on a long pole, under which decoys are placed.


All autumn

hazetsuri 鯊釣 (はぜつり) fishing for goby
hazebune 鯊舟(はぜぶね)boat for fishing goby
haze no sao 鯊の竿(はぜのさお) fishing pole for goby
nice weather for haze fishing, haze-biyori 鯊日和

ika hosu 烏賊干す (いかほす) hanging squid to dry
ika busuma 烏賊襖(いかぶすま)drying squid
ika arai 烏賊洗(いかあらい)cleaning squid
ikasaki 烏賊裂(いかさき)cutting squid
shioika, shio-ika 塩烏賊(しおいか) squid in salt

. ina tsuri いな釣(いなつり)fishing for ina  
boratsuri 鯔釣(ぼらつり)fishing for bora, gray mullet
Mugil cephalus

. suzukitsuri, suzuki tsuri 鱸釣(すずきつり)
fishing for sea bass
suzukiami, suzuki ami 鱸網(すずきあみ)net for fishing suzuki

CLICK for original LINK food.maruha-nichiro.co.jp
kudariyana 下り簗 (くだりやな) weir fish trap
for fish coming back downstream after laying their eggs upstream.
Usually spread over the width of a river.

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. fishing with dragonflies, tonbo tsuri

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


yuku aki no tokorodokoro ya kudariyana

while autumn is passing
here and there -
downstream fish weirs

The cut marker YA is at the end of line 2.

Written in 1768.

- - - - - - - - - -

悲しさや 釣の糸ふく 秋の風
kanashisa ya tsuri no ito fuku aki no kaze

The fishing line trembles
In the autumn wind.

This does not mean he is sad, and then sees the line trembling in the wind; it means that seeing the line trembling in the wind of autumn is in itself sadness — the seeing is the feeling. That is because of all the layers of association it evokes — the withering of things, the ending of things, the certainty of mortality, and yet none of these things are mentioned in the verse, and mentioning them goes too far in explaining it.
That is the suggestiveness of hokku.
Tr. and comment by David Coomler

Ah, grief and sadness !
The fishing-line trembles
In the autumn breeze.

Tr. Blyth

sadness -
a fishing-line blows
in the autumn wind

Tr. Haldane

A sorrow --
Curving a fishing line
The autumn wind.

Tr. Nelson/Saito

While feeling sad --
a fishing line being blown
by the autumn wind.

Tr. Sawa/ Shiffert

Written in 1773.
. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .


hatsuryoo no oitaru inu ni hi o okosu

first hunting -
I make a warming fire
for my old dog

Haruka 遥
Tr. Gabi Greve


nekoronde cheehofu o yomu otori mori

lying down
and reading Chekov -
the decoy watchman

Mizuno Kison 水野季村

Related words

KIGO LISTS about - autumn and humanity

***** Autumn hunting and fishing

***** Autumn festivals and ceremonies

***** Autumn in the home

***** Autumn games, entertainment, school

***** Food and Drinks in Autumn

. . . Autumn (aki, 秋 ) A season for haiku !


. Fishing (釣り tsuri) and related kigo .


