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Plants in Winter
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Winter
***** Category: Plant *****************************
Many plants have their main entry in a different season and when mentioned in winter, this has to be added explicitly
plants in winter
Please check the entries carefully!
In winter, we have the fallen leaves and many withered plants.
Many compound words take the part of "winter" or "in the cold".
LIST of the Plants in our WKD databasePLANTS - in all WINTER kigo List kusa くさ【草】this word is used for all kinds of grass, weeds, herbs, wild plants, wild flowers and such.
I use "plant" as a general translation.

Kigo for early winter fuyuaoi, fuyu aoi 冬葵 (ふゆあおい) hollycock in winter mallow in winter
kan aoi 寒葵 hollycock in the cold
Asarum nipponicum
tsuwa no hana 石蕗の花 (つわのはな)
rock butterbur flowers
..... tsuwabuki no hana 石蕗の花(つわぶきのはな)
..... 槖吾の花(つわぶきのはな)
tsuwa saku 石蕗咲く(つわさく)
Farfugium japonicum
tsuwabuki, Japanese silverleaves or Hosta, is Aureomaculata, with spotted leaves and called "leopard plant", one of the edible mountain plants.
tsuwazushi, tsuwa sushi つわ寿司 from Tosa, Shimizu

Kigo for mid-winter kurisumasu roozu クリスマスローズ christmas rose Helleborus orientalis
. . . CLICK here for Photos !:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Kigo for late winter fuyumoe, fuyu moe 冬萌 (ふゆもえ) sprouts in winter
(the first green under withered leaves)
habotan 葉牡丹 (はぼたん) "leaf peony" decorative cabbage
botan na 牡丹菜(ぼたんな)
Brassica oleracea
It is planted in many large flowerbeds in the towns. Its beautiful color gradations are enjoyable throughout the long winter days.
yukiore, yuki ore 雪折 (ゆきおれ) "breaking from the snow" branches of many trees break during the heavy snow season, so do sasa grass and bamboo.
Kigo for all winter kimamori 木守 (きまもり)
One last fruit (or a few) is left on the tree to "watch over it". ..... kimori 木もり(こもり
..... kimaburi 木まぶり(きまぶり)
kimori gaki 木守柿 / kimamorigaki きまもりがき last persimmon
kimori yuzu 木守柚(きもりゆず) last yuzu citron
. miyama shikimi 深山樒 (みやましきみ) Skimmia . Skimmia japonica
murozaki 室咲 (むろざき / 室咲き) "flowering in the greenhouse" muro no hana 室の花(むろのはな)
flowers from the greenhouse / hothouse
muro no ume 室の梅(むろのうめ) plums in the greenhouse
Blumen aus dem Gewächshaus
***************************** Worldwide use*****************************
Things found on the way*****************************
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SAIJIKI List . . .
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SAIJIKI List BACKUP of the Yahoo ListAAA . . . Plants in Winter Saijiki Introduction
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2010/10/plants-in-winter-saijiki.html worldkigo
apples in winter (fuyu ringo, kan ringo)
Malus domestica
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2005/01/apple-ringo-05.html worldkigo
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aralia flowers (yatsude no hana)
Fatsia japonica
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2008/01/fatsia-blossoms-hana-yatsude.html worldkigo
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ardisia japonika (yabukooji, yama tachibana)
Ardisia japonica
http://washokufood.blogspot.com/2008/07/kankitsurui.html worldkigo
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aucuba berries (aoki no mi)
Aucuba japonica, kind of Japanese laurel
http://haikuandhappiness.blogspot.com/2007/12/red-berries.html worldkigo
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banana plants withering (karebashoo)
more BANANA PLANT kigo
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2006/07/skunk-cabbage-mizu-bashoo.html worldkigo
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bracke fern in winter (fuyu warabi)
Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusclum
http://washokufood.blogspot.com/2008/04/mori-no-megumi.html worldkigo
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bush clover withered (karehagi, kare hagi)
Lespedeza fam. more BUSH CLOVER kigo
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2007/09/bush-clover-hagi.html worldkigo
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camellia in winter (fuyu no tsubaki), sazanka, wabisuke
Camellia japonica
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2005/03/camellia-tsubaki.html worldkigo
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cattleya (katorea)
more ORCHID kigo
http://darumamuseum.blogspot.com/2007/12/orchid-daruma.html worldkigo
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cherry blossoms in winter (fuyuzakura)
more about cherry blossoms in autumn and winter
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2005/01/autumn-cherry-blossom-shikizakura.html worldkigo
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chloranthus glaber (senryoo)
Sarcandra glabra. "coral plant"
http://haikuandhappiness.blogspot.com/2007/12/red-berries.html worldkigo
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christmas cactus (shako saboten)
Schlumbergera bridgesii. Weihnachtskaktus
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2006/04/poinsettia.html worldkigo
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christmas rose (kurisumasu roozu)
Helleborus orientalis
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2010/10/plants-in-winter-saijiki.html worldkigo
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chrysanthemum in winter (fuyugiku)
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2005/03/chrysanthemum-kiku.html worldkigo
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citrus fruit in winter
mikan, satsuma, tachibana and many others
http://washokufood.blogspot.com/2008/07/kankitsurui.html worldkigo
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cleavers are withered (kare mugura)
more CLEAVER kigo
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2010/04/cleavers-mugura.html worldkigo
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coral berry (manryoo)
Ardisia crenata
http://haikuandhappiness.blogspot.com/2007/12/red-berries.html worldkigo
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cotton rose withered (kare fuyoo)
more WITHERED kigo
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2007/07/withered-fields-kareno.html worldkigo
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dropwort in winter (fuzuzeri), dropwort in the cold (kanzeri)
Oenanthe javanica. Japanese parsely, seri
http://washokufood.blogspot.com/2009/04/spring-vegetables-start.html worldkigo
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fern is withering (kare shida)
Gleichenia japonica, Polypodium polypodioides. more FERN kigo
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2005/06/fern-shida.html worldkigo
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fields in winter (fuyu no)
fuyu no hara and more
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2007/07/withered-fields-kareno.html worldkigo
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flowers outside of season (kaeribana)
cherry blossom and others
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2005/06/flower-and-hana.html worldkigo
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fruits of winter
a KIGO list
http://washokufood.blogspot.com/2008/07/kudamono-fruits-obst.html worldkigo
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greenhouse flowers (murozaki)
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2010/10/plants-in-winter-saijiki.html worldkigo
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holly flowers (hiiragi no hana)
Osmanthus heterophyllus
http://washokufood.blogspot.com/2009/02/ehoomaki-sushi.html worldkigo
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hollycock mallow in winter (fuyu aoi)
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2010/10/plants-in-winter-saijiki.html worldkigo
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ivy, Japanese ivy in winter (fuyuzuta)
Parthenocissus tricuspidata
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2009/10/acebia-akebi.html worldkigo
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kashiwa oak in winter (fuyu kashiwa)
more OAK kigo
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2010/08/oak-trees-quercus.html worldkigo
last fruit on the tree (kimori, ki mamori)
last persimmon, last yuzu . . .
lawn is withered (kareshiba, kare shiba)
more LAWN kigo
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2008/05/lawn-shiba.html worldkigo
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leaf peony (habotan)
Brassica oleracea. wild cabbage
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2010/10/plants-in-winter-saijiki.html worldkigo
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leaves are falling (momiji chiru)
red leaves in winter, fuyu momiji
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2005/01/autumn-leaves-momiji.html worldkigo
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leaves of trees (konoha, ko no ha)
more LEAVES kigo for winter
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2005/06/fallen-leaves-ochiba.html worldkigo
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lotus plants withering (karehasu, kare hasu)
more LOTUS kigo
http://happyhaiku.blogspot.com/2005/06/lotus.html worldkigo
moss in winter (fuyu no koke)
more MOSS kigo
http://happyhaiku.blogspot.com/2006/10/moss-on-stones.html worldkigo
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mountain pepper in winter (fuyuzanshoo)
Zanthoxylum piperitum. more KIGO
http://washokufood.blogspot.com/2008/08/mountain-pepper-sanshoo.html worldkigo
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mushrooms in the cold (kandake)
more MUSHROOM kigo. enokidake, yukiwaritake, nameko
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2006/01/mushrooms-ki-no-ko.html worldkigo
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nandina berries (nanten no mi)
Nandina domestica
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2006/02/nandina-blossoms.html worldkigo
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narcissus (suisen), daffodils, jonquils
Narcissus tarzetta, Narcissus tazetta, Chinese Daffodil
http://europasaijiki.blogspot.com/2005/04/daffodil-and-narcissus.html worldkigo
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orchid in the cold (kanran, kan ran)
more ORCHID kigo
http://darumamuseum.blogspot.com/2007/12/orchid-daruma.html worldkigo
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pampas grass withering (kare susuki, kare obana)
more SUSUKI kigo. rushes withered
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2007/10/pampas-grass-susuki.html worldkigo
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pansy in winter (fuyu sumire)
more PANSY kigo
http://europasaijiki.blogspot.com/2006/02/pansy.html worldkigo
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peony in winter (fuyu botan, kanbotan)
Paeonia suffruticosa, Pfingstrose
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2006/04/peony-botan.html worldkigo
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plum blossoms are early (soobai, kanbai. . .)
ume hayashi and more PLUM blossom kigo
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2006/04/plum-ume.html worldkigo
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plum blossoms in the hot house (muro no ume)
more PLUM kigo
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2006/04/plum-ume.html worldkigo
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Euphorbia pulcherrima. Christmas flower
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2006/04/poinsettia.html worldkigo
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quince in the cold (kan boke, kanboke)
Chaenomeles japonica. more QUINCE kigo
http://寒木瓜 worldkigo
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radish (daikon)
more RADISH kigo
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2006/06/radish-daikon.html worldkigo
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rock butterbur flowers (tsuwa no hana)
Farfugium japonicum. hosta, Aureomaculata. tsuwabuki no hana
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2010/10/plants-in-winter-saijiki.html worldkigo
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rose, roses in winter (fuyu no bara)
more ROSE kigo
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2007/06/rose-bara.html worldkigo
seaweed in winter
a KIGO list about seaweeds
http://haikutopics.blogspot.com/2006/06/seaweed-kaisoo.html worldkigo
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sedge in the cold (kansuge, kan suge)
Carex morrowii.
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2010/05/farmers-work-in-summer.html worldkigo
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skimmia (miyama shikimi)
Skimmia japonica
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2010/10/plants-in-winter-saijiki.html worldkigo
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snake beard plant (ryuu no tama) "dragon pearl"
Ophiopogon japonicus
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2009/05/berry-berries.html worldkigo
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snow breaks branches (yukiore, yuki ore)
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2010/10/plants-in-winter-saijiki.html worldkigo
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strawberries in winter (fuyu no ichigo)
and more about berries in winter
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2009/05/berry-berries.html worldkigo
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sugar cane flowers (satookibi no hana)
more SUGARCANE kigo. Zuckerrohr
http://databaseworldkigo.blogspot.com/2008/04/sugarcane.html worldkigo
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tea blossoms (cha no hana)
Thea sinensis. more kigo with TEA plants
http://washokufood.blogspot.com/2008/06/cha-tea-tee.html worldkigo
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vegetable SAIJIKI . winter vegetables
all vegetables are HERE. bamboo, lotus, pokeroot, cabbage, spikenard, carrots, cauliflower, cellory, horse radish, leafy vegetables, leek (naga negi), lily bulbs, radish (daikon), turnips . . .
http://washokufood.blogspot.com/2009_04_01_archive.html worldkigo
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weeds in winter (fuyu no kusa)
plants in the cold (kansoo)
http://happyhaiku.blogspot.com/2006/09/wonderful-weeds.html worldkigo
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weeping fern withering (kare shinobu)
Lepisorus thunbergianus. more KIGO
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2006/11/wind-chimes-fuurin.html worldkigo
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wild rice withering (makomo karu)
more MAKOMO kigo
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2007/12/ship-boat-fune.html worldkigo
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winter corals (fuyu sango)
Solanum pseudo-capsicum. . more red berries
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2009/05/berry-berries.html worldkigo
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wintersweet (roobai)
Chimonanthus praecox
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2006/11/wintersweet-roobai.html worldkigo
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withered fields (kareno) and withered plants
a . long . KIGO list. cockscomb, thistle, gentian, rushes and reeda
http://wkdkigodatabase03.blogspot.com/2007/07/withered-fields-kareno.html worldkigo
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withered trees (kareki). winter trees with special names
a KIGO list. withering in the frost . . .
http://worldkigodatabase.blogspot.com/2006/11/winter-fuyu.html worldkigo
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yellow mountain rose withered (kare yamabuki)
Kerria japonica. more YAMABUKI kigo
http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2006/12/yellow-rose-yamabuki.html worldkigo
zzz . . . Plants in Winter - Saijiki
Introduction to this saijiki
the complete SAIJIKI . WKD ... ALL SAIJIKI ... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::