Birds of Autumn
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Autumn
.......... note the special mentions
***** Category: Animal
Brambling bird, atori あとり late autumn 花鶏(あとり) Fringilla montifringilla CLICK for photos ! Bulbul, hiyodori, hiedori 鵯 (ひよどり, ひえどり) ..... hiyo 鵯(ひよ) "white head bird", hiyodori 白頭鳥(ひよどり) late autumn Pycnonotidae are a family of medium-sized passerine songbirds. Bulbul in Yemen, Kenya and other regions Bunting, rustic bunting, kashiradaka 頭高 (かしらだか) kashira かしら late autumn Emberiza rustica CLICK for photos ! Crane (tsuru) 鶴 Crow, Raven (karasu) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Duck, ducks (kamo) also in kigo for winter First Duck, hatsugamo 初鴨 はつがも kigo for mid-autumn migrating ducks, kamo kitaru 鴨来る(かもきたる) ..... kamo wataru 鴨渡る(かもわたる) "ducks crossing the mountains", ogoshi no kamo 尾越の鴨 おごしのかも They come over a mountain and sail down to land on a lake in the mountainous area. ![]() Mallards - by Koson (Hoson) Ohara (1877-1945) Mandarin Ducks - 鴛鴦、(おしどり) oshidori kigo for winter ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Goose, geese, kari 雁 (かり) Hawk (taka) 鷹 Ibis, crested ibis (toki) "Peach Blossom Bird", tookachoo 桃花鳥(とうかちょう) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Jay, kashidori 懸巣 (かけす) kashidori 樫鳥(かしどり)、橿鳥(かしどり) Family Corvidae ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Lark first lark, hatsu hibari 初雲雀(はつひばり) kigo for spring ![]() field lark, ta hibari 田雲雀 (たひばり) late autumn "dog lark", inu hibari 犬雲雀(いぬひばり) lark on the field path, aze hibari 畦雲雀(あぜひばり) lark in the ditch, mizu hibari 溝雲雀(みぞひばり) river lark, kawa hibari 川雲雀(かわひばり) earth lark, tsuchi hibari 土雲雀(つちひばり) Black-crowned Finch Lark breeding Yemen Eremopterix nigriceps nigriceps and other larks ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ![]() . Magpie, kasasagi 鵲 (かささぎ) . "Korean crow", koorai garasu 高麗鴉(こうらいがらす) ..... choosen garasu 朝鮮鴉(ちょうせんがらす) "Chinese crow", too garasu 唐鴉(とうがらす) Chikugo crow, Chikugo garasu 筑後鴉(ちくごがらす) "Hizen crow", Hizen garasu 肥前鴉(ひぜんがらす) Chikugo and Hizen are provinces of Kyushu, Japan. "winning crow", kachi garasu 勝烏(かちがらす) Migrating Birds (wataridori) (Japan) ................................................................................. BUT kigo for late winter kasasagi hajimete su kuu 鵲初めて巣くう (かささぎはじめてすくう) magpie making a nest for the first time ..... kasasagi su o kuu 鵲巣をくう(かささぎすをくう) ..... kasasaki su o kuisomuru 鵲巣をくいそむる(かささぎすをくいそむる) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: quail's nest, uzura no su 鶉の巣 (うずらのす) kigo for summer Quail, uzura 鶉 (うずら) ..... uzurabu 鶉斑(うずらふ), kata uzura片鶉(かたうずら) moro uzura 諸鶉(もろうずら) bed of the quail, uzura no toko 鶉の床(うずらのとこ) quails running around, kake uzura 駆鶉(かけうずら) field with quails, uzura no 鶉野(うずらの) meeting of quails 鶉合せ(うずらあわせ) they are kept in baskets and their masters meet to hear them sing. ![]() uzura kago 鶉籠(うずらかご)basket for a quail ![]() sweet in the form of a quail, uzura mochi 鶉餅 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ![]() Black-tailed gull, umineko 海猫 kigo for mid-autumn literally: cat of the sea, Larus crassirostris gull going home, gome kaeru 海猫帰る(ごめかえる) gull staying behind, gome nokoru 海猫残る(ごめのこる) ..... nokoru gome 残る海猫(のこるごめ) Gull migrating, umineko wataru 海猫渡る kigo for spring Hooded gull (miyakodori, yurikamome ユリカモメ) kigo for winter ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: shrike, butcher-bird, mozu shrike, butcher-bird in spring, haru no mozu A shrike is a passerine bird of the family Laniidae which is known for its habit of catching insects, small birds or mammals and impaling their bodies on thorns. © More in the WIKIPEDIA ! ![]() shrike, butcher-bird, mozu 鵙 (もず) 百舌鳥(もず)、伯労鳥(もず) high voice of the shrike, moyu no takane 鵙の高音(もずのたかね) fine day for the shrike, mozu biyori 鵙日和(もずびより) ..... mozu no hare 鵙の晴(もずのはれ) red shrike, akamozu 赤鵙(あかもず) brown shrike Lanius cristatus baby shrike, chigo mozu 児鵙(ちごもず) "tiger shrike" toramozu 虎鵙(とらもず) Lanius tigrinus big shrike, oomozu 大鵙(おおもず)northern [great gray] shrike Lanius excubitor sacrifice of the shrike, mozu no nie 鵙の贄 (もずのにえ) mozu no hayanie, 鵙の早贄(もずのはやにえ) mozu no niesashi 鵙の贄刺(もずのにえさし) mozu no haritsuke e 鵙の磔刑餌(もずのはりつけえ) mozu no kusaguki 鵙の草茎(もずのくさぐき) . Piping Shrike or Magpie. . Australia ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Siskin, hiwa 鶸 (ひわ) mahiwa 真鶸(まひわ) Carduelis spinus red siskin, beni hiwa 紅鶸(べにひわ) Family Fringillidae. Zeisig ..... kinshijaku 金翅雀(きんしじゃく) ![]() ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Small birds crossing mountains in the morning, sakadori 坂鳥 (さかどり) They come down from high mountain areas to spend the winter in lower places. "colorful birds, irodori 色鳥 (いろどり ) Migrating in Autumn small birds, kotori 小鳥 (ことり) small birds coming, kotori kuru 小鳥来る(ことりくる) small birds migrating, kotori wataru 小鳥渡る(ことりわたる) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Snipe (shigi) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Sparrows, all kinds of them sparrows in the harvested rice fields, ina suzume, inasuzume 稲雀 いなすずめ "rice-field-sparrows" Sparrow (suzume, Japan) kind of sparrow, mashiko 猿子鳥 (ましこ) red mashiko, beni mashiko 紅猿子(べにましこ)Long-tailed Rosefinch . Uragus sibiricus big mashiko, oo mashiko 大猿子(おおましこ)Pallas's Rosefinch. Carpodacus roseus bushclover mashiko, hagi mashiko 萩猿子(はぎましこ)Asian Rosy-Finch (Rosy-Finch) . Leucosticte arctoa mashikodori Mid-autumn Sometimes mashiko are translated as xxx-finch. resemmbling a sparrow, nyuunai suzume 入内雀 (にゅうないすずめ) of the weaverbird family. CLICK for photos ! kind of sparrow, isuka 交喙鳥 (いすか) isuka 交嘴鳥(いすか), isuka 鶍(いすか) ![]() kind of small bird, shime 鴲 (しめ) shime 蝋嘴鳥(しめ) late autumn CLICK for Photos ! kind of sparrow, hitaki 鶲 (ひたき) late autumn joobitaki 尉鶲(じょうびたき) "bird that makes a fire", hitakidori 火焚鳥(ひたきどり) monbitaki 紋鶲(もんびたき) "carrying dumplings", dango shoi 団子背負い(だんごしょい) bakatcho 馬鹿っちょ(ばかっちょ) CLICK for Photos ! kind of sparrow, sennyuu 仙入 (せんにゅう) early autumn Sennyu of Hokkaido, ezo sennyuu 蝦夷仙入(えぞせんにゅう) island sennyu, shima sennyuu 島仙入(しませんにゅう) makino sennyuu 牧野仙入(まきのせんにゅう) CLICK for photos ! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Starling, gray starling, mukudori 椋鳥 (むくどり) muku, むく、hakutoo oo 白頭翁(はくとうおう) black-collared Starling, 黑領椋鳥 small starling, ko mukidori小椋鳥(こむくどり) Family Sturnidae CLICK for more photos ! . Kobayashi ISSA and the mukudori of Edo . . Mukudori in Edo - senryu poems . Swallows going back to the south, tsubame kaeru Thrush, tsugumi 鶫 (つぐみ) ..... chooma 鳥馬(ちょうま) "white stomach", shirohara 白腹(しろはら) Hachijoo Tsugumi 八丈鶫(はちじょうつぐみ) Late autumn Turdus naumanni CLICK for Photos ! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ![]() ![]() Wagtail, sekirei 鶺鴒 (せきれい) wagtail with black back, seguro sekirei 背黒鶺鴒(せぐろせきれい) yellow wagtail, ki sekirei 黄鶺鴒(きせきれい) white wagtail, haku sekirei 白鶺鴒(はくせきれい) "hitting stones" ishi tataki石たたき(いしたたき) "tapping in the garden" niwa tataki庭たたき(にわたたき) ..... inaoosedori 稲負鳥(いなおおせどり) ..... semose dori 妹背鳥(いもせどり) 鶺鴒の尻ではやすや鳴蛙 sekirei no shiri de hayasu ya naku kawazu the wagtail beats time with his butt... croaking frogs Kobayashi Issa Tr. David Lanoue ....................................................................... totsugidori 嫁鳥(とつぎどり) lit. "married to the husband's family" totsugi oshiedori 嫁教鳥(とつぎおしえどり) Family Motacilla ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Waxwing, Japanese waxwing, renjaku 連雀 (れんじゃく) Bombycilla japonica red waxwing, hirenjaku 緋連雀(ひれんじゃく) yellow waxwing, kikenjaku 黄連雀(きれんじゃく) ... hoyadori ほや鳥(ほやどり) Late autumn CLICK for Photos ! . Kanda renjaku machi 神田連雀町 Renjaku-Cho district in Edo . The name refers to the renjaku 連尺 / 連索 basket backpacks of the merchants who lived there, carrying their ware around Edo. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Woodpecker (kistutsuki, kera, kitataki ) ***************************** Worldwide use ***************************** Things found on the way ***************************** HAIKU 坂鳥の胸をうたるる笞(しもと)かな sakadori no mune o utaruru shimoto kana hitting the breasts of the small birds - this whip Kato Kyotai Katoo Kyootai 加藤暁台(かとうきょうたい) Tr. Gabi Greve ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 色鳥はわが読む本にひるがへり irodori wa waga yomu hon ni hirugaeri Yamaguchi Seison 山口青邨 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: sparrows in the rice paddies ![]() 稲雀茶の木畠や逃げ処 inasuzume cha no kibatake ya nigedokoro sparrows in the rice paddies the field of tea plants is your place to flee Tr. Gabi Greve Written in the autumn of 1691 元禄4年秋 at 義仲寺 temple Gichu-Ji This hokku has the cut marker YA at the end of line 2, but in fact line 1 is separate and lines 2 and 3 belong together. sparrows in the rice paddies this field of tea plants - yes, your place to flee Tr. Gabi Greve Rice-field sparrows find the tea plantation is their place of refuge. Tr. Aitken Rice-field sparrows can escape from hunters in the groves of tea Tr. Addiss rice-field sparrows in the tea fields — their refuge Tr. Barnhill Sparrows in the rice paddy consider the tea bushes their hideout Tr. Dalby MORE - hokku about drinking tea with . Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD . |
***** .. Birds of Spring Japan
***** .. Birds of Summer Japan
***** .. Birds of Autumn Japan
***** .. Birds of Winter and New Year Japan
a starling's
yellow bill
"dandelions," is a Spring kigo.
The European "starling," probably is the most, or atleast one of the most successful genus of bird; worldwide.
Autumn through Winter, a starling's bill is black, and it's a good indication that it is spring and/or matting season when
a male starling's bill turns a yellowish-orange to a deep yellow color, or shade of color.
H. Gene Murtha
Autumn color lingers
The orange-crowned warbler
On a bare branch.
(The orange-crowned warbler, Vermivora celata, is the latest-migrating fall warbler in eastern North America.)
Regarding starling bills: Both males and females have yellow bills in breeding season. The cere, the soft area at the base of the bill, turns blue in males and pink in females.
kamo 鴨と伝説 Legends about ducks
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