This is only a BACKUP copy for
New Entries in 2007.
Latest Update
December 23, 2007
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Latest Additions to the
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. World Kigo Database
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Please add your haiku as a comment to the various BLOG entries
or e-mail them to me.
You do not have to be a member of any haiku club to submit your haiku.
Previously published haiku are also welcome.
This Database wants to serve ALL HAIJIN WORLDWIDE.
Keywords, non-seasonal haiku topics, all year topics, all season topics, miscellaneous
no season, muki 無季、無期 ...
Two new services in 2007 for your convenience!
September 2007
Discussion Forum
Current Events
Memorial Days of Famous People
..................................................................... December 2007
Year coming to an end . activities ... ... with many KIGO
preparations for the New Year, toshi yooi
cleaning at the end of the year, kure no sooji
cleaning off soot, susu harai
party to forget the old year, boonenkai
giving Year End presents, seibo iwai
paying the last tax money, nengu osame
"holidays for the Year End", nenmatsu kyuuka
.......... and many many more
Buildings tall and famous, skyscrapers wordwide
Computer and Haiku
Ships, boats (fune) ... Japan. A KIGO list
Pain (itami) Japan
Haiku in Bangladesh
Verbs used in SPRING KIGO ... A long list
Verbs used in Haiku ... Some theory
Poppy flowers (keshi no hana) Japan
Woman, Women and related KIGO
Numbers used in Kigo Japan
Little New Year .. ko shoogatsu (January 15) Japan. Women's New Year (onna shoogatsu, me shoogatsu)
Ancestors New Year (Hotoke Shoogatsu) Japan
Cheese Europe, worldwide
Laughing, Lucky Laugh (fuku warai) First laugh (hatsu warai). first cry (hatsu naki). Japan
Aso, Mount Aso Kyushu, Japan
Trees as haiku topics ... ... and kigo with trees
Inoue Shiro, Haiku Poet 1742 - 1812. Japan
Pissing (shooben) Japan and worldwide
Beech tree / Fagus sylvatica Ireland, Europe
Ogawa Haritsu (1663~1747) . Haiku Poet and Artist
Tomiyasu Fusei (Fuusei) (1885 - 1979)
Faith and prayer, expressed in haiku .. Join the Discussion !
Illness, disease and haiku
MOUSE, Year of the Mouse / Rat ! Japan in 2008
..................................................................... November 2007
Mitsuhashi Toshio (1920–2001)
Snipe (shigi) birds Japan
Sato KorokuHaiku Poet of Japan. (1874 - 1949)
Yugiri Memorial Day (Yuugiri Ki) and the Tale of Genji Japan
Kitamura Kigin Day
Bojo Toshiki 坊城俊樹 (Haiku Poet)
Railway Haiku Train station, Platform ... related words.
Numbers used in Haiku Japan. From ONE to NINE and then onward.
Gioo, Memorial Day for Gio the Dancer (Gioo Ki) Japan
Naito Meisetsu 内藤鳴雪 Memorial Day (Meisetsu Ki), Japan
Mitsuhashi Takajo 三橋鷹女 (1899-1972)
Memorial Days of Famous People ..... WORLDWIDE SAIJIKI
Museum Haiku about Paintings and Painters
. Autumn dusk, autumn twilight (aki no kure) Japan
Autumn deepens (aki fukashi)
Fate, my life circumstances, my life (mi no ue) Japan
Robin, the Bird American Robin (Turdus migratorius) . European Robin (Erithacus rubecula)
Millet (awa, hie) Japan. Foxtail millet (awa) and barn millet (hie)
Seven Herbs of Autumn (aki no nanakusa)Japan. Seven Flowers of Autumn, Seven Grasses of Autumn
Platanus (sycamore) Europe, other areas. Momijiba-suzukake (London plane tree)
Election Day, Polling Day Trinidad and Tobago, worldwide
Ishida Hakyo (Ishida Hakyoo) (1913-1969)
Autumn deepens (aki fukashi) Japan. Basho's famous haiku translations
Tatami floor mats Japan
Oden hodgepodge stew Japan
Pampas grass (susuki) during the year Japan
..................................................................... October 2007
Church worldwide
Nio, Deva Kings
Cold weather in autumn, winter and spring . . KIGO LIST
Kasamori Inari Fox God, mud dumplings and the smallpox Japan
Winter Ascetic Practises (kangyoo) Japan
Lamplight in various seasons Japan
Fudo Myo-O, the Wisdom King
Summer clothing .. a KIGO list !
light underwear, short pants, aloha shirts, summer dresses, yukata, you name it ...
Sweet Osmanthus (kinmokisei, ginmokusei ) Japan. Sweet Olive, Tea Olive, Fragrant Olive. (Osmanthus fragrans)
Chill, chill wind worldwide
Canadian Thanksgiving
Arusha Tanzania
Hell’s Gate National Park Kenya
Ashigara Mountain and the Kintaro Legend Japan
Wabi and Sabi (wabi sabi) Japanese Aesthetics of Solitude
Kanji Characters and Studying Haiku
DEFINITIONS ... Trying to define HAIKU ...
Canada Day, July 1
Sugita Hisajo (1890-1946)
Footnotes - for translations and regional haiku
Tachibana Hokushi (1665-1718)
..................................................................... September 2007
Raw fish, sashimi, sushi and .. rice balls (onigiri) Japan
Canadian SAIJIKI Canadiens
Canadian Thanksgiving
Straw sandals (zoori) Japan
Joy, pleasure (ureshisa, tanoshisa)kigo and topic
Discussion Forum !!!!!
Current Events !!!!!
Seasons coming to an end .. relevant kigo for all seasons
Kenyan seasons .. .. .. A discussion !
Basho / Oku no Hosomichi ... 2007
Sky (sora, ten)Japan. Many related kigo.
Star (hoshi), shooting star (nagareboshi), Big Dipper Japan. Many related KIGO !
Sumo Wrestling and related kigo
Eggplant, aubergine (nasu) (Japan. Eggplant Horse decorations (nasu uma) for o-Bon.
Juzudama 数珠玉 "Beads of the Rosary" Job's tears, a plant. and more about the rosary in Japan!
Nikko Rice Eating Ceremony Gohanshiki. Ceremony of eating large bowls of rice.
also: large food portions (yamamori)
also: mountain warden (yamamori)
Bush clover (hagi) Japan
Martyrs’ Day Uganda
Rift Valley Kenya
bamboo blind (take sudare) .. summer sitting room (natsu zashiki), rattan chair (too isu) ... Japanese living in summer heat
Sulfur Butterfly Hawaii
Fuji, Mount Fuji Japan
Kawabata Bosha (Kawabata Boosha, Bousha) (1897-1941)
..................................................................... August 2007
Palanquin, sedan chair (kago) Japan
Pottery Lamp, ceramic lamp (katoo, gatoo) Japan
Suma and Iro-no-Hama Two famous poetry places in Japan
Loneliness (sabishisa) Japan
Hurricane Warning Trinidad and Tobago, Caribbean, other areas
Cease Fire Day (shuusen kinenbi) Japan. End of WW II
Emancipation Day Trinidad and Tobago
Silk (kinu), silkworm (kaiko) Japan. Many related kigo.
..... Including Mulberry, mulbery (kuwa).
Hydrangea (ajisai) Japan. Hortensia.
..................................................................... July 2007
Banana Kenya. "bashoo" in Japanese
Belgian National Day (Fête nationale de la Belgique)
Swift (Apus apus) Ireland, Europe
Withered fields (kareno, Kudarano) Japan. Fields in winter (fuyu no) and more.
Women's slope (onna-zaka). Slope for men (otoko-zaka) Japan
Cormorant Ireland
Hazel catkins Ireland
Cornflower Ireland, Europe
Rubber plantIreland
River mist Ireland
Samhain Festival Ireland
Meadowsweet Ireland
Gooseberry Ireland
Tarweed Ireland
Bog grasses Ireland
Redcurants Ireland, Europe
Bagworm (minomushi - "straw raincoat bug") Japan. Case moth, basketworm
Fleas and lice (nomi, shirami) louse. worldwide
Plums, ripe plums Kenya
Matonge Festival Belgium
Gishi-Sai 義士祭 . Memorial Ceremony for the 47 Samurai, graves of the 47 Ronin at Sengakuji
Bosatsu-Matsuri 菩薩祭 Bodhisattva Festival temple Soofuku-Ji in Nagasaki
Cactus (saboten) Dry areas
Passion Flower (tokeisoo) Japan. Other regions.
Edo, the town before it became Tokyo
Edo Castle and Haiku
Calligraphy (shodoo)
..................................................................... June 2007
Hote Matsuri 帆手祭 Sail-cord Festival. At Shiogama Shrine, Miyagi Pref.
Kappa Memorial Day Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Gaki Memorial Day. Japan
Cucumber (kyuuri) Japan
..... also: see cucumber (namako)
Fuchsia and tyrolean lamp Japan. フクシア, チロリアンランプ ‘Swing Bell’
Lily, Lilies (yuri) . Daylily (kanzoo) and many other types.
including : Licorice, liquorice (kanzoo)
Jasmin (matsurika, jasumin) Japan
Rose (bara) Worldwide
Goose, geese (kari, gan) . Japan, other areas
Forget-me-nots (wasurenagusa)Japan, Europa, Alaska
Bear (kuma)Japan. Bear hunters (matagi), Iomante Festival and many more
Water shield (junsai) Brasenia schreberi. Japan
Demon Hag, Baba Oni .. and Issa
Tsukuba Mountain, First view of Mount Tsukuba (hatsu Tsukuba) Japan
Mii-Dera, Mii Temple Japan
Buddha Statues and Haiku ... Daibutsu and Hotoke
Spring Cleaning . North America, Europe
"We Beat" FestivalTrinidad & Tobago
Matsumoto Koyuu-Ni and Baba Songi
Yasuhara Teishitsu
Miwa Suiu-Jo
Kubota Seifu (1783 - 1848) 久保田成布
..... Kubota Shunkoo 久保田春耕, her husband
..................................................................... May 2007
Yoshida Fire Festival (Yoshida himatsuri, Yoshida chinkasai) 吉田の火祭り
..... Fuji Sengen Jinja no Himatsuri 富士浅間神社の火祭り
Paulownia flowers (kiri no hana) Japan. P. tomentosa. "princess tree"
Scissor-tailed flycatcher North America. State bird of Oklahoma
Tsukuma Festival (Tsukuma matsuri ) Japan. Pot festival (nabe matsuri)...
Europe DayEuropa-Tag
Clover, Alfalfa, Milk VetchJapan
"Bamboo Wife" (chiku fujin) Asia. Bamboo sleeping companion.
Blanket (moofu) Japan. Quilt and more.
..................................................................... April 2007
Well, cleaning the well (ido zarashi) Japan
Earthquake (jishin) Japan, India, worldwide
Wax tree (haze) Japan. Japanese dace, a fish called haze
Peach blossoms (momo no hana) Japan. Genpei momo
Spring Orchids (shunran)Japap. Cymbidium goeringii
Easter Bonnet Kenya
Palm Sunday
Stars and the Night Sky in Kenya, 2007 A Challenge !
Asama Mountain in Shinano and Issa Haiku
Mountain temple (yamadera) Japan. Tempel with mountains (tera yama)
Dawn moon in autumn (ariakezuki) Japan.
moon in the morning, asazuki/moon left over, nokoru tsuki/mist in the morning, ariake gasumi
bedtime quilt, night quilt, padded kimono, yogi, kaimaki Japan
Chigo (temple acolytes) Japan
Chinese Medicine (kanpo, kampo) Japan. Koojusan
Perilla, beefsteak plant (shiso) Japan
Castle (shiro) Mountain Castle (yamashiro)Japan
"Dragon Jewel", dragon berry (ryuu no tama, Ophiopogon japonicus) Japan. Snakebeard, Mondo grass
..................................................................... March 2007
Wisteria (fuji) Japan. wisteria trellis, fujidana and more kigo
Willow robes (yanagi goromo, aoyagi) Japan. and more related spring cloths kigo (haru goromo)
Willow tree (yanagi)Japan. Many kigo throughout the seasons
Hassaku Harvest Festival, Hassaku sai, Hassaku no Iwai Japan
with many related kigo
Hassaku orange (hassaku kan) Japan
Moxabustion on the second day (futsuka no kyuu)Japan. February and August.
Jeepney Philippines
Maple Syrup North America
Sugar Moon / Sap Moon Full Worm - March Moon. Maple Moon.
North America and Canada. Making Maple Syrup.
Hosomi Ayako 細見綾子(1907~1997)
Today (kyoo), tomorrow (asu)Japan. This morning (kesa)
Ati-Atihan Festival Philippines
Spring at the beach (haru no umi) Japan. Related kigo:cherryblossom shrimp, sakura ebi.crabs of spring, shiomaneki. firefly squid, hotaru ika. gathering shellfish at low tide, shiohigari. poles for growing seaweed, norisoda.
Dog (inu)Japan. Various related kigo
Ego and Haiku Riddles and Haiku
The Gods of Japan and Haiku (kami to hotoke)
Octopus (tako) Japan. Also squid (ika)
Origami, folding paper Japan, worldwide
Beans and Peas (mame) Soybeans, Adzuki beans, broad beans (daizu, azuki, edamame, soramame)
Yin and Yang, Duality, Judgement a worldwide haiku topic
Genji Monogatari, The Tale of Genji 源氏物語 Japan
Form One entrants and monolisationKenya
Torch Fire Festival (Otomatsuri) Japan
..................................................................... February 2007
Beaver (Castor canadensis) Canada, North America
Whipbird ~ Psophodes olivaceus Australia
Jouvert (Carneval) Trinidad and Tobago
Morning star (myoojoo), evening star, venus Japan, worldwide
Love and Kigo
Gambling (bakuchi) Japan
Warrior (tsuwamono) Japan
Sun (dinesh) India
First Fire Brigade Parade (dezome shiki) Japan
Fire (kaji) Worldwide. Bushfire, wildfire, lookout for fire (hi no ban) and many other related kigo
My country, my province (waga kuni)Japan
"First spring" (hatsu haru) ... New Year in Japan
First shrine visit (hatsu moode) Japan.
First third of the year (joogen) Japan. Middle (chuugen), last (kagen) third.
January 20 Celebration (hatsuka iwai)
God of the Year (toshi toku jin) Japan. Toshigami and many more
Auspicious direction of the new year (ehoo) Japan. and many more
Beating the moles (mogura uchi) Japan
Tree fertility ritual (narikizeme) Japan
Okera Festival (okera mairi) Japan. Kyoto.
Fire Festivals
NEW Saijiki for Japanese Festivals and Ceremonies
World Kigo Database Archives WKD 04
..................................................................... January 2007
First Haiku in 2007 ... Please add yours !
Kumbh Mela, Kumbmela, Kumbha Mela FestivalIndia
Mandarin Ducks (oshidori) Japan. Duck (kamo)
Pelican Australia, Kenya
Flamboyant Tree (Delonix regia) Kenya
Tipu tree (Tipuana tipu) Kenya
Parade of the bands Trinidad and Tobago
Three Kings Day , Epiphany Europe, Christian communities
... Water in various kigo
Water clears, clear water (mizu sumu) Japan
Storm, Gale in Europa
Suzuki Masajo
Shrine day (shanichi) Japan. For the God of the Earth (tsuchi no kami)
Laughter, laughing, first laughter (hatsu warai) Japan. Ebisu.
..... First smile
Chidambaram Dance Festival India, Tamil Nadu. Shiva dance Festival
St. Stephen’s Day Europe, christian communities
Short Rains, a Haiku Season in Kenya
Winter Solstice in Ireland
Frangipani, PlumeriaAustralia, India
Year's End Fair (toshi no ichi) Japan
Bird droppings (tori no fun)
My country, my province (waga kuni)
Global warming, climate changes
Flower heart (hana gokoro)
Plum Blossoms Fragrance (ume ga ka)
New Year's Soup (zooni)
BeachWorldwide. Surfing.
Hermit, Mountain hermits, sennin 仙人
Sensei, a Japanese Haiku Teacher . and how about the situation outside Japan.
CONTINUE HERE for all the additions of 2006
........................................... Kigo Archives
World Kigo Database <> Archives
Use the search function provided at these archives to look for a kigo or synonym of it. These archives contain all kigo collected so far in the various saijiki of the World Kigo Database.
If you find a mistake, please contact me for corrections.
The Discussion Group for the World Kigo Database started on May 19, 2004.
Thank you for visiting the World Kigo Database !
And come back soon !
Gabi Greve
Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve
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World Kigo Database Part 03/04